Arthur and Gwen Re-watching Merlin 2x02 - "The Once and Future Queen"

HumbleQueen posted on Jun 23, 2013 at 01:23AM
Welcome back to our Merlin re-watch. We have all had the opportunity to re-watch series 1 with a whole new perspective. We saw how the characters were at the beginning and the journeys they all faced in series 1. Now it is time to continue our journey and re-watch series 2 and see how our perspectives might change seeing as we know how the story ends. (Thanks to the folks over at tvdotcom for ideas we’ve borrowed from them.)

Moderators for Season 2:


Rules are as follows:

I. We are getting started with 2x01 on Saturday, June 15, 2013 and a new forum will be opened every following Saturday. Moderators will post following the order in the list above to open threads and we’ll be watching the episodes in sequence. We will then be watching the last episode of Season 2 (2x13) on the week beginning September 7th.

II. Every moderator opening a re-watching thread should copy and paste the information in this entry (Introduction, List of moderators and Rules) at the top. That way, keeping track of the turns and our progress will be easier and also having the rules at hand will be useful for those who may have decided to join us part way through.

III. Everyone opening a re-watching thread is responsible for reminding the next person in the list to do the same the following Saturday (sending a pm on Friday should do it).

IV. Anyone not being able to open a thread on a particular Saturday can swap turns with the next person in the list (or anyone else) as long as they keep track of their respective turns.

V. People taking part can jump in with comments, but just because you watch and comment on a particular episode does not mean it’s compulsory to watch every single episode to be a part of this re-watching.

VI. Anyone is most welcome to join at any time. Also, new moderators will be added to the list when we get them.

VII. If you don’t have dvd’s or subscribe to Netflix or Amazon Prime, the first four seasons are available free (with ads) on hulu: link

Also famfan suggested­-ooon­­­­­l­i­n­­­­e.­­­p­­­h­­p

VIII. Constructive criticism of characters/actors is always in order, but please no bashing.

IX. Let’s have fun down memory lane. Be inspired to do fanfics, fanvids, and fanart.

X. Each week the moderator will post questions/headings and suggestions for people to discuss about the episode, the plot, the characters and relationships. Don't feel pressured to answer every question/headings, answer the questions you want. Feel free to add anything about the episode, even if it isn't mentioned. It's more than welcomed!

Now let's continue the re-watch of Merlin Season 2 with The Once and Future Queen...

Now let's continue the re-watch for Merlin Series 2 with The O

Arthur and Gwen 8 replies

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over a year ago HumbleQueen said…
I cannot believe we are landing here at this beloved episode. Seems unfair as I always seem to get the good ones. We’ll continue with the same format though and what Millie did to start us off was great, so I’m not changing things very much. I doubt if there are many of us who even have to bother to watch this one again to comment on it, as we know it so well.

Here are the questions/headings and suggestions for discussions:

+ Best moment(s):
+ Worst moment(s):
+ Favourite quote(s):
+ Your thoughts on the villain of the week:
+ Best character development:
+ Best duo development:
+ Your thoughts on the plot progression and conclusion:
+ Anything else:

Things you might discuss:

+ Please give your thoughts on the official beginning of the romance. Do you think it was a good beginning for this epic romance that we’ve grown to love so much. Is there anything you would have liked to have been different?

Have to ask: What do you think of Bradley and Angel's performances of the tension between these two characters?

+ Any plot holes? Like how Myror could have so easily shot Arthur through Gwen’s window. I hate when things like that happen. And how the guards happened along at just the right moment. Weak plot IMO. How do you feel about that? Anything YOU think was out of whack with the plot.

+ What are your thoughts of the character who portrayed Arthur’s stand in for the tournament? Was he a character you liked?

+ What did you think of Arthur/Merlin's friendship throughout the episode? What about Merlin/Gwen?

So there are the headings and suggestions for you to discuss after you watch the episode. Like it says in the post, you don't have to use all the headings or suggestions, feel free to discuss anything about the episode. This episode is so well loved by every Arwen fan. I wish lots of folks would come by and express themselves, if only to say what it meant for them and how it impacted them with regard to the series as a whole.

