Bonnie McCullough/Bennett Wall

Displaying wall entries 31-40 of 414

samjhart said …
712! ❤ Posted over a year ago
Minaftw commented…
whoo! Go Bonnie, she is the best! over a year ago
samjhart said …
Please participate Bonnie fans and FF writers!

link Posted over a year ago
goodekl said …
Here's the link to the Kat Graham spot in case some can't find it or were not aware that such a spot existed
Again I'm not trying to be mean or rude, but we need to at least keep some decorum in this spot.
Also, maybe we should start having a quota for the amount of Bonnie+ship related material we can have in this spot because honestly there is quite a lot in a spot that is dedicated to Bonnie and only Bonnie Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
I think that is a good idea. It'll help get to the Bonnie-only stuff a bit faster over a year ago
goodekl said …
Ok, as much as I love Kat Graham, why are their pictures and icons of her in the Bonnie spot when there is a Kat Graham spot? I don't personally have a problem with the pics being here, but there might be some fans who do so for the sake of peace could you remove the pics and icons and post them in the Kat spot. Please!! Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
yeah some fans are new FP, they still don't know the rules of FP, please Remove those to KG spot. over a year ago
samjhart commented…
word XD over a year ago
samjhart said …
706 ❤ Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
over a year ago
katie15 said …
Please can we change the motto? It's unfair to people that love Bonnie but don't ship DB. This spot is about expressing love for BONNIE not Bamon.

Be fair to all shippers. Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
As I said before the motto was chosen VIA forum and BONNIE fans I didn't decide what the motto would be..Alot of Bonnie fans looked past their own shipping preferences and liked the way Bonnie M talked so they chose her. over a year ago
helomusic commented…
The thing is if we vote for a motto it would be fair to have one related to Bonnie McCullough at least because it's the base of Bonnie! But like always for just a change of motto it begame a war of ships it's annoying you know! I know you don't want that but I feel your DE friend SpuffyDelena want to provoke a war I don't know why she do that but we all feel like it! over a year ago
lorastefens commented…
Katie, I know you are always honest about your opinion and the motto would be changed but in April,like Samjhart said but SpuffyDelena always try to provoke war which I don't like at all.I mean You, Maryam, Lilyz all are DE fans but you guys never create fight here, can't say that for SpuffyDelena. XD over a year ago
dalialandlight said …
All Bonnie fans(all the shippers), please don't put any pick here which will create shippers war, I love Bonnie more than her ship, so it's a request from a neutral Bonnie fan, don't fight or create fight by making picks over ship in his spot, thank you. Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
Thanx dalia you are awesome! I just don't get it. This whole thing over the motto? I don't remember a fuss when EVERYONE voted. Why do some ppl have to turn everything into stuff about ships? i for one, was liked it a lot more when all fans, came and discussed BONNIE over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
It's not Dalia, it's Ashley. over a year ago
samjhart commented…
^sorry my bad, Ashley :) I'm Asma btw :) over a year ago
SpuffyDelena said …
Aw, 700 fans :] <3 Posted over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
I love everything about this spot and nothing should change! Go Bonnie! Posted over a year ago
Minaftw commented…
Bonnie is the best! over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
I'd just rather the quote/motto be about her. It's talking about Damon (shippy) and it says nothing about her as a person. over a year ago
samjhart commented…
^The motto isn't gonna change just because you decided it was shippy. As a I said last night, the motto was decided by BONNE fans who voted after giving their own suggestions first over a year ago
Hellcats1 said …
700th fan! :)
love her <3 Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
Welcome hunnie! :) love the icon! over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
Love her! can't wait for the next episode! i hope we learn more about her killing klaus or even something about her history! Posted over a year ago
deluv said …
I say KG should be the only girl on the banner since she's the one who plays Bonnie. Posted over a year ago
helomusic commented…
But it's Bonnie Bennett and Bonnie McCullough spot so we need to have also Bonnie McCullough on it! So I don't see why KG would be the only one on it! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
Nada shippy... that's a funny word. :D over a year ago
helomusic commented…
@ SpuffyDelena: you're making a fuss of nothing! You're making noise for nothing every five second you victimize yourself! Come on girl why don't you stop complaining for once! And good idea if DE fan are so sad why don't you create a DE Bonnie spot! pff just noise and pollution god! over a year ago
BeautifulLover said …
OMG Katerina looks awesome in the 42nd NAACP Image Awards. Wooow, she looked like a mermaid. Posted over a year ago
samjhart said …
For the love of God - Stop. Adding. Katerina Graham. photos to this spot! This spot is for BONNIE MCCULLOUGH AND BONNIE BENNETT ONLY. Also, I think users should try to reduce couple content esp picks and it seems to cause arguments. Ps, If you have submitted KG pics/videos/polls. REMOVE them NOW.

