Arthur and Gwen Trade You A Fanfic - ARWEN

EPaws posted on Jun 14, 2011 at 04:26PM
First reco - ThreeMeows - Life Lessons - NC 17


Needless to say, everything she writes is frighteningly good, but since we want to keep this simple. Her Magnum Opus is - The I AM Become A Name Series. SHE CAN WRITE.

Remember peeps. Reviews are fuel. Feed the authors. It is only polite.

last edited on Jun 14, 2011 at 04:27PM

Arthur and Gwen 32 replies

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over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
Second - Sophie_Lou - The Death of the Lavender

This freaked me out LOL I want it back, it was my favorite too XD

Then there's the 4th series by Audirox beginning with
401 Camelot returns
all Arwen centric episodes of an imagined season 4^^

over a year ago EPaws said…
Thanks Rosalyn LOL! I actually remember the D of L...hilarious!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
This one by Sophie-Lou has always been one of my favorites!:

Others that are worth reading:
link by alice_vd

link by alice_vd

link by threemeows

I'll post more later...
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over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
yeah, NOthing inappropriate was good!
right, it's just polite to give feedback^^I always try to give comments too because I like to get comments myself lol

haven't read this one by sophie-lou yet, Issie...
gosh, when should I find the time to read all these stories lol
over a year ago EPaws said…
I know what you mean Rose, that is why I take about 30 minutes every few days and read something. The only exception I made was for a few long epics where I used rainy Sunday afternoon and just read for several hours. BLISS I tell ya! I love this, sharing we are doing. I can now come to this list and pick some favourites from women I respect. Thanks for the share, Issie!
over a year ago EPaws said…
Issie, the Last Author Standing one is brilliant. It takes two reads to get it, but it is charming, sexy, wonderful, loving and amusing. Thnaks for the memory.
over a year ago EPaws said…
And I raise you two:

In fact, do yourself a favour. You want to read excellent her stuff for Merlin in general. She has actual skills as writer.


Blackmamba - Esquire:

Two of my favourites:
All That Fire Is Repeated -
Ever Mine (PG-13) - Dark Fic

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over a year ago EPaws said…
and one more for the road since I finished it over the weekend and was well pleased with its outcome:

LIFE LESSONS beginning with its prequel, BUT SHE WAITS PATIENTLY.


Why I loved it:

Its prose. Its on point visual imagery. Its writing metre. Its POVs. It logical and sensual progression. Its humour. Just plain writing acumen. A mature. Sensual. Enjoyable read. It will take you a good hour, maybe more, but it is so worth it. Totally unforgettable.

Next On the List...SHORT AND PERFECT

Tell Me To Run and I Will Race
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over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
omg, stace thanks for sharing all these.
over a year ago EPaws said…
You are welcome, Rose. As I find and as you find, I hope you add to this list. Makes it easier perhaps that when you have a moment and somethign grabs you. We have a set of links that we can automatically go to and have a series of actually well written stories that are good that we can indulge in. Thanks for playing.
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
About to read, Stacey! These look great :) And I'm also going to share a handful more once I finish reading these these!
over a year ago Melisey said…
Oh this is wonderful now I can read many of these. But I am so sorry I don't know any fanfics. So I can't trade yet.
over a year ago EPaws said…
Yeah, Melissa. Just trying to create a resource of the really, really good ones that leave you with that 'aaaaaaaaaah feeling'.

@Issie, hope you enjoy. I have read several you have suggested, and or already read them.
over a year ago EPaws said…
Shabbytiger is an exceedingly sensual writer and does love and angst so beautifully. A must read. A few syntax errors, but I gather it was done without a beta. Phenominal job! Just phenomenal.

Might have mentioned these two fics before, mature of content, and just beautifully sensual. You must begin with the first, called:

The Longest Day


It concludes with:

The Empty House:


over a year ago EPaws said…
Retrospect (NC-17); You Can't Break Perfection (R) - Sophielou21

Both are brilliant and original. Nice flow, some humour, some pathos. Delightful and even a smidge sad for at least one individual. Fabulous.


over a year ago EPaws said…
big smile
Fic: That time there was Candy Floss and everything was beautiful and nothing hurt - RPF

Hilariously and exceedingly well written by Mustbethursday3

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over a year ago AngelGirl1992 said…

AU. After the death of Sir Thomas, his daughter Gwen becomes the ward of King Uther. Her time with the Pendragons will forever leave an impact on her life and help to shape her into the queen of legend.