Have fun!
over a year ago sportyshuie said…
Nanna ... THIS WAS THE EPISODE that started it off ... the Arwen we came to love, blossomed in this episode and the KISS!!! Yes ... i can comment on it without needing to watch it at all ... But i want to ... i have to watch it for the kiss .. LOL!!
Will review after watching ...
MISAforever commented…
Yes!!! i am so excited! over a year ago
HumbleQueen commented…
Hey girlie. Methinks everybody is going to make time to watch this one, no matter how busy! over a year ago
over a year ago HumbleQueen said…
Yeeeeeeees! I'll comment myself later in the week. Wanna watch it one more time even though I don't need to.
last edited over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
LOL I know how you feel!! over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
For sure after I finish watching the other episodes I need to watch, I will watch this one. I will then shout at the screen, I've meet Bradley, I've meet Leon!
over a year ago MISAforever said…
+ Best moment(s):
The kiss definitely! Everything about it. The way it was so spontaneous, simple and yet so beautiful. That such a simple action showed so many emotions and changed the course of future. Also, the looks on theri faces were pricless, before and after. At first they were a bit awkward. I think they both started to feel something more than a crush. Gwen was so cute when she gave him the token. And he was adorable when he accepted it! All in all, it was an epic moment!!
I also loved Gwen's little speech to Arthur and their dinner together, but I'll talk about that below!

+ Worst moment(s):
This is hard, cause this is actually one episode I absoultely loved and there is not a part I thought "ohh this kinda sucked". But if I had to chose one that'd be when Arthur started cooking for Gwen and Merlin came. I didn't like that prat side towards Gwen. And on the other hand I liked it, cause it later showed chracter's development!

+ Favourite quote(s):
Arthur: When I'm competing as William, my title doesn't matter, nobody gives me any special treatment. So, when I win this tournament, if I win this tournament, it will be because I deserve it. Not because I am Prince Arthur.

Gwen: (Talking about Arthur) I believe he's an arrogant pig.

Arthur: How am I supposed to know if you don't tell me?
Gwen: You shouldn't need to be told to think of someone other than yourself. You're not a child.

Gwen: About how rude and arrogant you can be! This is my home and you are my guest in it! I know you are used to more luxurious quarters, but that is not an excuse to be so rude! You claim titles don't matter to you, but you behave like a prince and expect me to wait on you like a servant. Saying it means nothing if your actions betray you! Would it kill you to say please and thank you once in a while?... my Lord.

Arthur: Guinevere (They stare at each other) I know I have much to learn. There are some things that I'm terrible at, cooking being one of them. But also... knowing what to say to someone I care about.

Gwen: You would risk your life to protect your pride? You have nothing to prove, least of all to me.
Arthur: I have everything to prove... to myself.

Gwen: I thought this was going to be your moment of glory.
Arthur: Perhaps this... is a time for humility.

Arthur: Guinevere. (Clears throat) What happened while I was staying with you... I'm afraid my father would never understand.
Gwen: You don't have to explain. Perhaps when you are king... things will be different.

+ Your thoughts on the villain of the week:
I didn't like him. He was suppossed to be some great assassin.. I saw none of that! He was a disappointment. Although, if he had been better, then maybe he would have completed his task.

+ Best character development:
Both Arthur and Gwen. And both because of the other one! ( I loved that)
Arthur, well because of Gwen. Because someone stood up to him. Told him he was arrogant, prat, not humble, not showing respect, rude.. And for once, he actually listened. He cared about her, even if he didn't want to admit himself, up to this moment. So he payed attention and did something in return. He tried to be a better person. Someone who she saw in him. He did it for her, and for himself. He really made some serious character development through this episode and it was mostly thanks to Gwen!
And Gwen, well she stopped restraining herself and started saying what is really on her mind. The affect it had on Arthur was huge, as I already stated.

+ Best duo development:
Our favorite couple, as it is obvious. It started long time ago, even though some refused to see it. At the beginning of the episode they were still quite uncomfortable around each other. Or better said, not used to it. And they had feeling for each other. Nothing big or intense, but it was clearly there. As the episode progressed, so did they. From Gwen realising once more what a great person is hiding inside him (Which he quickly made her forget by being a prat); to Gwen yelling at him and him listening. To their little dinner date, which is absolutely charming! To Arthur finally ( sort of) admitting his true feelings. To that epic kiss that will forever be carved into their heart, souls and mind ( and ours as well). To him reminding himself and her that they could not be, not at the moment. It left an open ending. But no matter it was still open, it was some sort of ending. But not of the romance, cause it only started to begin! It was the end of them being oblivious and in denial of what truly lies in their hearts.

+ Your thoughts on the plot progression and conclusion:
I loved the plot progression. It had the beginning, the middle and the end. It had little bit of everything and it was perfect!!

+ Please give your thoughts on the official beginning of the romance. Do you think it was a good beginning for this epic romance that we’ve grown to love so much. Is there anything you would have liked to have been different?
Have to ask: What do you think of Bradley and Angel's performances of the tension between these two characters?

