A Song of Ice and Fire I would like to know what the rest of the fans think about TheonGreyjoy...

Fenrir posted on Jun 18, 2010 at 05:28PM
...I like Theon :/ I know someone wants to tell me why he's an ass haha so go ahead. I want to know what you guys think! ^^

A Song of Ice and Fire 19 replies

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over a year ago Fenrir said…
Sorry...I meant to put a space between TheonGreyjoy haha...don't judge me!
over a year ago PrinceRhaegar said…
i think hes an ass but i like him
to late Fenrir lol....jkjk
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago badder said…
Flaying him is the only good Bolton will ever do.
over a year ago dieanja said…
Ok, he wears his head way too high thinking he was some sort of badass, and concerning women he really is. But I can totally commiserate in his struggle for acceptance and recognition.
over a year ago ilovereading said…
I have just read DWD and I have to say that Theon became one of my favourite characters.
Cannot tell more withour giving a gazillion spoilers for the last book.
over a year ago dieanja said…
After DWD Theon is now my favourite character after Jon and Bran.
It's absolutely brilliant how GRRM develops his characters. Seldom seen that in a book. All main characters have to deal with really traumatic experiences. Yet everyone reacts quite differently depending on their background and temperament. As for Theon it sums up to (quote) "I wanted to be one of them".
over a year ago greenwolf22 said…
His name is Reek. It rhymes with leek.
over a year ago Fenrir said…
^ I think you mean freak. And yes, his chapters are great in DWD.
over a year ago oninojb said…
Then had to learn a hard lesson. Althought he is only half the monster, the northmen make of him in light of what he did (concerning bran and rickon) he still captured the only home he ever really had under a childish justification that he was no more than a prisoner. It is interesting to see the song's singer is not done with him, I believe by the end he may receive a somewhat more dignified death. ( SPOILER ALERT) I wonder how he, asha, and jeyne escaped the battle for winterfell.
over a year ago xXSwagNutzXx said…
I hate him as of now due to what he has done to winterfel. Im only on the third book.
over a year ago daenerys said…
"he still captured the only home he ever really had under a childish justification".
Yes. Plus, I don't doubt that had he been able to find Bran & Rickon that it's their heads that would be adorning the walls of Winterfell.
He deserved everything Bolton gave him.
over a year ago boleyna said…
he isn't a very nice person but I couldn't help but feel sorry for him in the last book.
over a year ago heatherm1 said…
big smile
I'm only on A Storm of Swords so I know my opinion won't be properly justifies but so far I think he's had problems yes but he is an utter pig and fat headed but judging by a few of the comments I can't wait to see how his character progresses
over a year ago heatherm1 said…
I meant "justified"
over a year ago Kaleese619 said…
Theon is very complex and I think he is one of those that you get twisted up and conflicted about. I mean at first you can sense his loyalty to the Starks because they have treated him well even under the circumstances of his coming to Winterfell and then the character morphs,...(Dont want to give away anything for those who have not read book 5) The changes he goes through are not expected at least not by me. It was interesting to go through those changes with him. The character is certainly multi-dimensional.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blackfish said…
He's a tool, but he is a victim of his circumstances, taken as a ward, and a terrible father.
Still, should have stayed loyal to Robb Stark.
over a year ago daenerys said…
Victim of his circumstances... Debatable. He was taken as a hostage but treated, at worst, as a well-liked cousin.

Master of his choices... Yes. There is no excuse for his actions. He made the decision to betray the person who cared about and trusted him the most (Robb), in the worst way; just to prove his "worth" to a bunch of hooligans (Greyjoys & co.) he barely knows and who don't give a rat's behind about him.
over a year ago Blackfish said…
Lol - I agree daenerys, although I'm half way through DWD, and Theon is taken a beating, he did really piss me off when took Winterfell, I couldn't believe what I was reading.
over a year ago YouKnowNothing said…
Reading a Dance With Dragons now and he became one of my favorites after Jaime. I'm probably weird, but really, me "feeling bad" for him turned into liking him :) He just wants to be accepted, and I can totally understand that. He made terrible choices. Yet I don't think he deserved what he got, even though it sorta made him a better person. ... he's just so interesting and his POV chapters were great!

I know a lot of people are hating on him. But I like him, so DEAL WITH IT ;)
Go Theon, kill Ramsay and ... you're allowed to die or something.
last edited over a year ago