Arthur and Gwen Arthur/Gwen Fans Forum ♥

VampyreFey posted on Jan 22, 2011 at 08:40PM
Hello dear Arwen fans! Welcome to the Arthur and Gwen fans forum where you can put in your input of our couple [or join into one of the other topic that is being discussed at the moment]. Everyone is welcome, so just jump right in! :)
The A/G Girls:

Joppa ♥
Jazzie ♥
Issie ♥
Stacey ♥
Zoe ♥
Naima ♥
Rose ♥
Melly ♥

Hello dear Arwen fans! Welcome to the Arthur and Gwen fans forum where you can put in your input of o
last edited on May 09, 2013 at 08:47PM

Arthur and Gwen 4894 replies

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over a year ago nsk said…
nsk (naima) i live in paris<3

ive watched a lot of Youtube vids but when i watched an arthur/gwen vid i fell in love with them !
they are my OTP<3333 they are so cute and epic!
over a year ago bellevie said…
bellevie ( elena ) france !

gah arthur and gwen are THE reason why i watch the show , otherwise i wouldnt even care!
i really cant wait to see how gwen will be in season 4!

over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Hello Naima & Elena! Welcome :D Thanks for joining!
I can't wait for S4, either! What are your fav. Arwen scenes?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
Hello @ all^^
I'm Rose^^
My fave Arwen scenes are in 2x02 (thwe dinner and befo9re) and sweet Dreams (I cannot be your Queen) *_*
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Hi Rose!
I love the dinner scene in The Once and Future Queen and obviously their first kiss.
The final scene in Sweet Dreams was absolutely breathtaking and I (think) I cried :)

Ultimate favorite scenes go like this for me (and you can see my pick for more):
Best Hug: 2x13: I thought I lost you...
(General)Fluffy Scene: 3x06: So...I'm still a single man...
(General)Angsty/Epic scene: 3x10: When Gwen is brought to the throne room and Uther dictates her fate
Best Kiss: 3x10: In Uther's throne room...I was crying
Best Look Scene: 3x10: In the Dining Room

I was really happy that the second major story-line in S3 was Arwen. It was so amazing to see their relationship develop!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bangelOTP said…
hi there dear arwen fans<33333333333

im sophia ! ^gah the 2x02 is my fav episode !! its because of that episode that i decided to watch all the episodes of merlin!
my fav scene was teh coronation scene!! omg i really want them to get married in season 4!
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
big smile
^ YAY! More members! I'm so happy this is working!!!!! Hi Sophia :)
I'm Issie, by the way. I realized that I didn't properly introduce myself. I currently reside in NYC, though I was born in London and have lived in Paris, Athens, Milan, Coppenhagen, Bombay, and various cities in the U.S.

I loved the coronation and I was jumping for joy when Morgana was freaking out to Morgause about how the vision was not a mere dream and was something really strong. My favorite episode for them is "The Once and Future Queen" as well, though my all-time favorite Merlin ep. is a tie between the Coming of Arthur Part 2 and The Eye of the Phoenix!
over a year ago nsk said…
^omg i envy u! uve visisted so much country!! id LOVE to see new york! and gosh italy!! <333

i really hope that morgana will make an another dream about arwen in season 4 !! my wish: id love to see a dream where gwen is pregnant!! at least it will give a reason for morgana to "kill" gwen ( of course it wont happen !)
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
By the way I'm from Germany ;)
I want to see New York, too! I've been to Italy several times, Venice is awesome!

hey, bangelOTP, for me it was the smae, because of 2x02 I became that addicted to the show and espiecially Arwen lol I just love Arthur in this ep bc you see his true self and greatness so well and of course the kiss =)
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
^Germany! Wow...that's so cool :) I've never been, though it's on my long list of places to go. Haha, I have been to a lot of places, though, Naima, you're lucky to stay in Paris. I barely lived there two years.

Ooh, another dream sequence would be ah-mazing! I never loved Morgana's visions more.

What are all of your other hopes for S4. I certainly hope they keep on developing their relationship as they did S3. I think it'll become even more bigger next season which is so exciting.
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over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
big smile
Shame on me I've been too france 2 times but I've never seen Paris :(

I hope there'll be more drama ( maybe a tiny little more of lancelot triangle^^) I like drama and angst lol and that their relationship develop further. And I hope for an big bang ending like a wedding ya kno ;D
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
^Tsk...tsk. No, just kidding...there's so much of France to see!

