Bleach RP Bleach: The Chronicles RP

TheCr3ator posted on Jul 07, 2014 at 05:25AM
I posted this on the main page and I'll repost it here to see how it goes over.

- The setting is 500 years after Aizen's rebellion. A deadly new enemy code named The Titans have arisen. Titans are a perfect hybrid of Soul Reaper and Hollow. Though they hold allegiance to neither group and kill soul reaper and hollow without mercy. The Titan's have overrun soul society and pushed the soul reapers out, and now set their sights on the world of the living. The captains and lieutenants of the 13 squads that survived the initial attack are now taking refuge in the world of the living. Many have perished and others are missing, the 13 court guard squads for the first time since anyone can remember are crippled, and with out leadership, For the last 200 years the captains and lieutenants that remain have held back the Titan assualt on the world of the living, but not without sacrifices, Most of the world is in ruin and humans have gone into hiding. The captains are biding their time till they can mount a full scale attack on soul society and reclaim their home, but they are quickly losing hope in the face of such a strong enemy. But while in the world of the living many strong soul reapers and arrancars have come forth from all over the world to aid in the war which gives the captains hope once more at returning the world to normal. How long will it be before they can reclaim their home, no one knows, but for once in the last 200 years there's an end game. The army has began to grow. Soon very soon the remaining captain will lead the army through the senkaimon and lay siege to soul society in hopes of reclaiming their beloved home world.

- Create a Soul reaper or Hollow and Create their sword and just have fun it's ad lib so make it up as you go.
- If you're willing to join we need 13 captains for the soul reapers and another 13 captains on the titan side. post what captain slot you want and what faction need at least 6 before we can start.

- There are currently 4 other Captains, but we can name more. It's first come first choice so.
Captain Squad 1-
Captain Squad 2 -
Captain Squad 3-
Captain Squad 4-
Captain Squad 5 - Shinju Mesaki (Me)
Captain Squad 6-
Captain Squad 7-
Captain Squad 8-
Captain Squad 9-
Captain Squad 10-
Captain Squad 11-
Captain Squad 12-
Captain Squad 13-

Template is as follows.
Affiliation:(soul reaper) (Hollow)
Nature: i.e. Goals, what drives them, why they are helping.
Background: where there from. how they came to be here.
Release Command:
Shikai Name or Resurrecion:
Shikai or Reserrecion: Abbilities: Limit 3
Bankai: Name
Bankai: Abilities
last edited on Jul 07, 2014 at 05:28AM

Bleach RP 2 replies

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over a year ago TheCr3ator said…
Here is my soul reaper to start.

Name: Shinju Maski (Beautiful Pearl)
Age: 19 by human standards
Sex: Male

Appearance: Shinju has long light blue hair that he wears slicked back, he also wears his bangs brushed to one side held up by Kenseikan (metal clips showing nobility). He a wears a white button up shirt with the top three buttons undone the collar sticking up (popped). He wears a pair of black slacks that hang lose on him, and a pair on converse shoes. He wears his sword on his back with the hilt over his left shoulder. He is 6 foot, lean and muscular, with light tan skin, He has no facial hair. He wears a medallion around his neck with scythe on it to represent everything he swore he wouldn't become.

Affiliation: Former Captain of the 5th squad. (Soul Reaper)

Background: Born in the slums of London, England in the late 1800s, his mother was murdered when he was just a boy. Shinju had to steal to survive, he had no family. When he turned 16 he came across a soul reaper on an assignment. The soul reaper accidentally awoken his powers laying dormant inside of him. He made his way to soul society with the help of the soul reaper. He attended the academy and 40 years later he was named Captain of squad 5.

Nature: Shinju is a master of sword fighting and hand to hand combat, he is terrible at kido. He enjoys the finer things in life. He can often be seen star gazing or reading books in his free time. He would rather solve things with a drink compared to fighting. He is confident and cool in all situations. He inspires those around him, and instills confidence in his piers.

