Avatar: The Last Airbender Hey everyone listen up!!!

YoungThunder posted on Jan 21, 2009 at 08:44PM
This isn't a forum but I figure it's a way to get your attention. If you think the cast that's been announced for the movie sucks, then go to this site and see if you can help the cause. link Please make them listen to us.

Avatar: The Last Airbender 24 replies

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over a year ago shortynme said…
LOL I love how people are freaking out about this. You guys, seriously, you might be surprised by the casts ability to portray the characters. There's not really anything you can do about it as it's already been cast and announced. Just be opened minded and give those people a shot. If it sucks, oh well! You don't have to buy it and you can consider the movie as something that has NOTHING to do with Avatar. So chill out please!
Also, please don't take offense, I too love Avatar and would like the movie to be great but I understand that some times you can be surprised by the talent of actors, no matter how crappy you think they'll do.
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
big smile
That there is words of wisdom dear! I applaud!
over a year ago Stevey711 said…
I agree totally. Besides, the people casting the actors are professionals, and have done it many times before. They know what they're looking for, and what they need. I'm sure it'll be fine. :)
over a year ago 18wanda said…
This movie is going to b a rip!!! They don't even look like the characters we all know and love. This is an outrage!
over a year ago shortynme said…
It's called makeup. :)
If they can make Rob look like an Edward they can do anything!
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
This suxx man!
over a year ago 18wanda said…
Filling yourself with false hopes won't egt you far in life.
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
You're a dork. I would just like you to know that.
over a year ago shortynme said…
Lol Thanks for the support you guys! lol
Hey, false hope can be very useful! lol jk
over a year ago Airbender4823 said…
wow wow wow, no dork calling! im with wanda and cosmo, sure u have to give the actors a chance but seriously watch fighting movies, the asian or way better fighter than americans (it cud ruin the movie) watch crouching tiger hidden dragon or any asian fighting movie then watch any american figthing movie, whoses is better? asian ofcourse for american films they have to shake the camera alot to make it more intersting and shake it so u cant tell they cant fight! i want to watch a good movie with good action and no stunt doubles!!!!
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
TOTALLY! This will suck man!
over a year ago shortynme said…
LOL SO RACIST! lol jk jk! Ok, just because you're Asian doesn't automatically make you a better martial artist! lol Those crappy movies have everything do with the directing and filming, not the actors themselves.
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
over a year ago shortynme said…
I can see that. Sokka and Katara doesn't seem Asian to me, more like Eskimo or something lol.
over a year ago Disk98 said…
Ick! The cast SUCKS!
over a year ago shortynme said…
lol man, I'm sorry that you guys are upset. I really am. It does suck. I love the show too but I guess I'm just not too worried about it. I'm sure I'll like it anyways. I think it would have been cool if they got a little awesome Asian dude to be Aang but they didn't as lame as that is.
over a year ago 18wanda said…
Did that Azula whatever call me a dork??? Oh yeah, well she is a bigger dorkie shmorgie!
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
Ha...Ha...Ha. Kill Me! Y'all should really stop worrying over the cast of this stinking movie. It's not a life or death ordeal. And yes, I DID call you a dork.
over a year ago shortynme said…
I think it was more or less said with sarcastic love. . .lol
yeah I think the show will be great. I have a lot of faith in M. Knight Shblalbalba or how ever he says/spells his name! lol
over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
Who cares shortynme.
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
Seriously....how rude cleo. I mean really. Ole girl is just trying to keep the peace. But whatever.
over a year ago 11kia said…
theres a movie??????????
over a year ago 18wanda said…
I would love to write hate mail but I don't have an acoount to that hate site! I want to tell them what crap his freakin' movie will be!
over a year ago Azula_19_2009 said…
*Slaps forehead and rolls eyes* Shoot me...just shoot me...