I'm a bit weak...I won't lie. While I love drama and angst, it makes me cry too much. I'm very emotional...erm...
But drama + angst are needed to develop the relationship.
Oooh, I would love a wedding! That's such a perfect ending and the love triangle might develop to, which would be interesting. But I think Gwen's very secure in her relationship with Arthur (thank God) now. And is the actor going to become a regular? I certainly hope the actor who plays Gwaine does :D
I'm also excited for what Morgana has up her sleeve next season.
over a year ago nsk said…
i LOVE DRAMA! XD lol @ rose me too !i want a love triangle dynamic but also i need lancelot to meet elena!! ( in the legends they ends up together!)
but my wish would be to see arthur using magic to save gwen ! gah it would be so angsty!!
lancelot wont be regular in season 4 ! santigo get a new role in a tv show!
YES FOR THE WEDDING! even if i cant stand morgana id love to see the gwen/morgana confrontation ! they are friend for a long time and now gwen will get the throne!
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Drama! Adds to the dynamic :) I want Lancelot to meet Elaine as well... I read a book about her, "The Song of the Sparrow"
Oh, Lancelot won't be a regular... guess he'll stay a guest star, then. But good for Santiago!

You don't like Morgana? I love the entire main four, actually incl. Morgana. I think its just because she adds so much dynamic to the show as the main villain and all.
Though I kinda did hate her in "The Queen of Hearts" and "The Coming of Arthur: Parts 1 & 2"
over a year ago mycandygum said…
hi there! im nadia! how are u guys!

ahah i love drama too ! i think well have a lot of drama in season 4!
gwen needs to be a lady !! and then the problem with uther will start cause their relationship is out now! no id love see some good uther/gwen scenes!

i dont like morgana but she doesnt even know that she is the biggest arwen shipper ahah its thanks to her that we have some amazing arwen scenes!!
over a year ago Layla23 said…
Hi! Iam Layla, and also an Arwen fan. I love the scenes though I haven't seen the 3rd season so far, but I know that I will love it. I want to be part of this.
My favorite scene is on 3x10 when he went to her house and let the rose and the note....
Sooooo romantic!
Hi! Iam Layla, and also an Arwen fan. I love the scenes though I haven't seen the 3rd season so far,
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Hi Nadia & Layla! Welcome!
Haha, Nadia- Morgana is the biggest Arwen shipper. The coronation was because of her, Arthur taking Gwen out into the forest was because of her. The epic scene in the dining room was because of her!
Layla- I love that scene! It was so beautiful! I cried...but I always cryxD
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over a year ago nsk said…
hi there! @layla yes i LOVE that scene!! even the producers said it was one of their favourite scene with brad/angel!
when she said "i cannot be your queen" i was like " YES YOU WILL!!!" XD
@issie the scene which made me cry was their kiss in 3x10 when she was dragging away ! so heartbreaking!
i remember that the critics congratuled brad and angel for their performance in that episode!
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
yes, definitly one of the best see or THE best arwen scene *_*

I just remebered something (a little anecdote follows don't read if u aren't intrested XD)
I really like the epi where A. should marry elaine! And before I saw it I had already thought about what Arthur would do if his father want him to marry bc of poltitical reasons and what Gwen would say. And that I realy would have liked to see that in an episode. I was so exited when I saw the preview of the episode and it was better than I would have imagined it! Arwen was so cute like always^^
Did you like this episode, too??
over a year ago McQueenFanGirl said…
I really liked that one, especially when she went to his room and he said he was happy being insane. It gets me every time, because it looks like Arthur is literally about to cry because he wants to be with her, not anyone else. I also loved the end when they are on the stairs flirting, and when Arthur skips up the stairs, so sweet.

I don’t think anyone else had mentioned it, so I’ll throw these two in. The first is when Arthur is comforting Gwen as Merlin walks by. The other is the scene where Arthur gets jealous because of how friendly Gwen and Gwaine are being. Jealous Arthur is incredibly hot, and Merlin teasing him was priceless.
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Yes, Rose! I loved that one! Changeling was phenomenal and I loved all their conversations.

Hi McQueenFanGirl... could you tell me your name so I can add you to the list?
OH! I loved that scene in Crystal Caves. I can't believe we completely missed that one. It was so adorable...and sad...

Yes! I loved the scene from Gwaine. Arthur was like "Well they seem friendly..." and I completely agree- Jealous Arthur = HOT! Arthur.

