Blair & Chuck Wall

Displaying wall entries 61-70 of 1420

laurik2007 said …
So even Maybelline NY ships Chair?
link Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Ahaha WIN ! Who doesn't anyway ?!? over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Chuck don't go to the dark side now!!! I was hoping that he would back off the plan I'm really worried Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Don't worry bb ! over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
It's going to be a rough time until season finale but we'll get through it ! We have to believe that everything is going to be okay :) over a year ago
purple-passion said …
Has anyone read those spoilers for The Hundreth episode about Blair getting in a taxi KISSING DAN! I am really hoping those are just lies, because apparently there was a person who actually witnessed this. Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
That's not for the 100th episode. It will be around 5x17 apparently. Don't freak out about this now. We have to wait and see. over a year ago
purple-passion commented…
you just saved me from having a heart attack. over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …
So who will be twitting with us tonight ? Posted over a year ago
big smile
laurik2007 said …

lol, another poll guys .... Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Come on guys !Especially since Ban fans are actually voting for Delena ! over a year ago
cordyangel commented…
voted!!! over a year ago
Martym commented…
Voted! We can vote just for once or...? over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
just once :D over a year ago
Rodayna said …
i'm freaking pissed right now,they can't be together because of a sign from god, i'm gonna kill the writers Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
I felt like watching a damn soap opera !! ed/leighton chemistry is the only thing that made me watch that shitty story-line! over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
The wirters really used all their cards .... I hate them !!! over a year ago
CBnSE commented…
now it's just getting ridiculous. I'm starting to get tired of this show.. over a year ago
cordyangel commented…
i agree with all of you over a year ago
EclipseLoverxx said …
Omg why can't Blair and Chuck just be together like normal people!!! Please add me I'm a HUGE fan of Gossip girl Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
We don't have to add you. You can freely join the spot haha Welcome ! :) over a year ago
cordyangel commented…
Welcome over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
It's official ! we won the portrait poll :D Posted over a year ago
cosmicstars commented…
YAY!!! This is our third win in the PortraitMag poll :D over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
We deserved it !!! over a year ago
QUEENOFCLAY12 commented…
YAY!! over a year ago
ChairLuver said …
Loooove Chair forever. Hope Chuck doesnt let Blair marry the prince. Chair my OTP forever!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
glad to hear that♥ over a year ago
amshafe said …
As long as we stay in the lead today, we will win the poll. :) Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
there's no way DE can reach us ,,, over a year ago
amshafe commented…
^Yeah, we are almost 100,000 votes ahead last I checked. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
so it's a done deal :D over a year ago
OMG CALLING ALL CHAIR FANS!!! Chuck and Blair are THE hottest tv couple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!link Posted over a year ago
ratava123 said …
Who else is annoyed by Blair right now??? Or is it just me? Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
The only thing that hasn't changed in Blair is her love for Chuck. It's true that I'm not a big fan of the new Blair but I have to give her credit for her love for Chuck. over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
This said, I really need the old Blair back !!!! And this start by Blair not being friends with Dan and hating Brooklyn. over a year ago
cosmicstars commented…
^Better sooner than later, i hope. over a year ago
RoseJackDawson said …
Can someone please tell me everything that happend between these two afther his apologize? I can't watch,but I want to know. Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
You mean after 5x06 ? Basically, Blair discovers that Chuck really has changed and that he really is a good guy. She’s still in love with him and feels paralyzed without him. Chuck is still madly in love with Blair. They decide to get back together and to tell Louis that the wedding is off. On their way to tell him that, the car they are in, crashes. They’re both at the hospital. Blair loses the baby but she’s fine while Chuck is still in the coma. It’s more than Blair can handle. over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
She can’t imagine his life without Chuck and prays for him. She makes a pact with God (I’m not kidding …) and promesses to marry Louis if God saves Chuck’s life. Right after this, a nurse tells her that Chuck just woke up. No doubt, it’s a sign for Blair. At the end of the last episode, Blair leaves Chuck broken hearted by telling him that they can’t be together and that he has to move on and be happy. (Blair seems like a bad person but she’s only doing this cause she wants to protect Chuck, he means the world to her. She’d rather live a miserable life than seeing him dead). Of course Chuck can’t move on and promesses her that he will spend the rest of his life trying to find why she changed her mind about them. over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Ikr ... but don't worry ! Blair and Chuck will find their way back :) over a year ago
big smile
laurik2007 said …
