Arthur and Gwen Arthur & Gwen Meme!

ellarose88 posted on May 01, 2013 at 12:48AM
Merlin is over and I know that I'm still recovering from how the show ended and while I'm disappointed by the way things ended, I still have some great memories of some fantastic viewing moments. So with that in mind, I thought I would open up a meme for fans to discuss anything and everything about Arthur & Gwen and just the show in general.

The rules...

How it will work is each day (for as long as I can come up with things to discuss, post or share) I will post a question and people will have to answer it either by responding with comments, pictures, screen-caps, quotes, gifs, graphics etc etc.

For example: Day 1: Post your favourite Arwen series 1 screencap and describe why you like it

How people respond....

Post a comment, making sure you write down what day you are answering (i.e: Day 1) . You can join in and answer any of the questions at any time.

Although, this is a meme/question time thing, anything people want to share about Arthur & Gwen or Merlin is welcome. Just remember this is an Arwen space and to respect people's views and opinions.

Let the meme begin......!
Merlin is over and I know that I'm still recovering from how the show ended and while I'm disappointe
last edited on May 03, 2013 at 04:07AM

Arthur and Gwen 24 replies

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over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 1: Post your favourite Arwen gif/fan-made graphic from your favourite Arwen moment in series 1. Why is this your favourite gif/graphic?
MISAforever commented…
I love this idea! i'm totally in! though from tomorrow. i am too tired tonight :* over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 1: My favourite Arwen gif is from euphoria1001 and features the Arwen scene from 1x13.

Why do I love this gif because it is simple and isn't overly colored or edited. This scene doesn't need much done to it because the warmth radiates from it easily. You can sense Gwen's desperation that Arthur live. Not because she loves him (not yet anyway), but because she believes that Arthur could be a better king that his father is. This is why I love this gif and scene from series 1 in particular.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Day 1:[/b] My favourite Arwen gif is from euphoria1001 and features the Arwen scene from 1x13.
MISAforever commented…
Omg, i love your comment!!! and the pic you chose is just perfect!! :)) over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Sorry I missed your comments Joppa! I'm glad you like my comments. I hope to see your responses soon! over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 2: Post a link to the first Arwen fan fiction you read and enjoyed. Talk about why you loved that particular fic.
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 2: The first Arwen fic I read and enjoyed was link by sophielou21.

I really enjoyed Sophie's spin on series 1 and how she developed the relationship of Arthur and Gwen. I also loved how she incorporated other elements of the legend into the fic. I truly wish that her version was what happened on the show sometimes. Well, I think that with most of her fics to be honest.
last edited over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
That is not hard considering how much the writors screwed up! I read this one some time ago.. It was a nice read!! ;)) over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
It is a very lovely read and she is an amazing writer! over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
Day 1 This is my favorite. i believe this is Melly's from some time.. I love what it represents. The beginning of everything. And I love beginnings. You can see here the glimpse of what is to come. And not just their relationship, but also the personaility! From this point to look way back, makes me feel nostalgic.
Day 1 This is my favorite. i believe this is Melly's from some time.. I love what it represents. The
ellarose88 commented…
God this one certainly gives me feelings of nostalgia! They were so young and had no idea of what was to come. over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Yeees, and that is sooo sad! over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
Day 2: The first Arwen fic I read and enjoyed.
Okay, so I started late with fics and the first ones I read were Kim's and I really liked them all. So I started reading more of them. But the one I really and truly enjoyed was The Queen (link). And I am just gonna say this: it is waaaaaaaaaay much better than what actually happened on the show!
ellarose88 commented…
That one is definitely a fantastic read and I consider that one my head canon for series 5. Way better than what happened on the show. over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 3: Post a fan-art/screen-cap of your favourite Arwen scene from series 2. Then state why you love that particular scene.
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 3: My favourite Arwen screen-cap from series 2 is a hard one to pick. I feel we got some incredibly acted Arwen moments from that season, but if I'm forced to pick one it has to be their first kiss. Obviously a lot of people felt it was rushed and way to early, but in the context of the episode I felt it actually worked. You could see the developing love they had for each other just in that one kiss. The lighting, the music and their reactions after the kiss were just perfect! Especially the way Gwen closes her eyes after he leaves...sigh....
[b]Day 3:[/b]  My favourite Arwen screen-cap from series 2 is a hard one to pick. I feel we got some
VampyreFey commented…
I don't think their first kiss was rushed either, tbh. Possibly the development in TOaFQ was escalated so that they could potentially kiss in this episode, but it's all about the impulse. What makes it work is the impulsivity. It's a very poignant moment, particularly after when she closes her eyes, as you said. Their reactions were perfect- they were almost frightened. And I agree- the lighting was superb :) over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Well that is Bradley and Angel. Nothing is rushed with the chemistry like theirs! over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Completely agree with both you lovely ladies! over a year ago
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Day 3: So I cheated, because I have two screencaps? But I mean, it's all part of the same scene, so...

