Avatar: The Last Airbender What Kind of Bending do you wanna see in future episodes?

rockwutiwear posted on Nov 21, 2007 at 01:27AM
me? i wanna see more mixed bending.
more airbending. hurricanes. tornadoes. flying. and some other creative idea's
why doesn't katara swim? she could probably go super fast!
i wanna see ice armor like with earthbenders.

Avatar: The Last Airbender 36 replies

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over a year ago chatsfriend said…
Ice armor would defiantly be very cool...
It would probably shatter though and not be very protective.
over a year ago fordsr said…
no they could supercondense it it would be like regular armor but they can fix it mid battle and cold of course...

i would like to see the other water benders learn how to vine bend and this plays into a question ive had for a lond time..

fire has lighting
water has vines and plant like
earth has metal
wind has ???

what is wind;s super BA form of bending
over a year ago ktlady said…
ooo nice ideas. Maybe instead of Ice armor it could be like in x-men 3 when Iceman like... turns into ice.

For wind... err maybe control the weather? tornados and the like.
over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
yea i was thinking about that, but aang blowing or aang making a tornado is still just moving air. just bigger or smaller, and in different directions. hmmm...
i mean bending air can move rocks and water kuzz air is what they move through....
and air feeds fire. maybe it's a linking element?

yet fire would be the linking element because
it's solid, liquid, gas, and engery. iono?
dimensions? maybe Aang can have teleportation?

space travel even seems plausable. i mean what's past fire? lightning. what's past the sky? space.

over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
airbenders should be able to
1. move objects like Jedi
2.shoot steam out of the ground like guisers
3. float for longer distances, jump higher
waterbenders should be able to:
1. swim
2. send down individual clouds like airstrike bombs

Aang should:
1. mix his air and fire bending to make super fire bending
2. mix his air and water bending to do that cloud idea
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jessicaalee said…
Tornados would be pretty awesome. ;) As for other types of bending I would say maybe light bending. I dunno.
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
Maybe since air is in people... perhaps if the air nomads were more evil, they could starve someone of oxygen, or something along those lines.

Also since it is possible to change air into a solid be making it so cold. Maybe air benders could make the air so cold it solidifies. Kinda like dry ice... (frozen CO2)

Another thing is how in the episode where Aang has his flash back to when he was at the southern air temple. He was doing the cake thing where they made the cake center all poofy by air bending. I don't think that makes much since, cause I'm having a hard time describing it...

P.S. Can't wait for episode 12!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Booyahboy said…
maybe Wind is create a shield? like an air bubble that can't be penetrated, not just like his air blocks.

Or perhaps Air Blades? cut through stuff with a thin stream of air like they can do with water?

As for other types of bending, how about sound bending, like the airwaves and that, so you could make sounds that arent there, or mute someone. I liked Jessicaalee's lightbending, scent bending? touch bending? (so bend people's skin to feel things, or not), how bout brainwave bending? the possibilities are endless.

Oh, quick edit, just had a thought, Weren't the sand benders wind benders? something to think bout.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
sandbenders were specialized earthbenders
over a year ago fordsr said…
yes they were
over a year ago Booyahboy said…
Oh, ok, i thought they were airbenders, but i guess i was wrong. it was probably the whirlwind things they made that fooled me
over a year ago da_silverfox said…
they made the sand move in tornado like things

because a lot of good ideas are said(and some bad(evil airbenders?!?) i say:

airbenders, flying, that's the only thing i can imagine, ok they have there gliders but... the powers of bending will be wider than all our idea's the writers are very creative!
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
I just said evil airbenders since, the air nomads are so peaceful, that they wouldn't use there powers to do anything like that, so they would have to be eviler to even think to use it.
over a year ago momo_228 said…
over a year ago MC_Acktour said…
I think all the ideas are god so far, but they lack something
ahh, a hint of sadism


very easy to be evil here
literally cooking someone alive and watching them writhe in agony as there sking cooks
I'm literally salivating at the prospect of crackling aang

