Arthur and Gwen Rewatching Merlin 1x06 - "The Remedy To Cure All Ills"

ellarose88 posted on Feb 15, 2013 at 09:26PM
Now that the show has ended let’s go back and rewatch the episodes with a whole new perspective. We have watched the characters develop and gotten to know them well. Some we love more than others, but now our perspectives have changed as we know how everything turns out. Let’s have fun looking at the story unfold with our new perspectives from when we first watched the respective episodes. (Thanks to the folks over at tvdotcom for ideas we’ve borrowed from them.)

Moderators for Season 1:

Rules are as follows:

I. We are getting started with 1x01 on Saturday, January 12, 2013 and a new forum will be opened every following Saturday. Moderators will post following the order in the list above to open threads and we’ll be watching the episodes in sequence. We will then be watching the last episode of Season 1 (1x13) on the week beginning April 6th.

II. Every moderator opening a rewatching thread should copy and paste the information in this entry (Introduction, List of moderators, Rules and Master List) at the top. That way, keeping track of the turns and our progress will be easier and also having the rules at hand will be useful for those who may have decided to join us part way through.

III. Everyone opening a rewatching thread is responsible for reminding the next person in the list to do the same the following Saturday (sending a pm on Friday should do it).

IV. Anyone not being able to open a thread on a particular Saturday can swap turns with the next person in the list (or anyone else) as long as they keep track of their respective turns.

V. People taking part can jump in with comments, but just because you watch and comment on a particular episode does not mean it’s compulsory to watch every single episode to be a part of this rewatching.

VI. Anyone is most welcome to join at any time. Also, new moderators will be added to the list when we get them.

VII. If you don’t have dvd’s or subscribe to Netflix or Amazon Prime, the first four seasons are available free (with ads) on hulu: link

Also famfan suggested link

VIII. Constructive criticism of characters/actors is always in order, but please no bashing.

IX. Let’s have fun down memory lane. Be inspired to do fanfics, fanvids, and fanart.

Here’s a master list of a twelve items we’ll be looking for in all episodes. The moderator will post the lists (as filled in) at her convenience. Anybody can suggest any they see though. Mods will also be posting their own questions for discussion.

a. Anything that has to do with Arwen.
b. Lives saved.
c. R.I.P. list.
d. Who spent time in the dungeon?
e. Times Arthur is knocked unconscious or prevented from knowing about Merlin's magic
f. Great dragon predictions/riddles.
g. Statements about Arthur becoming the great king of legend.
h. What Uther says about magic.
i. Progress or resets in Arthur/Merlin relationship
j. Guest star special characters.
k. Morgana dreams.
l. Knights of the round table appearances.
m. Funny moments or dialogues
Now that the show has ended let’s go back and rewatch the episodes with a whole new perspective. We

Arthur and Gwen 10 replies

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over a year ago ellarose88 said…
big smile
I'll be honest, I haven't watched this episode yet (or 1x04 and 1x05), so the questions are based on what I remember and have read in the episode description on-line. I will definitely watch this episode though (and the others) this week, I hope!

Here are the questions: (remember you don't have to answer them all)

1. What are your thoughts on this week's villain?

2. Do you think that Edwin's plan to cause Morgana's illness, resulting in Gaius being removed as physician and himself being granted the position so he could kill the King was a good plan? Where did it go wrong?

3. Once Gaius discovered who Edwin was and what happened to his family in the Great Purge, did you any feel sympathy towards him? Do you agree with his actions in wanting revenge by killing Uther?

4. Do you think Uther acted too harshly and quickly in removing Gaius despite his years of service and loyalty? Or was Uther acting out of his concern for Morgana?

5. Knowing now that Uther is indeed Morgana's father, do you think his concern for her was more than it should have been?

6. What are your thoughts on Merlin/Gaius's relationship in this episode?

7. Do you think Gaius gave up too easily in deciding to leave Camelot without staying and trying to prove Edwin's true intentions? Or was he right to leave to protect Merlin's secret?

8. What did you think of the speech Gwen delivered to Gaius before he left? Do you think this played a huge role in Gaius changing his mind and returning to Camelot?

9. Make any comments on any of the other characters or interactions that you wish to discuss.

10. Do you think there were any lessons or morals in this episode? If so, what were they?

Have fun re-watching!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HumbleQueen said…
Ok. Thanks, Millie. Miss you guys, esp as I read all this. As I just wrote you and Shu about my many distractions and the death of my friend, I'm hoping things settle down for me soon and I can concentrate. Right now my head is still not working too well (not that it ever did) but I look forward to jumping back in asap. Good job. Good questions.

