Arthur and Gwen Rewatching Merlin 1x04--"The Poisoned Chalice"

HumbleQueen posted on Feb 02, 2013 at 05:21PM
Now that the show has ended let’s go back and rewatch the episodes with a whole new perspective. We have watched the characters develop and gotten to know them well. Some we love more than others, but now our perspectives have changed as we know how everything turns out. Let’s have fun looking at the story unfold with our new perspectives from when we first watched the respective episodes. (Thanks to the folks over at tvdotcom for ideas we’ve borrowed from them.)

Moderators for Season 1:

Rules are as follows:

1. We are getting started with 1x01 on Saturday, September 12, 2013 and a new forum will be opened every following Saturday. Moderators will post following the order in the list above to open threads and we’ll be watching the episodes in sequence. We will then be watching the last episode of Season 1 (1x13) on the week beginning April 6th.

2. Every moderator opening a rewatching thread should copy and paste the information in this entry (Introduction, List of moderators and Rules) at the top. That way, keeping track of the turns and our progress will be easier and also having the rules at hand will be useful for those who may have decided to join us part way through.

3. Everyone opening a rewatching thread is responsible for reminding the next person in the list to do the same the following Saturday (sending a pm on Friday should do it).

4. Anyone not being able to open a thread on a particular Saturday can swap turns with the next person in the list (or anyone else) as long as they keep track of their respective turns.

5. People taking part can jump in with comments, but just because you watch and comment on a particular episode does not mean it’s compulsory to watch every single episode to be a part of this rewatching.

6. Anyone is most welcome to join at any time. Also, new moderators will be added to the list when we get them.

7. If you don’t have dvd’s or subscribe to Netflix or Amazon Prime, the first four seasons are available free (with ads) on hulu: link

Also famfan suggested link

8. Constructive criticism of characters/actors is always in order, but please no bashing.

9. Let’s have fun down memory lane. Be inspired to do fanfics, fanvids, and fanart.

Here’s a masterlist of a twelve items we’ll be looking for in all episodes. The moderator will post the lists under each item. Anybody can list any they see though. Mods will also be posting their own teasers for discussion.

a. Anything that has to do with Arwen.
b. Lives saved.
c. R.I.P. list.
d. Who spent time in the dungeon?
e. Times Arthur is knocked unconscious or prevented from knowing about Merlin's magic
f. Great dragon predictions/riddles.
g. Statements about Arthur becoming the great king of legend.
h. What Uther says about magic.
i. Progress or resets in Arthur/Merlin relationship
j. Guest star special characters.
k. Morgana dreams.
l. Knights of the round table appearances.
m. Funny moments or dialogues
Now that the show has ended let’s go back and rewatch the episodes with a whole new perspective. We

Arthur and Gwen 9 replies

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over a year ago HumbleQueen said…
Ok, here's what I came up with for questions this week. Discuss anything you want to though!

1. How do you rate Nimueh as a villain? She certainly is one of the most gorgeous ones that’s for sure. Who was her main target in this episode? Why? Was that her only motive?

2. What was Merlin’s initial reaction to the “servant” Nimueh? I think Merlin has quite a thing for pretty girls to the extent he loses some common sense. Do you agree? (Not talking about Gwen here.)

3. Discuss the several things in this episode that let us know Gwen still had a crush on Merlin. Did you notice her reaction when he was about to drink from the cup? I think there was a lot of focus on Gwen in this episode. Do you agree? If so, why do you think that was?

4. I don’t know if this classifies as a plot hole or not, but how could Nimueh really know Merlin would end up drinking from the goblet? First of all, Arthur almost drank from it twice, only to be interrupted at the last minute. She didn’t plan those interruptions and in fact, had barely finished telling Merlin her little story when they were about to drink. Also, Lord Bayard easily could have been the one poisoned attempting to prove his innocence. There seems to be too many hitches in her plan IMO. What do you think?

5. Discuss Arthur and Uther’s exchange over whether Arthur go and attempt to fetch the flower. How can we see, once again, that Arthur has the makings of a great king?

6. Any thoughts on the Arthur/Morgana interaction when she encourages him into going. She uses the same methodology each time. Care to discuss? Did she have honorable motives?

7. Discuss any thoughts you may have on Arthur’s dealings with Nimueh. Was he unwise in any of it? What do we see of his honor and courage in this?

8. What do you think of Merlin’s magic bubble trick? BTW, how did Arthur’s sword get back in the sheath? [Plot hole, hehe. See any others?]

9. How did you like the Arwen scene in the dungeon? Did you notice he said “thank you” to her? Looking ahead to 2x2 when Gwen was so disturbed by his lack of gratitude, this dungeon scene shows he wasn’t always so rude. Why do you think he was different in the 2x2 episode. [Sorry, couldn’t resist throwing in an Arwen question!] And of course we know what he said about the food being unfit here was just a part of the ruse.