It is a very good story.
over a year ago EPaws said…
Wonderful Angel. Looking forward to it! Thank you!
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
Hi there.
I just found the perfect Arwen fanfic.
Just go and read, I know you'll like it!
over a year ago EPaws said…
Hi Again, ThreeMeows has struck again with another terrific fic. This one,probably her final, we are not happy about this, allows Elyan to be a brother and is set roughly about S3E13 and beyond. Quite amusing in parts and very much to character. As always, her writing acumen is exceptional and her perceptions no way dull or dry. Enjoy...I even love the title.

The Silence Between the Spaces, Part 1 of 3


The Silence Between the Spaces, Part 2 of 3


She left Part 2 on quite the cliffy. I have already sent my protests lol! She is wicked and evil, is what she is! I am sure she is laughing as we speak lol! Foreshadowing of it in the image below.

Fic: The Silence Between the Spaces, Part 3 of 3 (complete)


last edited over a year ago
Hi Again, ThreeMeows has struck again with another terrific fic. This one,probably her final, we are
over a year ago EPaws said…
Thank you, Rose, as always. Looking forward to the read.
over a year ago EPaws said…
big smile
Just so amusingly charming and yes, romanticly tongue in cheek - G Rated.

Violins of Perfect Love by Rubber Glue

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over a year ago EPaws said…
Misccam. Norse girl writes beautifully and eloquently and subtlely. I rather like her work and it is my understanding she originally created my all time favourite ARWEN icon as well(Arthur and Guinevere in Pendragon red). What I really love is her studied simplicity. Very important phrase that. She makes rather sophisticated leaps in tone and texture of her writing but it takes a crapload of actual writing skill and not just churning words to look that simple.

Autumn Too Long - misscam

What Matters More

To Become Queen

This one made me smile. Enjoy.

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over a year ago MISAforever said…
"After an ugly argument, Arthur and Guinevere clear the air about past demons and share a long overdue moment. "

over a year ago EPaws said…
Joppa! Funnily enough I just read this one at lunch.
over a year ago MISAforever said…
Really?? hahah we have similar minds!!
over a year ago EPaws said…
Well. There are some treats for you all today. Great entrants to A/G Long Fic Challenge. I suspect you will enjoy. The writing is top notch and they are all very individualistic and each brings something new to the dance. I hope you enjoy.
My little devotional piece also placed. I am humbled and yes, it will be continued.

Well. There are some treats for you all today. Great entrants to A/G Long Fic Challenge. I suspect yo
over a year ago EPaws said…
Fic: Royal Rendezvous

Title: Royal Rendezvous
Author: tudor_rose445
Rating/Warnings: R/ RPF
Characters/Pairings: Arthur, Gwen, Bradley, Angel, Arthur/Gwen, Arthur/Angel
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin. BBC does.
Summary: Somehow going to tell off Bradley led to an intimate encounter with The Once and Future King...and Angel still doesn't know how it happened.
Author’s notes: This was my first ever contribution to, kinkme_merlin , so I was a little nervous. I don't normally write RPF but this prompt looked too interesting to pass up. :P This takes place during the filming of 3x10.


Clever, imaginative and succeeds in keeping all in character! Enjoy! You will giggle!

over a year ago EPaws said…
Shabbytiger has just finished the Empty House, yes I beta'd it. Loved it. Sad that it is done, but girlfriend can write. Damn she can write. Link above, but for convenience see below:


Beta'd revision to the Longest Day will be next week. Have a great week.
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over a year ago nsk said…
u should continue guys to give fanfics ! im starting to read some cause i usually dont read fanfics so go ahead , spoil me !
over a year ago EPaws said…
nsk you are too cute. No worries. When time permits. Only the cream of the crop is chosen.
over a year ago EPaws said…
big smile
A charming piece of ficcage. Very amusing.

Title: Shenanigans
Author: Mara93
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I disclaim. Merlin belongs to BBC/Shine.
Genre: Future cannon (no spoilers) Romantic (slightly adventurous) fluff
Characters: Arthur, Guinevere, The Knights, Merlin / Pairings: Arthur/Guinevere
Summary: The royal wedding is just three months away. So shenanigans reign supreme. Hideous statues are popping up all over the palace. Dishes are breaking at an alarming rate. A flirt is too in awe of men’s swords, not the kind you fight with. A knightly feud is going on. Oh and, yeah, one more little thing. The king is kidnapped. Shenanigans indeed.
Author’s Note: Written for rubber_glue for her kind bid at the help_japan auction. My apologies Piper for the lateness. This is chapter 1. I’m guessing it’ll have somewhere around 4, give or take a few.