Okay, for the record, I'm about to embark on a long-winding explanation as to why this is my favorite screencap(s) from season 2. It's all relevant, I promise.

The thing about season 2 A/G is that they're really discovering themselves as much as they are their love story. It's very tentative- everything about them in season 2 is plagued with insecurities- both as individuals and together. I think particularly Arthur, who has a very almost arrogant perception of reality, in season 2, undergoes a lot of change from this petty boy to a man in love. He's very jealous; he guards his love for Gwen carefully- he's arrogant about it. 'My father can't understand' and all that is said so that he can draw the line, and yet he can't accept Gwen potentially falling for someone else (and although I'll argue that Guinevere was never in love with Lancelot, Arthur still sees the spark ignited) because it's in his nature to act childishly about something like this. Everything is his- he's a Prince. His knights are his, his weapons are his... and potentially, Guinevere is his. It's a very wrong mentality, but that's what he's thinking. I've seen people who defend Arthur so much after 2x04, but he's the one who made the blunder. Lancelot, if you think about it, is no better- actually he's much worse- because while neither of them really take into consideration how Gwen is feeling about this, Lancelot decided that he's the guy who's going to make a decision- implying that Guinevere cannot have control of her own life. All said and done, "Lancelot and Guinevere" actually does not paint either Lancelot or Arthur in a good light.

After 2x10, Arthur realizes what Lancelot never truly did. He realizes how absolutely stupid he's been since 2x04- his arrogance, jealousy, pride- his egotistical way in which he handled the situation. Gwen had been kidnapped for God's sake, and at the time neither Lancelot nor he took her situation into consideration. His own guilt as well as his own realization dawns. Possibly, once the enchantment is broken- and he is assured that Guinevere loves him and only him- he begins to realize how much she means to him. His line, "The world may think she is a servant- dispensable- but she is not dispensable to me," proves that character change in Arthur- ignited by Gwen's love. And he goes from being this pig-headed prince in his relationship with Guinevere, to being much more understanding and attentive.

I just started talking, whoops- but there's a point to this and the screencaps. This particular scene where Arthur places Gwen's hand on his heart- acknowledging, literally that she and only she has the key to his heart, but more so that he has come to understand love and how much she means to him- her feelings, her thoughts, everything. Gwen reciprocates this with an enchanting, radiant smile that really speaks to the purity of her character. Guinevere embodies all that is right with the world, and that intimate smile shows how far she has come in accepting their love. Always being the one rooted in reality, steadfast in her beliefs, she's never been one to dwindle in impossible fantasies. But here she accepts the impossible as reality; she is willing to fight for their love. I think this exchange is quite simply the development of Arthur and Guinevere thus far. And that's what makes it so empowering. I am still mesmerized whenever I watch this scene; I grew up with it almost. I was thirteen when I first watched this scene; I am seventeen now- but it still has the same effect on me. I think it always will.
last edited over a year ago
Day 3: So I cheated, because I have two screencaps? But I mean, it's all part of the same scene, so..
MISAforever commented…
Okay Issie. That was wonderful!! One of my favorite comments. You nailed it. Every word was on spot and it made me think. Especially what you said about 2x4. I never saw Arthur as that. And I know I am everything but objective, but I always saw it as an act of a hurt man. I have some similar chracteristics, jelousy and acting hurt like that ( not very commendable), so I understand why he acted like that. Not saying that he should have, though. over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
ohh and what you said about this picture left me speechless. It is a perfect description of what the scene is and what their relationship is. <3 simply brilliant!! Now I see how much I missed you here! over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Bradley and Angel's acting without furthur discussion brought the best of the relationship. It was just them! And it was more than enough. over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
Day 3: A fan-art of my favourite Arwen scene from series 2.

I chose this one. ( image is not mine, don't know to whom is belongs).
So, this is also my second favorite kiss. The first one is in the 3x10 simply because it was longer and proper snogging. But The true love's kiss is so special to their relationship. It was so sweet. The whole scene. Gwen walking in, not knowing if he truly loves her. Actually i believe she knew but was too scared to admit it to herself. And with this kiss she did that. She admitted, and so did he. And that was it. There was no going back, no denying it. Even though she said it could never be, they both knew it has to be. And the kiss, how it started with his confused look, and then simply accepting it as something right. Something very right. And how he took control of it and turned it into something so passionate it left them both breathless. And in this picture, the upper right corner, the look on on their faces. It is full of love. It makes my heart swell. They are that good!!
I think I just might change this to my no.1 favorite kiss.
last edited over a year ago
Day 3: A fan-art of my favourite Arwen scene from series 2.