Peace out Posted over a year ago
helomusic said …
Maybe it's time to think of the way to stop the war in here!
Maybe this spot should be only with Bonnie content and not the couple of her we like or dislike.
I think we should stop that damn war it's quite tiring all that shit! Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
I agreed; the couples only produce wars ships over a year ago
Okay I'm really sick of this crap. Why can't DE fans also be Bonnie fans? Yes, I HATE Bamon...but not because of Bonnie but because I think Damon belongs with Elena and DB would be way too OOC for both Bonnie&Damon. There was a time I hated Bonnie because it was annoying to watch her be bitchy all the time. She hasn't been like that in the longest time so why is it a crime for me to like her? If you hate Delena because you don't like Elena, that's YOU. I love all TVD characters. Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
Sorry but both some DE and DB fan behave aggressive way,I will not generalise any of them like you, but I really want this spot drama, free of drama as Bonnnie is my favorite character and spot, but some DE and DB fans just don't want it, seriously they will make pick which will create fight.I don't care about Bamon, neither Delena I love Bonnie, she was not at all bitchy, because she is tough to precious Damon that doesn't make her bitchy, she is one in a million who can sacrifice everything for her ideals and friends,it doesn't make her bitchy.I'm sorry but I'm tired of Damon fans bashing Bonnie because she is the only one who protests again Damon,Who doesn't take his crap, between I dislike Bamon and I'm not their fan but I hate Bonnie bashing from Damon fans calling her bitchy which is quiet ironic.Anyways I'm done talking, give us a break to meutral Bonnie fans. over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
I'm extremely annoyed but what's the point of creating only pick by a fan which only ship related , I never see any pick by that fan, anyways even most of the chair fans who hate Dan as he belongs to Brooklyn and Judgy(god knows why, they hate him even before Dair) don't do this type of thing in his spot.Chair and Dair shippers fight but they spare the character spot, so please spare this spot.XD over a year ago
I'm not going to go naming names but let's just say once i was personally attacked for being a DE fan on the Bonnie spot(i was NOT talking about any of the ships or anything...i was saying i liked Bonnie's HAIR) and it just blew out of proportion. Then I saw people bashing DE shippers in general who are in the Bonnie spot and basically calling us names. Yes, people who are not Bonnie fans should not be voting in her picks but I don't fall into that group and I don't appreciate people talking crap. Unless people come here to BASH on Bonnie I don't think it's right to disrepect them like that. over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
Vote for TVD, Best in show 2011. Right now they are losing to True Blood.
link Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
I love TVD but in all honesty, not surprised that True Blood is winning *shrug* over a year ago
Thedarkeststar said …
I was thinking the reason why Bonnie was screaming in the preview of the upcoming episode, Know Thy Enemy. It dosen't seam like she was using to much her powers. It seamed like she had to much power to handle. I'm almost sure Dr.Martin gave her his powers. And remembering how badass he was with them, It just makes morem excited now! lol Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
yeah.. that means more bonnie screen time! I think he gave her part of his powers too.... And the "how to kill Klaus" revelation put bonnie in a main situation! over a year ago
samjhart commented…
That's what I thought! Dr M might have transferred all of his powers to her, or even worse only made half of the transfer, what if it its starting to go wrong? Its gonna play havoc with her :S over a year ago
i saw a speculation somewhere that she's at the site of the witch massacre and she's feeling the energy of the dead witches over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
Oh that would be quite interisting over a year ago
tvdlover said …
just got my Dedicated ♥
Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
Congrats hun :D over a year ago
CullenSisters-X commented…
Congrats! over a year ago
samjhart commented…
congrats! over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
thx<3 over a year ago
katie15 said …
Please join Steven and Kat spot!

link Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW said …
....So Bonnie's gonna kill klaus!?
i just hope she has enough power! Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
so am i! over a year ago
darlingbear said …

vote for your least favorite female character on TVD show. Bonnie is loosing. I believe that she's not your least fave ;) Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
done¡¡ over a year ago
samjhart said …
Quote of the day: Quoting bits of your diary back at you is the kind of thing a woman would think of. Men don't care about diaries

[Bonnie M] Posted over a year ago
Maximumridefan commented…
LOL. LOVED that quote :) over a year ago
CullenSisters-X commented…
Awesome! over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
I just love her humor! over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
Vote for Bonnie if you think she was the one who looked more beatiful in 2x15!
link Posted over a year ago
twilightlover73 said …
Oh no Bonnie lost her powers.... that's awful! First, the rest won't be as safe when it comes to Klaus. Second, Bonnie started to learn the powers and she started to master them. I hope she'll get them back. Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena said …
Poor Bon. In a way I don't want her to get her powers back. I think she'd be a lot safer without them, tbh. Oh, and the channeling thing with Jer was damn sexy. Posted over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
I don't think she will be safer. Remember Klaus is coming for Elena and that means, her and the people around her are in danger. Even though Klaus, will be unbelievably stronger, it would be better for Bonnie to have her powers back, to atleast stand a chance against Klaus. She's a strong women anyway, but she will be even stronger with them. over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
They need a witch to sacrifice though. I don't think he'd bother with her if it was just for blackmail. He'd most likely take Jer or Jenna. Her family. I just want her to have somewhat of a normal life for a bit. She deserves that much. over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Meant to say, would not see her as much. Either way, Bonnie was mainly used for her powers and thats the way it comes across to me. I'm sure she can be helpful in other ways, but the writers in my eyes, are not showing this. The story is about elena and besides, she has the protection of the brothers. Her powers are naturally a part of her, so why take them away. I think bonnie is a sweet, caring and loyal friend and her powers set her apart from everyone else, it does not define her, but with every thing else it makes her bonnie. I want to see more of bonnie and her background and get more of her view point. over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
just got my Dedicated!!!! IM so happy♥ Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
congrats hun! *hugs* over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
congrats ;) over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
thx♥ over a year ago
big smile
deluv said …
My mother is a Beremy shipper, when they kissed she said "wow, that's good..i love it" Yay!!!! I hope the writers explore this relationship and don't just ignore it. Their chemistry is explosive...... Bonnie looked like she was going to pass out after that kiss <3 Posted over a year ago
nansoula said …
How come a video I added is not in the videos section anymore but when I tried to repost I got the message that it's been added and clicked a link that led me to it???:/ Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
Maybe there is something wrong with server or sometimes problem occurs in some fanpop spot, maybe that's what is happening. over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
Yeah, sounds like there could be a serious problem hun. You should contact FP directly if you can. over a year ago
nansoula commented…
I contacted fp for the spot issue so i didnt say anything for that one over a year ago
dalialandlight said …
Happy Valentines Day. Posted over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
Happy Valentine's Day! over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
нαρρу ναℓєηтιηєѕ ∂αу ♥♥ Posted over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
нαρρу ναℓєηтιηєѕ ∂αу❤ over a year ago
katie15 said …
When do you think JB will have a sex scene? Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
um...never lol i dont think they will get to that over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
I think it'll be around S3. I do think they'll have sex, but they're gonna wanna flesh out that storyline first. Either way it's gonna be hottttttttt. over a year ago
SpuffyDelena said …
The Beremy kiss was SO freakin HOT Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
I was expecting fireworks, but it was a bit erm mundane for me and stilted. On the plus side at least the Bere,y fans are happy! :) over a year ago
katie15 commented…
I know^ It looked like they were having sex with their mouths. HAH over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
I didn't like it either... over a year ago
If you were a bit confused about the progression of the relationship between Bonnie&Jeremy in 2x13, Julie Plec clears things up:
link Posted over a year ago
katie15 said …
Bonnie wasn't in 2x13 nearly as long as she should have been. I love her,but her scenes felt like they were there just so Bonnie had a scene.