10. So, what feelings do you have about Gwen’s kiss? There’s been much discussion of this over the years. There’s been a lot of negative feedback from her enemies about this. How do you see this kiss? Also, any opinions on Merlin’s “It’s fine. Its more than fine.”

11. Do you think the happenings in this episode was a huge jump in the Arthur/Merlin relationship.? Think about the fact that it was just three episodes ago that they met and couldn’t stand each other. Or, insofar as Arthur is concerned, do you think he would have done all this for anyone who had saved his life? Or do you think the whole thing with Merlin saving him was a bit much for this early on?

12. Is there any symbolism to that flower that you can think of? Some of you are so talented I thought I’d give your creative juices a bit of a squeeze. Also use this question as a place to talk about any lessons you see in this episode.

arthurlover7 commented…
# 9. I have not watched the episode yet but to answer that question, I think Arthur is different in this scene because he is put into the dungen and is not treated like a prince but someone that has done wrong in the presence of the king. So he feels like its not wrong to show some kindness to someone who is also trying to help merlin. Where as in season 2 episode 2 he is still a prince and at the top, just being undercover trying to prove he is the best. He has also done no wrong so he does not feel the need to show humilaty. over a year ago
sportyshuie commented…
Juicy nanna ... will rewatch tomorrow and jump back in here to get down with the questions. over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Great questions Nanna! Hopefully I will watch the episode tomorrow (or tonight) and came back and answer these questions over a year ago
over a year ago sportyshuie said…
1. How do you rate Nimueh as a villain? She certainly is one of the most gorgeous ones that’s for sure. Who was her main target in this episode? Why? Was that her only motive?

The best. I like Michelle Ryan as Nimueh. She certainly brought the evilness of the character, IMO. And I think she would have been a better option to play Morgana than Katie because of her talent. And she is very pretty too. She and Emilia Fox are the best evil characters in Merlin. Sorry Katie!

Her main target had been obvious from the start, Merlin. Because in the episode before this, he foiled her acts and she happened to find out about him and knowing if he was still around, her plans would awry so she decides to rid him first and then get on with Uther.

2. What was Merlin’s initial reaction to the “servant” Nimueh? I think Merlin has quite a thing for pretty girls to the extent he loses some common sense. Do you agree? (Not talking about Gwen here.)

He is smitten. That much is sure. Did you all look at the way he looked at Nimueh the first time he met her? Coming from a place where all this is nothing but a dream, Merlin is certainly enjoying himself And when he actually meet Nimueh, he was besotted! But then bear in mind, Nimueh has the ability to charm the person who looks at her ... it could be enchantment as well, we don;t know.

3. Discuss the several things in this episode that let us know Gwen still had a crush on Merlin. Did you notice her reaction when he was about to drink from the cup? I think there was a lot of focus on Gwen in this episode. Do you agree? If so, why do you think that was?

This episode was rather confusing for me in terms of the arthur gwen merlin relationship. Honestly, i really didn't know where the directors were actually focusing on. I believe on one hand they are obliged with the original legend (arthur and Gwen) and the other they wanted to do a fresh take on the series and probably, just probably wanted to try out a new relationship (melin and gwen)! I am saying this because we get a jealous Gwen, a concerned gwen and a relieved gwen in this episode. And all these qualities were for Merlin not Arthur. Go, they didn't even have any sort of chemistry in this episode. And that kiss ... do i need to tell more?

4. I don’t know if this classifies as a plot hole or not, but how could Nimueh really know Merlin would end up drinking from the goblet? First of all, Arthur almost drank from it twice, only to be interrupted at the last minute. She didn’t plan those interruptions and in fact, had barely finished telling Merlin her little story when they were about to drink. Also, Lord Bayard easily could have been the one poisoned attempting to prove his innocence. There seems to be too many hitches in her plan IMO. What do you think?

Nimueh knows Uther well. She executed her plan well to have all sides intertwine with one another. Her main target was Merlin but she cannot have him drink it willingly so in comes Arthur. Merlin will do anythig for Arthur but there has to be a scapegoat; Bayard. Making him the villain at the stake of Arthur's life will put Uther on alert and she knows what Uther's reaction will be. Uther always regards servants as nothing more than his dogs so learning he will make Merlin drink it, she planned it really well. The plothole here will be the timing.

5. Discuss Arthur and Uther’s exchange over whether Arthur go and attempt to fetch the flower. How can we see, once again, that Arthur has the makings of a great king?

Like I said before, Uther regards his servants as his dogs. I am sorry for being quite blunt on this subject but his thoughts on the values of his servant's life is disturbing. If Gaius hadn't shared his secrets on the great Purge and Arthur's birth; he too would have been thrown aside. The way he kep mentioning to Arthur that he can easily find another servant paints Uther's character well. And for this alone I don't mind Morgana torturing him in the last episode of season 3.