Heating a body part up and marking someone with it, great for torture, though not great for the torturee

if fore bending controls heat, maybe they could heat up the magma and creat lava flows to wipe out areas? could be used in conjuction with earth bending to create a makeshift volcano

use fire bending to quickly oxidise the glucose in the body, this will result in burnt bender, well more like exploded bender but you know

Use sparky sparky boom mans explosion ability to explode somones body parts one by one, agonising isnt it?

use fire bending to take the heat out of an area and freeze someone to death. alternativley just give them severe frostbite and see if they can live on. (by severe, i mean arms, legs and lung)

maybe cooking someone then serving them to a family member, but tell them after they finished the meal. That would be sweet.
"Hey sokka you liked that meal, well the secret ingredient? Gran-Gran!!"

Ill put more up for the other elements
than ill probarly do a combo one
over a year ago MC_Acktour said…
I cant hold it in


airbending is way to placid for my liking, i think they arn't utilising the full power of air

How bout creating a miniture vacuum and choking the masses

or maybe moving that vacuam to the lungs where they will colapse inwards on themselves, what a way to go, colapsing in the street

maybe the sirbending could be used to change the pressure in the area, maybe move particles of air around to increase or decrease it
well how about crushing someone like that
and it can be pretty precise inf a master does it, so you could proborly make it look like an invisible figer squished them

or really low pressure to force the pressure out of the body.
all mannerof thiings will occur, like oesophagus and larynx turning inside out due to pressure change

maybe even to the extent of no pressure and the body will explode?

less dramtic, but better for AIRsassins, make soe nitrogen or aa bubble of air get in the blood stream, everyone will think he died of the bends while you walk away as if nothing happened

use the power of flatulence to cause explosive decompression in the area of flatulance

I might not kill you, but it will hurt

Instead pump said flatulance back up the digestive tract and out the mouth, forcibly
that will be very painful

Maybe do this more forcibly and rip through the walls of the digestive tract, that will kill tehm as various thing diest, kill and destroy each other

pumping air into someone till they went POP
not glamorous, but still effective

similar technique as before, but push the air into someone and control thier body, like bloodbending
but they would porborly be very dead
very dead indeed

Do the previous using the oxygen and carbon dioxide already in the blood
they would proborly be less dead, but its a lot easier when the heart stops working

Well thats all i have on air at the moment
water next, this might be fun...
over a year ago MC_Acktour said…
Yep the key to life now


waterbending can be used to heal, but can it be used to reverse healed parts of the boocy
like make a bone rebroken or force scartissue to open?
has anybody else thought this at all?

freeze the water in the cells, as water expands and literally turn someone into iceman
but bigger
and redder
and deader

As Hana said, all humans are are big bags of water, but she used blood bending to control them
well i say, use them as big bags of water and take it all.
use people as ammunition supplies and kill an enemy in the process

Plus the blood will freak enemys out, especially if you use it to take the form of the person who just died
really mess with people

use the vapour in the lungs and mucus in the throat to push it all together to create a perfect enviroment for broncxhitus
laugh as they die

use superheated steam to scald someone
yepo, steams still water, and if its easy to shift between water and ice, why not water and steam

Adding onto before, why not from steam to plasma
that would cover all four of the common states of matter

freeze the water in the chest along the sides of the ribs and turn them into a human accordian

thats it, not much else i can think of for water
over a year ago MC_Acktour said…
Okay earth

took a while to actualy think of something evil, but i got there

use earth bending to push the earth through someones bones
use this to move through someone, moving the earth up inside the bones and creating a "rock skeleton" of your foe
pretty greusome

use the metal i the blood and bones aqnd metal bend them to rip someone up
the metal i talk of is calcium, iron and other trace metals

use the earth and create a pit, then earthbend claws and grap and pull the person into the earth
except, the earth wont give way and subsequently crush them

same as before but lt the earth give way, let them starve to death

more war-time thing now, create a giant wall of ewarth, and shoot multiple projectiles as offense, have other bender repair holes to keep defense high

use earthbending to bend the land as a wave and crush enemys
great as a mixed team tactic

volcano as previously mentioned

use that growing crystal from omashu and embed it in someone using earthbending
let it grow and cause them pain, then shatter it, ripping up their inards and laugh as they writhe in pain