You did these questions without rewatching. You're good. You must have a great memory.
sportyshuie commented…
nanna ... i wrote you back. I am just glad you are around because like joppa commented, i was getting worried about your absence. :) over a year ago
sportyshuie commented…
Millie, good questions. I haven't watch the episode yet. Will do tomorrow and jump right in after that. About your suggestions earlier on, i like it and wrote back to you. Catch ya all tomorow. Have a good day nanna and millie as well as joppa, arina and everyone who comes here. over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
I'm glad you like my questions Nanna and Shu. I'm gonba actually try and watch 1.04 - 1.06 tonight and tomorrow. Shu: I got your email. I'll respond to it tomorrow. over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Nanna, I am so sorry about your friend...I am sure things will feel better soon. xxxoo Just take your time, we're not going anywhere! over a year ago
over a year ago Arina0122 said…
1.What are your thoughts on this week's villain?

He was evil and practice dark magic, like his parents. He said he wanted revenge on Uther for killing his parents, but he told Merlin that with Uther dead; he could rule the kingdom and be all powerful with Merlin by his side. Like most villains it’s about the power. He was confident and sure of himself and a bit arrogant.

2.Do you think that Edwin's plan to cause Morgana's illness, resulting in Gaius being removed as physician and himself being granted the position so he could kill the King was a good plan? Where did it go wrong?

Yes, I believe this was a well thought out plan. He knew Uther and which buttons to push and he had the skills to carry out the plan. He did not count on Gaius figuring out who his was and then coming back and trying to do the right thing. He also, underestimated Merlin's power and the relationship between Merlin and Gaius.

3.Once Gaius discovered who Edwin was and what happened to his family in the Great Purge, did you any feel sympathy towards him? Do you agree with his actions in wanting revenge by killing Uther?

It is always sad to hear that a child sees his parents burned to death, but it does not justify his actions now.

4.Do you think Uther acted too harshly and quickly in removing Gaius despite his years of service and loyalty? Or was Uther acting out of his concern for Morgana?

Yes, considering Gaius was and is loyal and he has known him for years and almost all of his secrets, he was faithful to Uther even when Uther was wrong and had him do thungs he did not want to do. Uther listen to a man, he just met. No, Uther was not acting out of concern for Morgana. Uther is a harsh and hard man who cared little for loyalty, as we see time and time again.

5.Knowing now that Uther is indeed Morgana's father, do you think his concern for her was more than it should have been?

No, his concern is as it should be for his daughter and someone he raised as a daughter even, had that not been true.

6. What are your thoughts on Merlin/Gaius's relationship in this episode?

Just what they said, a deep and loving father/son relationship and when Gaius was leaving and Merlin wanted to go was so emotional.

7.Do you think Gaius gave up too easily in deciding to leave Camelot without staying and trying to prove Edwin's true intentions? Or was he right to leave to protect Merlin's secret?

Yes, I think he should have told Merlin the truth and they could have worked it out together. Edwin did not have any proof that Merlin had magic, but Gaius could prove who he was. Gaius seems to take the easy way out a lot.

8. What did you think of the speech Gwen delivered to Gaius before he left? Do you think this played a huge role in Gaius changing his mind and returning to Camelot?

I loved Gwen in this episode. She was the only one to sees Edwin for what he really was, beside Gaius who had prior knowledge of Edwin and his background. Gwen is right and yes I think it had a lot to do with Gaius changing his mind. I also, think he was tired of as they said turning a blind eye to wrongs.

9. Make any comments on any of the other characters or interactions that you wish to discuss.

I am still paying attention to what the dragon says. He told Gaius this:
He (Merlin) and the young Pendragon, one day will unite the land of Albion. Their time can not come until his (Uther's) has passed.

10. Do you think there were any lessons or morals in this episode? If so, what were they?

Yes, you always have a choice in life and even when it’s hard doing the right thing is still the best choice. Don't lie to yourself by saying you have no choice in order to take the easy way out.
over a year ago sportyshuie said…
My answers ...

