Avatar: The Last Airbender Favorite Episodes?

ktlady posted on Oct 19, 2007 at 04:55PM
What are your favorite episodes of Avatar? and why?

My favorites:

Cave of Two Lovers -- I've seen this episode like ten times. This line alone makes it a favorite for me:
"Don't react to what I'm about to say... I think that kid's the avatar!"

and "and die!!" (strums guitar)

Zuko Alone-- just because I love Zuko's two swords and we learned how much of a softie he really is. lol...

Bitter Work-- Just for Sokka in this episode...
"I'll give up meat and sarcasm... that's all I have."

The Blue Spirit-- for Sokka once again!
"Sokka thinks he's an earthbender!" -Katara
"Take that, you rock!" -Sokka

and of course...
"You're crazy, aren't you?" -Aang
"That's ri-ight!" -Random mad old lady

Those are all from the second season! Anyone have some good ones from the first? I can't think of any. I guess it's just that the second season is still fresh in my mind. Oh and episodes from the third season are allowed, of course!

Avatar: The Last Airbender 16 replies

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over a year ago Kirsty said…
I have, have, have to put The Awakening just because Aang had hair. I absolutely could not get over this and just blinked at the computer screen for about 5 minutes!

Gotta agree, Zuko Alone is a brilliant ep and I love it when the kid sneaks the double swords(!) to practice with then Zuko finds him and spooks him. I thought I'd mind 'cos there was no Aang but it was great!

Any ep where Sokka goes shopping! I loved it in Sokka's Master where Kataras like "I know what'll cheer you up" and Sokkas all "Shopping!".

Which is the ep where Sokkas talking about his boomerang going "You DO always come back!" and saying "me without my boomerang is like Katara without her hair...loopies!"

Lol just a few more gems from Sokka I promise, like The Drill where he's going "the Boomeraang gang, see? It has Aang in it". I love it where he drinks cactus juice in The Desert (quenchy!) and "its a bear? Just a ear? Not a platypus-bear? Only a bear?" etc. Ah Sokka! I love others too but his quotes spring easily to mind.
over a year ago ktlady said…
Okay... I now have to add "The Beach" to my favorites. Great episode. Maybe I'm just a sucker for misunderstood kids.

Sokka's Master was a good episode too. lol... Sokka does rock. He makes half the show. Can you imagine the show without him?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago da_silverfox said…
ok my favorite episodes!

The Drill:
All 4 elements are used a lot. Good fighting, the sarcasm jokes of Sokka (love it!) and his TEAM AVATAR, THE AANG GAANG, THE FEARSOME FOURSOME and such. The bored Mai (: okay, we lost). The Earthgeneral for the wall ( do you want the help of the avatar now? - Yes :'( !)

Appa's lost days
the eastern airtemple is ,like all of them, beautiful!
the connection between appa and aang ìs great, the flashbacks even greater! i hope there is nothing wrong with suki and the other kioshi warriors and it really hurts seeing appa with so much pain.

Nightmares and daydreams (although i still dont understand how these episodes are on this site)
the hallucinations, nightmares, the daydream (i wish he really told what he feels for katara, i wish the daydream came true!!!)
over a year ago Kirsty said…
Oh I've totally got to add the Avatar and the Fire Lord, that was brilliant. Went quite a way into explaining why Zuko is so messed up, it's all in the GENES, people...
over a year ago ktlady said…
lol Kirsty! Totally agree. ;)
over a year ago da_silverfox said…
yeah true!

i love all the flashbacks in avatar!
they're all so explaining :p
over a year ago miiamya said…
the cave of two lovers
bitter work
the warriors of kyoshi island
the beach
the water bending scroll
and the newest episode(10/11)

but they are all awesome
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Some of my favorites are: The Waterbending Master, Return to Omashu, The Chase, The Drill, The Crossroads of Destiny, The Beach, The Puppetmaster, The Boiling Rock part 2, and Into the Inferno. Mostly the ones with Azula.
over a year ago Princess_Azula said…
The most favorites are: The Storm, The Seige of the North part 2, Zuko Alone, The City of Walls and Secrets, The Firebending Masters, The Old Masters, Avatar Aang. Though I love ALL the episodes)))
over a year ago stoner said…
I'm beginning to appreciate "The Warriors Of Kyoshi."

Party because I had used it as an instructional aid to highlight the importance of equality and interdependence [regardless of age, race, gender and/or ethnicity].

- The absence of ethnocentrism, as evidenced by Suki agreeing to make exceptions, especially when they had been "traditionally" not allowed to have any outsiders, let alone boys. The admittance of Sokka would later open the door for another outsider - Ty Lee - to become a full pledged member of the group. *If* the series continued, the Kyoshi warriors today would be a very diverse group to be reckoned with.

- The change of attitude, as evidenced by Sokka's initial sexist and chauvinistic attitude towards the opposite sex, as per his cultural upbringing in the water tribe. He had learned to acknowledge women, as equally capable (or better suited) to tackle the tasks that were once traditionally dominated by men.

- Suki passed on her knowledge to Sokka, paving the way for him to become a great warrior (and master swordsman) in his own right in later episodes.
over a year ago 18wanda said…
I like Ember Island Players, waterbending Scroll, Painted Lady, and the Boiling Rock. That is only naming a few.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Sozins commet was my faveirote i also like the beach the chase and the drill. I like the episodes that have Azula in them alot.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 18wanda said…
I figured that with all the Azula user icons. Not hard to figure you out. Also, I picked the blushing smiley because it is so cute!
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
I really like Ember Island Players. It made me so...LOL! It was hilarious and I daydreamed a lot about that.
over a year ago Will_NolanLover said…
Sozins Comet part 4
over a year ago 18wanda said…
Really? I thought that was the worst. My favorite in the season finale was into the inferno. I loved the fire duel and the air ships.