Arthur and Gwen Fiction Challenge: Merlin 4.05 VISITATIONS

EPaws posted on Oct 31, 2011 at 03:12AM
Open challenge that closes Sunday end of day (cause two other queries came through and it is only fair)

Prompt: Arthur Visits Guinevere

Word Count: 500 not one word more.

Ratings: Be sensible. Be creative. Be Brilliant. All in praise of Arwen...

See you all on Saturday. This should be a blast.
Open challenge that closes Sunday end of day (cause two other queries came through and it is only fai
last edited on Nov 05, 2011 at 12:38PM

Arthur and Gwen 19 replies

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over a year ago kbrand5333 said…
I'm SO on it.
over a year ago EPaws said…
See you soon. Lol.
over a year ago EpicArwen said…
YIKES! Only 500 words?? Must needs think on this...

over a year ago EPaws said…
There would be nothing to offer writing challenge otherwise, my lovely.
over a year ago kbrand5333 said…
It is challenging. Remember back in the day when we thought 500 words was a lot?
I should have mine ready by tomorrow, most likely.
over a year ago EPaws said…
I will work on mine tonight. Yes, when we were all students and everything was a 'pain'.
over a year ago Melisey said…
This is an amazing idea. I am so looking forward to read what you all come up with. Because I know you will do great. :)
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
I'm on the fanfic putting the other two ag fics i just started behind lol.
love to create my own stories and share them. I like to take challenges because I want to improve my writing.
I think I'll be done on Friday because I have to study.
over a year ago EPaws said…
Welcome Rose darling. Go for it girl.
over a year ago kbrand5333 said…
Mine is up!
over a year ago EpicArwen said…
I've added mine! Hope you enjoy! :)

over a year ago EPaws said…
Ladies we are off to the races. It seems we are now waiting on Rose and I to toe the line. Beautiful jobs both.
over a year ago sportyshuie said…
Oh ... never really tried this type of challenge before.
Like to try but might be take some time, hopefully can be done by saturday as i have to complete an assigment ...
over a year ago kbrand5333 said…
Was just coming to hassle the rest of you to get your submissions in, and I see EpicArwen has posted something! Will have to read later (am at work now)!
over a year ago sportyshuie said…
Finally managed to get mine posted ..
Hope everyone like it ... not as good as posted ones but ... hehehe!

over a year ago EPaws said…
Love it. My God I better finish mine tonight. I am so behind.
over a year ago EPaws said…
Where is Rose's she didn't put a link up here?
over a year ago BradAngeleyes said…
Ok,I've done my best, late as usual, hope you like it. Must go do the laundry now.

over a year ago EPaws said…
LOL...Lorna, it seems my, rather late 500 words continues where yours leaves off. See you later.