”Every fairy tale has an end, the reason, maybe it’s because the prince is not the one that has several titles, but one that makes the girl feel like a real princess.” Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
Aw, that's really cool, who said this? over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
found it on tumblr :D over a year ago
The first time I saw Chuck and Blair, I thought "who are they and what tv show can I watch them on Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
awww <3 over a year ago
amshafe said …
I know it was a sad episode for Chair but I really liked "The End of the Affair". I thought it was a really good episode for all of the characters but of course all of Ed and Leighton's scenes were amazing. They have amazing chemistry. :) Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
yes! the acting was briliant, Ed and Leighton were amazing as always...only them could pull a thing like this... over a year ago
YJaded commented…
yeah ed and leighton saved the episode with that ending ! over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Ed and Leighton pwned everything as usual ! over a year ago
claudia_bb said …
"I'll lose everything before I lose Chuck all over again" -Blair Posted over a year ago
purple-passion commented…
shows how much she really loves him, she'ss willing to marry someone she doesn't love to protect him over a year ago
YJaded commented…
:'( i am heart-broken for them.. over a year ago
amshafe said …
Vote for Chair please: link Posted over a year ago
QUEENOFCLAY12 commented…
Thanks for the heads up! Just voted for the most awesomely awesome couple ever!!!! over a year ago
babe1492 said …
“I’m going to be at [Blair and Louis’] wedding, trying to get my girl.”
—    Ed Westwick Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
of course he is! don't give up Chuck! over a year ago
Martym commented…
Nobody else is better than Ed, for sure. He's the best. over a year ago
claudia_bb said …
Have the writers didn't see the's poll? Chair is the most voted ship of 2011! Why they don't just let them be together because let's be seriously there is no reason left why they should not me together!! I really hope that they did this just for chair to reunite epic on the 100 anniversary episode with the white dress and all... Posted over a year ago
cordyangel commented…
the writers disgust me.I think that after 5 years we deserve better than this over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
so agree with you! this was so stupid! fingers crossed for the 100th! and the portrait poll over a year ago
QUEENOFCLAY12 commented…
I think the writers are just being cruel! I've only been watching for like a year and if you ask me I think that the people who MOST deserve an epic Chair reunion are the people who've been shipping them since the beginning! Don't get me wrong I love all chair fans! But the fans that have loved and supported chair for 5 years now are my heros u guys r awesome!!!!!!! over a year ago
amshafe said …
Vote for Chair guys: link Posted over a year ago
bdavis98 said …
as a 100% chair fan and a FRIENDSHIP and nothing more dair fan i really feel bad for dan not that i even like in any way,but still i feel sorry for him the guy is stuck in the worst setuation ever,he's in love with a girl he can never protecting her stupied secret from the love of her life (chuck) and now gaind chuck as an enamy again. i mean it's hard enough to be in love with someone that will never love u back and insted of having a good ..... Posted over a year ago
bdavis98 commented…
gain chuck as an enamy like a "secret affir" or something he's being punched for no good reason at all over a year ago
bdavis98 commented…
being there for both chuck and blair over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Crying until next Monday! when chuck said "i cant" my heart couldn't take it anymore ... Posted over a year ago
cosmicstars commented…
That's when I lost it completely to be honest. Just the way Ed delivered the line was heartbreaking over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
OMG IKR ! :'( over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
omg just heart broken, and we will see Chuck figh for Blair!!!!!! over a year ago
Martym commented…
This is one of the best heart-breaking scene, I ever saw. Why Gossip Girl, why you can't let my bbs be happy? over a year ago
ju_julia said …
wow, i missed here, i've been very busy but... I JUST SAW THAT DAN AND BLAIR IS TRENDING ON TWITTER! i'm not watching the episode now because it's not on tv in my country is going on?? Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Chuck and Blair were also trending on twitter ! :) over a year ago
cosmicstars commented…
Well, the only DB trended is because the Dair fans PLANNED to trend it and wanted help from the other fandoms. CB have been trending two episodes in a row without any planning over a year ago
ju_julia commented…
well, that's good. how was the episode?? i'll try to dowmload it now over a year ago
ju_julia commented…
ohhh i watched it! i almost cried!! " over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …
“You got to have hope, right? We’ve been in it so long now… just to give up? We can’t just give up!”
—     Ed Westwick about Chuck and Blair. Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Yes Yes Yes !! we can never ever give up ! over a year ago
Martym commented…
He's the president of CB's fans from everywhere. Give him an Oscar already,pleaseee! over a year ago
Lackson4ever85 commented…
i will never give up either. over a year ago
big smile
lilou265 said …
I saw this in the GG spot and want the chair it with my Chair friends, we all know that Gossip Girl was always a secret Chair suport But This is BIG... Kristen Bell talks Gossip girl:

Insider: You've also supply the voice of Gossip Girl -- a show that currently has split fans into two camps: ones that want Blair with Chuck and ones that want her with Dan. Where do you fall? Kristen: This is just my opinion as Kristen Bell, but I can't get enough of Blair with Chuck. Obsessed. Posted over a year ago
ju_julia commented…
FUCK YEAHgossip girl ships chair. over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
JF:All I can say is more so than ever, [Monday's] episode very much takes place from Chuck and Blair’s point of view. Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Well yeah since they're going to be flashbacks of what happened just before the accident. I'm not ready for this episode tho. over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
i'm so scared for it i don't if i'm going the like it or just been desepoint!!! over a year ago
NinaDobrev13 said …
Spotted - Chuck Bass losing something nobody even knew he had. His heart. Posted over a year ago
CheerBabeXHco commented…
Season One; Hi, Society.<3 over a year ago
NinaDobrev13 commented…
Yeahh I know :P My favourite episode from season 1 is 'Victor/Victrola' <3 over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
TVLINE | Is there a specific ending that you would like to see for Chuck?
I’ve racked my brain about it a million times. I have this vision of him and Blair getting together. He’s on his way to marry her or meet her and, all of a sudden, he gets killed in a car crash or something like that. [Laughs] Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
BAD ED ! LMAO over a year ago
Martym commented…
Yes, Ed is bad. We want CB happy ending, haha. over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …
“I’m madly in love with Leighton” Ed Westwick Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
I just died ! This video and interview OMGGGGGGGGGGGG !!! over a year ago
cosmicstars commented…
So asjhncmfjksadcvmdkav, and what he said about Chair was just amazing!!!!! over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
I Sceam When He Say This And Its Crazy I LOVE HIM!!!! WE WILL CRY IN THE 100 Episode So HhhHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …
“….with regards to, for my character of Chuck, [Blair] is his muse, she’s his obsession. He’s so into her. It’s such a big deal for him. It’s taken on a thing, like she is the air that he breathes…” Ed Westwick Posted over a year ago
cosmicstars commented…
That's so true ♥♥♥♥ over a year ago
cordyangel commented…
So cute over a year ago
serenate_brucas commented…
Awww ♥ ♥ ♥ He's so sweet ♥ over a year ago
amshafe said …
Vote for Chair please: link Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
omg! The canadian promo broke my heart, I'm prepairing for a heartbreaking episode:(( Posted over a year ago
lilou265 said …
ratava123 said …
You know what's really confusing me? Why on Earth is Blair still marrying freaking Louis????? I'm pretty sure that she choose Chuck at the end of the last episode. They seemed pretty ready to go to Louis and call off the wedding. I don't understand why a car accident causes Blair to rethink this whole being with Chuck instead thing... Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Because Blair praying to god to leave Chuck alive and she "promised" that if he'll survive,she's gonna give up on him. over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
You know what's really confusing me? Why on Earth are the GG writers so freaking dumb ? over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
cosmicstars I Agreed With You Its Just SOOO Much The Have Them Just The Be Happy!!!!!! I Was Even Go Stop Look At GG In the First episode From Season 4 But The It was Heaven Before Hell Again, So Damn Let Chair Be Happy!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
jake_rose_4ever said …
where my question gone? I'm pretty sure I wrote it in this site! can the manager of the club to delete it? if this happened, it's totally unfair! Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
No idea. Maybe some people reported it (and when I say some people I mean Ban stans trolling, the usual !) over a year ago
jake_rose_4ever commented…
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! over a year ago
Martym said …
I just created the spot of Chair Family, fan it, post everything you want about what you like and everything : linkPosted over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Yay! I'll join asap! over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Great !! i love it xx over a year ago
amshafe commented…
I joined too. :) over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
CHUCK & BLAIR | After waving me off somewhat, explaining, “I’ve got specific notes about what I’m allowed to say,” Ed Westwick : I did allow that “of course” there will be Chuck/Blair SCENES in No. 100. When I relayed some readers’ wish that Chuck “ride up on a horse and whisk the bride away,” he shared, “I’ve actually been taking riding lessons … but no, it’s not going to happen. THE HORSE PART,THAT IS.”

