Alice & Jasper WWYD - ⒼⒶⓂⒺ

iemand posted on Oct 24, 2010 at 08:05PM
The what-would-you-do-game

Like I said I would try to find more games, so here's another game I found.

It's very simple, the game is called 'what would you do'...

So, Person one posts something like:
'what would you do if Jasper suddenly died in the books?' (NOT that this would happen, but that's why it's called WWYD? =) )

the next person first posts what he/she would do if that happened, then post another 'wwyd'-question.

Easy right?

Of course again, only WWYD-questions about Alice and Jasper, or Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone. You can ask questions about the book, if something changed of something else suddenly happened, but you can also ask questions about real life, like what if Alice/Jasper really exist... ;D Use your imagination haha

I'll start:

WWYD if you figured out that twilight isn't just a story, but that the characters really exist and you would meet Jasper?

Alice & Jasper 33 replies

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over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
I'd probably scream then faint or jump on him. Then he'd kill me, but oh well...

WWYD if suddenly all the Twilight lovers vanished and you're the only one left who still likes it?

*Love the game, btw.*
over a year ago iemand said…
big smile
Hmmm I would first think how STUPID they are xD
then probably think it's only just a dream haha,

Nahhh I'll probably just think... MWUAHAHAHHA NOW THEY'RE ALL MINE! and then I'll have a bigger chance on meeting them ;) tehe

WWYD if the book 'new moon' was a little bit different, and that Jasper accidentally turned Bella into a vampire, when he bit her at her party?

( :D Yay Lol )
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
I would be sad for Jazzy, cause Eddie would be mad and Jazzy would probably blame himself. But I do think that would have been a great storyline.

WWYD if SM suddenly showed up at your doorstep and asked you to choose what should she write: a book about Jalice or finish Midnight Sun?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iemand said…
and I would even let her make two books ;) one book about when Jalice met. and another what happens with them after BD! =D =D =D

and and and and... awww I would love that to happen xD

WWYD if you suddenly got a phonecall... and it's Jackson Rathbone...
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
W.O.W. I'd try not to faint and act like a cool girl, so he won't think I'm just a crazy fangirl. But inside I'd be screaming.

WWYD if you found out Jackson died ;(
over a year ago iemand said…
WHAT???!!! NOOOO WAYYYYY ='( ='( ='( I don't like to think of that

but okay.. =( I would first not believe it, if somebody told me he died. Then I would be like -> O_O ... then i would be like -> NOOO WAYYYYY??!!!! YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT??!!!! I DONT BELIEVE YOU STUPID ASSHOLES!!! ARGHHH!!!! >_>... then I would be like -> *Crying hysterically* :( ... Now that's probably lame... buuuut...


WWYD if Ashley Greene would start dating Jackson Rathbone, and after a while pronounce they're getting married?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
AWWWWWW!!!! I'd squeal and do a happy dance. If I can't be with him, Ash is the next best choice. Bet they'd be just the cutest together. (L)(L)(L)

WWYD if SM decided to be stupid and change the books' storyline a bit, so that Jasper and Bella ended up together?
over a year ago iemand said…
O_O LMAO!!! then I would think SM was drunk when she wrote the book like that xD Lmao... I would literally ROFL! xD
>_> but be angry too probably haha.. Bella is just dumb.

WWYD if you suddenly got to hear that Jasper told Alice he's gay ( Omfg you have no idea how hard that was to write xD O_o i can't even imagine myself that xD Lmao )
over a year ago iemand said…
(Lmao I have to admit... this game is my favorite game, out of all the games i've posted already xd hahahah)
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
:O:O I would be in a shock. I'd probably think this just a joke. Maybe a bet made with Emmett... I wouldn't believe it, that's for sure.

WWYD if A&J were real and you walked in on them having sex? :P
over a year ago iemand said…
Oerrr Lmao... I would be quiet, sit down and watch. It's rude to interrupt adult people when they're talking... or doing.. things Lmao
Omg Im sooo kidding!!! Hahaha I would say sorry cover my eyes. and walk out the room, then have a huuuuge smirk on my face... because I saw Jasper naked xD Lmao...

Hmmmmm *facepalm* Ahh jeezzz, bad me xD mwuahahaha

WWYD if someone asked you to have a photoshoot with Jackson Rathbone?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
I'd hug them and say yes immediately! Then I would be hyperventilating.

WWYD if Jackson proposed to you?
over a year ago iemand said…

WWYD if someone asked you to have a photoshoot with Jackson Rathbone BUT! you're both not allowed to wear any clothes at that photoshoot.
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
OMFG! Are you kidding me?! That would be like a dream come true! I'd definitely say YES!! Wooohooo!!!!!!

WWYD if Jasper existed too and you could choose between having him or Jackson as your husband?
over a year ago iemand said…
Oerrr hmmm well, I think i'll have to say Jasper :D haha
I don't know, those sexy blond curls are just HOT xD
and Jasper is more mysterious and... if you're with a vampire, you have the option to be with him FOREVER... who wouldn't want that?!! :D
so yes, I choose Jasper =)

call me Mrs Whitlock already xD Lmao I wish xD

WWYD if you were somewhere alone, and suddenly Jackson Rathbone is walking by (You're still alone, with Jackson Rathbone of course) and he tripped?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Well... wow. that's a great question. I wouldn't laugh, of course. I trip all the time (seriously, I'm just like Bella in that). Maybe offer him my hand... but then again, wouldn't that be humiliating for him, a female offering her hand to a male... So I'd ask if he's alright. idk...

