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Arthur and Gwen Question

Now that they are finally together as king and queen, do you see this scene as the most significant foreshadowing of what was to come? Why or Why Not?

This scene is a particular favorite of mine. The music, her words, their little exchange at the end. I think in the aftermath of Ealdor, the show was trying to get the message across that this was where the story was headed, that these two people were the once and future king and queen. Some people either failed or refused to see it, so then we got all the complaints about the romance being rushed and "out of the blue" and the like. Personally, I think this is something TPTB did right. They introduced Arwen subtly, tentatively, and beautifully in these two short moments.
 HumbleQueen posted over a year ago
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Arthur and Gwen Answers

Bonne-Bell said:
I think there are many scenes in season 1 which foreshadowed the relationship between Arthur and Gwen and this is definetly one of them. Another one is the scene where Gwen told Merlin "who would want to marry Arthur?" and the exchanges that they had in Ealdor when she stood up to him. In my opinion, Arthur had already seized to think of Morgana in a romantic sense in the Lancelot episode, 1x05, when he asked Lancelot if he found her attractive. I think his attraction to Morgana was wanning and he was wondering why which is why he asked Lancelot because no man who is truely attracted to someone cares about what another man thinks of the person. I think he began to show an interest in Gwen in 1x08. No, it wasn't love but it was definetly a sort of intrigue which is what led him to come to her aid when her father died and to flirt with her in the above scene. People who complain about A/G being out of the blue were probably too busy with their A/Mor or A/M ships to take notice. But then again, I've even seen old threads on other Merlin forums where Gwen haters were saying how they would stop watching the show in season 1 if A/G got together. So I think some people were just in denile and didn't want to accept it which is why they complained when they did get together.
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posted over a year ago 
You are spot on Ms. Bonne. This is exactly what I think. Arthur had taken notice of Gwen and it was wholly different from a servant and master relationship. She went from someone he did not notices to someone he was teasing, like a friend and equal.
famfan posted over a year ago
Thanks, Bonne. Actually someone just mentioned to me the other night that they picked up on something in ep. 1 of season 1 that made them decide it was going to be A/G. Can't quite remember now what it was. Think I'll watch it and perhaps I'll see. But you are so right in what you say about the people who complain about it being out of the blue. They had on their A/Mor and A/M ship blinders. Anyway, seems most people think the foreshadowing was quite a bit before this 1x13 scene.
HumbleQueen posted over a year ago
You are so spot on, BB. In, S1 when Arthur ( the brat, then) didn't want to eat Merlin's mom food, Gwen ate it instead. She told him not to reject it b/c it is very important to this people. I can honestly this is when he saw another side of her that he never saw and that the connection or mysterry of her beagn.
Nasty_Nat posted over a year ago
I agree with everyone. Sometimes you have to watch films or episodes once or twice or multiple times to catch something different.
alimazimmer posted over a year ago
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