Bioshock Do you think there should have been muliplayer on Bioshock??

MarkTheGreat27 posted on Dec 14, 2007 at 11:49PM
I love Bioshock and it has now been titled game of the year but i leads me wondering what could have made the game better and first thing that springed to mind was there should have been multiplayer. But would multiplayer ruin the game also. i would like to see who agrees cause i hope i'm not the only one who thinks this

Bioshock 2 replies

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over a year ago blah201 said…
3 years later, you shall get a response, no i dont think it shouldve had multiplayer. To quote Ken Levine in the Game Informer article of Bioshock Infinite, "Either you go all out and put it on the level of Halo or Call of Duty, or people are going to stop playing it within a month, and you have wasted time and resources"
over a year ago bioshockluvr17 said…