always stay positive guys...true love wins always ღ Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
I am trying to stay positive, but it is so hard with all these dair spoilers:( over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
OMG I can't loos HOPE FOR CHAIR!!!!! over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …
Please, vote with us ! :)
link Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
I'm voting. There's a lot of Delena fans voting right now, so we need to keep voting. And they changed the captcha so it takes a bit longer now. over a year ago
CheerBabeXHco said …
So, I haven't been on Fanpop since the middle of December, and I just (obviously) signed onto the Chair page, and I have missed it SO much.! I just love Chuck and Blair, I CANNOT wait for Gossip Girl to come back! <3 Posted over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Welcome back! :) Go Chair!! over a year ago
reddooralways said …
Happy New Year! I know i'm a little late, but still better late than never :D. The spot look is just gorgeous ♥ Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Happy New Year, sweetheart!♥ over a year ago
babe1492 said …
I'm so glad to be apart of such an amazing shipping family.
Much love to you all. (: Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
Aww ♥ ♥ ♥ me too! over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
We love you too! We're glad to have you here over a year ago
Martym commented…
Aww, Sheri. ♥ We love you too. over a year ago
emilyfrancescax said …
I know I'm a day late but happy new year everyone! May 2012 be the year of Chair<3 Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Happy New Year! I hope the writers heard you, haha. over a year ago
emilyfrancescax commented…
Me too hahaha :) over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …
Happy New Year everyone ! Posted over a year ago
cintia_cs commented…
Happy New Year!! :) over a year ago
HauntingViolet commented…
Happy New Year!!! over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Happy New YEARS!!!!! over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
So it started again :/

link Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
I really want CB to win this poll, voting like a crazy. They really deserve to be the best ship:) over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
They really do. over a year ago
ATLHEACB commented…
Chair still first :D over a year ago
big smile
twilightlover73 said …
I FINALLY got my dedicated medal!!
I've been fighting for it for MONTHS!
The perfect Christmas present <3 Posted over a year ago
Martym commented…
Congrats, sweetheart! You deserve that. <3 over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thank you very much :) <3 over a year ago
twilightlover73 commented…
Thanks so much everyone :) over a year ago
Martym said …
I was thinking, do we have any Chair's family, do you know? A spot for that on fanpop? I saw that almost every couple have one, but didn't see Chair's one. Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
I don't think we have. What's the purpose of that kind of spot exactly ? I've never seen one. I should probably look at more spots here lol over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Great idea, i am in if you made one :) over a year ago
HauntingViolet commented…
I think it's a good idea. I would join :) @cintia_cs I went once or twice to the forum chat, but nobody was there when I was so I forgot about it. over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas! Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Merry Christmas Laura ! over a year ago
Martym commented…
Merry Christmas Laura and to all Chair family! over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
Merry Christmas darlings :) <3 over a year ago
luisz9 said …
link vote for chuck and blair Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Voted :) over a year ago
big smile
MomoiroxChan said …
I can't believe !!! Chair wins?!
Look=>link Posted over a year ago
cintia_cs commented…
It says the poll is on hiatus for Xmas. We haven't won anything. Yet. ;) over a year ago
MomoiroxChan commented…
Oh,thank you. I didn't know. But thank you!! over a year ago
luisz9 said …
link chair is losing now Posted over a year ago
MomoiroxChan commented…
Done!! over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …
Hey guys ! vote with us tonight ! The other fandoms are voting again !
link Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
everyday, all day :)) over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
Voting like crazy xD over a year ago
MomoiroxChan commented…
Done!! Please vote Chair fans! over a year ago
The piano sex scene was the first Gossip Girl scene I saw! I wasn't even watching the show LOL. All my friends were telling me to watch it so i just searched "Gossip Girl" and then it just popped up! While i was watching it I wasn't exactly sure what was going on but when the moment came i was like "WTF?? I thought you guys hated each other! LOL" when it was over i was like "Ok i HAVE to watch this show!" Thanks to Chuck and Blair i've been a dedicated fan for almost a year now!

Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
awww ,great to hear that! welcome to this amazing fandomღ over a year ago
QUEENOFCLAY12 commented…
Thanks!! Chair is awesome!!! over a year ago
Lover9001 commented…
wow i love that story. lol Welcome :) over a year ago
Chairlover92 commented…
Lol, I'm even newer to the fandom than you are but Chuck and Blair are obviously the most awesome characters on the show so welcome! :). over a year ago
cintia_cs said …
Everyone who visits this spot regularly, come talk to us on the CB Fans Forum Chat!! We don't bite and we'd like more people to join us. :) It's a great way to know your fellow CBers! Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
yeah you right!!!!!! over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Twitter and tumblr also haha ! over a year ago
big smile
laurik2007 said …
There is more than hope, my friend! I can tell you there will be a pretty epic scene involving Dan and Blair in one of the upcoming episodes that shows he's still very much an important part of her life. And there will be a Blair and Louis scene that shows Chuck may be even more important to Blair than anyone.

Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
yeah YOUPI!!!!!!! :D over a year ago
amshafe said …
Vote for Chair: link Posted over a year ago
purple-passion said …
I love the new banner and icon chair<3 Posted over a year ago
luisz9 said …
link vote for chuck and blair Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
Voted. :) over a year ago
big smile
laurik2007 said …
Vote Guys, we are winning ♥

link Posted over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
=D over a year ago
DaniKatZ said …
This couple always brings me shivers remembering when they first began ♥ Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
They are special ♥ over a year ago
big smile
CBnSE said …
Love the new spot look! ♥ Posted over a year ago
CBnSE commented…
and the quote! over a year ago
PasSion_Baby commented…
over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
the spot look ღ flawless Posted over a year ago
CheerBabeXHco commented…
^i couldn't agree more.! over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
i Soo Agreed with you!!!! over a year ago
CheerBabeXHco said …
OHMYGOSH. i LOVEEEEE the new spot look! it is definitely my favorite one we've had so far!! <3 Posted over a year ago
chopilichi said …
I love the new spot look :)
Btw keep voting on link we're at the first place again but we can't let Delena beat us again. So don't get over confident and vote vote vote! :D Posted over a year ago
illcarryyouhome commented…
I'm so tired of DE fans saying that Chair fans only because of Stelena fans "helping" us. We have one of the biggest fandoms on the internet. You're seriously saying that the CB fandom is small and can't do anything without other people's help? Yeah, right. I ship Delena but I can say that CB fandom is bigger and obviously better. over a year ago
CBnSE commented…
Lol, it's kind of cute how so many people think we're always cheating or something when we're leading on a poll or stuff like that. Chair have a huge fanbase, I don't get why people are acting like they don't. over a year ago
chopilichi commented…
^^I agree, well I'm not a Delena fan, but they think Chair is only winning because some Bamon and Stelena fans are voting for Chair so Delena doesn't win. I mean; seriously? I'm a die-hard Stelena shipper too, so I vote for Stelena and for Chair. I just don't think Stelena can make it to the first place anymore. But I still vote for them so they can stay at the third place. But seriously, saying that people who don't ship Chair are voting for them is ridiculous. Chair has the biggest fanbase ever. And btw we've won that portrait magazine poll two years in a row. And this one is probably going to be the third one. over a year ago
amshafe commented…
^I agree, Stelena fans wouldn't waste their time voting for Chair unless they ship them as well since they already have a couple to vote for. over a year ago
chopilichi said …
They passed us again. Vote please vote Chair fans :)

