Bleach RP Your Shinigami/Zanpakutō

annvie9 posted on Apr 25, 2009 at 11:42PM
Please post your shinigami and zanpakuto here ^-^
Yes, it can and will be extremely long.

I'm tired right now, so I'll post specific details later.
Mmkay, it's later.
Here's the template.




Affiliation: (Soul Society, Onmitsukido, Kido Corps, Gotei 13, Arrancar, Vizards, etc.)

Rank: (Captain, Espada, Lieutenant, etc. Don't forget to put what squad, etc.)


Hair Color:
Hair Style:
Eye Color:
Height: (Put both the English system and metric system)
Weight: (Same as above)




Battle Data

Fighting Style:

[Distributed 1-100. You may not go past 100, because if everyone were as strong as Yamamoto or Aizen, that'd be boring.]

Agility (Shunpo/Sonido):
Kido: (does not apply to Arrancar)
Physical Strength (Hakuda):

Total: (500 max for captains, 490 for lieutenants)


Zanpakuto/Shikai name: Samazamahi (Varying Fire)
Release command: Hibana (Spark)

Shikai Description:

Shikai abilities: (Max of 3)

-->Name (Meaning)

-->Name (Meaning)

Bankai name: Kemono no Honoo (Beast of Flame)

Bankai abilities: (Max of 3)

-->Name (Meaning)

-->Name (Meaning)
last edited on Dec 16, 2009 at 04:36AM

Bleach RP 247 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 247

over a year ago VioletShingami said…
I found it!
This is my shinigami:
Name:Lini Koummori

Birthdate:October 30


Affiliation: Soul Society (Gotei 13, Kido Corp, Onmitsukidō: Secret Mobile Corps): Gotei 13

Rank:The Lieutenant 4 Yumiko Mizuni(see above)

Hair Color:Long and Black
Hair Style:Tied with a large red ribbon in a big spikey ponytail.
Eye Color:a blood red
Height:Having a petite frame, she is 3 ft 9 in
Weight:40lb or 18.18kg

Description:Lini is a spunky 13 year old, who looks like a 9 year old,who is very skinny.has a bow around her neck which has a red jewel which is her zanpakuto*, and decorated the smallest size uniform into a unique school uniform.

Catchphrase: R u sure bout that?

Personality:Lini likes to keep to herself.She is a sweet girl to those who get to know her like her Captain Yumiko.Shy but has major anger isues. She can make someone cry in less than 30 seconds. Has a issue with being cheery at the wrong times, and suprisingly makes friends easily with her looks, which also makes them do what ever she wants to avoid making her upset.Loves to question people about their actions.Loves bitter things and enjoys picking on her best friend Kiari.Enjoys buying new ribbons for her hair.Unbelivably strong reiatsu. Very powerfull and is always getting on her captain about doing her work when
her captain starts to slack off.She is always stuck finding the
paperwork her captain hides,getting her to fill it out,then
running around to turn it on time.You don't even now how much effort it takes to get her captain to meetings on time!!!!

History:Being a orphan ever since she can remember, She never had a real home. That was intill she met her soon to be captain Yumiko.Lini stayed with her till Yumiko went to the soul reaper acedmey, where Lini followed her with her buddy Kiari and became known as a prodigy with amazing intelligence,flexibilty,and offense skills! How she died in the real world is something only her and her captain know about.Where she lives is a mystery.....maybe in a box?

Battle Data*:
Offense: 100
Defense: 40
Agility (Shunpo):99
Kido: 75
Intelligence: 100
Physical Strength (Hakuda): 25
Kinda wat she looks like(see below)

Abilities:Able to turn into a butterfly!She and control people with her flute,but it takes a lot of energy.

This is my zanpakuto:
Zanpakuto name:
Afutafaia chouchou(Afterfire butterfly)
release command: maiodoru(dance)

Shikai description: When I release it,Afutafaia chouchou turns a deep
red with black butterflys on it.To release the full potientiol power,
the butterflys glow a bright white and the sword doubles in size.The
sword is has a Jewel in the guard that allows it to turn into the
jewel in the middle of the owners necklace and also into a sheild
that is a dark ghost like butterfly with the jewel in the center.

shikai abilities:

takibi shuyoku(bonfire wing)-
The sword get a neon orange color and any cut Afutafaia Chouchou
makes on the opponent will take shape of a butterfly and explode.

nankin hanabi enbi(firecracker charm)-
The sword gets a fire vine wrapped around it and anything that
touches it get a charmed fire wrap on their sword making it

hinotama hane tsubasa(fireball wings)-
afutafaia Chouchou will hit the victum and the victim will be
caught in a illousion where they are in a
area that looks like outer space and will see a giant sun/comet
looking thing with wings coming at them and will be caught on fire.

bankai name:chouchou maidoru(butterflys dance)-
My girl Lini will have giant ghost wings appear
on her back with her sword black with red butterflies marked on it,her hair also turns a ghostly white-purple.
The top of her sword will disappear to show a large butterfly/angel
with dark flame wings coming out of her back.The flames on the wings
appear to dance like butterflys in the air.

bankai abilities:

kochou ishuu(butterfly swarm)-
The butterfly-angel thing will turn into a glowing ball and millions
of butterflies will hatch and eat the oppoents reiatsu.

ka^ringu kochou(curling butterfly)-
The butterfly/angel will enlarge her wings of fire and the fire will
turn into a spiral of doom(kinda like a tornado).

Kochou yubiwa(butterfly ring)-
The butterfly swarm from before is the first attack.If it didn't work
or Lini doesn't want to use it,She'll shout this out and it's kinda
of like a circle in the sky that swirls around the opponent and
squeezes till they pass out or die.

Comments: The sword at the begining is dark silver with
a butterfly shaped gaurd.
last edited over a year ago
I found it!
This is my shinigami:
Name:Lini Koummori 

Birthdate:October 30 

over a year ago The3rdL said…

Name: Yuujiin Shizuka

Birthdate: January 2nd

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Soul Society-Gotei 13

Rank: 3rd Division Captain

Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Ht: 5’11 or 180.3cm
Wt: 185 or 83.91kg

Description: A handsome dark -skinned man with a fairly muscular physique, his hair is worn in long dark braids much like Tōsen but with a dark blue tint, his eyes are dark brown almost black. His facial hair consists of a thin dark goatee. He wears a sleeveless haori over what appears to be the same uniform of the Onmitsukidō but with no sleeves, with long white gloves reaching the forearms, a white sash and white jika-tabi (boots).

Personality: Yuujiin is a quiet man who rarely interacts with others unless it is necessary, he tends to sit and observe people and situations only acting when it is of the utmost importance. When he talks it is usually short with one word being uttered. Yuujiin enjoys watching movies, he dislikes loud things. His favorite food is eggplant and he dislikes unsweetened tea. He is tough but fair with his squad taking every situation seriously, he wants to prove himself (by his actions and not his words) to the rest of The Gotei 13 and make the 3rd Division honorable once again. He also has another secret that only Yamamoto is aware of.

History: After graduating from the Shinigami Academy he was placed in the 1st Division under General Yamamoto who realized his true nature and goals, becoming a 3rd Seat. Under the order of General Yamamoto he was sent to Hueco Mundo to monitor the Vasto Lorde. After the incidents with Aizen and Amagai he returned under Personal Recommendation from the General and was made Captain of
the 3rd Division.

Zanpakutō Name: Tatetengoku “Heavens Shield”

Description: Tatetengoku exist as two Kodachi (short sword), both of which are worn across the lower back (like SoiFon) with one exiting on the left and the other on the right.

Scabbard- Both are white with black rope tied around them.
Handle- The handle is made of onyx with a white braid cover.
Guard- The Guard of the right Kodachi is made of onyx and resembles a triangle within a circle. The Guard of the left Kodachi is also onyx and resembles an X within a circle.
Blade- The blades resemble white gold.

Shikai Release Command: Mamoru “Protect”

Description: Each Kodachi transforms into a glove instantly covering each hand. The material of the gloves resembles the same white gold as the blade but is flexible as leather. Onyx details cover the knuckles, wrist and finger nails of each. On both gloves there is a large onyx like semi-sphere on the back of each hand. The left glove has a glowing X within a circle on it; the right glove has a triangle within a circle on it.

Shikai Abilities:

Hansha “Reflect”- The Right glove (triangle), can reflect spirit energy (reiatsu) based attacks back at the opponent with twice the force.

Togameru “Rebuke”- The Left glove (X), can negate a physical attacks momentum when it comes into contact.

Bankai Name: Kyozetsu Tengoku “Heaven’s Refusal”

Description: The triangle and the X exit each glove and hover (5 inches/12.7 cm) over the palm of each glove leaving only the circle within the onyx. The colors of the gloves alternate, with the onyx becoming white gold and the white gold becoming onyx.

