Alice & Jasper ^, <, v Game!

KathyHalliwell posted on Mar 28, 2011 at 05:53PM
I've seen this game on the Leyton spot and since I'm trying to get this spot more active, I thought, why not have it here too?

The rules:

^ Answer the question asked by the person above.
< Tell us what you're doing atm.
v Ask another question (it can be a total random one, it doesn't have to be related to Jalice or Twilight)

Have fun! :)
I've seen this game on the Leyton spot and since I'm trying to get this spot more active, I thought,
last edited on Mar 28, 2011 at 06:02PM

Alice & Jasper 137 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 137

over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Okay, I'll start.

< I'm trying to get this spot more active by making this forum :P
v What is your favourite book besides Twilight?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
big smile
^ Donde habitan los angeles by Claudia Celis, everytime i read that book i laugh and cry, i just so love this book :D
< I'm doing my homework.
v Which is your TV OTP?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
^ Well, I love a lot of couples, but my TV OTP is Lucas&Peyton from One Tree Hill.
< Watching some videos on YouTube
v What's your favourite song right now?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
^ I'm loving 2 songs right now: 1. Parachute by Cheryl Cole and On My Way by Boyce Avenue :D
< Watching the movie Because I Said So
v Who is your favorite actor?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
^ Jensen Ackles and many others.
< Talking with my friend
v Which Twilight couples do you like besides Jalice?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
^ I like Rosalie and Emmett and Bella and Edward but they are not even close to Jalice for me :D
< Nervous about a thing i have to give tomorrow, wish me luck :D
v Which is your favorite character on Twilight?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Good luck! :)
^ Jasper's my favourite, but Alice is pretty close. I also really like Rose, Emmett and Jacob (though not always)
< Making a video
v What's your favourite color?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Thank you for the good luck, it really worked!!! :D
^It's definitely blue
< Seeing a baseball game
v Which is your favorite holiday?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Awesome! :) ;)

^ Umm, does my birthday count? :P :D Christmas. I love Christmas, though New Year is cool too.
< Checking out some clothes
v Who's your favourite character EVER?
over a year ago Martym said…
^ I have so much, but I think Alice, but Jasper is close!
< I talking with some friends on twitter.
v Which is you favourite sport?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
^ I don't like sports. I suck at them. So I honestly don't like any.
< Talking with my friends, she's at my place right now :)
v What's your favourite TV show(s)?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
big smile
^ DWTS, TVD, Bones, HIMYM, and many more :D
< Watching a movie with my brother :)
v Which is your favorite movie and why?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
^ Titanic because it's epic and sad, and the Underworld movies, because I love vampires and the movies are very well done.
< Being happy (I don't know if that's an action, but I am freaking happy right now!)
v What's your favourite animal?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Lol!! Its awesome being happy!!

^ Panda and dolphin :D I can't choose between them
< Preparing for a big presentation, im nervous
V Which is your favorite city?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
^ Just one? :D ... Paris
< Just finished watching the new TVD episode and I'm still in a daze. :D
V What's your favourite song featured on the Twilight movies?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
big smile
^ Bella's lullaby by Carter Burwell :D
< Watching Densi videos (my new obsession) <333
V Are you a morning person?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
^ Definitely not. I freakin hate mornings and getting up early. Sometimes I can't even be bothered to talk to people.
< One word: facebook :D
V What's your favourite website?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
^ A hard one, i like alot of websites but i think tumblr, fanpop, youtube :D
< Today i start vacations, YEAH!!!!!! :D
V Where do you live? Do you like it?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Ah, I'm jealous. I want vacations too!