I sort of answered this above. I think it was a great beginning of the romance. We had slight hints in the season 1 ( the Ealdor and the last episode of s1), and this was all spontaneous. There was no rush, no one felt forced into anything, it went on what felt like a natural course.
Bradley and Angel have my standing ovations in any scene. This whole episode is no difference. They were brilliant and they were what made Arwen so good! Their chemistry was there all the time, so even if someone felt like the whole romance is being rushed, their chemistry said another story!

+ Any plot holes? Like how Myror could have so easily shot Arthur through Gwen’s window. I hate when things like that happen. And how the guards happened along at just the right moment. Weak plot IMO. How do you feel about that? Anything YOU think was out of whack with the plot.

Yes, there is that! Those guards walk only in "just the right moment". Also, how could he get into Camelot so easily, climbing on that tower and no one seeing him. that was sort of stupid. Also, him climbing the wall is mystery itself.

+ What are your thoughts of the character who portrayed Arthur’s stand in for the tournament? Was he a character you liked?

He was funny. I liked the scene where they "prepared" him. He hadn't had much scenes, so I don't have an opinion on him. But he was okey!

+ What did you think of Arthur/Merlin's friendship throughout the episode? What about Merlin/Gwen?
There hasn't been much of this. Merlin was always there for Arthur, as usual. That was put aside and that was a good thing..
+ Best moment(s): 
The kiss definitely! Everything about it. The way it was so spontaneous, simple a
MISAforever commented…
Wow, not I see this is one big POV. sorry about that!! :D over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
now* over a year ago
HumbleQueen commented…
That's an awesome review!, Joppa! So comprehensive. You said it all so much better than I ever could. I still may say a bit more though! over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Aww thank you :3 i am not good with words or expressing myself, so really thank you! over a year ago
over a year ago HumbleQueen said…
Not much anyone can add to Joppa's fantastic review!

Actually my best moment in this episode was not the kiss, believe it or not. It was that last scene between Arwen when he walked and looked back at her. I remember the very first time I watched the episode, when he walked away, I was saying to myself "look back, look back at her! If you do, I'll know she's got you and you're a goner!" When he looked back, I clapped and cheered and got all excited. Definitely the moment that at the time cemented for me that this was going to be a dynamite relationship. I wasn't even that big of a fan of the couple or the show before that episode, so it actually began my career as an Arwenite!

So many favorite moments, I'm having trouble thinking of a least favorite. About Bradley and Angel, I think they played the awkward attraction early on just perfectly. Their subtle body language in that one scene when she asked him why he was doing this--the body language, eye contact, nuance in his trying to appear casual about it, etc. Perfect.

Gotta run. May have more thoughts another time.
last edited over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I love what you said about that last scene! I agree completely. my sister said all that speech is meaningless cause he looked back like that. i agree with her.. eyes don't lie! over a year ago
over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Okay Nanna. I will try to catch up on our re-watches. However, my reviews won't be that long because I have tenosynovitis in my left hand and I have a very restrictive splint on my wrist/thumb at the moment making typing very difficult.
HumbleQueen commented…
Well, Millie, if it bothers your hand you shouldn't do it. We all have to miss some time. over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
awww that sucks!! does it hurt? over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Is it going to heal? over a year ago
over a year ago sportyshuie said…
Joppa, your review is the best and I dont think there is much to add ... YOU JUST NAILED IT girl. Hahaha.
Good review and since it is everyone's favourite, no one can spot anything wrong here.

Just a quick one ..

I like this episoe for one thing, ARWEN. And this is what we have been waiting for ... their development and it was nicely done. Slowly, progressively and maturely shot and explained. Well done to everyone involved.
Merlin had little to do but we have to admit he is the CEO of Arwen and if he didnt come up with the quick plan, our Arwen would have struggled a little. So Merlin deserves credit as well.
The assassin was fine but could have been better.
The GUARDS ... yes, they have been an issue all throughout the series. They are so careless that assassins and intruders pass them by easily. And yes Joppa, I too think the wall climbing is a little odd!!
I am so glad morgana had little to do or say in this episode. And Uther too.
Overall, this episode deserves a standing ovation on its own. And an applause.

Great episode ...

HumbleQueen commented…
And we'll forever applaud it, Shu. It will go down as one of the best of the five years. And I'm not only saying that because I love Arwen. It was so well done, even with those plot "holes" it was a well written beginning of a great epic tv romance. over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Thank you Shu! And I agree, of course. If only they learnt something from this episode and made better and better.. Not worse.. over a year ago