trap somone in earth armor, and crush them
limb by limb

Besides worst comes to worst you could always squish them with a big rock
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
wow. thanx for all your ideas!
your airbending thoughts gave me an idea.
airbending and pshycic abilities.
they sound different, but on the outside, they're similar

vaccuum a body / darth vader choke
strong narrow gusts / push objects midair
air sucking / lightsaber grab 2 hand

i think this opens a pandoras box for the writers
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
ok... no offence MC_Acktour... but, for someone such as my self... the ideas don't go together right... Some of the ideas are good and make since, but i mean, a lot of the stuff was off topic. Not that that's bad, just, if you watch certain episodes, you will see that some of that stuff they have. Mainly steam used in a few episodes.

But, really, the four elements have to be balanced equally in there own way which is why if you blood bend and such, you can only do it on a full moon. My next article will be CONSTRUCTIVE critism.. so plz, plz, plz don't be offened by this major fix.
over a year ago chatsfriend said…

All the torturing and what not... Possible obviously but you would need to have the person in captive or something like that.

The magma thing, already show.

The burning of someone using there oxygen... well there wouldn't be enough to make them explode, plus the fire would need to be in them. 2nd sparky sparky boom man/fire benders shoot from them self and don't make fire suddenly come from anywhere else.

Fire benders don't take away heat they create it. The water benders/air benders would be more like that, where they create the freezing water/air to make something freeze or chill.
And... i assume that last one wasn't serious...
*looks around nervously*


Yes, the air nomads don't use there full potential.
However, the monks have a important method of living in balance with nature and would never do something like that, so they would have to be evil.

For skills... They would be much more powerful if they used there power to full potential. The one i disagree with is the air pressure thing. It is like trying to get a container of air and pressurizing or unpressurized it, as if becomes more or less pressurized, it is harder, thus meaning that they could only cause probably discomfort, lack of air, or too much air, all of which causing pain.


The reverse healing... well, i think that since the healing is by flourishing the damaged area with water and increasing the healing speed. You could also perhaps limit the water flow to an area making a slower heal? But reverse healing, i doubt it.

The freezing people thing would be similar to blood bending so it would need to be on a full moon...if that even would be enough power...perhaps it would be...*looks at full moon grinning*

Blood is only part water...the water benders even on a full moon wouldn't be able to pull the water out of someone.

Vapor thing... yes, you could make the air exstreamly humid or very dry like 0% humidity.

Steam used in book 3 episode 9 i think... and probably some others... (wow, i feel like such a avatar geek)

And lastly plasma... Not powerful enough...not even with a full moon...


That pushing rocks in them and what not... well unless there pinned against something...yea...

Knowing that metal bending is like blood bending sorta, where first you need to be very powerful like Toph, and its a hands on thing that dosen't really bend it like full on without touching... so not possible...

The claws and pit thing... that's sorta like the di lee, sorry don't know how thats spelled... the evil earth benders i guess.

The starving them and leaving them stuck there sorta like in book 2 episode 8 or 9 i think the one called deserter or whatever is after that... not sure...

War wall is kinda like the personal rock suit or wall where(if its a wall you can shoot the rocks) like in book 2 episode "the drill" #??? 13 or 14 maybe...

The rock wave... i think they have done that, but on a small scale... but im not sure... possible? probably.

Volcano thing is more for fire, but if your the avatar its probably a good combo.

The crystal was as hard as rock candy i presume since he could eat it and it tasted like it. Probably could be used like water is used in book 1 episode water bending master or something # 18.

Trapping someone in earth armor... well some bending moves don't require you to do big moves so they might be able to break out. Or like king Bumi if you don't cover his head up he can still bend.

Some of the things i said might be possible by the avatar or some of the stuff MC_Acktour said could be possible if its not the completely over powered part.

Well that's that... Feel free to respond and prove me wrong i did it pretty fast so some of it might be slightly inaccurate. Thanks for something too do MC_Acktour!

P.S. Up to 219 fans nice....