But Arthur doesn't value the life of his servants in the same light as his father does. Or else he will not be risking his life for Merlin, later gwen, elyan, gwaine and mordred. When he disobeys his father, Arthur showed glimpses of the king he will be in the future. Just and fair. And in the forest, despite the harm, Arthur never gives up and even willing to face death to save a man's life. That's what King Arthur stands for. Brave and gallant. And upon returning, pleading to his father to save Merlin in return for his stay in the cell, that's another trait of King Arthur; humble. Bradley played his part well in this episode.

This particular line, mentioned by Gaius tells us what we can expect of Arthur in the coming episode;

Arthur may give you a hard time, but at heart he's a man of honour. There aren't many who'd have risk what he did for a servant.

6. Any thoughts on the Arthur/Morgana interaction when she encourages him into going. She uses the same methodology each time. Care to discuss? Did she have honorable motives?

She goades him through his ego. Because she knows how arrogant Arthur is. In the final scene, she even mentions, "let's the bragging begins". I guess that's how she sees him; arrogant and spoiled. And for me that could be the reason why she failed to understand her own brother. She thought him to be just like Uther and made her decision to hate him quickly. If only she saw a what good person Arthur is like Gwen did, she probably could have spared Arthur. This is just my opinion, can be wrong. :)

She knos if she strokes the right key, Arthur can be tempted and she does it well. It worked and Arthur left to save Merlin. And yes, her motives were genuinely honoroble. In season 1, Katie's decision were all for the good of the people she cared about.

7. Discuss any thoughts you may have on Arthur’s dealings with Nimueh. Was he unwise in any of it? What do we see of his honor and courage in this?

Arthur didn't know whom Nimueh was because he has not seen her before. And he helped her like he would anyone. Only it backfired him. I'd say he was courageous here.

8. What do you think of Merlin’s magic bubble trick? BTW, how did Arthur’s sword get back in the sheath? [Plot hole, hehe. See any others?]

That bubble trick was cool but I was also wondering how long he had in his hand? Did Gwen notice it? And how it she didn't come in any sooner and catch Merlin with that trick? All throughout the episode I was scared if Gwen's gonna walk in!

How come no one noticed Nimueh was among the servants in the bayard's camp? Don't tell me they don't even know their own servants?

If Gaius and Uther recognises Nimueh, why didn't they recognise her when she was in the castle?

I was wondering, if Merlin had the power to see and guide where Arthur was going to and what he is doing, why didn't Merlin use the same powers to help when Gwen is trapped in the dark tower, gwaine and percival trapped to work for Morgana, when Arthur went on the trip to retrieve the trident of thefisher king? I feel Merlin in S1 seems more powerful than the upcoming seasons.

9. How did you like the Arwen scene in the dungeon? Did you notice he said “thank you” to her? Looking ahead to 2x2 when Gwen was so disturbed by his lack of gratitude, this dungeon scene shows he wasn’t always so rude. Why do you think he was different in the 2x2 episode. [Sorry, couldn’t resist throwing in an Arwen question!] And of course we know what he said about the food being unfit here was just a part of the ruse.

I liked it even if they wasn't any chemistry in it. Arthur was clearly angry with his father and didn't know why Gwen was there. He just guessed she could help and placed the flower for her to bring back. And his guesses were right. Here he was gutted but still manages to remember his manners whereas in season 2, he was excited with his adventure until he forgot to use his manners properly.

10. So, what feelings do you have about Gwen’s kiss? There’s been much discussion of this over the years. There’s been a lot of negative feedback from her enemies about this. How do you see this kiss? Also, any opinions on Merlin’s “It’s fine. Its more than fine.”

I like the kiss. It might not be romantic but i like the prospect that Colin and Angel actually got a kissing scene, LOL! Or better, Merlin actually got to kiss Gwen first. HAHA!! But it was more like a friendly kiss to me but Merlin was enjoying it to the max. His reactions says it all.

11. Do you think the happenings in this episode was a huge jump in the Arthur/Merlin relationship.? Think about the fact that it was just three episodes ago that they met and couldn’t stand each other. Or, insofar as Arthur is concerned, do you think he would have done all this for anyone who had saved his life? Or do you think the whole thing with Merlin saving him was a bit much for this early on?

I feel the friendship was sort of hurried. But then with 13 episode per season, the directors didnt have much time to show the lengthy process of the friendship. But given to me, i would have taken the friendship in a slow process to bring more depth to their characters.

But anyway, through this episode, both arthur and merlin learn about each other well. Their opinions also wary and for the better. They have more respect for each other now.

Arthur would have done this for anyone who saved his life. That is King Arthur!

12. Is there any symbolism to that flower that you can think of? Some of you are so talented I thought I’d give your creative juices a bit of a squeeze. Also use this question as a place to talk about any lessons you see in this episode.

I'll pass this

13. Funny moments.

Cara. You're Arthur's servant. That must be such an honour.