Bankai Abilities:

Migite Tamashi “Right Hand of the Spirit”- The triangle of the Right glove can absorb all spirit energy attacks and convert it to energy used to boost Spiritual Attributes: Kido. This allows for the use of Level 100 spells by reciting the name of the spell alone.

Hidarite Nikutai “Left Hand of the Flesh” - The X of the Left glove can absorb all force from physical attacks converts it into energy used to boost Physical Attributes: Agility (Shunpo), Strength (Hakudo), and Endurance.

Torikesu Tengoku “Heaven’s Revocation”:
The circles exit the onyx sphere and all three shapes overlap combining both physical and spiritual energy absorbed along with my own reiatsu. A series of projectiles are then fired, first an X shaped blast is shot (with hand forming an X), if it connects all physical movement of the opponent is halted, this unlocks the next blast (the form of a triangle) which cancels all spirit energy, this unlocks the last shot (the circle) which shuts down the mind. This effectively revokes any form of movement or thought, leaving only the finishing blow to be administered, which is done with the unreleased form of the Zanpakutō (the Kodachi).

Name: Yuujiin Shizuka 

Birthdate: January 2nd 

Gender: Male 

Affiliation: Soul Society-Got
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
Name: kuro ken {fire sword}

Birth date: March 1

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Soul Society-X captain of the 2rd division and kido Corp now-Arrancar
Rank: used to be Captain of the 2rd division now-Arrancar

Appearance: often with a mocking smile but sometimes very serious, her eye's are usually black unless mad or in the heat of battle. Then they turn into firey colors.
Hair Color:dark dark red
Hair Style: {3 styles} When younger her hair was much like momo's. After leaveing the soul society much of her face was covered besides some loss pieces of hair hanging out and one eye opening. After joining the Arrancar her hair is braided down her back.
Eye Color: fire- it has all the colors of fire in it Height: 4"11 {very short}
Weight: 60lb {very light}
Description: In the very begging of her life she wore the normal Shinigami uniform havering her sword at her lift side. During her days on the run she wore a black shirt with cuffs and black pants nothing special besides a red belt around her waist for her Zanpakutō. After joining the Arrancar she wears a jacket much like gin's only open and the blue in the jacket is red instead {link

Personality: She is very saratistic, this might be why gin is always quick on mocking others {will be explained in history}. Many are fearful when she looks straight into someone's eye's [because she looks as though she is seeing right throw them}. begging that she can transform into a black tiger {like yoruichi} she often and be lazy and also short tempered.

catchpharse's- I am not short i am only surronded by tall people {looks at aizen and gin}
You know you should never let a enemy behind you {use her speed to end up behind the enenmy}

History: She was one of the first captains in the soul society. It was known that her Zanpakutō was created by her after finding some black metal type material.Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryūsai and kuro battled it out after only begging captain for 100 years. The battle lasted for days until Yamaoto was out cold,when he awakened she was gone, he guessed she had died at the very end. Knowing it was wise to keep it a secret she was a live for many years, she wore cloths at which you could not tell many features. {time skip} It is known that Kuro was in another fight and as she lay there with bad wounds young gin showed up. After caring for her for a few days she was back to health and she took Gin under her wing and trained him after many years they seperated but she pledged to never "i will never fight against you "gin"".{time skip} after making several appearance to the soul society in battles, it seemed as though nobody new her. When Gin left the soul society she revealed herself and left right after him. She now works for aizen and the arrancar. Also has a love hate relationship with Aizen.

Agility (Shunpo):100
Physical Strength (Hakuda):100
{i kinda didn't understand this part lol so tell me if its to high haha}

Zanpakutō name is musei hai she rarely uses it in battle mainly sticking to hand-to-hand combat.

abilities of zanpakuto-

Shikai description- Very long sword one side white while the other side black. The handle is black and red. Very thin

Shikai ability-

sunappu haretsu {snap explosion}- when the zanpakuto is released from its holder it can create a explosion where the target is of fire.

hi dansu {flame dance}- the swords is envolped by fire and the blade now becomes fire. With a swing it can release giant waves of fire.

Bankai looks- The sword now become pure black and even the handle is black.

{forribeden flame}- The fire that had once enveloped the blade is now to turned to black. All fire in the area as well is turned to black. This fire is hot enough to melt almost any blade.

imei of hi {will of fire}- this causes so much pressure that she is levatied in the air. Balls of flames are all around her. In this state she can not touch the ground giving her the look as though she is flying in fire. Although this use's up tons of her spirtual energy and has only used it twice.

ketteiteki no honoo- {final flame} the last stage of her bankai which i am not going to reveal yet i will reveal it in battle

Other battle skills

Transformation- transforms into a tiger. Black with some very dark brown piece of fury in it. Has the same eyes she has when in human form

Time skip- This is a very hard thing for her to use. She can stop time but it use almost all of her spirtutal energy and is only able to use it for short periods of time {5 minutes at the most}.

hand-to-hand combat- When she joins the arrancar she is often shown in the gym with Grimmjow doing push ups. Very quick on her feet.

her to favorite out of the arrcancar are- grimmjow {her workout buddie lol} and stark {her nap time buddy haha}
last edited over a year ago
Name: kuro ken {fire sword} 

Birth date: March 1 

Gender: Female 

Affiliation: Soul Society-X capt
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
Kiari is Captain Shizuka's leiuntant!The image below is her in the academy!

Name:Kiari Lyria

Birthdate:December 25


Affiliation: Soul Society-Gotei 13

Rank: 3rd Division Lieutenant(Lieutenant of Yuujiin Shizuka)c above

Hair Color: Orandeish-redish hair
Hair Style: Medium length but she pins her hair up sometimes to make in look shoulder length(it's kinda like a discuse!)
Eye Color:Hazel(changes from blue,brown,to green)
Ht: small and petite 3 feet and 10 in
Wt: 40 lbs or 18.18 kgs

Catchphrase: R U ok?

Description:Kiari is a cheery 13 year old, who can pull off 8. Her oufit is a black tank top over a white puffy sleaved shirt,with a knee length black skirt with pins on it, and sockings with black skater shoes.But she sometimes wears a orange school uniform.

Personality: Kiari is a cheery person with a smile planted on her face. When she isn't smiling, she is serious with a mean look on her face.Her anything but happy is rare.She is a bit of a cry baby and likes trying to get spolied by her captain,Yuujiin(See first intry). She gets picked on alot by her best friend Lini(see above). She hates when her captain puts on scary movies, and is addicted to sweet things.She enjoys candy and snacks that are super sweet.Being called a disgrace by the other squads, Kiari's dream is to work with her captain to bing grace and honor to her squad!

History: Being a runaway, she was prone to be happy.But she kept on smiling ang soon met Lini, who she soon ran away with to the Shinigami acdemy.After relaizng she had a gift of a prodgee with amazing intelligence,flexiblity,and,her greatest yet,her defense skills she went off on a jouney to defeat hollows. But after Aziens attack,Lini came to get her to bring her to join the 3rd division squad.How she died is a secret and who knows where she lives!

Battle Data:
Offense= 50
Defense= 100
Agility= 100
Kido= 100
Intelligence= 100
Physical Strength= 45

Abilities:She has a power that allows her to multiply herself!
The video below is what she looks like in her orange shinigami uniform and also what her sword looks like but Kiari's sword has a giant spiked ball at the end!:D Has a blue reiatsu that she can use to attack people with.It is her lightning attack!

My sword has a sphere keychain on it that turns into a giant pointy sphere

Zanpakuto Name: denkou shi neko(lightning kitten)
Release commamd: tataku!(strike!)

Shikai Description: Denkou shi neko is a bright yellow.
It has a gaurd the shaped of a cat head.It has a circle
keychain that Kiari puts in her reiatsu in her sword and
it turns into a giant spiked ball!It has a orange sash
round it.

Shikai Abilities:

saiki hashiru(recovery run)-
Using her reiatsu,her sword turns a bright white with a lightning
bolt shaped like a huge cat goes around her and anyone she chooses
and heals them.It takes a lot of reiatsu.

raikou supaiku(lightning spike)-
I swing my sword toward the sky and clouds form and lightning strikes
down leaving something that looks like spikes that when the opponent
runs in them they get elecuted and faint if they don't die....

erekutorikku nawa(electric rope)-
The sword strikes the opponent or/and sword and a electric rope goes
over them and ties them tightly with a damanging stactic shock every
2 minutes.

sutateikku odoriko(static dancer)-
a flowing bolt of energy envolves the sword and Kiari will spin the
sword in a full circle and the glow will disappear from the sword
to the circle and the circle will burst and turn into a burst of
stactic energy.The static will appear to dance while parazlying
every opponent within a 2 mile radius!

Bankai Name: shouryou neko(Holy ghost cat)
The sword turns a blinding white and a ghostly lightning cat comes
out and she grows cat ears and her hair is still orange but can appear
a rose pink.When she travels with it,she hides it with a purple hat.