Posted over a year ago
cintia_cs commented…
I voted a few times in a row to see how things were progressing and not only they're way ahead of us, but they're also gaining a lot of votes VERY fast. If things continue that way, soon we won't be able to reach them anymore. over a year ago
amshafe commented…
It doesn't help that some Dair fans are voting against us. Some openly admit it. So it's not just Delena fans we're dealing with. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
I'm doing the best i can :D over a year ago
CBnSE said …
Delena are winning again. Let's keep voting! :) Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
I'm voting. over a year ago
Martym said …
Are we gonna do something special for Christmas like Secret Santa or anything? ♥ Posted over a year ago
cintia_cs commented…
I thought about that, but didn't have time to organize it. Now it's too late to do Secret Santa or anything that involves an exchange of gifts, but if you have any other ideas, post it here. ;) over a year ago
Martym commented…
I will think about that. over a year ago
amshafe said …
Vote true: Chuck and Blair are epic true or false? link Posted over a year ago
YJaded said …
Fun facts about some Dair fans(notice i said some not all) :

-When Chair win a poll or a pick they say:" chair fans are cheating, OMG can't they win without cheating, that's absolutely pathetic !!"

-When Dair win( which for some mysterious reason they sometimes do) they say:"Yesssss dair is what people want now"

Seriously, why those people expect that the normal thing is that dair win and chair lose! Chair is the most popular couple in the show by far, it is suspicious when they win not Us! Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
Yeah, it's kind of funny. Fact is that in the poll in the 1st round you could absolutely only vote once from your IP address, and Chair still had twice as many votes. over a year ago
amshafe commented…
AND that was with them competing with all the GG couples, not just Dair. over a year ago
QUEENOFCLAY12 commented…
Ugh dair fans really make me upset sometimes they can be so childish over a year ago
chopilichi said …
Delena fans are so nervous and scared that Chair is soon going to beat them in the portrait magazine poll!! Haha GOO CHAIR!! The best couple ever!! So if we want to beat them we have to vote like crazy now :) Please Chair fans, VOTE!

link Posted over a year ago
illcarryyouhome commented…
I love them but i'm absolutely ecstatic that CB is closing down on them. They deserve to win <333 over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
same^^^ over a year ago
chopilichi commented…
^Okay. You forgot to add SOME stelena fans ;) I'm one of them. over a year ago
big smile
laurik2007 said …
Even though I adore DE with all my heart somehow I still want CB to win this :D we are getting closer! Vote Guys :

link Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
YES YES YES !! over a year ago
amshafe commented…
I'm voting as much as I can. :) over a year ago
Martym commented…
We just beat Delena with some votes, yeees! Yaay! over a year ago
lilou265 said …
I can't believe that the Baby is from Louis, I was so hoping that it will be from Chuck, that all that i saw make no sens for me the look from Blair when she tell to Chuck that she is pregnant was regret but only because the Baby was not his!!!! Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
They said we will know the real identity of the father mid season so ... I don't know over a year ago
cordyangel commented…
i am so disapointed that he is not the father. God the writers suck over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Question: Tell me something new about Gossip Girl‘s 100th episode. —Courtney
Ausiello: Intel continues to trickle in and, if what I’m hearing about the episode’s final act is true, it has the potential to be the single greatest hour of television ever.