Oh, yeah. It is. Well, you know, someone's got to keep the place running.

Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?

You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do.

My arms will be a foot longer by the time I get this lot inside.

It's character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds...a harder soul.

(knowingly) There is no way that's a proverb. You just made that up.

No. I didn't.

3. My fav!
That's disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're old enough to be her grandfather.

Merlin. You're alive.

No. I'm the ghost come back to haunt you.

I like this episode because it featured Nimueh, gwen and Merlin, arthur and gwen and good story line.
It also featured the first kiss of the series and it came from an unlikely source, Gwen and Merlin! And despite it being friendly, it was a nice scene.

But after watchng the finale, the line where Nimueh says;
"Very good. But he won't be the last. I'll let his friends finish you off, Arthur Pendragon. It's not your destiny to die at my hand."
It holds significant meaning now. When i first heard it, i know Arthur's doom will be in Mordred's hands but now, after knowing the end, this particular line holds deeper meaning than before.

But overall, a good episode with good acting from our OTP.
MISAforever commented…
You really nailed it with the funny moments! over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
And I completely agree with Nimueh's words!! So very meaningful.. over a year ago
HumbleQueen commented…
Very good point Shu on Number 8. To me Merlin had more power in this episode than I saw in all the following seasons. and for me the whole thing was a huge jump in the M/A relationship. over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
1. How do you rate Nimueh as a villain? She certainly is one of the most gorgeous ones that’s for sure. Who was her main target in this episode? Why? Was that her only motive?

--One of rare villians in the show that should have been kept for a longer time. For her crucial role, she didn't have nearly enough sceen time. And Michelle was really good so it was a pleasure to watch her!

2. What was Merlin’s initial reaction to the “servant” Nimueh? I think Merlin has quite a thing for pretty girls to the extent he loses some common sense. Do you agree? (Not talking about Gwen here.)

-- I don't believe he was enchanted at all. He was a young man, to have a crush on girls is all normal.. And he was so cute!

3. Discuss the several things in this episode that let us know Gwen still had a crush on Merlin. Did you notice her reaction when he was about to drink from the cup? I think there was a lot of focus on Gwen in this episode. Do you agree? If so, why do you think that was?

-- I agree with Shu here. Writors were over their head with Merlin/Gwen. These two have no romatic chemistry, but a very strong friendship, and when I saw they were for a while going in that first direction, it didn't make any sense. I look at that kiss as the most unromantic kiss I've ever seen. But there were cute, I give them that!

4. I don’t know if this classifies as a plot hole or not, but how could Nimueh really know Merlin would end up drinking from the goblet? First of all, Arthur almost drank from it twice, only to be interrupted at the last minute. She didn’t plan those interruptions and in fact, had barely finished telling Merlin her little story when they were about to drink. Also, Lord Bayard easily could have been the one poisoned attempting to prove his innocence. There seems to be too many hitches in her plan IMO. What do you think?

--Good one! For me, it always felt she was going to do something and then see how that turns out. If not well, she would make a new plan. Though it is sort of a plot hole. I just try not to look at it that way.

5. Discuss Arthur and Uther’s exchange over whether Arthur go and attempt to fetch the flower. How can we see, once again, that Arthur has the makings of a great king?

--He follows his heart and what he believes to be right. There is no better making of a great king!

6. Any thoughts on the Arthur/Morgana interaction when she encourages him into going. She uses the same methodology each time. Care to discuss? Did she have honorable motives?

-- I actually believe she had. Though it was boring to see her reapeat herself. I guess she didn't knew him well enough to use a different one.

7. Discuss any thoughts you may have on Arthur’s dealings with Nimueh. Was he unwise in any of it? What do we see of his honor and courage in this?

-- He was acting knight-ly. Unwise to follow a stranger blindly, yes, but I don't think he had much option.

9. How did you like the Arwen scene in the dungeon? Did you notice he said “thank you” to her? Looking ahead to 2x2 when Gwen was so disturbed by his lack of gratitude, this dungeon scene shows he wasn’t always so rude. Why do you think he was different in the 2x2 episode. [Sorry, couldn’t resist throwing in an Arwen question!] And of course we know what he said about the food being unfit here was just a part of the ruse.

--As i always, I enjoyed the smallest of their interactions. They were sort of united, and it was sweet. And I always remember that BTS picture! :D

10. So, what feelings do you have about Gwen’s kiss? There’s been much discussion of this over the years. There’s been a lot of negative feedback from her enemies about this. How do you see this kiss? Also, any opinions on Merlin’s “It’s fine. Its more than fine.”

--I partly already answered this and I don't want to reapeat myself. It was definitely friendly. She thought her friend died and she was overwhelmed. And he was a boy so of course he wouldn't mind!