Naima- so we both cry then! They're such a beautiful couple that we can't help ourselves!xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago McQueenFanGirl said…
It's Lissy.
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
^ Thanks, Lissy :) And welcome! Do you have an ultimate favorite Arwen scene?
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
It's been silent for a week on here! So... I want you're opinions...what are you truly looking forward to the most for Arwen & Merlin in general in Season 4?
over a year ago nsk said…
big smile
î want arthur to use magic to save gwen ahah ;) it would a perfect add to the merlin's storyline
and i also want arthur, gwen and lancelot lost in the forest or something , just to make everything clear
over a year ago vicktz said…
hey can you add me? im Vicky!!! bt u cn call me vic!! i love the forbiddeness of their relationship and how she is having a more positive effect on him and him on her. im new to fanpop and all and im gettin used to the lingo and all bt cn some 1 plz tell me wat otp is? is it one top pair or smt?
over a year ago nsk said…
heu vic <3 OTP means "one true pairing" , its the couple that u ship the most!
over a year ago bellevie said…
omg i really want gwen to find out about merlin and i want her to change arthur's mind about magic
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Hi Vic- are Arwen your OTP?:)
Totally Naima! Love the Lance/Gwen/Arthur idea especially. Perhaps that would be a good time for Gwen to finally tell Arthur she loves him. I mean it's beautiful when Arthur tells her, but um... we have enough of him and we need more of her. Otherwise I'll get angry... Arthur deserves it.
Great thought, Elena. After all, Gwen has the greatest influence on him.

You know, I really hope that the series never ends... but of course if the season is the last the wedding and coronation are on the top of my list!
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over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
I can't wait to see more Arwen in S4!
And I totally agree with u, VampyreFey, Gwen shall tell him that she loves him ;) I thought about that and I think she's just to shy or fears that someone cold find out about them u know b/c he's the prince etc...indirectly she's already said that she likes him <3

Arwen isn't my OTP but they're about to become my Top 3 or 2 fave couple <3

Anyway, I always forget in what episode the scene is where Arthur tells Gwen that there is no need to call him "sire" you know what I mean? Can someone tell me please? =)
over a year ago nsk said…
its in the 3x02 ;)
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
^ LOOOVE That scene! Well, I love all Arwen scenes...but that was probably one of my favorite conversations they had.

Arwen are currently my number six on my TV couples list and seven on my all-time favorite couples list, but they have so much potential to keep moving up. They came quickly to the spot they are now at and the show hasn't finished so...

Gwen should tell him she loves him, but yeah, it's a lot more difficult for her to make that declaration. Arthur's steadfast and so unbelievably strong in his belief... whereas she is just a little more realistic xD. But she will tell the right time...hopefully next season.
over a year ago nsk said…
^ arthur/gwen are actually my OTP now , they beat lucas/peyton ahah *_* for me

i think that its easy for arthur to express his feelings cause he feel comfortable around and mostly cause he has nothing to the other hand she can lose EVERYTHING because of her romance and she knows that ONLY arthur can break her heart so
thats why when she told lancelot that she had feeling for hil it was ONLY because he was about to die and they had the SAME background and also because he is the rebound guy (thats what the writors said ahaha)... when she is a lady ( so safe), she will tell him how much she loves him and we'll have an happy dance LOL
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
Thanks, naima ;)
We've just to wait and see thir relationship grow and someday when things will have changed she will tell him and then they will marry *_*
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
So this idea sort of popped into my head- tell me if you guys are interested...
Well I was looking at the pick someone made where fan voted for whether they liked Arthur or Gwen more and it's always been so close. Either a tie...or Gwen edges Arthur out by a percent... or Arthur edges Gwen out by a percent. So I thought of adding to this forum two different teams- Arthur or Gwen and we compete in little competitions.
The competitions can range from Best Word to Describe Arwen or Best Submitted Arwen Icon or Best Submitted Arwen video. The submissions would last a week and a person would link their submission. And each week a judge from each team would pick the best submission from their particular team. Then a pick would be made and the winning team would recieve a points.

Each team would recieve a Team Captain ( who gets everyone participating), a Team Vice-Captain (who keeps things organized and makes sure submissions are adequate), and a Team Judge (who chooses the best submission the members of that team submits).

