Arthur and Gwen Arthur/Gwen theories/wishes for season 5 ! :)

nsk posted on Jan 04, 2012 at 05:22PM
everytime you have an idea for an episode , just leave it here ! :) it could help the fanfic writers and we can have fun discussing our theories like we did last year for S4 haha
everytime you have an idea for an episode , just leave it here ! :) it could help the fanfic writers

Arthur and Gwen 18 replies

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over a year ago nsk said…
imagine a body swap between Arthur and Merlin ?
OH THE AWKWARD , imagine gwen wanting to kiss false Arthur and he rejects her , and then she complains to false Merlin and he is like “i want to kiss you ” so she is like ” MERLIN WHAT ARE U DOING ?”
over a year ago lailastar said…
Mine is and sorry I have mentioned this somewhere before is Arthur Gwen Merlin and The Knights of the Round Tables come across Stonehenge, somehow goes through a magical portal and gets transported to Avalon, where they meet magical beings, fabled kings and queens, fairy queen and kings and other well known characters of legend, however the challenge is getting out of Avalon before their time runs out, because dont forget Avalon can only be entered after or near death. Therefore our gang does not belong there yet, especially Arthur. There are many ancient ruins in Britain that be used as back drops for many story-line, that is why it is so disappointing that the writers are not using their imaginations. Hopefully this season will improve.
over a year ago EpicArwen said…
nsk...THAT would be hilarious!!! :)

You know, I've been thinking about this whole enchantment carried over into next season thing and I wonder if the reason they did that wasn't because they want to bring up a romantic-jealousy thing with A/G, but if they'll use it in connection with Merlin's magic reveal.

Follow me here...Gwen still believes she betrayed Arthur. Arthur still believes she betrayed him. They've found a way to move past it, but if Gwen finds out about Merlin's magic first...what will she do? Protect her BFF and betray the husband she's already 'betrayed' once before?

I know we've discussed this issue before, but that was before the enchantment stuff played out. I think this way...without the enchantment reveal and Gwen believing she did betray will make it even that much more difficult for her to choose/decide what to do.

ALSO, wouldn't it be a twist if the WAY the enchantement was revealed was BECAUSE of Merlin's magic? And I don't mean that he figures it out and finds a way to sugarcoat his involvement in the discovery. But what if somehow the bracelet makes its way to him and its actually the very thing that 'outs' him somehow. You'd then have a situation where tne non-betrayal is discovered (good thing) by revealing another betrayal (Merlin keeping magic a secret-bad thing).

Does any of that make sense?? Cuz I have been on meds so...I may be spinning out of control here, but...I'd actually like to see something like that. Now, do I think they WILL do that...who knows? Probably not. But...I still it'd be a cool way to connect the two issues.

Ok. I'm done for now. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Melisey said…
I like your speculations EpicArwen. That would be an interesting twist and it would add complexity.

I also like lallastar's idea of Avalon.

LOL Naima that would be awkward.

I am just thinking about Arthur with a baby in his arms. I want to see that so bad. But that would have to be in season 6. Since I agree that Gwen shouldn't be pregnant until the end of season 5.
over a year ago kenya1234 said…
Gwen arranging for the round table to be brought to Camelot for Arthur as part of the legends.
over a year ago lailastar said…
Another idea of mine is Arthurs wedding gift to Gwen. He has a Roman bath build for her. He can say on his travels with his father to a distant land as a youth, he saw one and now thinks this is an excellent gift for his wife. They can also show us scenes of the two of them relaxing and being intimate at the end of the day. Picture the scene with candles all over and a steaming scented bath. Of course because its a kid show the cameras will show you high as possible and low as possible but never in-between.
over a year ago nsk said…
@KENYA OMG yes yes !!!! it would be amazing ! ive heard that in the legends its Guinevere who brought the round table too !

@lailastar aaaah im in love with that idea even its unlikely to happen :/

remember before season 4 when i talked about agravaine/gwen ?

well my new wish now is gwen/mordred , not romantic but id like to feel close to her
over a year ago MikeAP001 said…
If you'd like to write a fanfic and need an outline for one, you can try using these at the Gaius Forum: link The generic one will let you make any sort of fanfic for a Gwen Quest. In the detailed example, Merlin adds to his armory of magic, Lancelot gets some redemption, and ArWen gets to repair things. Only, you'll have to add the dialog.
over a year ago Auzzie said…
I was just tinking what might be cool, was if like idk someone evil like morgana cast a spell that brought the dead back for like a day or something, which would mean that Uther returned! I wonder what he would say if he saw gwen and arthur??? anyway its prob a silly idea...
over a year ago Auzzie said…
btw EpicArwen (sry if spelt wrong) I think that would be awesome!!!! it wuld certainly add a good twist to the story :)
over a year ago Auzzie said…
I was also thinking, what if Gwen was pregnant and as soon as everyone found out Merlin and Gias did their best to make sure it didn't reach Morgana's ears. Then at the end of season 6 after Gwen has had her baby, Morgana invades camelot again, then comes into Gwens chambers to find her cradeling her baby! I wonder how Morgana would react? Would she be angry and snatch the baby from Gwens arms? Or would she actually feel sorry for the baby and take care of it herself? Who knows she may even take pity on Gwen AND the baby! After all they used to be friends.
I find this all unlikely though, cause I find it hard to believe that Arthur or Merlin would leave Gwen and her baby before escaping, unless they BOTH got drugged like someone in the last season that came out XD
over a year ago Theogirl said…
I was thinking about the vision that Merlin is supposed to have early on in the season, the one that's supposed to have a significant impact on the season to come. I wonder if, because there was hinting at Arthur's death possibly this season by the creators, that maybe this is their way to show it without it actually happening. Imagine Merlin being given a vision of Arthur's death and then having to carry that burden throughout the season, on top of continuing to try and keep his magic secret and protecting the king even more fiercely. I think that would be compelling to watch.
over a year ago hapybeinginsane said…
I like your theory Theogirl! It would fit with some of the hints that we were shown in the trailers as well - the part where Merlin says he will protect Arthur with his life or die at his side, for instance. Damn, seeing all these great theories has made me want September to come even if I wasn't willing it already.
over a year ago Auzzie said…
I like theogirls idea too! lol it would be awkward if Arthur did find out about merlins magic and merlin told arthur about what he saw...
over a year ago Auzzie said…
P.S Just thinking about it now, I think the first time Gwen and Arthur kissed in this series is the best kissing scene I have ever seen, it has the sunset and everything!
over a year ago rallitsa said…
In the SDCC trailer, after Morgana tells Gwen "Good morning, my lady.", they show the mandrake root ( from "The Tears of Uther Pendragon" ) above Guinevere. And then there is a scene whre she's screaming and holding her head. What if she goes nuts like Uther in series 3? ( I'm not 100% sure about the mandrake root. )
In the SDCC trailer, after Morgana tells Gwen "Good morning, my lady.", they show the mandrake root (
over a year ago MISAforever said…
that's an interesting one!
over a year ago Melisey said…
Yes, that is very interesting. I will hate to see Gwen suffer more. But it will be interesting and it will give Angel Coulby another opportunity to shine.