Angel vs Spike Spike vs Angel

adwbuffy posted on Apr 12, 2008 at 11:01PM
Now, Let's just say that Buffy is back in Angel season 5, When Angel & Spike are in Rome, they confronted Buffy. Now Spike and Angel saw her so has Buffy who would she pick?

>Another Words Who Would Win Buffy?<

Spike or Angel

Angel vs Spike 11 replies

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over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Let's pretend this is in Katie's own lil world...

They all meet up together at some point that night. They is alot of arguing, a few punches are thrown and the only thing agreed upon is that the self-important bloody ponce the Immortal has no right being there and should get his arse back home before that whole immortality theory is tested. Following this there is much in the way of silence, half sentences and questions. Buffy alternates between hitting Spike and kissing him while berating Angel for not telling her.

Fast foward to the Black Thorn. In this little version Angel sacrifices himself, atoning completely for his past as Angelus and moves foward where he is sent not to a Hell demension but in a place with Cordy. The battle is epic, dragons and all that evil jazz and Spike is injuired to protect Buffy and he lives. Really lives. Because Spike has gone from being evil to good on his own he is the true champion and is shanshued. If Joss were to come into my head he would die from the injuries, but keeping this Joss free - somehow Angel's sacrifice throws the cosmic scales out of wack. Perhaps the senior partners tool to destroy Angel combusts and wounds them to fight in a soon to be made movie? Anywho, Spike and Buffy get together and have their nice rocky and passionate relationship.

I didn't want to kill Angel but it worked that way, if they were both there it would be a series of awkardness. I think that Angel and Buffy would continue playing the 'we can't' card forever and it would be a slow and tentative growth for Spuffy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago adwbuffy said…
Love It :)
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…

I've become very attached to the smilie face.
over a year ago adwbuffy said…
aw thank you
over a year ago tisha said…
you keep on thinking you're in own little world arabella lol

What would REALLY happen is that Buffy would pick Angel. Of course. I agree with whoever said that Buffy loved Spike since the moment their hands clapsed together right before he died. I think at that moment she really did fall in love with Spike. But when it comes down to it, between Angel and Spike, Buffy will always pick Angel.

You still my girl?

I'm a Bangel fan who's still believing in forever.
over a year ago adwbuffy said…
Well tisha I love you arguement over Bangel. Cuz your so right because Buffy will always be Angel's girl forever. Well for Spike, when there hands collasped together with the passion for each other.The moment of pain and suffering that they had will pass and readjust with emotions for each other. The reason for Buffy picking Angel cuz Buffy still has feelings for him, and Spike. Like the epsiode "End of Days", Angel was jealous of Buffy, that she loves Spike. Buffy said to him its like cookies in the oven that you cooked well or the cookies burned.

Overall, Buffy would always pick both Spike & Angel in Rome. Won't that be a surprise for the both of them. So much jealously between Spike & Angel over Buffy.
over a year ago april_showers said…
I don't think in that situation Buffy would allow herself to be forced into 'picking' between the two. She has always been very exasperated about their bickering & jealousy over her and I think she would say they had to deal with that on their own rather than give in to their egos and choose haha. However I have to say that if it ever came down to choosing between the two, Buffy would always pick Angel. He is the guy that she wants for the long run, if she is ever ready for that, which shows the depth of her feelings for him. I'm not saying she doesn't care about Spike, I think she does, and the developments between them in season 7 were very important. But she was never in love with him, and even he knew that. I think when she said that in 'Chosen' she was proud of him, had finally come to fully respect & trust him, and was immensely grateful for his sacrifice. But she wasn't in love with him in my opinion, though I think that had they had more time she could have grown too. But such is the way of Joss, he will have no happy endings! However, the fact that Buffy let Spike wear the amulet and let him sacrifice himself in that way is testament to the fact that she does not love him as she loves Angel. She herself says "I can't risk you" to him, and yet she is willing and able to risk Spike, and lose him.

I'm not quite sure what you mean adwbuffy about cookies being cooked well or burnt?

Haha also there's no way Buffy would be angry with Angel for not telling her that Spike was alive - that was Spike's responsibility/choice, not Angel's, so if she was angry then it would be at Spike not Angel in my opinion.
over a year ago sexyspike1 said…
ArabellaElfie said it all ;) Great summary. Yeah, I can't see her hooking up with Angel after that. Bangel is the past, Buffy and Angel have both grown and a love between them just wouldn't work. It would be Spike who she would turn to, the one who stood by her and died for her and loved her to the very end.
over a year ago purpletouch said…
spike. he's buffy's better match why?
first off and the most important one spike loved buffy with or without a soul!!! sure he had that chip in his head. but is a chip enough to make you see a person in a diff. light. he loved and did everything for her even without a soul. i mean come on when buffy died spike kept his promise to look after dawn and keep her safe didn't he? can angel do that? don't think so. and besides spike EARNED his soul angel was CURSED with his soul. spike saved the world because he WANTED to. angel saved the world bec. he was FORCED to. and lastly spike has seen buffy at her best and at her worst.
over a year ago nene72 said…
I think in the end it would be Spike. Angel fell in love with a highschool girl (she was 16 at the time) and later moved on to Cordelia. He seems to be into "attractive but shallow and immature" girls. Buffy has grown and gone through a lot since then. She kind of fell in love with Angel mainly because of his looks, which is normal for a 16 year old girl. Spike fell in love with Buffy when she was 20 (I think). She wasn't really attracted to him then, but by the end of season 7 I think she'd fallen in love with him. So her love for Spike (and Spike's for her) is more mature, and true. As a 22+ year old woman, I think she'd pick Spike.
last edited over a year ago
alonelyheart commented…
Wonderful thoughts :) I agree! over a year ago
over a year ago CharmedFan4eva_ said…