I chose this one. ( image is not mine,
VampyreFey commented…
Omg, you chose this kiss Joppa <3 I completely agree; I think this scene sealed it for them. Just in the passionate, breathless, and starry-eyed expressions they had afterwards. It held a lot of meaning to how their relationship would develop from then on. over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 4: Your favourite Arwen (so Arthur to Gwen or Gwen to Arthur) quote from series 1. State why you love this particular quote. Feel free to post a graphic that has your favourite quote in it.
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 4: I just love this post Arthur waking up and telling Gwen that he remembers what she said to him scene. Mainly because I love the flirty, teasing way Arthur talks to her and Gwen trying to hide the effect he is having on her to no avail. And then Arthur's sigh at the end when she leaves! Well it certainly had me shipping them that is for sure. It had me dying to see them interact more in series 2 and see how they begin to fall for each other. At this point in time, they definitely have begun to notice each other - though they both have grown around each other, in a new light.

For Arthur I think these moments (along with what she said to him in 1x10) made him realize how much faith Gwen has in the person/king he could be (Merlin has displayed this in some scene, but coming from Gwen its entirely different). Gwen, on the other hand, after witnessing Arthur's more good/kinder side felt the need to tell Arthur to live, she wasn't bumbling because of her desperation for him to live. But then of course Arthur remembers her talking (she probably thought he wouldn't recall what she said) and teasing her about it and she goes back to the bumbling, nervous Gwen that we first met. Most likely because, while she tries to hide the effect he is having on her, she liked it to some extent. Well that is what I think anyway. After all Arthur is a very handsome man and while Gwen knows at that stage he is completely unattainable, I'm sure she like many other women would have been attracted to him.

Umm that was longer than I intended it to be.... apologies....

PS: Fanart was made by me.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Day 4:[/b] I just love this post Arthur waking up and telling Gwen that he remembers what she said
MISAforever commented…
Never apologize for a long post!! I agree, it was the small steps that brought them to the most amazing relationship ever. And they were adorable in the start!! over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
I won't then! Hehehehe! I get annoyed when a lot of haters say that A/G was rushed when they were small steps made in series 1. Such important scenes, that though they were short and not as many as A/M scenes. were very crucial for their relationship. over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
Day 4: My favorite Arwen quote:

Arthur: Guinevere! Thank you. You're right. And you were right to speak up.
Actually it's the whole conversation, but this is the main point.
It's the first time these two have an actual real conversation. It's the first time she stands up to him. Telling her opinion and proving him wrong. And the Royal Prat actually listents. Now that, that is the key to everything. He listens to a maid. He respects her opinion. He admits he was wrong.

And I am cheating now, cause I am chosing two quotes, but from the same conversation:
Gwen: Because I have faith in you.
She sees something more in him. Something only Merlin sees cause he has been told of that future side of Arthur. Gwen wasn't told by anyone. She saw it by herself. And she liked what she saw: a better future. And here, she is helping him see the truth. She doesn't fear to state her opinion cause she believes in him, in that better side of him.
So for me this is an epic moment. It's the moment they started to see their real themselves.
Picture I am posting is, I believe yours, Millie!
last edited over a year ago
Day 4:  My favorite Arwen quote:

Arthur: Guinevere! Thank you. You're right. And you were right to
ellarose88 commented…
Indeed I did make that banner! Lovely analysis of the scene! Totally agree with it 100%! over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 5: Post the first Arwen fanvideo you watched and enjoyed and gave you lots of feelings. If the video has been removed, pick the next one that you enjoyed and is still up on youtube.
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 5: Okay quite a few of the early Arwen fanvids I watched after I got into Merlin have been removed. This is the next one on my list that I watched and enjoyed. This video is post series 1, just before we got amazing scenes in series 2. The video was made by link.

last edited over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I loooove this song!!! And the video is really cute! over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
Day 5: The first Arwen fanvideo you watched and enjoyed
I don't really remember the very first one but this one is the oldest in my phone so it must have been among the first ones.
And the song always reminds me of them!
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 6: Post a screen-cap/fanart/clip of your favourite Arwen kiss from any episode. Then tell us why. And if you have trouble picking one, pick two of your favourites.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 6: Okay so this is hard for me seeing as I love and adore all their kisses, but the stand out one for me has to be their picnic kiss from 3x10 because it was a proper making-out, open mouthed kiss that went on forever! Really the sexual chemistry there was just on fire. And this would be the moment I would insert my "and then they had sex" reaction gif, because in my head canon they did (obviously because in my head canon Uther and Morgana never interrupted because Merlin prevented that from happening seeing as he is the biggest Arwen shipper and president of their club).