Release Command: Reign over all dominion
Shikai: Umihebi (Sea Serpent)
Shekai Abilities:
1. Insho-tekina hiba (Striking Fang) - Fires energy in the form of serpents fangs at the enemy
2.Senpu (Whirlind) - Spinning his trident around his hand brings forth a violent tornado that sucks everything into it. Spirit energy included.
3. Kaze Kama (Wind Scythe) - Makes the wind around the user denser turning the wind into a blade that can strike the enemy.
Bankai: Tenwa Umihebi Katto (Heaven Cutting Sea serpent)
1. Hyo (Hail) - The Serpent strikes the sky freezing the atmosphere. The frozen spirit energy turns into tiny blades that reflect the light to look like hail falling from the sky.
2. Iki Toketsu (Freezing Breathe) - The serpent breathes out ice which freezes everything in front of it in solid ice.
3. Chen Funsai (Shattering Chain) - The chain around the serpent neck is shattered releasing it into the atmosphere. it then alters the gravity increasing strength, agility, speed, and stamina. The serpent cannot reform once this move is used till bankai is released again.
Shikai: The blade elongates into a trident with three tips, and a blue ribbon at the other end.
Bankai: User retains the trident, but Bankai summons a giant Dragon like serpent made of ice and water it can change it's form to what suits it best. It has a chain around it's neck that the soul reaper holds like a leash.
over a year ago TheCr3ator said…
Shinju:(The day is cold and long the sun hidden by clouds. It seems the sun barely shines unobstructed on the world of the living these days. Shinju sat with his elbows on his knees and hair hanging over his face. He was currently in a building called a parking garage that has long since collapsed apparently once upon a time human parked something called cars that used to get around in this place. One section collapsed just right so that is forms a throne looking seat of sorts, So when the captains first came he made this place his home. He looked to his right out over the shop district of Karakura Town, this place use to be full of humans out buying things, but there was no humans anymore. So the shop district was now just a barren waste land. He looked farther to the school, a place once full of hope where the next generations of humans would study. They wopuld graduate and take their parents place, and have kids of there own this was the cycle that had lasted since the world began, but no more. That was the first place to go. Flashes go threw his head of the school in ruins and dead humans everywhere. (He shakes his head to get rid of the images). It had been almost 200 years since the Titans came, they attacked without warning and over powered us easily they so were god damn strong. We tried to fight them in Seireitei, but old man Yama gave his life so that we might escape.

Keisen: You know I was there too, I know what horrors we lived, I know what haunts you Shinju.

Shinju: (He looks up to see Keisen standing against the far wall. He was so lost in thought he hadn't noticed her approach.) Aye I know, very few of us remain that know what we fight for anymore. We are lost and without guidance. I see it more and more everyday. The new recruits are strong yes, but they are young and inexperienced. They will not be able to break the Titan's front lines. If we send them trough the senkaimon, then we minds well cut them down ourselves.

Keisen: The recruits, look for leadership if they see you waver in you're resolve then they will lose hope. We are hanging on edge of the abyss. Have you lost your resolve Shinju will you no longer hold your own?

Shinju: I don't know anymore, (He looks off in the distance again) we could activate order Zen.

Keisen: Aye, but you know more than anyone that's suicide. And no one is willing the sacrafice they're life to seal off this world by blowing up the precipice world.

Shinju: I would if it meant an end to this war. I could fly into the precipice world and use the Ragnarok machine Kisuke invented,

Keisen: We need to save that as a last resort, if this war was to go ill favorably. Besides you and I both know that Seireitei is our true home, we must try to reclaim it even if it costs us our lives. This is duty of the Gotei 13. (We must try he agreed in a hollow response). (She stand up off the wall.) Think of all of this, find your resolve again my old friend. (She then jumps over the side of the garage).

Shinju: What's the point. (He leaned back in the makeshift chair, and closed his eyes as he rubbed his temples. Just then a senkaimon opened in the sky. He looked up to see two Titans emerge from it.) Not again, they just launched an attack two days ago. It thought we had at least a week.