^ I live in Hungary, but I don't particularly like it. I don't dislike it either, but let's just say I'd rather live somewhere else if I could. Maybe one day...
< I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack soon if I don't calm down. I'm kind of nervous and excited at the same time. It's a long story...
V Do you have any pets? What?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
vacations are awesome :)
I know that feeling, i have the same excitement/nervousness Monday but all turn out okay and i hope that yours too :D

^ Unfortunately i never had any pets and i really want one maybe when my brother finish college so we can both watch the dog, play and take care of him/her :)
< Watching B&B videos, they are awesome!!
V Where do you want to live?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Oh, yes, everything turned out just fine :) Thankfully.
I didn't know you liked BB! I adore them. ♥

^ Well... dunno, really. Somewhere where they speak English, England or America...
< Reading fanfictions. I'm addicted.
V What are your top 5 favourite couples (from anything, books, movies, shows...)?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
big smile
Yes :D They are my tv OTP, I didn't know that you like BB too!! That's awesome <333

I love reading fanfics too, im obsessed :D

^ oh my! That's a hard one :) Well i like alot of couples but i guess:
1. Alice and Jasper.
2. Bones and Booth.
3. Freddie and Effy.
4. Kensi and Deeks.
5. Ron and Hemione.
< Doing some fan arts :D
V City or beach?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Oh, yay, Jalice is your favourite! They are my favourite too. And Romione would also be in my top 5 too (two years ago they would have been my number 1). I'm not sure if BB would make it to my top 5, but I freakin love them too, and they'd definitely be in my top 10. So we have a few in common :D

^ Hmmm, hard. I like the beach, but I'll go with the city.
< Just chatting with friends, feeling really tired
V That's random, but what color are your eyes and hair?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Yes!! We have a few couples in common :D
Romonie are so cute!! Can't wait for the kiss <3

^ My eyes color are honey and my hair is light brown.
< Just finished seeing a football (soccer) game.
V How tall are you?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
OMG, the kiss! I'm dying to see it! When I read that part in the book, I think I almost died.

^ Umm, 5' 4 1/2 I think... :D
< Just finished doing chores (I hate chores)
V If you could swap place with any fictional character from anything, who would it be and why?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
hahaha me too!!! I actually scream :D
Lol!! I dont like chores too

^ Well i think i choose Haley James Scott because she has a husband that loves her more than anything, she has a son and soon a baby girl, in a few words she has what i want and hope i'll get :D
< Watching old new episodes od Charmed (Dan is so hot lol!!)
V Do you want to have kids?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Oh, I love Charmed so much!!! It used to be my favourite show for years. :D
Yeah, Dan is really hot, can't deny that, but otherwise I didn't really like him. Especially with Piper.
^ Definitely. I mean I still have a long way to go till that, but I know that someday I wanna have at least 3 children. Maybe more if it comes to that... :D I want a big family.
< Just came home from school, and it was the last day finally.é Easter break, here I go!
V Well, now that we're talking about Charmed, what's your order out of the four sisters?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Mine too!!! I used to watch it ever week :D
hahaha yeah he was so cute and sweet and treat piper so good but there were no spark.
Yay!! I want to have 4 kids (2 girls and 2 boys).

^ 1. Phoebe.
2. Piper.
3. Prue.
4. Paige.
< Watching TBBT, Sheldon is so freaking funny and the best part is that my brother is kinda like that which make me laugh more!!
V Who is your favorite Phoebe guy?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Switch Phoebe and Piper and then Prue and Paige and you have my order :D But I really love all four girls, it's a close call.

^ Definitely Cole. He was my favourite male on the show and he and Phoebe were so perfect together. Coop was nice too, but I don't think they were a great match. Don't really cared about the other guys... Well, maybe except Jason but only cause Eric Dane played him, and I love that guy.
< Astonished. I just got new medals. Some of them surprised me...
V If you could change one thing about Twilight, what would it be?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Yeah!! I think about my order for like ten minutes hahaha
I love Cole!!!! Phoebe and Cole are so perfecto for each other.
Yes me too!! I have like 3 die hards that in my point of view i didnt deserve it yet but its okay and the one medal i want the most i didnt get :(

^ mmm I think i would change that we have more Jalice in the story alot more Jalice :D and the Renesmee and Jacob thing don't get my wrong i love older boy and not so younger girl but this is just....
< Making gifs haha until yesterday i didnt know how to make them and now im making alot :D
V Which is your least favorite couple and why?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
OMG, totally agree with you about the Renesmee & Jacob thing. Actually, I don't even like Renesmee at all. She seemed so forced to me. I wish Bella never got pregnant.