Bankai Abilities:

Koneko aikyou(kitten charms)-
The cat will sparkle making the opponent hyponotized,seeing the illusion
of a angel,the angel,or actually the cat,will kill them in this illusion,
giving them a holy feeling death.

neko negai(cat wishes)-
The cat grows in size and unleashes a bright glow inside.Kiari goes
into a prayer form and wishes for the enimes to be gone.The banki
goes crazy and fufills her wishes by killing them all.after it,Kiari
almost or she does pass out because it uses a lot of reiatsu.

neko tengoku(cats heaven)-
The cats will burst into sparkle,making a bunck of minature cats that
prowl the opponent,making Kiari the hunter.The cats all have wing and
make the hunter parazlyzed and then charm his sword to seal the power
within.The big sphere at the end of
the sword will attack the opponent by making him passout and breaking the
sword the cats have put a spell on.

middonaito yamaneko(midnight wildcat)-
the cat will claw the opponent,sending him/her into a sate of madness.
They will be sent to a space like area.Slowly,looking like a star,a cat
will approch.Looking like a tiger with huge angel wings,and sharp fangs
the wildcat will pounce and kill them.

Specializes in defense.The orange sash is a ribbon that she carries
tied on her wrist.She can release it to turn her reiatsu trapped in
the ribbon into the sword and the ribbon ties on the sword.
last edited over a year ago
Kiari is Captain Shizuka's leiuntant!The image below is her in the academy!

Name:Kiari Lyria 

over a year ago supersilver108 said…

Name:Kenshin Himura



Height: 158cm

Weight: 48kg

Affiliation:Soul Society-X captain, now living somewhere in Hueco Mundo alone stoping low rank hollows.


Hair color:Dark red

Hair style:long hair with a ponytail

Eye color:blue (when he is fine) yellow (when he becomes a bloodthirsty man)

Catchphrase:Is all u got?

Description:He looks like 28 years old, his clothes are red-white kimono, with an x cross-shaped scar on his face.Red dark and long hair with a ponytail.

Personality(blue eyes):He was a very happy person, optimist and enjoying every single day but now he is very serious person (only in battle)with a desire of fight with good opponent.(because he cant remember the dead of his wife or anything of his past)

personality(yellow eyes):A bloodthirsty man only with the desire to fight and shed blood, he dont cares what happen to anyone or anything. Only he comes out of the real kenshin when he starts to enjoying killing with no reason or when he wants to revenge.

History:when he decided to become a captain, he met a beautiful girl her name was kaoru this woman help him to domain the kidou, their relationship was pretty, she became the Kenshin`s wife.
kenshin havent a shikai or bankai but he was a really skillful person, he was the lieutenant of the 3rd division captain.He has only 1 choice kill his captain to become the new captain, a dark side was growing inside him he want to become stronger and this was his only way.He had a bloody battle with his captain but he won that fight and becoming the new captain, knowing this his wife dont forgive him for killing his captain. The soul society was under attack with a vasto lorde in the front, before the vasto lorde comes back, he kill the kenshin`s wife. Kenshin turns evil, his eyes was yellow, his dark side came out. He tried to kill the vasto lorde, killing something that put it in front of him, he killed a lot of people but he hadnt his revenge he follow the vasto lorde to Hueco Mundo and kill him he got his revenge he turns a good people again but knowing that he did a terrible things, his wife is dead and he killed a lot of people, he stay in hueco mundo keep himself alone and where he cant hurt somebody, but he was attack by 3 vasto lorde
one with the ability to erase memories.After the hollows erased him his memories he turns into the yellow eyes guy and kenshin beat them 2 easy.

Nickname for him:Battousai(that name put to himself in his bloodthirsty stage {yellow eyes})

Agility (Shunpo):90
Physical Strength (Hakuda):90

Agility (Shunpo):100
Physical Strength (Hakuda):100

note:Tell me if is to high or low i really dont understand this XD

Abilities:he use his reiatsu to become faster or stronger also he throw a special attack that destroy anything in his way.when he turns evil he has a huge power and speed making him a guy with no mercy.

Shikai:he havent

Bankai:he havent

ok this is my character
look when he was lieutenant

last edited over a year ago

Name:Kenshin Himura 



over a year ago VioletShingami said…
thats a kewl!
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
Roseshingami:sorry for change my character i wanted to change it because everybody was creating new chracters and is 2 fun forgive me, kumenai sai, perdoname T_T
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
yea same i changed my slightly but not to much
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
its ok!r characters need 2 meet each other though.mayb u can b like my longlost brother!?!
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
haha you know as sisters in some ways are characters personality's are the exact oppsite
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
lolz! I think it wat makes u 2 perfect 2 b sisters! exact opposites like regular siblings.
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
that ok i think that is a great idea u can b sister
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
(Blushes)I meant siblings!I said sisters but you can be my older brother! SRRY!
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
i was wondering does anyone want me to change my icon to my character. because i noticed a lot of you did and i did for awhile but i just want to know if anyone get annoyed by me not doing it
i was wondering does anyone want me to change my icon to my character. because i noticed a lot of you
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
no!ur fine okay????Make ur pic wat u want!
over a year ago supersilver108 said…
rusty:yes make ur pic wat u prefer XD
roseshingami:Its fine is a good idea my charater lost his memory 200 ago so u can b my sis X3
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
over a year ago sarah16 said…
big smile

Name: Suki
Birthday: January 16th
Gender: Female
Affliation: A shinigami on the arrancar side
Rank: Highest of Stark's fraccion

Hair Color: White, with a little tint of pale blue in it
Hairstyle: Long and strait. Sometimes tied with ribbons.
Eye Color: Dark blue
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 109

Description: Suki has pale/peachy skin. She looks like she might be in her late teens or early twenties. Suki just might be your average girl, except for her hair.

Personality: Suki is usually shy and reclusive, except for when she really needs help. She is more of a secretive person, and talks only to people that she knows. When you meet her, she may seem shy, and talkative because she doesn't know what else to do. But then she gets more wild and fun, once you get to know her.

History: She was born in the Soul Society and was turned against it because her family was accused of murder. Her family was caught but she however escaped, just a week before her graduation of Shinigami Academy. She went to Hueco Mundo, but she doesn't remember how. Now she's a fraccion of Stark.

Battle Data:

Agility (Shunpo):80
Physical Strength (Hakuda):70

Total: 490

My Zanpakuto is coming soon and so are pictures =]

Yuki no Moufu (Blanket of Snow)

Shikai Command Release:
I can't find the name so yeah xD I'll find it soon (Pierce Through the Heart)

Shikai Desciption: Suki's zanpakuto turns into a whip with a white blade at the edge. It's starts out black and fades to blue at the end. When she cracks it daggers shoot out. She's not in danger because the ice daggers avoid her reiatsu. It extends up to 25 feet. If it wraps around someone then it shoots daggers and leaves the person standing ,pale and unwounded, like they're frozen.

It's secret and I want it to be a surprise so I'm not going to post it until someone's going to die or something!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago t0beyeus said…
Shinigami: Fezaakyuu (featherweight)

Age: Looks about 17

Appearance: 5 ft. 7 inches, dark red hair almost brown, cut short but with spiked sideways bangs and a tuff/crest that goes down the left side. He has green eyes and pale skin. He is a small and petite Shinigami.

Background: Fezaakyuu has not obtained any special ranks but he does work under Sajin Komaamura within the 7th Division. He is very close to another Shinigami named Tsuyoioushi. Fezaakyuu was born with a very unique illness. He is unable to produce Reiryoku like other Shinigami. This means that he is usually very tired and must rest for extended amounts of time. Fezaakyuu has been able to expand the average ability that Shinigami have of absorbing spiritual energy to help recover their Reiryoku, but this still takes time and Fezaakyuu can still only store a small amount compared to what other Shinigami can naturally produce.

Personality: He is a very quiet person probably caused by the fatigue he constantly faces and from his lack of social contact. This is in part Tsuyoioushi's doing, who constantly frets over Fezaakyuu's well being and making sure he is resting. This leaves Fezaakyuu very frustrated, he trains when he can so that he can join Tsuyoioushi on missions but is usually left behind due to Tsuyoioushi's request that he stay and rest. Fezaakyuu worries that Tsuyoioushi does not care for him the way he does because he is not as strong as he is. Fezaakyuu loves to cook and has a strange fascination with human food especially corndogs with mustard. He is a good cook, but tends to cause problems when trying to mimic human food. Fezaakyuu's greatest fear is that he is burdening Tsuyoioushi and the 7th Division and will be left behind if he cannot get stronger.

