Bisexuality Why don't most Bisexuals just come out?

princessfelicia posted on Aug 09, 2008 at 11:39PM
State ur opinions on this one guys.

Bisexuality 13 replies

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over a year ago vider69 said…
I think bisexuals should come out but maybe they feel that they will be judged in the wrong way if they do.
over a year ago princessfelicia said…
I know, but being a bisexual isnt bad like being a lesbian or gay, we like both sexes, what the heck? Its safe.
over a year ago vider69 said…
Yeah but people always think we are strange whether we like the same sex or both sexes so we can't win in that regard.
over a year ago Vesper said…
I'd be afraid to come out to some people mostly because they associate homosexualism (and, as I imagine, bisexualism as well) as close to promiscuity. You're lesbian/gay/bi = you're a slut.
over a year ago robertchaseicu said…
Well, it's pretty much the same as coming out gay or lesbian, except that people think it's not possible to be bisexual. People think it's just a stupid phase, and that everyone will get over it eventually, and you don't really know if you're bi because you're just 'confused'. My experience is coming out to my parents, they just laughed and said "It's just a phase honey, you'll get over it, you're just confused." And now, a year later, still not 'over it' and I have a girlfriend that they don't know about now.
over a year ago niceapril said…
i agree with u all. But the thing is im 13 and im defo bi coz it runs in my mams genes. Ive told my family nd they know. But the reason i dont tell my mates is coz theyre loud mouths. Nd im scared that if every1 knows im gonna have lasses whisperin behind me nd funny looks in the pe changin rooms. Its hard for me. I know it'll get better when im in yr 11. In that yr i will tell em coz then ill ge a chance to speak bout it nd if they dont accept it then thats there prob. Ive kissed one of my friends 4 a dare b4 nd now i have feelins 4 her which she doesnt know about nd never will.
nimone commented…
i compleatly understand it same where i go to school people don't shut up about others . Just hold on and calm down at least we're not like guys that could get an erection so in a way we're lucky over a year ago
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Well i am bi, and both of the two friends I have told have both asked me if I think it's just a phase, that annoys me. You wouldn't say that if I just came out and said "I'm lesbian", but to me being bi is just as much a big of a deal. Also, in connection to niceapril's point, I would get harassed soooo much if any of my friends let it slip. Also, with the weird looks in the changing rooms, that would bug me so much!! If you are straight it doesn't mean you fancy everybody, does it?! But for some reason as soon as you say you are les or bi everyone thinks you must fancy them!! Ridiculous!!

So yes, in answer to your question, for me being bi is just as big a deal as being gay or lesbian, with just as many rumours set to spread, jsut as many funny looks and just as much gossiping. I may come out in a few years, being in year 10 now.
over a year ago DJJesseElectra said…
Im bi and only 14 my parents are all anti gay/bi/lesbian so i can't come out! I dont wanna end up on the streets besides im already getting away with having an amazing boyfriend whom takes care of me most of the time. So we decided a mont after school ends on our senior year we will tell them then that way we will have jobs and most likly a apartment together since we are fully comit to each other. But we are gonna come out its just timing thats all ost are scared because they dont wanna be abandoned picked on or when they go around school having older jocks ask for blowjobs or girls snickering and going around making up rumors. It shouldn't phase us but it does happen and so people draw away and we end up alone and thats why we dont. We are scared of being alone of being kicked out onto the streets. Ps me and my boy friend look like Naruto and Sasuk!!!
over a year ago TheAnswer said…
Wow, some of you are so young. That' really great that you know who you are already, and you're able to talk about it. I was about 14* when I first started to realize that I was having feelings for girls as well as guys. I understood straight, and I understood gay, but I had no real concept of bi because it is not talked about as much. It is a joke in popular culture. I felt like a mistake, because there weren't any positive images of proud, bisexual people for me to look to and know that I was okay.
This is why I think bisexual celebrities should be out and proud and talk about it more. I know it is not really our business, but they are in a position of so much influence, they should use that power for good. They could save a kid's life! And maybe dispel some of these:

"It's just a phase"
"You're just kidding yourself"
"Pick a side"
"You just want attention"
"Everyone's bi when they drink enough"

These are the kinds of messages I was receiving from society, so I only told one close friend (after about a year of hating myself) and that was it for a while. I eventually told my other friends and my parents and stuff, and they were all okay (or just ignored it). But I still think there's a stigma attached to bisexuality that is not the same for homosexuality (or heterosexuality, certainly).

If you have a Gay/Straight Alliance at your school, I would say join it if you haven't already. The one at my school was really welcoming and supportive. I am totally comfortable with it now, but I still question myself. But that's okay. Emotions are confusing. It's been 6 years* since I first realized I was bisexual, and I still feel that way today. Some days I feel a little more gay than others (LOL), but generally I know where I stand.

When you get to university/college/out of high school, it gets so much better! :D

(*I guess I've kind of known all my life: I had crushes on girls in grade 2, but at the time I didn't understand what that meant.)
over a year ago dei-girl said…
i would tell everyone and just come outta the closest about me being bi. But everyone at my school and family would just abandon and talk shit behind my back. People in this world are just too judgemental against bisexuals. Or gay and lesbians for that matter.
over a year ago silentgirl17 said…
most people I told think its a phase. I've known since 8th grade when I was 14 but fought with it. now my closest friends know and I have a huge crush on one of my best friends.
over a year ago nimone said…
I have not came out to my parent yet. I live in a small town and, my parents know loads of people. The people where I live gossip a lot. i got Bullied for something as stupid as being good at science. I think because situations like mine exist it makes it harder for us to tell others of the fear of rejection. Kind of like asking someone out on a date.
over a year ago Rainshadow999 said…
Because I'm not truly sure if I'm bi or not that's why...I'll wait till I'm 16! I'm not allowed a boyfriend or girlfriend anyway so...