11. Do you think the happenings in this episode was a huge jump in the Arthur/Merlin relationship.? Think about the fact that it was just three episodes ago that they met and couldn’t stand each other. Or, insofar as Arthur is concerned, do you think he would have done all this for anyone who had saved his life? Or do you think the whole thing with Merlin saving him was a bit much for this early on?

-- I think of it as Arthur showing his values as the once and future king more than I think of as the advance in the friendship. However, it was defintely that. Little rushed, but they guys pulled it well so I didn't mind a lot.

12. Is there any symbolism to that flower that you can think of? Some of you are so talented I thought I’d give your creative juices a bit of a squeeze. Also use this question as a place to talk about any lessons you see in this episode.

-- i was never good a symbols LOL I would say, at least for me, it symbolizes the hard road you must go through to do the right thing no matter the obstacles are in the way. And that, in the end, it is all worth it.
HumbleQueen commented…
Good answers all around, Joppa. I asked Number 11 because it was eating at me through that whole back and forth scene with Arthur in the cave and Merlin guiding him and Arthur going through all that already in the relationship. So I have to take it that way. He was showing his values as a person worthy to be the great king of legend, not so much that their friendship was that deep. And Merlin having those kinds of powers then but not later .... But it was fun to watch and on the edge of your seat exciting! over a year ago
sportyshuie commented…
yeah ... good ones joppa. Agree with all especially question 1 over a year ago
over a year ago HumbleQueen said…
Shu, You are so good at finding the funny dialogues. I particularly laughed at Merlin when he said that "disgusting" line when he came back alive.

For *9, one thing I was getting at was that in 2x2 I think a big part of the problem was that Arthur was fighting this attraction he was feeling for Gwen by then and was trying to be all macho to override it. For instance in that one scene when she was standing there looking at him after asking him about why he was pretending to not be himself, watch how he's looking at her and you can tell she's getting to him with that looks and he gets up and starts talking about a bath, but what is happening is that he's out of whack and as a result not functioning as he should. He was not always so rude IMO. That stretching thing was to offset his lack of composure. We'll talk more about that if we ever do 2x2. Even if we don't do Season 2, I want to do that episode!!!!
sportyshuie commented…
Yeah nanna .. makes sense. And i thought he was all excited with his adventure that he seems to have forgotten his manners. Yes, i noticed that look as well. And i liked the way they both looked at each other. Blushes, blushes!!! And what do you mean by if we ever do season 2?. We wil carry on till season 5 nanna. I dont care how many moderators or followers we have. Even if i have to do this rewatch thing on my own, i will still carry on till season 5!! I am having fun and this is really a therapy for me. It's allowing me to forget that awful feeling i had after the finale. I want this to continue. over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I'm with you Shu xxoo over a year ago
HumbleQueen commented…
LOL, Shu! Yes, there is a lot that's therapeutic about this thing! Good thing is no one feels pressure to do anything except when they feel like it. over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Definitely with you Shu! over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Sorry Nanna I haven't watched the episode or responded to people's amazing thoughts. I will do it by the next episode I swear. I keep getting distracted by tumblr and Angel in Dancing On The Edge.
HumbleQueen commented…
I can understand that, Millie! I saw all those photos you and Stacey put up! Wow. over a year ago
sportyshuie commented…
hhhehee .... oh that's why we didn't hear from you millie. It's all right. Next up is my episode, LANCELOT and i bet you will have your lovely answers ready because i am dying to hear them. over a year ago
sportyshuie commented…
I haven't watch DOTE yet but angel is GORGEOUS! And i hear the reviews been good about her. over a year ago
over a year ago sportyshuie said…
Ok, one final review about this episode before i do mine next. I was wondering if anyone of you all noticed or not ... Uther's knights of the round table are all old and less pretty like himself whereas Arthur's are all young and sexy like him. Joppa, i'm expecting your answer, lol!
MISAforever commented…
I wouldn't know. i really never paid attention to those things. my eyes can see only one man! But now that you say it... Another great thing about Arthur being a king!!!! :D over a year ago
HumbleQueen commented…
Hey, have to check that out. Didn't notice. I do notice more women around. Maids walking around; at the various events, etc. over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Nanna! Just a question. are we allowed to respond to these posts even after the week for watching it is over? I'm planning to watch this episode this weekend as well as 1x05 & 1x06 (which is my episode next after 1x05).
HumbleQueen commented…
Of course, Millie!! You can respond six months after if you want. Ten years from now if it floats your boat! LOL over a year ago
over a year ago Arina0122 said…
1. How do you rate Nimueh as a villain? She certainly is one of the most gorgeous ones that’s for sure. Who was her main target in this episode? Why? Was that her only motive?

I rated Nimueh a 9. A true villain you love to hate. She was still fighting the war with Uther. Uther is under the impression that the war is over, but not Nimueh. Nimueh main target was Merlin. She believed that Merlin would get in her way of revenge on Uther. She is still trying to destroy Uther and Camelot and anyone that gets in the way of that plan.