Zanpakuto: Fezaakyuu's Zanpakuto broke when he was training to get accepted into the 7th Division it is believed that the break was not caused by force so much as the illness that Fezaakyuu has. A Zanpakuto becomes stronger as the wielder does and while Fezaakyuu's spiritual power has become more potent it has not grown in size to sustain the Zanpakuto, so the Zanpakuto shed a part of it to make it sustainable.

Fezaakyuu while not a Lieutenant or Captain is able to use a Shikai and Bankai, noone knew of this until after the events with Kumoi's assassins and their Bakkoto. While everyone thought the events ended with the death of Amagai, what people didn't know was what the long tern effects where of a Bakkoto. The parasitic Bakkoto eventually absorbs all of the spiritual energy of its victim and creates a spiritual entity that begins to seek out more spiritual energy because of its hunger. When one of Bakkoto began causing havoc with Seiretei it was Fezaakyuu who stopped it. Because the Bakkoto absorbed spiritual power from its surroundings it drained the power from any Shinigami who tried to attack it leaving them weakened to the point of collapse. Fezaakyuu who cannot produce any significant spiritual power was able to fight the monster. His Shikai was able to nullify the spiritual attacks of the Bakkoto but not prevent the Bakkoto from continuing to absorb the spiritual energy of those around. Worried for his friends lives especially that of Tsuyoioushi's he revealed Bankai and in a last effort to defeat the Bakkoto used his Junshi Ake Hane ability. Tsuyoioushi did not know that Fezaakyuu would recover from the attack and took his body to their home and mourned his death without a burial for 3 days before Fezaakyuu woke up from his deep sleep and caused Tsuyoioushi to finally let his warrior attitude fade and admit openly how much he cared for Fezaakyuu.

Zanpakuto: Niban Hane (two wings)

Release command: Toru Furaito (take flight)

Bankai: Niban Hane Perikan (two wings of the pelican)

Appearance: When Niban Hane is not released it looks like a broken Kodachi. In it's broken state it is 18 inches long, and a broken smaller portion is that is 4 inches long is worn on a chain around the Fezaakyuu's neck. The handle is black and wrapped in white and silver the guard is oval in shape with two triangles etched into the top and bottom of the oval..

Shikai: When the release command Toru Furaito is used the sword portion glows white and repairs itself creating a unbroken Kodachi made of spiritual energy. The broken portion that hangs around the Fezaakyuu's neck also begins to glow white with spiritual energy and hovers. This smaller blade or wing acts as a shield able to parry and deflect incoming attacks.

While in its released state the blade also has the unique ability to weaken and eventually seal away an enemies spiritual powers with each cut until they eventually cannot use them.

Bankai: The Bankai Niban Hane Perikan transforms the wing into a shield that Fezaakyuu carries. The shield looks like a pair of wings and can not only block physical attacks but can also block powerful energy attacks.

Ability: Joushoukiryuu (updraft)

The winged shield is not only defensive but can be used to preform a powerful upper cut. The shield will glow white and while using the ability Fezaakyuu will gain an immense speed boost. The shield will smash into the enemy and blast them with a wind current created by the spiritual energy. The effect also produces feathers while flying towards the target to preform the attack.

Ability: Junnan Shiro Hane (martyrdom upon white wings)

This ability releases the spiritual energy within Fezaakyuu's Zanpakuto creating a white bird like shape that flies towards its target and explodes with extreme spiritual power. Using this technique causes the Zanpakuto to revert to it's smaller broken size, because the energy that formed the blade was released. This attack can be reused with sufficient spiritual power but currently Fezaakyuu is not powerful enough to maintain the blade upon further use.

Ability: Junshi Ake Hane (martyrdom upon red wings)

This ability can only be used after Junnan Shiro Hane and is a sacrificial move. Fezaakyuu stabs himself with his Zanpakuto to draw out his spiritual energy with his blade. The blade glows white with the energy and forms a Pelican and the blood on the blade forms the red breast of Pelican. The Pelican then flies to its target opening it's mouth to envelope the enemy in an explosion. If the enemy dies Fezaakyuu will be able to regain his lost spiritual energy, if the enemy withstands the attack he is left severely weakened on the brink of death. This attack is a reference to the medieval story of how a mother Pelican would pierce her own breast to feed her young if food was not available.
over a year ago t0beyeus said…
Shinigami: Tsuyoioushi (strong bull)

Age: Looks mid 20s

Appearance: 6 ft. 4 inches, looks very similar to the picture of Mayuri without makeup except with brown hair. He is muscular and very stone like in stature. Which gives him a tough exterior that is only further supported by his warrior like attitude.

Background: Tsuyoioushi was the neighbor of Fezaakyuu when they lived in Rukongai, Tsuyoioushi helped keep Fezaakyuu safe and played with him. When Tsuyoioushi grew older he wanted to join the Shinigami Academy in hopes that he could provide a easier lifestyle for Fezaakyuu, what he didn't expect was for Fezaakyuu to also join the Shinigami Academy. Together they both raised rank until they both were selected to join the 7th Division. Tsuyoioushi has managed to continue raising in rank but has not reached an offical title. This is because Tsuyoioushi has turned down offers in fear that if he were to be given more missions or missions that took extended periods of time he would not be around to take care of Fezaakyuu. Fezaakyuu is not aware of this, but it is Tsuyoioushi's stone like nature that has made it difficult for him to express how he feels about Fezaakyuu and for Fezaakyuu to tell on his own how Tsuyoioushi feels about him.

Personality: Tsuyoioushi is a very stone faced person, showing very little emotion unless fretting over Fezaakyuu's health and well being. When out of combat he tends to be a very calm and slow paced individual, not usually affected by the constant explosions happening within the kitchen from Fezaakyuu. He has a stubborn streak in him which has lead to many fights with Fezaakyuu who despite his wishes constantly sneaks out to train. One thing people don't know is that Tsuyoioushi is quite a pervert, thinking dirty things and sometimes saying crude things to Fezaakyuu who is younger and less experienced. On the battle field Tsuyoioushi keeps a calm head, and thinks everything through. He loves birds and is very handy, building lots of birdhouses and feeders for the house, so that he can constantly observe more birds.

Zanpakuto: Tsuyoioushi has managed to learn who Shikai but has not learned to use his Bankai. While it is listed, he has not actually managed to use it.

Zanpakuto: Sakigake Koutetsu (charging steel)

Release command: Bousou (rampage)

Bankai: Kakudo Sakigake Koutetsu (enraged charging steel)

Appearance: Tsuyoioushi's Zanpakuto is the length of a Nodachi, he carries it across his back upside down, and removes it from his scabbard by pulling down and out to the side which is different then how most Shinigami carry their Zanpakuto. The handle is made from a oxen horn and wrapped in leather. The hilt is shaped like two pairs of bull horns.

Shikai: When Tsuyoioushi releases his Zanpakuto it glows red and transformed into something similar to a trident and khakkhara. The shaft is a bronzed metal and the trident top looks similar to a bull's head, the side points are like horns and the center that would have a point is rounded and has a hole with a ring in it like a ring in a bull nose or similar to a khakkhara. The weapon offers not special abilities and relies on the users weapon skill. Tsuyoioushi can use the points to stab and pierce like a trident and the ring acts as a blunt object to smash bones like a khakkhara.

Bankai: Tsuyoioushi's Bankai is most likely influenced from working with Sajin Komaamura. Tsuyoioushi puts his hand through the ring on his weapon and when he says Bankai the ring and weapon glow and separate. The weapon portion turns into a metal mechanical bull about the size of a semi truck. The bull moves according to Tsuyoioushi's moves and is controlled by the giant metal ring around his wrist. The ring will be aglow with spiritual energy as the bull is controlled. The bull is incredibly strong and resilient to damage but suffers from being slow to move and change direction.

As the bull is attacking, Tsuyoioushi can attack in hand to hand combat, while utilizing the ring around his wrist to smash into his opponents. While fighting the bull and Tsuyoioushi become more powerful becoming more and more enraged, when the ring around Tsuyoioushi's wrist glows red it means it is fully enraged.

