Avatar: The Last Airbender The ending of Avatar and my thoughts on it.

shortynme posted on Jan 24, 2009 at 12:01PM
So, personally, I thought the whole ending was great. I didn't think it was possible for them to tie up all the loose ends in 4 episodes but they did!
I was WAY happy that Aang was able to defeat the Fire Lord without killing him, didn't see that one coming! lol
The best part can be summed up in three words: Katara kissing Aang! I seriously almost cried I was so happy! lol I was like "It's about time woman! How could you not know?! How could you deny that cute little face with the rad tattoos! He's the freaking Avatar! You should thank your lucky stars that he even gives you the time of day!" lol Seriously, that about sums up the feelings there when poor Aang kissed Katara and she snapped at him about being confused. So, I was overjoyed but really sad that it ended. :) and :(
I'm feeling very conflicted! lol But, I hope other fans were as happy with the ending as I was.

Avatar: The Last Airbender 14 replies

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over a year ago shortynme said…
And yes, I'm a new fan. I just started watching Avatar a few weeks ago and just finished it tonight.
over a year ago 18wanda said…
You sure watch them fast. I started watching when they were about halfway done with the earth set. Once I caught up I had to wait for new episodes. Drag...
over a year ago shortynme said…
Yeah I hate waiting for episodes. So I'm happy I discovered it once they were all done! lol
over a year ago Stevey711 said…
yea, I remember waiting for each episode...
It was soooo annoying having to wait so long.
Still, I found that it didn't quite give the same effect to watch them all in one day. You don't notice that in fact, quite a lot of time is passing for them.

I loved the ending, though I was very upset about it being over.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shortynme said…
I guess it's true that the time doesn't seem to be as long. But they kept saying it had been a year so I was like "Oh ok."
I was sad that it ended too. :( But I loved it.
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
Well, I LOVe it but when Avatar first came out me and 18wanda made fun of it and wanted it to be cancelled. I don't think that anymore. You are free to throw pie at us if you know where we live.
over a year ago shortynme said…
lol I forgive you. Sometimes we judge things before giving them a chance. It's normal. :)
over a year ago 18wanda said…
yeah. I used to think it was so dinky before I watched Waterbending Scroll.
over a year ago shortynme said…
LOL dinky?
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
It means stupid,for toddlers, yeah you get the idea.
over a year ago shortynme said…
big smile
lol yeah but it's just fun to say!
over a year ago 18wanda said…
dinky dinky dinky!
over a year ago stoner said…
I discovered the series not too long ago myself. I had friends who wouldn't stop talking about it - yes - we are adults here, and I just thought that my buddies were being full of it. Little did I know that I'd get hooked after a couple of "just for the heck of it" video rentals.

I did loved the ending, but it also left a good number of loose ends. I don't think a continuation of the story is necessary, as the kiss between Aang and Katara had sealed it. What I would hope to see is a new book, with each chapter chronicling the characters - both major, recurring and minor - now that the war had ended and peace has been restored, as per Zuko's address to the nations.
over a year ago Equus said…
haha i used to think it was stupid and then my friend got me into it and i watched the whole series in a week. i really want to know what happened with zuko's mom