^ Well, does it have to be a real couple? Because my least favourite couple EVER is an AU couple. Bella&Jasper. I just... I can't even began to tell you how much I hate the idea of them together. First of all, I love Jasper and I hate Bella. Second of all, I just love Jalice too much, I could never like Jasper or Alice with anyone else. And anyway, Jasper would never leave Alice for anyone, least of all for Bella. Whenever I see a fanfiction of this two, I usually leave the page. :D
And if we're talking about a real couple... well, I'm not a hater, I usually don't hate couples, I either just dislike them or don't care (there are exceptions, of course) but my least fav. would probably be Dean & Jo from Supernatural. I don't know if you ever watched SPN, but let's just say I never got the hype about them. I like Jo, she's nice, but in my opinion she didn't belong with Dean. Then again, I don't like him with Lisa either... lol
< Listening to music. Bored.
V Which is your favourite episode(s) from your favourite TV show?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Wow we have more and more in common, thats nice :D
I dont like Bella too.
And you are so right about Bella/Jasper like come on you don't see that Jasper loves Alice more than his own life that she is his soulmate???!!!

Oh yes!! I watch SPN i love it :D I love Dean/Cas together as friends or boyfriends :D

^My fave tv show is Bones and i love alot of episodes there but my favorite is 5x07: "The Dwarf in the Dirt" and the 100th episode :D
< Watching I'm number 4
V Do you like slash or femslash couples? If you do which are your favorite couples?

This is a vid of the 100th episode of Bones :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Oh, I like Cas/Dean too, and I never thought I would... I totally surprised myself. :D
Beautiful video. I loved that episode too ♥

^ Yes, I like a few. My favourite slash couple is once again an AU couple, Dean/Cas. And after them, Callie/Arizona from Grey's Anatomy. And some other AU femslash/slash couples.
< Watching some fanvideos on YouTube.
V Have you ever multi-shipped? If yes, which couples?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Oh, I like Cas/Dean too, and I never thought I would... I totally surprised myself.
Why? :)

Cas is my number one character hes so amazing and clueless which makes me laugh so much :D
That episode of Bones made me cry alot!

^I thought i have alot but i just had: Stefan/Elena/Damon and Stefan/Katherine/Damon. But I always like Stefan/Elena more and Stefan/Katherine so i dont think i multi-ship like i dont join the Delena spot or the Katherine/Damon spot and i am still think about joining Steferine spot hahaha
I hate fan couples fight!!
< Watching the new episode of Bones.
V Why did you choose that username? :)

over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Well, when I started watching the show, about a year ago, I've heard a lot about Castiel and Dean/Cas, and I just didn't get it, not because I have anything against gay couples, just cause Dean was always such a man whore, and it was hard to picture him with a guy, you know? Plus, I really liked him and Ruby 1.0 together, I know they never happened, but Jensen and Katie had so much chemistry, and that last scene in 3x09, when they talked, (the video I posted) made me want them together. So I just thought I wouldn't like Cas & Dean together because of these reasons... but I was wrong. :D
I'm the same with TVD about multi-shipping. Well, actually I only ship Damon&Elena and Stefan&Katherine, but I also like Stefan&Caroline, Damon&Bonnie, Katherine&Damon and sometimes Stefan&Elena too (mostly in season 1).

^ Kathy is my nickname, it comes from my middle name which is Katerina, and Halliwell is from Charmed. When I made this account I was obsessed with Charmed. Now it's my username everywhere. I just like how it sounds.
< Eating. :D
V How did you discover Fanpop?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Ohhh now i get it!!! Dean is such a man whore lol
They had alot of chemistry plus they are both hot, too bad she leave.

Yes!! TVD has so many ships and good ships but its becoming insane the fights between Stelena and Delena fans that is why im barely in the TVD spot.
I ship Stefan/Caroline but just as friends, Damon/Bonnie like couple, Stefan/Katherine as couple, Damon/Katherine as couple.

I get my username because at that time i was so in love with Jalice (im still obsess) but i didnt want to use "jalice" so i go: A for alice, J for jasper, hale and cullen.