Ability: Kakudo Hitonami (enraged stampede)

When the ring around Tsuyoioushi had begins to glow red, he is able to use this ability. It is a powerful punch. When it connects with it's target releases a surge of fire, heat and energy. This move depletes the rage built up from the bull fighting but can be recharged as the bull continues to fight again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annvie9 said…
Okay, like, dood, they're nice characters and zanpakutos, but like, are you going to RP them? You can only RP one character that you've made... unless that isn't in the rules. I need to go add that xD
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
alrite! my grl uses doll to cast spells on people! and this is her human past! she was real big on ancient patterns and junk! just look at her room!whewn they untie the string around its neck they get a horrible curse played on them,for spiratl and non spirtual creatures so that means humans can c it 2!
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
this is my girls life in the human world and a pic of her then:
When Lini waz a baby,her mother died,leaving her with her acholic dad.her dad would beat her almost every night because he couldn't hold on to a job.Instead of going to school,she had to work to pay the rent.She would save 10& of any pay she made.Soon she secertly brought textbooks from a school and taught herself every lesson from the books.At 8,she was so beaten up,she ran away,where she ran into a hollow in a forest.The hollow came and stabbed her to the right of her heart.A captain(her eyesight was fuzzy) with white hair came to save her,but it was too late.She ended up near the soul society and new family!
last edited over a year ago
this is my girls life in the human world and a pic of her then:
When Lini waz a baby,her mother died
over a year ago t0beyeus said…
I figured if I was going to make my Shinigami I would need to give them a background, and made his supporting character in order to fully explain the story. Did I respond to the thread incorrectly?
over a year ago annvie9 said…
Don't worry, you responded just fine, I was just a bit confused. But I'm pretty sure I got it. Thanks for your thoroughness and extraordinary creativity! It must've taken you forever to do that. Oh, and are ya gonna RP? It'd be nice to have another person ^-^
over a year ago t0beyeus said…
I have never done roleplay before. I just like to make my own characters and stories. I made a Naruto character and three other shinobi to complete a full squad. I just get carried away. And the Zanpakuto and characters background stories only took two hours to write. The general ideas were already in my head. The Japanese translations were the most time consuming.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
oh! u r gonna post? well i have 2 read ur thing then! oops!
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
okay yall! my grl*still ned to make her real world history!itll play into this*she plays the violin and has power w/ it. And Violet wanted me 2 post this caz couldn't! shehas a flute and a straw doll that works on humans and ahingami and hollows,any other spirtual thing!
over a year ago Osamu_Tezuka said…

I Couldnt Find An Arrancar Forum, I Thought Making Him An Arrancar Would Be Better, This Also Gives Others The Chance To Create: Greed, Lust, Envy, Wrath, Pride, And Gluttony If They See Fit.
(If You Do Chooose To Make On Of The Above..PLZZ Try To make Your Arrancars Appearence And Powers Match The Sin, As Much As Possible)


Name: Sloth

Birthdate: Unknown

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Hueco Mundo, Las Noches, Privaron Espada

Rank: Arrancar 672

Appearance: Pale White Skin With Markings Under His Eyes That Resemble Make-Up Wetting Down His Face. He Wears The Same Outfit As Ulquiorra, But He Always Wears His Jacket Open. His Hollow Hole Is On The Palm Of His Hand, And Resembles Nnoitra's Eye Hole.

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Long Black Hair That Covers Oneside Of His face..Like Nagato From Naruto


Eye Color: Dark Purple...They Are Dull And Lifeless. Almost No Color At All.

Height: 5"10 - 6"0

Weight: 160 -172lbs

Description: Sloth Is One Of 7, Arrancar That Take The Names Of The Sins Of Man. He Is The Fastest Of The 7 But Has The 3rd Most Physical Strength. His Is Always Depressed, Shows No Emotion, A Very Dull Look.

Personality: Sloth Is Nhilistic, Unafraid Of Death. He Is Gloomy And Sad. He Is Usually Seen Sitting Or Lying Around.

History: Sloth And The Other 6 Were Created When Aizen Broke The Line Between Shinigami And Hollows. There History Is Much Like Grimmjows Traveling Hueco Mundo Consuming, Until They Achieved Arrancar. Unfortunatly They Kept To Themselves And Disobeyed Aizen On Numerous Occasions Which Caused Them To Be Casted Out. They Now Take 3 Digit Numbers

Pride - 666
Lust - 667
Gluttony - 668
Wrath - 669
Envy - 670
Greed - 671
Sloth - 672

* Garganta (Black Cavity)- Sloth Can Tear Open A Dimensional Hole Between Hueco Mundo And The Human World/Soul Society.
- Garganta Broadcast - Sloth Has The Ability To Broadcast Giant Garganta Screen (Like Televison).

* Enhanced Sight - Sloth's Has Incredible Eyesight, Not As Good As Ulquiorra, But He Can See Through Illusions.

* Enhanced Pesquisa - Although All Arrancar Have The Ability To Sense Spiritual Pressure, But Sloth Can Actually Gauge How Strong His Opponent Is, And See The Extent Of There Abilities.

* Enhanced Strength - Sloth And His Crew Are Among The Most Powerful Arrancar, Although He Has Only The 3rd Strongest With Physical Strength, He Has Unbelievable Power.

* Enhanced Sonído - Sloth Is The Fastest Of The Group, In His Second Release He Can Be Considered Impossible To Keep Track Of.

* Master Hand-to-Hand Combatants - Sloth Is More Skilled With Hand to Hand Combat Then He Is With His Blade, He May Be The Best Hand to Hand Combatant In The Group.

* Swordsmanship Specialist - Sloth Isnt The Greatest Swordsman, But Is The Worst Sword-Fighter In The Group, Probably The Worst Out Of All Arrancars/Shinigami.

* Hierro - Sloth Has A Bad Hierro, He Isn't Extremely Easy To Cut, But He Isnt The Most Dificult.

* Bala - Sloth Hardens His Spiritual Pressure And Fires It From His Hands.

* Exemplary Spiritual Pressure - Sloth Has Exemplary Spiritual Pressure, Its Not The Strongest, But Its Powerful Enough To Cross Swords With His Opponent And Produce Powerful Bala.

Battle Data:

Offense: 50
Defense: 70
Agility (Shunpo): 200
Kido: 30
Intelligence: 50
Physical Strength (Hakuda): 100
ZANPAKUTO: Zanpakutō- Resurrección: Apatía

Zanpaktou Description - Apatía Looks Like A Regular Katana, Only That The Blade Is Completely Dull. And It Has The Number 7 Engraved On The Handguard.

Release Command - "Suffer" Apatía

Release Description - Resembles Ichigo's Full Hollow Transformation, Just That His Horns Resemble A Ram's. And Also Unlike Ichigo's He Has No Hollow Mask.

Resurrección Special Ability - Sloths Hierro Is Exponentially Increased, As Is His Shunpo And Hakuda.
- Ketsueki no Itsuryuu (The Blood Spill)
Apatía Creates A "Bleed Out" Affect.
Each Time Apashi- Cuts An Opponent The Affect Gets
More And More Severe, Eventually The
Opponent Will Lose All There Blood.

Cero Las Grande Purga (The Great Purge Zero) - A Dark Purple Cero, Is Emmited From Sloth Horns. During The Charge Process Sloths Horns Start To Light And Change Colors, Eventually Turning Dark Purple And Firing Cero Las Grande Purga. This Is Sloth Signature Cero.
Resurrección: Segunda Etapa - During His Second Release His Skin Becomes Black And His Secondary Markings( Under His Eyes, Across His Chest, Along His Arms..Etc) Turn Dark Purple. His Form Remains The Same ( Looks Like Ichigo's Full Hollowfication When He Fights Ulquiorra) Except His Hollow Mask Is Full, The Hole On His Palm Moves To His Stomach, His Number 672 Moves To His Palm, His Spine Becomes Rigid/Spikey, He Sprouts Dark Purple Archangel Wings, And He Gives Off A Dark Purple Shroud, It Has No REAL Effect But It Makes Anyone Around Him Feel Uneasy And Depressed.

* Gripe Ante Catalepsia (Grip Of Trance) - Sloth Grabs A Hold Of His Opponent, The Longer He Holds His Opponent The Weaker And Less Capable They Become.

- Unarmed Fighting - In His Second Release, Sloth Loses Apatía
He Grows Claws That Have The Same Damage Potential As A Zanpaktou, And His Hakuda Is Doubled.

- Godly Shunpo - When Sloth Is In His Second Release He Is Granted Goldly Speed, Making Him The Fastest Being To Ever Exist.

- Enhanced Cero Charge - When Sloth Is In His Second Release He Can Use Cero's Instantaneously, With Out Recharge. Ex. Gran Rey, Las Grande Purga can be used Instantly.
These Following Skills Are Exclusive To Sloth And The Other 6 In His Group.

* Cero Las Celeste Rápido (The Heavenly Rapid Zero) -
Sloth Can Blast 3 Consecutive Cero's Each One Stronger Then The One Before. This Can Be Used With Cero Las Grande Purga , And Gran Rey Cero.

* Cero Lleno Carrocería(Full Body Zero) - Sloth Creates A Nova And Explodes A Cero From His Body In All Directions. Can Be Compared To Sasuke's Full Body Chidori. And Can Be Used With Gran Rey Cero, And Las Grande Purga.

* Cero Divino Viento (Divine Wind Zero) - This Is The Most Powerful Cero Yet(Which Means You Can Make On More Powerful:P), This Cero Is Emitted From His Mouth And Can Only Be Used In His Second Release. It Resembles Heat Comming Off A Grill, Its Transparent, And Is The Only Cero Sloth Knows That HAS To Be Charged Even During His Second Release.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
over a year ago Osamu_Tezuka said…
too much?
over a year ago t0beyeus said…
I think it is interesting, but I think the Shikai ability is a bit funky. As long as it makes the enemy drowsy the longer the fight continues I think it is a sound Shikai. Stabbing yourself to increase the range seems like a weak trade off and almost unnecessary.