1. Edwin was good actually because he was smart. Well, at least in the beginning until Merlin foiled his plans. He came with a motive, sought the King's trust and finally had his plan working by removing Gaius and attempting to kill the king. I liked the way he went about his plans. Watching him weave his way through the plan made me angry, bitter, anxious and also sad ... we should be at the edge of the seat when a villain is almost winning the bet and that's what Edwin's character did. So ... he did well.

2. Like i said above, he planned his plan well and got through almost to the end if it wasn't for Merlin. He wanted revenge and though they mentioned he was in Camelot for Uther, i believe he also wanted to hurt Gaius because the physician had been with Uther during the great Purge. And for me that was the mistake. He didnt know Merlin and about his powers. So he underestimated the latter. That's why he lost in the end. Edwin should have done with Uther be gone, yet he tried to kill Gaius and paid the price for that.

3. Who wouldn't? I mean we all know what a tyrant Uther is and the great Purge is one of the proof of his tyranny. Even Arthur had been a victim of that tyranny for which he pays the price in season 4 and redeems himself. So whenever a victim walks into Camelot with revenge on their mind, they get our sympaythy first. But as they go on to hurt the others, that's when we disaprove of their actions. I always sympathised Uther's villains because I know they are after him for something he caused them. And for most of the time, I agreed with them trying to kill Uther. Only when Arthur is king did i change my side.

4. Uther sometimes can be distracted by the simplest of details. Yes, Morgana is your daughter but Gaius is your friend, your ally and the only one who knows who the hell is MORGANA!!! He trusts his foe easily which makes him a king with no intergrity. Unlike Arthur who stood by his servant till the end, Uther tried to remove Gaius, execute him and fails to listen to Gaius on many occasion. So i would say he was hasty in removing Gaius. Gaius is the only one who knows about Uther's secret and that man was keeping it safe all these years ... yet, Uther discards Gaius like a tool without even concerning what they've shared all this while. That goes to say a lot about Uther ...

5. Uther always had a soft spot for Morgana and knowing that it was his daughter, he played it really well. SO his feelings are justifiable.

6. Progressed to be more of a father son relationship. Merlin never had a father so for him to have someone to look up to and suddenly face the prospect of losing him as well is very emotional to watch. This is one of the episodes where Merlin begins to realise how important Gaius is to him.

The rest tomorrow ..
last edited over a year ago
My answers ...

1. Edwin was good actually because he was smart. Well, at least in the beginning un
over a year ago HumbleQueen said…
Hey there my sweeties. Thanks for your good wishes about the death of my friend and believe it or not they still haven't had the funeral which is Friday. Long time and I'll be glad to have it behind us. I do feel much better now and there was an emotional time before when she was so sick, so it's been quite a thing.

Anyway, I did have time to watch half of the episode, but now I had promised my daughter to watch a movie with her tonight so I better wait until tomorrow to finish. HoweverI did want to talk about the first question for a minute. You see, Edwin for some reason is a favorite villain for me. I think he is one of the most crafty and cool ones ever. He's so calm and for me. really comes across as caring and compassionate. I mean he really doesn't seem as "phony" as some of them. And as to where I am now in the story, he really does seem to like Merlin in earnest. You know, I don't remember this episode so well and I forget how things unfold so I look forward to finishing it. I don't hate Edwin though, but I am so creeped out by those bugs. Yuck. I was trying to watch while eating lunch and had to turn it off because it was turning my stomach. So I'm saying I kind of like the guy so far. I know I won't long though...

From the master list--
Guest Star special characters:
Julian Rhind-Tutt as Edwin Muirden
(Never heard of this actor but maybe other have)
MISAforever commented…
I've never like Edwin, but now when you say this I'll pay closer attention this time! over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
1. What are your thoughts on this week's villain?
--I hated the bugs! And Edwin's burnt face wasn't much better.. But he was a good villian. I liked him better at the beginning of the episode. But later, when he tried to make Merlin join him, he didn't feel as a real villian any more. I don't like the ones that are hungry for power, but the ones who fight for what they believe is right. Even though they couldn't be more wrong.

2. Do you think that Edwin's plan to cause Morgana's illness, resulting in Gaius being removed as physician and himself being granted the position so he could kill the King was a good plan? Where did it go wrong?
--It was certainly an original plan. Quite a smrt one as well. But when you're led by hate and anger, and power, there are million things that could go wrong. He was blinded and didn't see some things that were clear as a day. And for one, that was Merlin's good heart.