2. What was Merlin’s initial reaction to the “servant” Nimueh? I think Merlin has quite a thing for pretty girls to the extent he loses some common sense. Do you agree? (Not talking about Gwen here.)

Merlin’s reaction was that of any young man that is not used to seeing pretty girls. He may have not looked at Gwen the way he looked at some of the other girls, but I think one reason he stood up to Arthur the second time was because Gwen had said everyone thought he was a hero when he stood up to Arthur.

3. Discuss the several things in this episode that let us know Gwen still had a crush on Merlin. Did you notice her reaction when he was about to drink from the cup? I think there was a lot of focus on Gwen in this episode. Do you agree? If so, why do you think that was?

The way she was looking at him, while he was looking at Kara/Nimueh and then she walked away when he talked about how pretty she was. Gwen face was down casted as she walked and stood by Gaius. Gwen was as worried about Merlin here and she was about Arthur when he was fighting Valiant. Yes, I would agree there was a great deal of focus on her in this episode. Actually all three of them; Arthur, Gwen and Merlin and I think this is when Gwen started seeing more of the man inside of Arthur.

4. I don’t know if this classifies as a plot hole or not, but how could Nimueh really know Merlin would end up drinking from the goblet? First of all, Arthur almost drank from it twice, only to be interrupted at the last minute. She didn’t plan those interruptions and in fact, had barely finished telling Merlin her little story when they were about to drink. Also, Lord Bayard easily could have been the one poisoned attempting to prove his innocence. There seems to be too many hitches in her plan IMO. What do you think?

I am not sure if it a plot hole or not, but I agree there was no way to know that Merlin would end up drinking from the goblet. Maybe since she knows a little of Arthur’s destiny she wasn’t worried. Maybe she did not care, remember she just want to destroy Uther by any means. It was the best laid plan, but it was a plan that could have been win, win, win. Merlin drinks it, he’s dead. Uther kills Bayard there is a war. Arthur drinks it, he dies. Merlin says Bayard poison the goblet. War. Bayard drinks it, dies. War.

5. Discuss Arthur and Uther’s exchange over whether Arthur go and attempt to fetch the flower. How can we see, once again, that Arthur has the makings of a great king?

How about the fact that Arthur and Bayard was both willing to drink from the goblet instead of Merlin, but know Uther wanted the man that saved his son’s life and is saving is son’s life again to drink and die. Uther is heartless and only cares for what he wants and he is still trying to make Arthur into what he is and not allow Arthur to think on his own. Arthur is showing loyalty to someone who saved him and he wants the opportunity to return that loyalty. Arthur doesn’t believe anyone life is above another’s.

6. Any thoughts on the Arthur/Morgana interaction when she encourages him into going. She uses the same methodology each time. Care to discuss? Did she have honorable motives?

I liked what she said. Sometimes you have to do what’s right and dam the consequences. In these early days Morgana motives were honorable. She believed Arthur could do it.

7. Discuss any thoughts you may have on Arthur’s dealings with Nimueh. Was he unwise in any of it? What do we see of his honor and courage in this?

Arthur’s dealing with Nimueh is the way he will always deal with a lady in distress. Help them. He is a knight and duty and honor bonded to defend the weak. To him she is to defend and it is his duty. Unwise to trust a stranger, yes, but she was a defenseless woman in his eyes.

8. What do you think of Merlin’s magic bubble trick? BTW, how did Arthur’s sword get back in the sheath? [Plot hole, hehe. See any others?]

First of all, how did Merlin even see what was going on to know it was a trap and that Arthur needed light to guide him. Indeed, that was some powerful magic. BTW, Arthur put his sword back in the sheath. But the plot hole to me here is why did Arthur trust this bubble light; it was magic and he was raised to hate and fear magic.

9. How did you like the Arwen scene in the dungeon? Did you notice he said “thank you” to her? Looking ahead to 2x2 when Gwen was so disturbed by his lack of gratitude, this dungeon scene shows he wasn’t always so rude. Why do you think he was different in the 2x2 episode. [Sorry, couldn’t resist throwing in an Arwen question!] And of course we know what he said about the food being unfit here was just a part of the ruse.

Let’s start with Gwen POV – she knows Arthur is great warrior, but here she sees a man disobey his father and risk his own life for a servant. She most likely has never seen this side of him before. Arthur POV – he knows that if Gwen is caught she could end up in the dungeon herself. She is disobeying the order of the King. Arthur knows this and he most likely takes notice. They both have joined together somewhat to save someone they each care about. The thank you here is not for the food; it is for helping me help Merlin. They both know why she is there and it has nothing to do with the food. In 2x2, Arthur has probably never stayed some place where he wasn’t taken care of. Remember this is all about him proving himself. I could say more about 2x2, but I will wait.