Please tell me he ships CB! Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
According to other people he's not a CB shipper but that doesn't mean the last scene has anything to do with Dair. Would the GG people really do that to us? After 5 years of waiting for Chuck and Blair to finally just be together would they really ruin the 100th episode for us? I really hope not. over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
i think the 100Th episode will be PURE CHAIR!!!!!! And i don't see them make us have a suck "and sooo sad" end for chair like last time sooo really hope is Chair!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Guys, RELAX. We just have to wait and see. Spoilers are always misleading, and we still have one month left. We should stop with all the speculations and have faith ! :) over a year ago
amshafe commented…
I let other people get to me, but I'm not really worried. I think the 100th episode will be a good one for Chair in the end. over a year ago
babe1492 said …
Anyone else getting sick of seeing people writing that the car accident was a sign that chair shouldn't be together? :/ I think people need to come up with some better points. Now it's just getting a tad pathetic. It's rather funny how these people seem to forget all the many points on why they should be together ;) Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
LOL....that is called grasping at straws. :) Don't let it get to you. Seriously, as if Chair getting back together somehow caused the accident that was actually supposed to be for Nate. over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
Lol no need to tell me that, I know. It's silly silly people that look for anything to make them seem like a bad pair. So stupid haha (: over a year ago
amshafe commented…
^Yep. :) I've seen some people saying these things and I'm just shaking my head. I know noone here believes any of that. over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
Absolutely not :) over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Stupid Question but bare with me: Is Ausiello a CB shipper? i have to know... Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
I'm not sure. He kind of messes with the Dair people all the time though. I noticed that someone will ask about Dair and he'll give them some crappy spoiler that either really has nothing to do with them or is actually bad for them. over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
No he's not. They are all Ban fans over a year ago
amshafe commented…
^Really? That sucks. Then why does he lead on the Dair shippers? I've seen him do it more than once. over a year ago
luisz9 said …
link vote for chuck and blair Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Yes guys, vote !!! Ban is winning ... ugh ! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
not anymore:) over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Hopefully ! over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …

1500 votes away from 100,000 !! We can do it with some help !

link Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
I'm on it over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Yes, Laura !! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
btw :) nice Icon over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
ahaha thanks not mine, unfortunately. over a year ago
Elenitamxs said …
link join,please :)? Posted over a year ago
CheerBabeXHco said …
Chair fans, we have to vote!! We are currently tied for second place with Stelena! vote, vote, vote!(:

link Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
tied? omg that's awesome!!!! over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Yes ! And now we're second and we want the first place ! Last night, all the CBers reunite on twitter to vote for hours and we went from 4# to 2# which means about 25 000 votes in 1 hour and a half ! WHo runs the world ? CHAIR shippers haha over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
yes we do! over a year ago
YJaded said …
Though i like Dan, But the day GG will dare to dair, i will gladly dare to change the channel !!
Chair <3 <3 Posted over a year ago
JulienBangel commented…
LMAOOOOOOOOO YES over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
Hahaha right there with you! :) over a year ago
YJaded commented…
CBers rule the world ;) over a year ago
Stephxcullen said …
I know it's annoying but still, vote for Chuck ;)

link Posted over a year ago
MomoiroxChan commented…
Done! over a year ago
illcarryyouhome said …
Guys, don't forget voting for CB! A few minutes everyday and we might pass Brittana!

link Posted over a year ago
chopilichi said …
Vote for CHAIR :)
link Posted over a year ago
JulienBangel commented…
we were like first at the beginnin :( over a year ago
reddooralways said …
I'm going on vacation tomorrow so I won't be able to change the spot look. The banner is already chosen, we only need the icons and motto. I'll be very thankful if you could handle this for me :) Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
Have a nice vacation :) i think the motto should be"C:This is all you ever wanted.B: No. You're all I ever wanted,I love you..I love every part of you.You're the one I never want to leave." over a year ago
YJaded commented…
and where we can submit the icons?? sorry i am new to this :) over a year ago
Martym commented…
I don*t really have photoshop here, so it*s okay if someone can make them. :) But I will try . over a year ago
reddooralways commented…
@YJaded you can submit them in the forum :) over a year ago
babe1492 said …
Our next banner should be scenes with them from 5x10 :3 Anyone else agree? :)
But seriously though, it's the only episode this season (so far) I keep watching over and over again <3 Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
OMG !! me too..that's the only episode i keep replaying :D we totally need a 5x10 banner ;) over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Agreed ! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
I agree , we need a new spot look over a year ago
HauntingViolet said …
VOTE for Chair!!! They deserve better than fourth place!! link Posted over a year ago
Stephxcullen commented…
Yes vote ! YOu can vote several times !! Vote every day ! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
Voted! you can vote as many times as you like so get busy guys over a year ago
RoseJackDawson said …
You're gonna let cheesy Stefan & Elena to beat Chuck & Blair? I mean seriuosly? They can't even be close to C&B! V O T E <3
link Posted over a year ago
CBnSE commented…
I'd love to see "cheesy" Stelena come first place rather than cheesy DE.. but I voted for Chair :) over a year ago
CBnSE commented…
oh, I didn't know I could vote multiple times.. I will be voting for both Stelena and Chair now. :D over a year ago
amshafe commented…
Everyone can vote for multiple couples, you don't have to vote for just one. over a year ago
90210ggtvd said …
I just watched their first kiss again after a long time.... im speechless. Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
tell me about it! It's amazing over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
<33 NO one can compare to them over a year ago
ratava123 said …
For the first time in a very very long time Dan wasn't a douche. I am impressed that he was able to let Blair be with Chuck. I'm proud. Now if only there would be no more of Dair and ONLY Chair. Posted over a year ago
big smile
Come on Chair fans! Get voting! link Posted over a year ago
reddooralways commented…
I just can´t believe Stelena is beating us! Come on, vote! over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
i cant believe DELENA is beating us !!! :O CHAIR is Way Way Way BETTER, come one guys ! Vote for Chair ! over a year ago
ingie2468 said …