I just got my fanatic for B&B spot YAY!! Now only want a fanatic at this spot :D

^ I was searching for information about B&B and i open the BB fanpop window and i wanted to comment on a pick and you have to join to do that so i join and comment and i get out and forgot about this page for along time till i was remembering that it was a page with alot of BB in it so i tried to remember and i did and since then i was hooked lol. And you?
< Doing my very first Deeks and Kensi video :D
V Which was your first medal?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
I know, right? I liked her so much better than new Ruby. New Ruby sucked.
Oh, I know the SE vs DE fight is becoming really stupid, but I actually think the Stefan vs Damon fight is worse. Especially since last episode.
Congrats! :) I want fanatic here too, but it's hard ;( I don't have any fanatic medal yet.
Well, my friend show me this site and I fell in love with it :D

^ I'm not exactly sure, I think it was either the Harry Potter club or the Grey's Anatomy club. I can't remember which, but I'm pretty sure it was one of these two.
< Just finished watching the new Vampire Diaries ep. Can't believe there are only three episodes left. Actually, pretty much every show I watch is soon going on the usual summer break. ;(
V Which song(s) do you think fits Jalice?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
I didn't like new Ruby.
Yeah totally agree with you! But its kinda crazy because people want that the girl who is dating a brother hook up with the other brother hahaha what LJ Smith was thinking?? :D But its an amazing series and i always surprise myself when i watch it, they are not scare of killing main characters which is a new thing.

Awww thank you Kathy!!! (can i call you Kathy?). I was trying to get that one since ever haha.
Its so hard to get a fanatic but you will :D And if you want that i rate something for you or something else i'm here!

Yeah mines too i hate when there is a summer break on television:/

^ mmm *opens itunes and listen too songs* maybe Keep holding on by Avril Lavigne, Lucky by Jason Mraz,Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden or Mine by Taylor Swift.
< Watching tv :D
V Which is your favorite song and why?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Course you can call me Kathy. Everyone does. Which reminds me, what can I call you?
Well, if you already offered... :P :D What I really want is a Jalice fanatic, so maybe the videos I posted here: link
pictures: link
links: link
aaand articles: link
And of course, I'll do the same for you if you want it. ;)

^ Well, that's just a cruel question. I could never pick just one :P And it always changes. But ATM, my favourite songs are Breathe Again by Sara Bareilles. I've heard it on TVD, and I love it ever since. It's such a beautiful song, the lyrics and the melody, everything is perfect. And Adele's Rolling In The Deep & Someone Like You. She's a really great singer. Aaand Stay & Illuminated by Hurts. I freakin love that band. Also I have to mention Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri and The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic At The Disco.
< I'm listening to the music I posted here. :D It really is beautiful.
V Do you ever read fanfictions? If yes, what's your favourite story?
over a year ago tazkylie2 said…
big smile
KathyHalliwell I love the Titanic I wish i could marry it my favorite person is TL but did you know that TL is gay so gross
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Yay!! You can call me Adri :D
Of course im gonna rate that for you!! *rating* All is rated now :D
Aww thank you!

You know that i wanted to know the name of that song for a while now!
I love all those songs and Hurts its an awesome band with an awesome songs!!

^ I love reading fanfics im kinda obsess! I have alot of favorites but now im loving:
15 años(15 years, Jalice fanfic).
Discovering Hogwarts by WishingHeart(twilight and harry potter characters together).
Overprotective Fool by Aerial312(Jalice).
The Little Black Dress by Aerial312 (Jalice).
Nobody Messes with my Woman by Alice W. Hale (a funny Jalice fic).
Not Quite Lovers by jasperisaliceparamor (Jalice).
< Cleaning my bedroom :/
V What kind of man do you like? My ideal man would be: tall, black hair(but i dont mind if he's blonde :D), blue eyes, good bottom haha, funny, intelligent, good listener, kind, faithfull and that everytime i see him it takes my breath away.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Adri. My sister's name is Adri too :D :)
Thanks for rating, btw! :)
Oh, yeah, I've read a few of those fanfictions too. *goes to read the others too*

^ Well... Let's see... Tall, muscular (but not too much), hair and eyes don't matter, funny, but serious too at the same time (if you know what I mean), faithful (duh), intelligent, considerate, not afraid to show his emotions, protective (I just love protective guys!)... so, do I ask too much? :P :D
< Just fanpopping. Lmao. What a funny word.
V Name a weird habit of yours.
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Really? Thats a great coincidence!
No problem, thanks for rating my things too <3
I love jealous Jasper so much!!!
Random: I like talking to you! It's great :D