Dang i just posted this and it is LONG!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
FILL IN THE BLANKS: (for mixed bending)

can aang mix 3 or even 4 kinds of bending in 1 move?
as a bonus, does he get extra bending after lerning all 4?
like gravity, teleportation, black holes?

i also see a pattern:
earth, water, air, fire =
solid, liquid, gas, energy =
land, sea, atmosphere, sun.
weather is simplified to how the sun powers the water with the air to change land.
so in essense, the avatar could make his own planet?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
no he can not get teleportation and black wholes, but all air benders laugh at gravity
over a year ago MC_Acktour said…
well chatfriend that was a refreshing blow

thank you for your constructive critism, but i went on a tangent, and all i saw was "bending ..."

so i put my ideas on how they could use bending elsewhere

but, plasma (blood), is mostly water so it might be able to bend it, plus cell cytoplasm is basically water so i still stick by the bags of water theory

and, yeh plasma (state) would reguire huge energy, but if someone wasstrong enough, and in avatar state, and on full moon?
maybe, maybe

i like being optimistic

also, question, if firebenders are stronger during daylight, does that mean lightning can be strongest at noon?
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
Lighting is a different form of fire bending which since it is still fire bending... i believe it is stronger at noon, so yes
over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
can firebenders shoot flames downward to use as a jetpack?
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
Not that i know of... But, if i had to guess... they would probably hurt them selfs and not get enough thrust going upwards... Just blow up the ground by there feet.
over a year ago fordsr said…
well they could invent something that could harness that energy as lift this would give way to a new style of firebending with tech especially since fire nation is pretty advanced technologicaly
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
All the advanced technology isn't with bending moves though... so if they were able to do that then it would be from building something to put on that they could then firebend to use or might be usable by everyone.

However, if they had to wear it... I'm sure it would be quite bulky and annoying. Leave flying and such to the air nomads.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MC_Acktour said…
oh ym god,

that spoiler was way too much and waay to beckoning

and, does anybody think that lightning could be used to create electrolysis on water
thus creating hyrdogen and oxygen

this would make a highly volotile reaction and make people go boom

well, critiscims opinions, this is all we have outside our real lives you know
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
I don't know if that would be possible...I guess it would technically be possible, but I don't know if they would figure out how to do that.
over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
chemically i think it would make more of a powerful push than a boom. clever thinking tho!

i have an idea "air soft gun" where ang can point his finger like a gun and shot a gust that's needle thin, making it capable of penetrating hard surfaces. same could be done with every element, but air has more of a speed factor.
over a year ago chatsfriend said…
That would probably be possible and very good for airbenders since they don't have many offensive moves. Even if it is a small offense move.
over a year ago MC_Acktour said…
I think air is a very powerful force, its just that the nomads were peaceful, so deadley techniques wern't taught or wern't well spread

conversley, fire benders, an aggressive nation, dont have very many non-violent techniques that are well known
theres fireballs, lightning but nothing really passive like the airbenders climate control or the water benders healing

even earth benders can use bending to help build houses and stabalise things, the leaning tower of piza wouldnt be earthbenders see

fire is proborly the most useful bending art as it can be converted to heat, and therefore energy
which basically means they can control energy on a rudimentary level

though the likleyhood of the firebenders exploiting their gift from god is unlikley after the ensured fall of the fire nation

then all this technology will be pumped back into warcraft and the cycle continues

its an idea i gess,

wait, what was i talking about?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rockwutiwear said…
did yall see that whirlwind aang used in chapter 12? .. so fly...
over a year ago dannysgurl4eva said…
i think time and ivisiblity would be cool. airbenders, like aang, could take the oxygen in their bodies and spread it out causing them to become invisible. or even the water benders like katara since she can bend blood, then maybe she could do that but i think that it would come in handy and be very interesting.

for time bending, it could be a whole different bending, like the people have hidden themselves and no one knows they exsist until now. they can like freeze people in their tracks, or make them speed up,. they could even stop time for short periods to give enough time to escape or something. that would be really cool.

or weather bending, people like storm from xmen who can control the weather. make it rain or make it sunny. but they wouldnt be able to like make it night or day. just rain shine snow ect ect