10. So, what feelings do you have about Gwen’s kiss? There’s been much discussion of this over the years. There’s been a lot of negative feedback from her enemies about this. How do you see this kiss? Also, any opinions on Merlin’s “It’s fine. Its more than fine.”

The kiss, well, I liked it. I believe it was the first kiss for both. Gwen seems a little embarrassed after the kiss and a little shy. As far as the enemies are concerned they would use anything, so they don’t count. It was an innocent kiss, please Gaius was right there. Merlin’s a guy and a pretty girl just kissed him. Friend or not you got to feel something. The look said that was nice, I liked it. Whether, they were going to go beyond that was another story.

11. Do you think the happenings in this episode was a huge jump in the Arthur/Merlin relationship.? Think about the fact that it was just three episodes ago that they met and couldn’t stand each other. Or, insofar as Arthur is concerned, do you think he would have done all this for anyone who had saved his life? Or do you think the whole thing with Merlin saving him was a bit much for this early on?

I think it was a huge jump in the insight of Arthur’s character. He defended Merlin in the last episode and now he takes another step by risking his life to save Merlin. I believe they got beyond the; I hate you stage in episode 2 and now moving forward in the friendship stage. Arthur would try and save anyone life that saved his, but I still think that there is more to their relationship.

12. Is there any symbolism to that flower that you can think of? Some of you are so talented I thought I’d give your creative juices a bit of a squeeze. Also use this question as a place to talk about any lessons you see in this episode.

I am going to leave this one alone for this episode.

The major plot hole I see in this episode is that Nimueh rode her horse right out of Camelot and no one stopped her. The guards just let her pass. Everyone thinks Bayard had just tried to poison Arthur and they let her get away. However, when the prince of Camelot rides out they try to stop him. SMH
HumbleQueen commented…
Arina, loads of good insight here. For Number 4, I see what you mean. It was win/win for Nimueh all around . She could not lose could she? Oh and I love your perspectives on Arthur and Gwen in the dungeon. That's true....maybe he was thanking her for helping since yes, they both knew why she was there. over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
3 months later and I'm finally here to answer these questions!

1. How do you rate Nimueh as a villain? She certainly is one of the most gorgeous ones that’s for sure. Who was her main target in this episode? Why? Was that her only motive?

She wasn't too bad and certainly manipulated Merlin and Arthur well. But for me, I think she was better (and performed better) in her next appearances. I believe that Merlin was her target as she told him about the goblet. However, I think her secondary motive was to create a war between Bayard's lands and Uther's as well. After all that is what she craves the most - destroying Uther and Camelot. And later we find out why she is bitter towards Uther.

2. What was Merlin’s initial reaction to the “servant” Nimueh? I think Merlin has quite a thing for pretty girls to the extent he loses some common sense. Do you agree? (Not talking about Gwen here.)

Merlin certainly finds himself attracted to Nimueh or Clara and doesn't realize that he shouldn't trust someone he has not met for very long. But then I do think that it's not so much because he was attracted to her, but rather because Merlin is a person who listens and is willing to help anyone.

3. Discuss the several things in this episode that let us know Gwen still had a crush on Merlin. Did you notice her reaction when he was about to drink from the cup? I think there was a lot of focus on Gwen in this episode. Do you agree? If so, why do you think that was?

Gwen definitely cares for Merlin and still has a crush on him and we clearly see this with her reactions when he was about to drink from the goblet and when they were waiting for Arthur to return with the flower. There was a focus on Gwen and her determination to help save Merlin, not only because she fancies him at the time, but rather because she cares for him and would do anything for the people she cares for.

4. I don’t know if this classifies as a plot hole or not, but how could Nimueh really know Merlin would end up drinking from the goblet? First of all, Arthur almost drank from it twice, only to be interrupted at the last minute. She didn’t plan those interruptions and in fact, had barely finished telling Merlin her little story when they were about to drink. Also, Lord Bayard easily could have been the one poisoned attempting to prove his innocence. There seems to be too many hitches in her plan IMO. What do you think?

Well, earlier on Arthur mentions Bayard's tendency to go on in his speeches. So one could assume that this is a known fact about him that a lot of people would know, especially a high priestess would know this or have the means to find that out. We know she is able to spy on Camelot through magic. She also knew what Bayard intended to give Uther and Arthur as gifts which is how she decided to sabotage it. So I actually don't think it is a plot hole for the reasons I mentioned, but rather Nimueh knew Bayard and luck was on her side.

5. Discuss Arthur and Uther’s exchange over whether Arthur go and attempt to fetch the flower. How can we see, once again, that Arthur has the makings of a great king?