The Bankai I LOVE, I like the sloth. Makes me think of Slakoth. I think because the Bankai makes the sword useless and the sloth is basically sleeping until it is awoken a second ability needs to added. So the Shikai has too much but the Bankai has too little. I guess move the Shikai ability down to Bankai level.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lloyd2 said…
Ok lets do this.

Name: Gigero Minomusha (pronounced; Gi-ger-O, not Ji-ger-O)

Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6'2

Weight: 221 lbs

Gender: M

Affiliation: Rogue

Appears to be in his mid twenties. Has Deep dark eyes. Light stubble. Bit of a square jawed tough guy. Has long, Navy blue hair. lets his hair down at the front, but ties it in a pony tail at the back. wears a Blue martial arts gi but only wears the shirt and wears it open. has a spiked Turlte shell shoulder guard on his right shoulder. The guard is held in place by a thick tan leather strap which also holds his Zanpakuto on his back. He wears black laced leather greaves with tall brown boots made with the fur of wolves.

Gigero is a solitary person, who doesnt have friends or family and always works alone. He sees this as an advantage as his enemies cant use any personal weaknesses against him. He rarely opens his eyes, as he can sense where his enemies are. He cant remember growing up, only waking up one day in the middle of nowhere. he rarely speaks unless spoken to and is completely calm all of the time, generally polite.

History:He actually comes from the future and is the student of Ichigo Kurosaki. he trained under him for a while in the soul society and Occasionally made an appearance for the squad 4 relief team. By this time, Ichigo was in his early 40s and had made commander, only to realise that his whole life was nothing but slavery, as the soul society was a mere ploy for a higher power to gain supreme control over the afterlife. Ichigo was later executed along with the other shinigami. Gigero escaped only to be cast a spell upon by an unknown vizard. He woke up in a forest many years earlier somehow regained his life with no recollection of his previous life. He does still have the ability to see ghosts, so he goes from village to village cleansing hollows. hoping that he will eventually run into his old master. He lives life as a mercenary cleansing hollows for villages in exchange for payment.

ATK: 75
DEF: 50
Agility: 150
Kido: 75
Intelligence: 50
Physical: 100

Zanpakuto: Zanzoken (rapid fist)

Shikai: The sword is huge. about 6ft long and about a full foot wide. It it straight apart from the top where it is cut diagonally. It looks similar to cloud strifes buster blade.

Shikai abilities

Gigero swings the blade and a group of energy beams trails from the tip of the blade. when gigero stops the swing, the beams split away and fly towards the enemy. (good for taking out a wall of weak enemies)

Fissure slash
Gigero slashes zanzoken straight down and a beam of energy shoots out of the tip and straight across the floor towards the enemy.

Kami X 1.5
Gigero stabs zanzoken into the floor and charges his Physical strength, through the zanpakuto

Bankai abilities
It takes the same basic shape but is give 2 fins on the flats of the blade, making look like a cross when looked at vertically, also, whenever gigero stabs his blade into the floor to initiate a technique, a strong forcefield of red chakra surrounds him in a dome shape.

Energy Rain
Gigero stabs his zanzoken into the ground and a violent storm erupts and fires energy bullets from the sky

Kami Threshold (consume/Kami X2)
Gigero stabs zanzoken into the floor and consumes all of the energy from the blade into his arms and hands. this way he can use all of the abilities without touching the sword, but is only temporary.
over a year ago Osamu_Tezuka said…
Im Making Another Character But These Are Shinigami's That Take The Name Of The 7 Heavenly Virtues. Im Making Charity Its Not My Character If You Want Her Just Copy And Paste Her, Then State In Your Description That You Took Her...And Feel Change ANYTHING About Her, But Just Dont Change Her Base Abilities..Like How Her Zanpaktou Heals? There Is Still: Chastity, Temperance, Dilligence, Patience, Kindness, And Humility.


Name: Charity

Birthdate: April 28th

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Soul Society, Rings Royal Guard

Rank: Royal Guard


Hair Color:Blue

Hair Style: Hair Like Konan From Naruto, With The Flower as Well.


Eye Color: Blue Eyes, And Her Stare Is Soft.

Height: 5'2 - 5'6
Weight: 118LBS

Description: Charity Is A Kind Hearted Person, And Is Liked By Almost Everyone. Her Zanpaktou Has Immense Healing Abilities, And She Is Extremely Skilled In Kido. And Is Also The Most Intelligent In The Group. Chrity Wears The Traditional Shinigami Robes, Can Be Compared To Yachiru Kasujishi's Robes, The Sleeves Are To Long So They Fall Over Her Arms And Hands. But Unlike Yachiru's Robes, Charities Are White White Black Writing.

Personality: Charity Is A Shy Person, But She Is Very Kind And Giving.

History: Not Much Is Known About Charity's Past, But what Is Known Is That She Was A Coroner, That Was Killed On The Job. When She Came To Soul Society She Barely Graduated From The Academy, But Mastered Her Shikai And Achieved Bankai Fairly Early.

* High Level Intellect - Charity Is Extremely Intelligent Probably The Smartest Guard In Soul Society.

* Determination - Charity Is Much Like Ichigo Her Determination Can Turn The Tides Of Battle.

* Kido Master - Charity Is Extremely Skilled In Kido, She Can Use Up To Level 99 Kido Spells Without Incantation, She Is Skilled In Binding Spells But Mediocre At Attack Kido. Charity Never Bothered To Learn Healing Kido Due To Fact Her Zanpaktou Is A Healing Type.

* Garganta - Charity Can Tear Open The Dimensional Fabric That Seperates The Worlds, Allowing Her To Travel To Hueco Mundo, Soul Society, And The Human World.

* Instant Replay - Charity Has Developed A Peculiar Ability, She Can Look Back At any Incident In The Past. Kinda Like Ulquiorra But She Doesnt Crush Her Eye, She Meditates.

* Master Strategist & Tactician - Charity Is Widly Known For Her Ability To Plan And Strategise. She Can Scan A Situation And Come Up With Several Effective Solutions In Seconds. She Can Even Almost Tell The Future By Observing Those Around Them, How They Act, And How Powerful They Are.

* Highly Perceptive Combatant - Charity Can Take To New Situations Easily, Much Like Zaraki Fighting Tosen, Then She Can Quickly Come Up With A Solution.

Battle Data:

Offense: 10
Defense: 40
Agility (Shunpo): 50
Kido: 100
Intelligence: 200
Physical Strength (Hakuda): 50

Total: 450
ZANPAKUTO: Her Zanpaktou Has Zero Damage Potential, And Her Spiritual Pressure Is Extremely Low, If Charity Were To Find Herself In Battle Alone..She Would Die.

Zanapakuto - Enkatsu - Enkatsu Is A Magnificent Katana, The Hilt Is Red And White With Gold And Orange Fabric Streamers Hanging Off The Bottom. The Blade Is Silver, And Shiny As Can Be. Enkatsu Is One Of The Most Beautiful Zanpaktou's In Existence.

Release Command: "Soothe" Enkatsu

Shikai Description: Her Zanpaktou Become Red Nunchuku. The Nunchuku Are Beautifully Embroidered With Designs, And Have A Gold Ribbon Tied Around Each End.

Shikai Abilities:

* Nunchuku no Kishi-Mojin ( Nunchuku Of Kishi-Mojin) -
Charity Uses Her Nunchuku To Heal Herself And Her Allies.

* Hando no Rihabirite-shon ( Hand Of Rehabilitaion ) - Charity Can Use Her Hands To Heal A Single Ally.

Bankai Name: Itonami

Description: Her Nunchuku Become A Red Staff, But Unlike Enkatsu The Staff Is A Plain Staff, But It Does Have The Ying-Yang Symbol Embroidered On The Bottom.
Bankai Abilities:

* Ki no Itonami ( Tree Of Life ) - Charity's Staff Sinks Into The Ground And Sprouts A Giant Golden Tree, Which Heals All Allies Within A Couple Miles.

* Yasumi ( Respite ) - Charity Can "Suspend" Death And Keep Her Allies Alive For Hours Even If There Cut Completely Open.

* Risutoa ( Restore ) - Itonami Shatters Into A Million Little Glowing Spheres, These Phase Into Her Allies, Giving Them Godly Regeneration Abilities, It Regrows Limbs, And Completely Regenerates Organs, Making Her Allies Senses Sharper. This Also Triggers And Adrenaline Rush, Making Her Allies Stronger, Faster, And More Aware.

