Alice & Jasper Alice and Jasper ➙ survey

iemand posted on Oct 18, 2010 at 12:47AM
very simple =) answer the questions, or write what/who you prefer.

1. Alice or Jasper?
2. Seeing the future or feeling and manipulate emotions?
3. Who's past do you think is more interesting? (Alice's or Jasper's)
4. what's your favorite Jalice scene?
5. Is Alice and Jasper your favorite couple?
6. Is there a scene with Jalice, that made you cry?
7. Is Jasper your favorite of the Cullen brothers?
8. Is Alice your favorite of the Cullen sisters?
9. What's your favorite Alice quote?
10. What's your favorite Jasper quote?
11. What movie has the best Alice and Jasper scenes, according to you?
12. Do you like Jackson Rathbone as Jasper?
13. Do you like Ashley Greene as Alice?
14. Are there things that happened in the books that you wished they would also be in the movies but aren't?
15. Is there something you hate about them?


Alice & Jasper 6 replies

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over a year ago JustC_ said…
big smile
1. Jasper
2. feeling and manipulate emotions
3. Jasper's past
4. the kiss scene :D hehe
5. Yes they are
6. Yes =( when he told Bella about his past.
7. Yesss!!!
8. Yes she is!
9. "I’m sorry. I can’t really empathize. My first memory is of seeing Jasper’s face in my future; I always knew that he was where my life was headed. But I can sympathize. I’m so sorry you have to choose between two good things."
10. "You held out your hand, and I took it without stopping to make sense of what I was doing. For the first time in almost a century, I felt hope."
11. Eclipse
12. Yes!
13. Yes!
14. when Alice and Jasper met =/ wish that was in the movie 'Eclipse' too =(
15. absolutely not! :D
over a year ago CullenSisters-X said…
1. (Random pick because I can't choose!) Jasper
2. Seeing the future
3. Jasper's past
4. Their kiss!
5. One of my favourites :)
6. When they leave in Breaking Dawn :(
7. One of my favourites!
8. One of my favourites!
9. "How strongly are you opposed to Grand Theft Auto?!"
10. "After centuries of instant gratification, I found self-discipline...challenging!"
11. Definitely Eclipse, though I love them in all ♥
12. Yes!
13. Definitely!
14. The diner scene in Eclipse or when Alice is talking to Jasper on the phone when she's on the plane to Italy in New Moon.
15. NO WAY!

over a year ago ashesandwine said…
1. Jasper because he's HOT:P LOL
2. Seeing the future.... Be rich like the Cullens? Ummm.... what a great idea:P
3. TOTALLY BOTH!!! They have amazing stories! Can't choose!
4. In the movies? Well.... when they kiss. In the books? When they meet!
5. One of my favourites!
6. Not really.... but when they left in Breaking Dawn it was very sad:(
7. Yes!
8. Yes!
9. "I’m sorry. I can’t really empathize. My first memory is of seeing Jasper’s face in my future; I always knew that he was where my life was headed. But I can sympathize. I’m so sorry you have to choose between two good things."
10. " You held out your hand and I took it. For the first time in almost a century I felt hope. "
11. Eclipse
12. Yes
13. Yes
14. The scene where Jasper and Alice first saw each other... In the dinner:)
15. How could I?!
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
1. Can I say both? No? Alright then... I'll go with Alice cause everyone else above me said Jazz, but really, BOTH!
2. Seeing the future, but I'd take the other one too.
3. Well, that's a hard question. But I'll go with Jasper's.
4. Movies: can't choose between the training scene AND the kissing scene. Books: when J tells Bella how they met. "I felt hope" is simply epic.
5. You mean in Twilight? Yeah. In any other shows/books? Yes, they're my favourite. There's no other couple I love more than them.
6. Honestly, no... but it's only because of the lack of Jalice scenes...
7. OMG, yes, definitely.
8. Sure, I love her.
9. Well... "You've kept me waiting a long time" wins.
10. I didn't have to think twice. "You held out your hand and I took it. For the first time in almost a century I felt hope." I love, love, love it!
11. Is this a tricky question? Eclipse, sure.
12. He's AMAZING as Jasper.
13. Yeah, she's really awesome.
14. Sure. For example their meeting (why the fuck did they left it out?!) the quote "I felt hope" (I mean, seriously?!) their phone call from NM ("And I love you" says it all) and the airport scene, after they came back from Volterra.
15. No fucking way. Not ONE thing. Impossible.
over a year ago Hope_Love said…
1. Jasper
2. feeling and manipulate emotions, I don't know why lol
3. I'll have to say Jasper's past
4. the kissing scene so far :D
6. aww lmao yeah :/
7. Yeps
8. ohh yeah
9. I can't just choose one quote
10. ^^
11. Eclipse, though I like the scenes (short scenes :( ) in twilight too, and I LOVED it when Jasper almost (too bad, almost) killed Bella
12. OMG YES!
13. yeah :)
14. when they met :( ugh why isn't it in the movies??!
15. HATE?!! Ö Ö Ö Ö noo lol
over a year ago orkneymatrix said…
1. Alice.
2. Seeing the future.
3. Jasper's.
4. Either the kissing scene after Jasper tells Bella his story or the fight training scene.
5. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Kinda
7. Or Emmett
8. Yes!
9. I can't choose just one!
10. Too many to choose!
11. I started to ship them in New Moon but I prefer them in Eclipse.
12. Yes!
13. Of course!
14. When they met