3. Once Gaius discovered who Edwin was and what happened to his family in the Great Purge, did you any feel sympathy towards him? Do you agree with his actions in wanting revenge by killing Uther?
--I felt sympathy for a poor boy whose parents were killed, but not for the evil man who tried to get his revange. He became as bad as Uther.

4. Do you think Uther acted too harshly and quickly in removing Gaius despite his years of service and loyalty? Or was Uther acting out of his concern for Morgana?
--Oh definitely. Uther usually acted harshly. Also Gauis was his friend so that only made it worse. I don't think it was only concern about Morgana, but Camelot in general. And I understand that point of view, as he was the king who ruled with his head, not with his heart.

5. Knowing now that Uther is indeed Morgana's father, do you think his concern for her was more than it should have been?
--Perhaps yes, perhaps not. I didn't think it was strange as he always made her special. But I thought it was just something he did.

6. What are your thoughts on Merlin/Gaius's relationship in this episode?
--It was nice to see progress it to something more, something deeper. They didn't know each other that well and yet they bonded. I liked that.

7. Do you think Gaius gave up too easily in deciding to leave Camelot without staying and trying to prove Edwin's true intentions? Or was he right to leave to protect Merlin's secret?
--I definitely think he gave up way too easily. He just left. I looked at it as an act of a coward. He knew what he was up to, and it was his duty to act.

8. What did you think of the speech Gwen delivered to Gaius before he left? Do you think this played a huge role in Gaius changing his mind and returning to Camelot?
--I absoultely loved Gwen!!! It's actually one of my favorite quotes!! And I think it made difference. She was right and he knew she was.

9. Make any comments on any of the other characters or interactions that you wish to discuss.
--Arthur was hot!! LOL Shallow me had to speak up!

10. Do you think there were any lessons or morals in this episode? If so, what were they?
-- As I said previously, Gwen's little speech was the most important lesson...
HumbleQueen commented…
Love your answers Joppa. Especially what you said about Gwen and her quote. That was one of her best quotes ever. In life we do always have a choice and definitely, that was the lesson of the episode. Also, I liked what you said about Uther. He always ruled with his head rather than his heart. over a year ago
over a year ago HumbleQueen said…
This was a good Gaius episode and in answer to No. 7 I think this was well played by Richard as I really entered into the difficulty of his decision. And sometimes doing the right thing is hardest and may take some time for us to have the courage to do it. And his love for Merlin made it all the more difficult of course. I can understand as a mom how hard it would be to do the right thing if it jeopardized the safety of my child. But stepping aside and allowing evil to have its way is never the right course, so I'm glad he finally came back to try to do that hard thing. What a statement by Kilgarrah when he told Gaius "Then turn a blind eye. That, after all, is your talent." Ouch. I would never want that to be true of me.

And by the way. For the life of me I don't know why I forgot that Gaius had ever spoken one on one with the dragon in the same way as Merlin. Does it happen again? And how about the GD repeating the uniting of Albion prediction again.

I just wrote and told Millie I wasn't going to answer any more this week but here I am doing what I said I couldn't. At any rate I hope to be back Saturday to post the next episode but to let everyone know, it will be later in the day than usual.

Carry on, guys.
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Great responses guys! God, I still haven't watched this episode (or the two before). Got caught up with working, catching up with a friend and now a fic battle at ag-fics. But I'll do it soon!
over a year ago sportyshuie said…
Resuming my answers from where I left ...

7. Well, gaius's action can be interpreted in both ways. He can be a coward and yet a protector. He knows what Edwin will do to save his own self and for the sake of Merlin, Gaius decides to leave. Yet that was cowardly because he underestimated Merlin and himself. Nothing is impossible and he fails to realise that.

8. Yes, it did. I am so happy that once in a while, Gwen gets to say pivotal lines such as this that sort of makes or breaks a character. And here, the line is important to Gaius because he cames back home, to where he is needed.

9. I like to comment on the conversation between Gaius and kilgarrah.

Hello? It is me, Gaius.

How old a man can become and yet change so little.

You have not changed either.

Twenty years, almost a lifetime to make the short journey back to where you began.

I'm not here for myself.

The boy?

You know about Merlin?

You have struggled against his destiny, but you can no more prevent it than he can.

So, it is true then?

Oh yes. He and the young Pendragon one day will unite the land of Albion.

But he is in danger.

No. It is my gaoler who stands in peril.

Must Uther be sacrificed for the boy?

Their time cannot come until his is past.