* Sakurifaisu ( Sacrifice ) - Charity's Most Selfless Attack, She Gives Her Life And Can Bring An Ally back To Life.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago t0beyeus said…
lloyd2... yeah um to put it delicately you might want to try to be a bit more original. Fissure Slash is like Air Slash from Star Ocean or Clouds Blade Beam. I would say the background and descriptions are good, but the Shikai and Bankai need some work to make them more original. You already have a Buster sword like that of Cloud's try to move away from popular icons.
over a year ago aizen said…
Name: hani kaze

Birthdate: She never cared to remeber

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Soul Society (Gotei 13, Onmitsukidō: Secret Mobile Corps, Patrol corps): Gotei 13

Rank: lieutenant

Appearance: She wears the normal Onmitsukidō uniform with only one sleeve on her left side. Her hair is usually braided into one large braid but sometimes she is just to lazy to do anything so its a little spiky and un kept sometimes. She also has her lieutenants sash as a belt holding her zanpakuto slightly weighed down on her right side often taking it off in battle so it doesn't get in her way. Her eyes are a gold color with some brown looking much like honey, her hair is almost the exact color as Aizen's only a lighter.Her skin is also a bit darker
Hair Color: A very nice colored brown.
Hair Style: Braided but on occasion is down because she is to lazy
Eye Color: Gold-color of honey
Height: 5"2
Weight: Very light
Description: She can be very soft spoken and nice while she is seen around the 2nd division walking. Sometimes seen skipping or daydreaming but most captains know her true nature in battle and are careful not to tick her off.
Personality: Has a rather odd personality. If often switch's from when she is in the
Onmitsukidō and then being a lieutenant.She is probable as sweet as Aizen was before he left, unless she is in battle she is a complete different person. She acts cruel,cold and smiles a creepy smile the whole time. Her favorite person in the soul society is Soifon her captain but she secretly wishes to kill her one day and takeover as commander in chief of the onmitsukido. She is often yelled at for being to lazy and laid back by soifon. Often not brushing her hair in the morning or being late to things because of her frequent daydreams. For now she heads the patrol squad.

History: She grew up in 80th district of Rukongai. She had a good talent of hiding emotions which she now she uses in the soul society, giving a fake smile. She was a very quick kid often haveing to steal for food, considering she was on her own from the very start. After years and years of styling, crimes, and even murders Hani ended up in the shinigami academy around the same time Gin did. She was considered a prodigy as well but graduated 1 year after Gin. She started out in squad 5 but after shinji 'left' aizen took over and she joined the 2nd division. In between this time she became a part of the Onmitsukidō. She climbed through the ranks quickly becoming Soifon's lieutenant and commander of the patrol corps. She also during this time came up with a deep hatred for squad 5 and 11. 5 because she was close to shinji and felt like he left her even know she knew that wasn't true and 11 because well there just annoying.......
Battle Data:

Zanpakutō: {poison and dual blade} Shikai is released by saying "Smell of death, Senkou" {flash}. The zanpakuto changes into a form which the hilt of the sword has no handle almost just going into the blade only there is a slight drop off {picture below}. It is very long but not as long as yumiko's or Kuro's.

Shikai abilities

current state-On the first strike a poison is released makeing the user smell honey, each single strike she connects with robs them of one of the five senses in this order: hearing(first), touch, vision, taste, smell(last) and when they no longer can smell the honey she can deliver a deatstrike and if it dosent kill them they return to normal.

Perfected state and current state-"satsugai kaze" {killing wind} Hani lefts her sword up high in the air pointing it towards the sky and drops it. When it touches the ground it shatter into two blades. With the two blades and her shunpo most people only feel a gust of wind and then die.

perfect state and current state- "rijekuto" {reject} If she wants to undo kan dageki then all she has to do is say rijekuto.

{more later}


current state, not perfected-"kill'em were they stand, senkou"- is not going to be used for a long......long......long.....time. -Since she hasn't fully perfected it yet this move isn't at its full potential. If she hits the opponent deep enough to release a poison into the body {much like soifon}. The first thing that will happen to the person is that they smell the sweet scent of honey. Then there vision starts to blur and there reflex's are slowed. Hani only has one chance to deliver a deadly blow, if she does not successfully kill the person on the 'first strike' The person regains perfect eyesight and reflex's are back to normal

Offense: 80
Defense: 50
Agility (Shunpo): 100
Kido: 75
Physical Strength (Hakuda): 100

Total: 495

-She is also a expert at hiding her spiritual energy sometimes even captains don't notice her.

thank you L for your help =]
last edited over a year ago
Name: hani kaze

Birthdate: She never cared to remeber

Gender: Female 

Affiliation: Soul Soci
over a year ago aizen said…
{her sword in shikai form}
{her sword in shikai form}
over a year ago aizen said…
{dual blades}
{dual blades}
over a year ago annvie9 said…
My new character.

Status - Finished, might get some minor edits sometimes.

Name: Mikori Aizen-Kageru
(Pronounced mee-KOH-ree)

Gender: Female

Birthdate: Somewhere around the end of October

Age: Approximately 145, appearing, to humans, in her early 30's/late 20's.

Affliation: Soul Society, Gotei 13. Lieutenant of squad 13.

Rank: Quite a strong lieutenant, or weak captain. Whichever ya wanna say.

Hair Color: Red. Not orange, red.
Hair Style: Untidy bangs in the front, with and high and long ponytail in the back
Eye Color: Purple
Height: A tall 5' 8" (173 cm), 5' 10" (178 cm) with heels.
Weight: 137 lbs. (62.1 kg)

A long time ago, Mikori wore the standard Onmitsukido suit. But instead of tabi, she wore 2 inch boots that she often uses in combat. But now, she wears the shinigami kimono, still with high heel boots. Some could call her beautiful, she didn't really care.

When Mikori walks around, you can sense the danger and the powerful aura coming from her. Mikori is very persuasive, and she's the kind of woman who gets what she wants. She can be charming and deceptive in she needs to, and doesn't mind spilling blood, if necessary. She's one of those that could keep a noisy class quiet without effort. She's loyal and decisive, sticking to whatever she picks. Fierce and loyal are two words that would describe her best. Otherwise, she speaks out her opinions, and doesn't like to get close to many people. But underneath the cold raw power, there was a seed that was planted in her. A seed of love. And that was Aizen.

Mikori grew up in an average family, in Soul Society. She didn't like her family members much, and wanted to get away from them. They didn't like her, either.
So she went to shinigami academy, and fell in love. With Aizen. She was quite better than him at fighting, and he absolutely owned her in kido. Soon after graduating, the two got married. They kept no secrets from each other. So then, Mikori joined the Omnitsukido, 120 years ago, when Yoruichi Shihoin was still Captain (I think). Mikori quickly rose up through the ranks, but settled at being lieutenant, but only for a short time. Then her promising career all tumbled.
You don't have to read this part, but if you want to, okay then.
She was asked (by Central 46) to steal documents containing information on shinigami hollow transformation. She found out that those documents belonged to Aizen. When she got those documents, that would mean sentencing Aizen to death. It was a tough decision, but she chose to pretend get the documents, but stand by her husband. While in their house (which were where the documents were), she ran into Aizen on purpose, and told him about the documents. Both of them made a plan. Aizen would use his zanpakuto to fake Mikori's dead body, and Mikori would run away from Soul Society, into the real world. "One day, I'll come and get you." He promised her. But he didn't.
Broken-hearted, Mikori wandered about the real world, for a hundred years.
She learned a lot about the real world, and probably could fit in very well, if it wasn't for her long red hair.

Likes: Wine, thrills, new things to try, and being superior
Dislikes: Weaklings, complaining, house chores, people not listening to her (which was rare), spoiled brats, being wrong, and jokes on her

Battle Data:

Fighting Style: Mikori is flexible on how she fights. She's a master at Hakuda and speed, being part of the Onmitsukido. But she's also very good with a sword (but not any other weapon, except the gun, which she left in the real world). Either way is okay for her. She prefers which will kill the enemy quickest. However, she stinks at kido. She can't go past 33 without the incantation.

Offense - 100
Defense - 60
Agility - 90
Kido - 30
Hakuda - 100
Intellingence - 90

Total - 470


Shikai Name: Maguma no Konseki (Trace of Magma)

Shikai Release: Leave your mark

Inner form: A glowing red fox with wings

Shikai Description: When released, Mikori's zanpakuto becomes a glowing red, with a little black stripe that has her zanpakuto's name written in white on it. When she swings it around, it leaves a little trace, like the shoes in this music video (link Skip to 2:18).

Shikai abilities:
Basically, it melts things. It can melt zanpakutos if it stays in contact at the same spot for 4 whole seconds. Imagine Maguma no Konseki as a sort of light saber, but a lot hotter. It can cut through even the toughest Hierro, with time.

