Arthur and Gwen Re-watching Merlin 2x07 - "The Witchfinder"

ellarose88 posted on Jul 28, 2013 at 01:12AM
Welcome back to our Merlin re-watch. We have all had the opportunity to re-watch series 1 with a whole new perspective. We saw how the characters were at the beginning and the journeys they all faced in series 1. Now it is time to continue our journey and re-watch series 2 and see how our perspectives might change seeing as we know how the story ends. (Thanks to the folks over at tvdotcom for ideas we've borrowed from them.)

Moderators for Season 2:


Rules are as follows:

I. We are getting started with 2x01 on Saturday, June 15, 2013 and a new forum will be opened every following Saturday. Moderators will post following the order in the list above to open threads and we’ll be watching the episodes in sequence. We will then be watching the last episode of Season 2 (2x13) on the week beginning September 7th.

II. Every moderator opening a re-watching thread should copy and paste the information in this entry (Introduction, List of moderators and Rules) at the top. That way, keeping track of the turns and our progress will be easier and also having the rules at hand will be useful for those who may have decided to join us part way through.

III. Everyone opening a re-watching thread is responsible for reminding the next person in the list to do the same the following Saturday (sending a pm on Friday should do it).

IV. Anyone not being able to open a thread on a particular Saturday can swap turns with the next person in the list (or anyone else) as long as they keep track of their respective turns.

V. People taking part can jump in with comments, but just because you watch and comment on a particular episode does not mean it’s compulsory to watch every single episode to be a part of this re-watching.

VI. Anyone is most welcome to join at any time. Also, new moderators will be added to the list when we get them.

VII. If you don’t have dvd’s or subscribe to Netflix or Amazon Prime, the first four seasons are available free (with ads) on hulu: link

Also famfan suggested­-oooo­­n­­­­­­l­­­in­­­­­­e­.­­­­­p­­­­h­­p

VIII. Constructive criticism of characters/actors is always in order, but please no bashing.

IX. Let’s have fun down memory lane. Be inspired to do fanfics, fanvids, and fanart.

X. Each week the moderator will post questions/headings and suggestions for people to discuss about the episode, the plot, the characters and relationships. Don't feel pressured to answer every question/headings, answer the questions you want. Feel free to add anything about the episode, even if it isn't mentioned. It's more than welcomed!

Now let's continue our re-watch of Series 2 with The Witchfinder....
Welcome back to our Merlin re-watch. We have all had the opportunity to re-watch series 1 with a whol

Arthur and Gwen 2 replies

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over a year ago ellarose88 said…
Here are the questions/headings and suggestions for discussions:

+ Best moment(s):
+ Worst moment(s):
+ Favourite quote(s):
+ Your thoughts on the villain of the week:
+ Best character development:
+ Best duo development:
+ Your thoughts on the plot progression and conclusion:
+ Anything else:

Things you might discuss:

+ What did you think of Gwen's role in this episode?

+ What were your thoughts on Merlin carelessly using magic at the beginning? Was it believable after all that time in Camelot, knowing that is is banned and punishable by death Merlin would use it so out in the open?

+ What did you think of Gwen's speech to Arthur to stop Gaius's execution?

+ What are your thoughts on Uther easily believing that Gaius was the one using magic and ordering his execution? Especially knowing how loyal Gaius was to Uther after The Great Purge. Do you think that Uther is too blinded by his grief and hate on magic that it often clouds his judgement?
MISAforever commented…
I got as little behind but I will do this one and the previous by the end of the week! over a year ago
over a year ago MISAforever said…
+ Best moment(s):
When Gwen made Arthur stop Gauis's execution.

+ Worst moment(s):
Maybe, just the fact that Aredian can claim so many things and everybody ( Uther) blindly believes him. That Gauis is accussed and Uther doesn't even try to believe his old "friend". I know Aredian was the witchfinder and that Uther is mad when it comes to magic, but it still didn't make much sense to me.

+ Favourite quote(s):
Gwen: You can do the right thing, Arthur Pendragon! You can show some faith in a loyal friend, or you can stand by and watch an innocent man die.
Arthur: Guinevere...
Gwen: You did it once before to my father. Are you really willing to let it happen again? And you can stop looking at me like that, I know I'm only a servant. I thought you were a prince. So start behaving like one!

+ Your thoughts on the villain of the week:
He was a fraud and I didn't like that. I like true bad ass villians who fight for what they believe in. Not someone who only does it for money. So I didn't like him.

+ Best character development:
I don't know. I think I'll say no one. Everybody was doing what they usually do.

+ Best duo development:
Again, none. Of course, I could say Arwen for that little speech, but I don't think that
they developed at that point, but before.

+ Your thoughts on the plot progression and conclusion:
Solid, as usual.

+ What did you think of Gwen's role in this episode?
Small but significant! She was there when Merlin needed her. When he told her the truth, she believed him and she helped him the best she could. She was great. I love the quality about her.

+ What were your thoughts on Merlin carelessly using magic at the beginning? Was it believable after all that time in Camelot, knowing that is is banned and punishable by death Merlin would use it so out in the open?
Good question. Magic has always been a huge part of Merlin and he was used to use it constantly. Surely, it wasn't easy to adapt but he made it. To do something like this was completely understandable in the beginning. But now, after all the things he has seen and learnt, I think he should had known better. But he wasn't that mature, and he missed using it, so I completely understand him. You have to be a little reckless sometimes. He paid for it though.

+ What did you think of Gwen's speech to Arthur to stop Gaius's execution?
It was brilliant and on point. She didn't say much, but she said just the right things. She is encouraged enough to stand up to him; that shows a little progress in the realtionship. She knows what to say and how to get to him. I think he was a little surprised at her fowardness.

+ What are your thoughts on Uther easily believing that Gaius was the one using magic and ordering his execution? Especially knowing how loyal Gaius was to Uther after The Great Purge. Do you think that Uther is too blinded by his grief and hate on magic that it often clouds his judgement?
Yes! That is his biggest fault! It is the one thing that I understand and don't understand. Through all these seasons I've come to understand his hate for magic, even though it was mostly irrational, its background made a lot of sense. He has learnt not to trust anyone, cause he has been betrayed. So I cannot say that what he had done, didn't make any sense at all. Cause it did. But it was soo wrong. Cause then again, he trusted someone else, someone he shouldn't. So he wasn't really consistent! That didn't make much sense to me!