Through these interactions I think we see that Arthur and Uther are different in many ways. Arthur is very grateful for Merlin saving his life and unlike his father who accepts that people will do that and moves on, Arthur - on the other hand, wants to do something to save him, not because he is grateful (he is), but because he values his life. He even says to Uther 'Is his life so worthless?" which Uther responds to by saying that his life is worth less than that of a prince. You can tell that Arthur disagrees with this, that deep down he values everyone in the kingdom. He tries to hide this behind his arrogance and bravado, but its there. And this is why he will make such a great king because he respects each and every person in his kingdom and would do anything to protect them.

6. Any thoughts on the Arthur/Morgana interaction when she encourages him into going. She uses the same methodology each time. Care to discuss? Did she have honorable motives?

Well, I definitely get the brotherly-sister vibe from their scenes and growing up with Arthur, Morgana has seen how Uther is with Arthur and wants him to make his own decisions. Be his own man and stand up to Uther like she does. Of course at this time Merlin and Gwen aren't his confidantes and so it falls to Morgana to give Arthur the push he needs to do something about it. On the other hand, Morgana does have the tendency to not consider the consequences or discuss other options when she gives her advice, which is very reflective of her personality. We will very much see this later on in a few episodes that she acts rashly and rather emotionally.

7. Discuss any thoughts you may have on Arthur’s dealings with Nimueh. Was he unwise in any of it? What do we see of his honor and courage in this?

Well when he sees a woman crying and all bruised, Arthur acts honorably and kindly by helping her and promising not to leave her alone. Sure, he didn't know that he was being played, but he was acting on what he saw - a poor defenseless, injured woman and he wasn't going to leave her on her own.

8. What do you think of Merlin’s magic bubble trick? BTW, how did Arthur’s sword get back in the sheath? [Plot hole, hehe. See any others?]

I thought that was cool and one of my criticisms of later series is the lack of diversity when it comes to the spells Merlin performs. It seems in series 3,4 and 5 there was a lot of throwing people etc which started to get boring. Anyway, back to the magic used here, it really showed the extent of Merlin's powers that he could perform such a powerful spell while sick. It also proved that Merlin and Arthur are linked as the dragon mentions to Merlin on many occasions.

9. How did you like the Arwen scene in the dungeon? Did you notice he said “thank you” to her? Looking ahead to 2x2 when Gwen was so disturbed by his lack of gratitude, this dungeon scene shows he wasn’t always so rude. Why do you think he was different in the 2x2 episode. [Sorry, couldn’t resist throwing in an Arwen question!] And of course we know what he said about the food being unfit here was just a part of the ruse.

I loved it because finally Gwen and Arthur are in the same room and Arthur is all hot in the dungeons and they are both wearing red... Anyway, back to the question, I think that Arthur either was acting as part of the plan (he worked out that Gwen was there to get the flower) or he was having a moment when he felt like saying thank you. We know that Arthur will do something very kind and considerate, before hiding it because of his father's expectations of how he should be.

10. So, what feelings do you have about Gwen’s kiss? There’s been much discussion of this over the years. There’s been a lot of negative feedback from her enemies about this. How do you see this kiss? Also, any opinions on Merlin’s “It’s fine. Its more than fine.”

Man, I've always believed that Gwen was just so relieved that Merlin survived that she kissed him. That and she did have a little crush on him so that may have played a small part. Really, the Gwen haters hate anything that Gwen does, but really she is a young woman and felt the urge to kiss him and she did. Merlin's comment for me is hard to analysis. It could mean that he didn't mind the kiss from Gwen (because he may have feelings for her) or it could have meant that he rarely gets that much attention from beautiful girls who kiss him spontaneously and he likes the attention.

11. Do you think the happenings in this episode was a huge jump in the Arthur/Merlin relationship.? Think about the fact that it was just three episodes ago that they met and couldn’t stand each other. Or, in so far as Arthur is concerned, do you think he would have done all this for anyone who had saved his life? Or do you think the whole thing with Merlin saving him was a bit much for this early on?

Well I think the circumstances played a huge part, as well as the fact that slowly I think Arthur and Merlin are getting to know each other and even like each other. They wouldn't admit that of course. But what happens in this episode shows Merlin how much Arthur would do for anyone and Arthur saw how dedicated Merlin was to serving and protecting him. So no, I don't feel like it was a bit much.

12. Is there any symbolism to that flower that you can think of? Some of you are so talented I thought I’d give your creative juices a bit of a squeeze. Also use this question as a place to talk about any lessons you see in this episode.

Nope, can't think of anything. But as to the lessons in the episode, for me there were two. The first lesson was to respect people and treat them honorably and as worthy people. The second one I learnt was to always consider the consequences when making any rash decision or plan.
HumbleQueen commented…
Well, well, WELL. How do you do there, Millie, lol. Wonderful answers at that. Now you've made me miss them and I think I need to watch an episode of some sort. I've been away from my Arwen quite a while now. :) over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Thanks Nanna! And hello! You've not been around much and you've been missed! Well we have to organise the series 2 re-watch then. What do you think? over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I am waiting for it! But i understand life's been busy lately! over a year ago