So without further ado, I present the Arwen kiss from 3x10 uploaded to youtube by Scarabaeus37.

MISAforever commented…
Yeeees, this was the best!! i remember how ASH asked if this is even allowed on the show. Bradley and Angel really got into it... Who could blame them!! over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
Day 6: Post a screen-cap/fanart/clip of your favourite Arwen kiss

My favorite is the one in Sweet Dreams, for the reason I stated above, and the second one would be the one you chose. So I am going to pick this one, in 3x13! These three are all my favorite kisses.. Actually and Arwen kiss is my favorite!
The reason for this one is very simple. They kissed! But in public, in front of the knights, in front of Lancelot! They didn't know what was about to come, whether they will die or not. But they had hope, because Gwen believed in him and she gave him strenght he needed. And all the reasons why they shouldn't be together were still there, but it didn't matter any more. So they kissed, and it was romantic and beutiful. You could feel as if they poured all their love , heart and soul into the kiss. [ And if you watch in the slow mo, you can see the details >.< --> reason no.2 why I love it]. I also loved how, after the kiss, they slowly looked at each other and how they were still so close next to each other trying to savor the moment.
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 7: Post a fan-art/screen-cap/clip of your favourite Arwen scene from series 3 and why.
last edited over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I'll do this tomorrow.. I'm too tired now! over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
Day 7: Post a clip of your favourite Arwen scene from series 3 : The throne room scene

So this was hard, as season 3 was the best in so many ways, but I decided for this one. We are all very familiar wit this scene. And there so many reasons why I love and I could go on forever. But I'll try to keep it as short as possible. So the first thing I love is that Arthur didn't even think but went to see what is going on with Gwen and to give her help. I wouldn't accept anything else. I also loved how Gwen didn't back down when Uther questioned her. She defended her love. She wasn't shy or embarrassed. She was only scared. Then Arthur entered the room. He was upset and didn't back down. He knew his father too well and was alsoscared of what he might do. But this time he admited it all. Completely contrary the 2x4 when he couldn't admit. He damned the consequences and admited that he loved her. He was tired of lying to everyone, but mostly to himself. But what got to me the most was when he said :"I relinquish my entitlement to the throne!" For someone like Arthur, who devoted all his life to Camelot and for whom he would do absolutely anything, this was a huge thing to say. He admited not only that he loveed her, but also that she mattered the world to him; that the social status didn't matter; he was ready to be a farmer for her! Though I don't believe he knew the true meaning and all the consequences of what he said. He was desperate to prove his father wrong and to keep his Guinevere safe. And in the end, he fought the guards to get to her. They both needed each other so bad. The kiss of epic was so powerful, emotional and it showed the strenght of their love. And the "I will always loved you" has its special meaning. It was directed only to her, not the world. He didn't have time to tell her that everything was going to be alright, that he was going to make everything good again. So he said he loved her. It contained all his emotions and all his promises.
Now I realise I talked only about Arthur's feelings here. But he was the one in the spotlight. I am only going to say how much I loved Gwen's surprised expression when he said that they will leave together!
ellarose88 commented…
Naww lovely commentary of that scene! God that scene was just so heart breaking! over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
It was, wasn't it?! over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 7: This was hard to pick and seeing as I picked the picnic scene for my favourite kiss, I decided to go for Arwen's kiss in the cave from 3x13. I just adored everything that was said that proceeded the kiss and then the kiss itself (and the fact they kissed in front of people, without a care). And then the nose graze afterwards was just beautiful. We then get a shot of Lancelot having witnessed the kiss and walking away which I admit I felt a little sorry for him. It's clear that Gwen had made her choice and Lancelot in that moment I think while he was sad, respected it.

So here it is....
MISAforever commented…
I agree with all you have said! over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Day 8: Post a link to your favourite smutty Arwen canon fic. Why do you love this fic?
over a year ago MISAforever said…
big smile
Day 8: Favourite smutty Arwen canon fic.


Okay, so I am chosing The Queen! Not sure if it could qulify the category, because it is so much more than that. I absolutely love this fic. It is most likely my all time favorite. And I know I already chose it above in Day2. But still. I have many other fics that could have been chosen here. And they are Kim's other fics. :D