Zack: (He walked out of the senkaimon and looked over the world of the living. All of Karakura Town was in ruin. If these damn Shinigami would just die they could raze the rest of the world and rebuild it in perfection. They would kill all, but the perfect humans they saw worthy, and create the perfect human race. Then they would take their place as the new gotei 13. He looked over at his Lieutenant.) Do you have it.

Ashanti: Yes Captain. (She pulls a scrolls out of her robe and hands it to him.)

Zack: (reaches up and activates the device in his ear.) What was the message again Rikou.

Rikou: You should really start writing things down, Zack. For Christs sake you left just 20 minutes ago, you have the shortest memory of any shinigami I know.

Zack: I have the scrolls dammit, I was just fucking with you. (He heard a long string of cuss words and insults over the com, as he reached up and turned it off cutting the connection.)

Ashanti: Just read it Captain, it smells here and i don't like it.

Zack: Fine I guess we've wasted enough time here. (He opens the scroll and reads the printing on it. His vioce booms over Karakura Town for all to hear.) Attention Shinigami of the Gotei 13, this is an offer directly from our head Captain Kato. The world of the living is in ruins the Gotei 13 is all but gone. The humans have gone into hiding in fear of what really exists in the world. And he grows impatient at your defiance. He offers you a choice join us and take your former places, in the new Gotei 13 or be destroyed. For the next we come we will send all of the 13 Captain and spill your blood on the rocks. (He closed the scroll) I will return in 3 days for your answer, please make the right one. Open the senkaimon Ashanti

Ashanti: Yes sir. (She turns and prepares the door. After a few moments) It's ready Captain

Zack: (Turns to leave, but reaches out and catches a sword that's coming at him.) Oh what's this a sneak attack. So unlike a Captain.

Shinju: (Shinju Looks up to see Shogan, has attacked the messenger.) What does he think he's doing. (He turns and grabs his zanpaktou laying against the wall, and jumps from floor to floor climbing the broken building.)

Shogan: Do really think we would just let you leave Titan scum. You came here, to world of the living. So let's make it worth your while.

Zack: We came here as ambassadors of good will.

Shogan: There's no good will with in the Titan core. (Shogan goes to strike Zack again.)

Shinju: (Shinju shunpoes catching Shogan midair, He placed his hand of middle of Shogan's chest and threw him back.) Have you lost all sense boy?

Shogan: What do you think you're doing old man get out of the way. (Shogan raises his sword and points it at Shinju).

Shinju: Will you attack your own people now Shogan. (Just then he jumped out of the way as Ashanti sword hit were he was.) Oh ho a sneak attack here I thought you two were ambassadors of goodwill. (Shinju unsheathes his sword and get into a battle stance,)

Zack: Will you really kill a messenger? Shinju even you would not kill a messenger with your pride.

Shinju: What do you know of pride you sacrificed your pride to become that demon. Besides that you're lieutenant drew her sword, and when that happened you became a threat.

Zack: (Zack reached out and grabbed Ashanti hand.) put it away.

Ashanti: But Captain why two of them have come out of hiding. We can cut them down now.

Zack: They are under Kato's protection for three days, would you really provoke his wrath. You know what he would do to you. besides they aren't worth it. (He then turned and then both entered to senkaimon).

Shogan: What the hell is wrong with you old man you let them get away.

Shinju: They would cut you down where you stand. You're no match for them. (Shinju sheathed his sword and began walking away.

Shogan: Who made you head Captain anyways. I don't remember anyone nominating you the leader. You're just a washed up old Captain that has lost his will to fight. You sold out your resolve 10 years ago by letting that bastard live. (He lunged at Shinju who had his back to him, but was met with a sword.)

Keisen: That's enough Shogan. (She swung her sword sending his flying back into the arms of another Captain. Just then 3 more Captain appeared and drag Shogan away fighting.) "What happened to you Shinju was he really that important to you."

Shinju: Why Zack, I swore protect you, why did you sell your soul to that demon. What made you lose hope. What made you lose faith in me. I need to believe you will come back to us. I need to believe you can come back from this, that I can come back from this. (Shinju slowly walks away with head down so that his hair covers his face hiding the tears in his eyes.)