WWYD if Alice told you she has seen you die in her visions and you only have left a week?
over a year ago iemand said…
awww one week? well if it's Alice telling me, then Jasper exists too right? Lol xD

well okay, then I would ask Jasper for a kiss :D haha
I would spend my last days with my best friends and family. But I would ask Alice and Jasper to spend time with me... My last days ='( Lmao xD

WWYD if you saw Jackson Rathbone, walking alone, and it's night. and when you go to him he tells you he's lost...
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Ahh, damn these hard questions :P Lol, just joking. Let's see... I would tell him I'm lost too, we can be lost together. Hahhhaaa.

WWYD if Alice told you she's in love with you? :P
over a year ago JAlover said…
I would say... well you can continue loving me, if I can have Jasper.
lol kidding. Although I like that idea haha

WWYD if Alice told you she wanted to adopt you like Carlisle did with them?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
I'd say yes but I'd rather have her as my best friend/sister than my 'mother'. Cause then Jasper would be my 'father' and that would be really REALLY wrong.

WWYD if Jasper died in Eclipse when they fought against the newborns?
over a year ago iemand said…
IF HE...WHAT???! ='( nooooo he can't dieeee!!! but okay.. *sniffs* xD
If I was reading that part of Eclipse then I would throw my book against the wall and say... I WILL NEVER READ THAT BOOK AGAIN! Lmao
>_> tsss hahaha

WWYD if Stephenie Meyer told you she has a book with 800 pages of only Alice and Jasper. and she said to you, you can have it, and only you... BUT you can only have it now, if you promise not to tell anyone about it. You're not allowed to talk about it. AND you're not allowed to see the movie 'breaking dawn'...
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Wow, what the hell? How can she know if I see the movie or not? :P Alright, I think I'd say yes. Anything for a Jalice book (800 pages!) But I'd probably still see BD, not the whole movie, just the Jalice parts. I mean she didn't say anything about certain parts of the movie. Two or three scenes don't count. Hahha.... I'm tricky, huh? :D

WWYD if you'd have the chance to make Jasper your husband, but he'd be unhappy cause he loves Alice and he would never love you?
over a year ago iemand said…
(haha LOOOOVE your answer! xD )

aww I can't take Jasper away from Alice. then I would just hate myself for hurting him! =/ It would be awesome to have him as my husband. but I love Jalice too much to break them apart =)

WWYD if, lets say vampires exist (tehehe xD) and Maria would knock on your door?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Ah gawd, that would be the end of someone. Either me or her. Hahha... But I'd rather it's her... Anyway, I'd tell her to go to hell, stupid bitch!!! *is angry*

WWYD if Alice and Jasper were dying, and you could save one of them, but only one of them. Would you save Jasper, knowing he'd be miserable without Alice, or save Alice, then she'd be miserable. OR don't save either, so they die together...
over a year ago iemand said…


well, I would let them die together =( really sad that they would die, but I can't let them be apart =/ I mean, if I would save one of them, then that person would probably kill himself or herself. Because they simply can't live without each other.

WWYD if you had the chance to take Jasper's pain away. (blood lust), BUT then you have to become a vampire too, and YOU have to suffer that pain?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Ah, hell... I'd probably do it, cause being a vampire would be cool, and I wouldn't have to feel the pain cause I'd eat humans. Muhahhha... No, just kidding. I'd probably choose to stick to the diet...

WWYD if vampires were real, and one day you met Jasper who asked you to help him get Alice back (let's say someone took her for some unknown reason) and the only way you can help him is by dying for good?
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over a year ago Hope_Love said…
awww =( are you saying that I have to die? Ö Lmao
Okay. . . but I think I would even say yes lol that I would help him. I can't imagine Alice&Jasper being apart lol, sounds crazy maybe, but true. haha

WWYD if Maria asked you to join her army? but she's not really asking, It's you or Jasper that has to join the army.
over a year ago iemand said…
ah shit Lmao,

so it's me or Jasper? hmm well.. I would join, to save Jasper so he doesn't have to go through it AGAIN...
But I think I would be to weak for that xD

WWYD if Alice asked you to go shopping with her?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
I'd say yes, why the hell not?

WWYD if you had to kill one person out of these four: Alice, Jasper, Ashley or Jackson?
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over a year ago iemand said…
What would I do? I would pretend that I killed Ashley.. but secretly let Jackson hide her lmao

WWYD if Stephenie Meyer knocked on your door, just to ask you if you want to help her writing her new book about Jalice?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
big smile
Hahah, sneaky :D

I'd die from happiness :D And then I'd totally agree! But not before I hyperventilated :D

WWYD if you and Alice switched bodies?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
I would die hahaha come on a chance for kissing Jasper and spent my whole eternity with him is just P E R F E C T I O N!!

WWYD if Jasper sits next to you in a classroom?
over a year ago Martym said…
I'll try to don't be like a fan-girl and scream, but then I'll say to him 'hi' and try to talk with him about things.. It'll be so weird!
WWYD if Jasper told you that he loves you and want you to marry him. You'll marry him even if you know that'll hurt Alice?
last edited over a year ago