But is that time now?

[The dragon chuckles darkly.]

That is of your choosing.

I will not choose between them.

Then turn a blind eye. That is, after all, your talent.

So much can be learned from this conversation alone. Uther's tyranny, Gaius's helping Uther and irking the wrath of those with powers, Arthur's destiny, Merlin's fate and how Uther's death plays a part in Arthur's destiny is all found in this small conversation betwen these two. And the fate of Albion ... sigh, one we never got to see despite Arthur claiming it in the finale is also mentioned here.

10. I agree with Joppa. Gwen's line is the moral here.

HumbleQueen commented…
Very profound, Shu. There is tons in this one conversation. And yeah, I guess it meant so much more to us before we knew how things ended in reality. over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Well now when I look at it, none of the thing the dragon said matter. Cause it were all lies. There was no Albion and no Arthur and Merlin fullfilling their destinies. over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
1. What are your thoughts on this week's villain?

I thought he was a good villain. At first, you felt a little sympathy because of what happened to his face and his parents, then you learnt that his parents were practicing bad magic and the lengths he was willing to go to get revenge and you hated him. I like villains that do that. Although, I agree with Joppa when she said that she hated it when Edwin tried to get Merlin to join him. I have seen that one quite a bit. That being said, I thought him blackmailing Gaius by revealing Merlin's magic was great.

2. Do you think that Edwin's plan to cause Morgana's illness, resulting in Gaius being removed as physician and himself being granted the position so he could kill the King was a good plan? Where did it go wrong?

For sure it was an original, smart plan. I think if he tried to take over as court physician straight away, Uther and the others would have seen through him. Instead, he always complimented Gaius and slowly planted the seeds of doubt in Uther's mind so that he would offer him the position. Of course what he didn't plan on was Merlin.

3. Once Gaius discovered who Edwin was and what happened to his family in the Great Purge, did you any feel sympathy towards him? Do you agree with his actions in wanting revenge by killing Uther?

I felt a little, however, when Gaius mentioned that his parents practiced dark magic and the lengths he was willing to go through, I definitely did not agree with his actions. If he truly wanted the laws towards magic to change I think there are better ways to go down. Though, Uther to be honest is far gone in changing his mind towards magic, trying to change Arthur's mind might have been an option.

4. Do you think Uther acted too harshly and quickly in removing Gaius despite his years of service and loyalty? Or was Uther acting out of his concern for Morgana?

I thought so. They barely knew this Edwin guy and were willing to believe him over Gaius. Though, I'm sure that Uther's concern for Morgana and nearly losing her played a part in that.

5. Knowing now that Uther is indeed Morgana's father, do you think his concern for her was more than it should have been?

It's hard to tell really because Morgan is his ward and he did promise to look after Morgana so it was understandable at the time that Uther felt like Morgana was his daughter.

6. What are your thoughts on Merlin/Gaius's relationship in this episode?

I definitely enjoyed the father/son interactions between Gaius and Merlin in this episode. I loved how Gaius was very protective of Merlin, though his advice to Merlin a lot of the time annoys me.

7. Do you think Gaius gave up too easily in deciding to leave Camelot without staying and trying to prove Edwin's true intentions? Or was he right to leave to protect Merlin's secret?

I definitely think Gaius was trying to protect Merlin and didn't know what else to do. He felt like he had no choice. Which leads to....

8. What did you think of the speech Gwen delivered to Gaius before he left? Do you think this played a huge role in Gaius changing his mind and returning to Camelot?

I think Gwen's fantastic line to Gaius did play a huge part in Gaius returning. She made him realise that no matter how hopeless we feel in certain situations that we always have a choice. She gave him the courage to stand up and try and do the right thing, even if it means getting hurt.

9. Make any comments on any of the other characters or interactions that you wish to discuss.

I found it difficult to understand how Gaius could have stood by Uther during The Great Purge, so I could relate to Edwin not liking Gaius because he did nothing, but stood by and allow it to happen. Though, we know that Uther is a hard man, I wonder why Gaius didn't try to make Uther understand that not all magic is evil (and this is of course before we find out the reason Uther banned magic).

10. Do you think there were any lessons or morals in this episode? If so, what were they?

For me I think Gwen best summed up the moral or lesson for this episode, "In life you always have a choice. Sometimes it's easier to think that you don't."
last edited over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Gwen had such a great role in this episode. In the background, yes, but so significant! over a year ago