VOTE NOW !!!! Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
I really appreciate Dan being there for Blair, i love their friendship, but this episode proved that Louis, Dan or anyone will never be enough to fix Blair, she need Chuck, she will always go back to him, like he will always go back to her, there is a part missing in eachother when the other is not by their side. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
I'm glad Dan realised that, he is a sweet guy, i still think he should tell her about his feelings to be able to move one, even if i think Blair already know about his feelings, she just doesnt love him this way, Dan and Blair are in for a beautiful friendship, and Chuck and Blair well they are meant to be, endgame, soulmate, true love, everything for eachother, they're one EPIC couple <3 They'll always find a way back to eachother, i know it, everyone know it <3 over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
I agree 100%. They belong together and even if they can't be together for a while that's fine by me because I know in the end it will always be them :) over a year ago
ju_julia commented…
totally agree, i like dan and blair, but just as friends, chair <3 over a year ago
ju_julia said …
i haven't watched 5x10 yet, i'm so busy!! i know what's going to happen but... i can't wait!! will gossip girl have a break now?? Posted over a year ago
serenate_lover said …
Vote for Chaiiirrr!! link
Posted over a year ago
chuuuuck said …
One of the GG writers said that one episode is going to be one of the characters dream, so I think the wedding is going to be a dream of one of the characters! I mean, after last episode blair and louis CAN'T get married! Posted over a year ago
luisz9 said …
link vote for chuck and blair Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Considering Chuck is present at Blair’s royal wedding on Jan. 30, I’m going to go out on a limb and say he survives the car wreck. Unless, of course, Gossip Girl is about to venture into Weekend at Bernie’s territory.

What does that mean? Posted over a year ago
amshafe commented…
I haven't seen Weekend at Bernie's so I'm not sure. Has anyone seen that movie? over a year ago
cintia_cs commented…
Weekend at Bernie's is a silly comedy where 2 guys want people to believe their dead boss is still alive for some reason I can't remember, so they carry his corpse around with them and use it like a puppet. over a year ago
babe1492 said …
Vote for Chuck&Blair? :)
link Posted over a year ago
YJaded said …
Chuck:Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean, a prince, a fairy tale wedding.This is all you ever wanted.
Blair: No. You’re all I ever wanted. I love you. I love every part of you.

Awwwww, their "i love you" scenes are always EPIC !! Posted over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
Beautiful <3 over a year ago
ATLHEACB commented…
"Chuck:Are you sure you wanna do this?" just like 1x07 limo scene... over a year ago
Martym said …
It's actually too much for just one episode. I'm not worried about Chuck because everyone knows he can't die.But I just couldn't stop myself for crying a little at the last scene. And these scenes were so sad,but make me to realise that Dair doesn't matter. They can happen, but it's always gonna be Chair because they're the light of this show. And for sure, neither Chuck or Blair can be happy alone or with someone else.So, Chair fans it's gonna be okay.They're always survive. Posted over a year ago
YJaded commented…
I totally agree, Nothing compares or even comes close to CHAIR <3 over a year ago
ATLHEACB commented…
"....but make me to realise that Dair doesn't matter" Agree :) over a year ago