I know what you mean and muscular but not so much thats exactly what i want!!
I just love protective guys
Me too, i think maybe that one of the reasons i love Jasper!!

do I ask too much? :P :D
No hahaha i think that he exist but i only met like one haha so we have to look in the right place :D

^ I always have to put music when i'm in the shower and of course i sing hahahaha
< Listening to one of my fave songs: link, a cover by The Killers.
V Name all the nicknames that you have.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Haha, thanks! :) I like talking to you too.
Yeah, agreed, that's definitely one of the reasons too.
Ooooh, you've met someone like that? Lucky you ;) :D :P
Yeah, sometimes I listen to music too, but I don't sing. Well, not in the shower anyway. In the car, in my room, sometimes in the classes (though not loudly :D lmao)
Great song :)

^ Well, Kathy is one of them :D But it's more like my internet nickname. My friends and parents call me Niky. Also there's this one friend of mine who calls me Letty, it comes from my name, Nicolette. And then there are my nicknames which come from fictional characters. For example, one of my friends sometimes calls me Alice. Then another friend of mine calls me Katherine Pierce all the time. In return I call her Katerina Petrova. It's really funny, but sometimes we get weird looks from other people. :D Oh and one of my classmates calls me Peyton, because apparently I have "Peyton hair"... oh yes, and another stupid classmate of mine calls me Colette. She thinks it's funny. Ummm... I think that's about it all.
< Looking at the pictures in this club :)
V What's the first thing you think of when you think about Jalice?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Thanks! :D
hahaha yes he's my best friend :)
lol i sing sometimes loudly but only for my family or for myself or for my besties :D
It is :P

You have a really cute name, i like it!!
Wow you have alot of nicknames i only have: Adri, Adi, Yeya and i think thats about it :D In fanpop they call me: Adri, Cry bitch (i cry alot haha), biatch and baby.

^ The first think is destiny <3
< Watching Real Madrid vs Barcelona :D
V Which is your favorite month and why?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
You have a really cute name, i like it!!
Thanks :)

Aww, destiny. That's cute :) :D
Haha, I don't really care for football. Wait, it's football right? Maaan, I'm so uninformed.

^ December, because of my birthday and Christmas and all those school breaks. But I also love July too because of the summer break. You know in June I still go to school for a little, and then in August you have to worry about the new school year and whatnot, but July... it's perfect.
< Watching YouTube videos because I have nothing better to do :D ...
V Is there any particular Jalice scene in BD you would like to see in the movie? Or maybe something that wasn't in the books, but you think it would be a great idea to show it?
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Hahaha yeah it's football :D
I love December too, alot actually!! And February because i was born in that month :)

^ I'll like to see the journey they did to find the other half human half vampire and also i will love to see flashbacks of their wedding(Jalice) when Alice is helping Bella with the wedding dress :D
< Watching Bones :P
V Do you like to change anything of their story(Alice&Jasper)? If yes, what?
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Oh, flashbacks of their wedding, that's a good idea! I haven't thought about it before, but I LOVE it.

^ After thinking about this question for minutes, I came to one conclusion there's nothing I would change. I kept trying to find something, but there was nothing. So no. They're perfect the way they are. ♥ (Maybe more scenes in the books would have been awesome, but I'm not sure if that counts)
< Fanfictions :)
V Did you watch the Royal Wedding? :D
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
It would be so amazing right!! The perfect scene in the whole series :D
Totally agree with you, they are perfection!!
I would love to see more scenes, they are the perfect couple.
Just got my die-hard in the Castiel and HIMYM spot yay!!!!!

^ No, i was sleeping hahaha and i'm not into that. And you? :)
< Watching DWTS, i love seeing the pros dance :P
V Do you like making fan arts?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Congratulations! :) ;)

Haha, yes I watched it a little, but just for 10 minutes. It was too boring, so I rather watched a DVD. :D

^ Well, I like making icons, but I personally think I'm not that good at it, so... I never tried anything else. Well... do videos count? Because I love making videos!
< I'm answering your new picks here! :D Love them.
V Which is/are your favourite fan video(s)?