--> Forou za Keiro (Follow the path, if I translated correctly)
The the imprint that her sword leaves behind becomes actually a part of her zanpakuto, and its abilities are the same as her zanpakuto's. It only lasts 3.42 seconds before it disappears and a new one forms.

Bankai: Mikori's almost done training for one. Just need another 3 years to completely master it. Right now, it's a 25% chance that it'll work correctly when she says bankai. She's more of an all-or-nothing type, so she rarely uses it.
last edited over a year ago
My new character.

Status - Finished, might get some minor edits sometimes.

Name: Mikori Aizen-K
over a year ago rusty746454 said…
you guys lol i just noticed this but i meant to put Omnitsukido instead of kido corps on my character Bio. I mean i suck at kido so yea i just messed up when i wrote it
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
lol like it a lot~
over a year ago VioletShingami said…
and ur girl's b-day is at the end of october?linis b-day is at Oct 30!and speakin of days,wat day is it in the rp?
over a year ago annvie9 said…
Hrm, I'm not that sure xD
Then again, they never tell us what day it is in Bleach.
over a year ago RoseShingami said…
lol true!
over a year ago Hijara said…
Mine might not be too long.
Name:Nakai Akihiro
Age:in his teens.
Appearnce:A badass teen.But once you get to know him he is very nice.
Rank:Squad 9 captain
Eye color:red
Hair color:white and short.
Description:wears a captain kimono.
History:When he first graduated from the soul reaper academy he was ordered too form a group and kill off some hollows.He pulled it off but one of the hollows took him into hueco mundo along with on of his friends.When he was in hueco mundo he mastered bankai by killing alot of hollows just too stay alive.
Personality:Very layed back.Likes looking at the moon.
Zanpakuto:Kokurai(Black Lightning)
Shikai:Black sword.(no,not like Ichigo's sword!)When nakai stabs someone when kokurai is in shikai form it zaps them from the inside out.
Bankai:Still a black sword but with lightning around it.When Nakai first swings kokurai in bankai form it makes a big lightning wolf that Nakai can ride.(I love wolfs!)
Shikai release:Flash kokurai
Bankai release:Tataku kokurai Ookami(Strake black lightning wolf)
And that is Nakai Akihiro!!^_^
last edited over a year ago
Mine might not be too long.
Name:Nakai Akihiro
Age:in his teens.
Appearnce:A badass
over a year ago annvie9 said…
Nice character, but I feel it needs a little bit more detail.
And arrancars don't have bankai, at all. They have resurreccion, which transforms them. And if you want it to be a shinigami, ya might want to fix that.
over a year ago Shichiro_Takumi said…

Name: Shichiro Takumi

Birthdate: Dec. 21st

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Karakura Town

Rank: No Rank


Hair Color: Brown

Hair Style: Like Renton From Eureka 7

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5"4

Weight: 120LBS

Description: Shichiro Has A Light Peach Skin Color, And Looks Like Hes A Child, He Wears A Tie Dye Zip Up Hoody, Brown Cargo Pants, And White Sneakers, With A Pair Of Headphones Around His Neck, And A Watch. His Right Sleeves Is Pulled Up Fast His Elbow And His Left Sleeves Just Past The Forearm. His Zanpaktou Isnt Located Anywhere On His Body, It Just Appears When He Needs It.

Personality: Shichiro Is Immature And Lazy, And Has No Sense Of Responsibility. He Likes To Make Jokes(Stupid Jokes At That), And Is Extremely Intelligent

History: Shichiro's History, Suprisingly, Mirrors That Of Ichigo's. He Obtained Substitute Shinigami Powers First, Then Obtained His Actual Abilities With The Help Of One, Urahara Kisuke. Shichiro Was Actually One Of The First People Urahra Tested His Methods On.
Battle Data

Offense: 0
Defense: 0
Agility (Shunpo): 150
Kido: 150
Intelligence: 200
Physical Strength (Hakuda): 0


Esupa- Is Female Zanpaktou, Its Creature Form Is A Very Small Siamese Cat, Which Can Literally, Fit In The Palm Of Shichiro's Hand.

Zanpaktou: Esupa- (Esper)

Zanpaktou Appearance: Esupa- Is A Pure White, One Of A Kind Katana, Its Unique In Everyway.

^ Telekinetic Offense - Shichiro Can Use Telekinetic Energy To Attack.

^ Telekinetic Defense - Shichiro Can Use Telekinetic Energy To Create Shields And Barriers To Block Attacks

Release Command: "Let Knowledge Flow Upon The Battlefield" Esupa-

Shikai Appearance: Esupa- Never Changes Apperance, Whether In Shikai Or Bankai

Shikai Abilities:

^ Paranormal Abilities - Esupa- Grants Shichiro A Variety Of Paranormal Abilities, From Telepathy, Telekinesis, To Extrasensory Perception.

Bankai Name - Ketteiteki Epusa- (Final Esper)

Bankai Appearance - Epusa- Never Changes Form, It Looks The Same Always

Release Command - "Lets Knowledge Set Us Free" Epusa-

Bankai Abilities:

^ Mind Control - In Bankai Shichiro Has The Ability To Control His Targets Mind. He Can Make Then Do, See, Hear, And Act How He See's Fit.


Vizard Mask - Shichiro's Vizard Mask Has Eyes That Resemble Upside Down Bowls, And Connected To Them Are Long Upside-Down Triangles That Travel All The Way Down To The Chin Stopping Just Before The Bottom End Of The Mask. And His Mouth Is 4 Vertical Lines. Shichiro's Sclera Becomes Black And His Irises Become Silver.

Cero - Shichiro's Cero, In Charge State, Resembles An Atom With The Electron's Flying Around It. Shichiro's Ceros' Are White.

last edited over a year ago

Name: Shichiro Takumi 

Birthdate: Dec. 21st 

Gender: Male 

over a year ago kidwicked13 said…

Name: Rem

Birthdate: Unknown

Gender: Male

Affiliation: rougue arrancar

Rank: created before arrancar ranking system was developed.

Appearance: Pale, scrawny kid. has pierced lower lip and his left ear pierced five times, all the way around. also has a vertical industrial piercing in hi left ear

Hair Color: White.

Hair Style: short

Eye Color: gold

Height: 5"10

Weight: 135lbs

Description: unassuming and seemingly innocuous. short with a standard arrancar uniform, only with longer sleeves and a thing that covers the lower half of his face like halibel. the remains of his mask consist of fangs. unstable spiritual pressure due to being an imperfect arrrancar and inability to conrtol his reishi absorbing powers.

Personality: childish and immature. has a general hatred of other hollows. little compassion or remorse. refers to himself in the plural (as "we" instead of "I" or "me"). has a tendency to get carried away, and is prone to violent displays of overkill. posses a sharp analytical mind capable. possesses a strange affinity towards quincies. unstable and insecure.

History: created as an imperfect arrancar through aizens experiments during his time as a captain from an adjuchas class menos. forcibly fed quincy souls in an attempt to create a hollow with reishi absorbing powers. deemed a failure and seemingly executed and dumped in the outskirts of the rukongai. aborbed ambient reishi for several years in a catatonic state and eventually fled to hueco mundo to formulate a plan to get revenge on aizen.


* Garganta (Black Cavity)

Enhanced Pesquisa -instantly able to analyze the strength of an opponent's spiritual pressure and analyze the reishi composition of an opponent's attack.

Sonido master

Trained in soul reaper combat techniques and highly versed in zanjutsu, but no skill in other areas of soul reaper combat

Able to consume other spiritual beings and absorb their powers.

Bala-prefers bala to cero because of its speed; able to fire several bala almost at the same time with increasing speed to compensate for bala's relative weakness(limit is three in a row)



Quincy-like ability to absorb abient reishi/spiritual energy. virtually no control over this power, and excited states lead to him unknowingly breaking down spiritual objects much like the quincy letz stile, which leads to a catatonic state while his body releases the excess spiritual pressure (often violently and explosively)

Battle Data:

Offense: 70
Defense: 20
Agility (Sonido): 250
Kido: 0
Intelligence: 150
Physical Strength (Hakuda): 0
ZANPAKUTO: Zanpakutō- Resurrección:

Zanpaktou Description - los durmiendos(the sleeping)

Release Command - "wake up"

Release Description -spiritual pressure condenses into a long black cloak. his left arm disappears and his right changes into a claw.

Resurrección Special Ability -able to posses others by impaling opponents with tendrils formed from his cloak. also possesses the ability to briefly materialize the soul of any spiritual being he's consumed.

Soy Hombre (im hungry)-consumes spiritual pressure from the air similar to the way a quincy absorbs reishi.

cero del muerto (zero of the dead)-uses consumed souls as a battery to fire a fast, powerful cero instantly

Enhanced hierro

Explosive increase in sonido
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hijara said…
Yes i did fix the bankai thing,annvie9.
over a year ago RoseShingami said…