The two teams are Arthur and Gwen as mentioned above. If your interested join the team of the character you prefer. I just hope it does not get to one sided for a character. Try and even it out.

I won't choose yet because I want your opinion on this and I'm curious to see what teams you guys choose. If your interested in being Captain, Vice-Captain, or Judge, put that down as well. If you see a lot of people joining one team, join the other. I'm pretty sure all Arwen fans love Arthur and Gwen almost the same, or maybe even equally. Anyways, tell me what you think!
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
sounds interesting and fun though I haven't got it completly yet (it's tool late and my brain is mashed xD)
I like that "Best word to describe"
I think I'd choose Gwen ;)
over a year ago nsk said…
i didnt understand everything ( its past midnight in paris for me LOL)

but ill be team gwen , i love her with every man (gwaine , leon , merlin, elyan , even lancelot LFMAO XD)
i actually dont like arthur when he isnt around her ...
over a year ago vicktz said…
lol thanks!!! i dont actually hav an otp it never crossed my mind but they are definitely in my top 5 favourit couples. VampyreFey tats a gr8 idea. i wud be on team gwen tho. i neva really liked arthur.
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
lol, if u all choose gwen I can also be team Arthur, love them both almost equal ;)
over a year ago nsk said…
^@ vicky LOL ur the first arwen shipper that i met who doesnt like arthur ! LFMAO XD im not alone thats cool
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Vic- you don't like Arthur? LOL, yeah first time for me too.
Rose, Naima, tell me what you need clearing up because I know I haven't mentioned everything clearly. I'll probably have to give examples to make things clear.
Thanks Rose. That's exactly what I meant about things getting too one-sided.
I'd be Team Arthur. Do any of you want to be Captain, Vice-Captain, or Judge of the team you chose?

Let me just put this down, so I organize it.

Team Gwen:

Team Arthur:
Me (Issie)
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over a year ago jereimy said…
Hi, well I never see this until issie put on the wall jajajaj I missed all the fun, well my name is Jenny and I am from South America, Colombia, beautiful country, I love it, I am studying english, french and a little bit of german but my mother language is spanish. I was looking vids on you tube and I like this song " He is the air I would kill to breathe" and with this song it was an arwen video and since that moment i felt in love with this couple, so I search and I found a web site where I can see all the episodes and well, I see all seasons and I love it.

Arthur and Gwen are my otp, I love them. Issie is an excellent idea and well I would to be team arthur, I love gwen but I love arthur most
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
big smile
^Jenny we are such twins! I also love Arthur more, though I do love Gwen a ton!

So Jenny's with Rose and I on Team Arthur! Guys spread the news! I want to start the first competition Monday or even Sunday, preferably.
over a year ago sk91 said…
Hi Girls. Hope I can join here.
I'm only on episode 2x10 so far, but I'm already in love with Arwen (mostly because of Arthur tho :P) so it would be great if I could share my opinion on new episodes with someone else who adore A&G xD

Probably, most of the time I will annoy you since you have seen more than me and know whole story. haha.

btw. I'm S.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jereimy said…
Hello sk91 please tell us your name and of course you can join here, this is for all arwen fans and it was really exciting if someone who wasnt see all the season, comment and our wall and all can remember all this beautiful moments with arwen jajaja

Issie yes we are twins jajaja we love arthur, we can share him jajajaj tell us when started this would be fun
over a year ago sk91 said…
Thanks Jenny :)
I told you I'm S. well.. my real name is Sylwia but I got used to be called S on FP :D I can't wait to see S3 and all this amazing Arwen moments I know only from fanvids xd
over a year ago nsk said…
Hi S!!! Welcome to the spot !!! Glad to havé u here! Dont hesitate to share ur opinion on the Arwen scene (even on the merlin spot too cause most peuple ship Arwen LOL ) i miss Arwen so much i cannot wait to see the spoiler in march!!!!
over a year ago VampyreFey said…
Welcome S! Want to choose a team?

LOL! Yes, Jenny! We have to share him.

Alright... the first competition is officially open. I've decided that it's going to be the Best Word to Describe...a certain Arwen scene.

So shall we begin? Best Word to Describe Arthur and Gwen's First kiss (See Episode 2x02 "The Once and Future Queen") Post your answer! How would you describe their first kiss in just 1-3 words.

over a year ago VampyreFey said…
My Answer: The Sweet First
over a year ago jereimy said…
Team Arthur:

My answer: Sweet Delicious forbidden.