She seriously needs to start having better storylines. JB needs to be developed better,and Bonnie individually needs better character growth like Caroline,Tyler etc. Posted over a year ago
OrlaghxCullen commented…
I agree completely :) they look past bonnies charcter and only use her for spells over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
I doubt the show will get cancelled anytime in the near future. Most likely 6-7 seasons :] They're signed on for six, and TVD is CWs best show. They're not gonna let go anytime soon, so don't worry Beremy isn't going anywhere ;] I know it'd kill you to see it canceled before the sex scene. Btw, 'beer-me' doesn't make any sense or have anything to do with Bonnie/Jeremy. The only person you're insulting here is yourself, for making that up. Well, I doubt the DE craze will ever die down, but good luck with that! You should support Bonnie since you ARE her fan...right? Well, she's happy with Jeremy and most likely will be her only stable relationship on the show. He makes her happy. Deal. over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Lmao the ratings went down because of all the advertisement SE got. How can the ratings have been bad because of DE when DE weren't even IN 2x14 rofl. LIke I said, SE advertisement and SE in most of the episode. I don't know how I managed to watch it all lol. But JB made me<3 over a year ago
"spare me the witch-loyalty crap" haha loved that line. Also her hair and make up looked gorgeous. Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
YES! She needs to keep that hair <3 over a year ago
KrissyDelenaFTW commented…
Statcus is a joke meant to be funny. The fact people take it so serious and get upset over it is really dumb its just a joke. What is immature is people assuming DE fans only like Beremy cause it gets Bonnie the hell away from Damon that is not the case they have a adorable chemistry and I happen to know a lot of actual nice Bamon fans who like Beremy not on this board is seems but other places. over a year ago
katie15 commented…
You know when you make a joke with your friends? THAT'S like Stactus. It's not about being immature. It's about HAVING A LAUGH. over a year ago
KateDenali said …
So... Bonnie was in 2x13 for about a minute. But hey! That's a minute longer than the last episode! Plus, she looked so pretty. Posted over a year ago
Blairwaldorffan commented… we have seen her pretty face, over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
BONNIE WAS SO F***** PRETTY IN 2X13♥ Posted over a year ago
BeautifulLover commented…
Because she is over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
626 fans! ♥ Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
628! over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
633! over a year ago
katie15 said …
WHEN are we going to learn more about Bonnie's family? It's alright JP saying little snippets, but I want to know WHEN we will find out. I want to know what her dad looks like, where her mom is and what she looks like lol...

Seriously believe if we learnt more about her background people would feel more empathy towards her. At the moment I can understand her being underrated.

P.S. She's my favourite female character now haha. And #3 character for me. IDK when it happened! haha Posted over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
JP gave an interview talking about it, I found really weird when she said Bonnie's dad hated Grams, we should have knew this already but how was I supposed to know? I think they will give her more backgroung in season 3... corection, they better do! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Yeah I think Bonnie's story will be more explored in season 3 too. Better late than never I guess :) over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
^^ agreed over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
613... who awesome is that? Bonnie M/B totally rocks! Posted over a year ago
SalvatoreBroFTW commented…
614!! :D over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
617! yay over a year ago
AngelusB said …
I can't imagine the book/tv show without her presence! :) Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
Me neither over a year ago
samjhart commented…
word XD over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
609!!! I love both bonnies! Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
611 over a year ago
savy09 said …
LUVN THE ICON.... not likn the banner can we change it??? Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
we just recently changed. Its going to be a while before any change happens again. What do you dislike about it? over a year ago
savy09 commented…
The red hair gurl thing. or whteva it is.. wish it was mor pics lik the icon. but tht is kk thnk u 4 responding i lik tht a lot tht is vry nice of u:) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
The banner is awesome i love it.. I love kat and karen in there play our two bonnies... she deserve to be there, the spot it's called bonnie mccullough/bennett for some reason =) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
600 fans!!! Awesome! ♥ Posted over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
Yay♥♥♥ over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
yay!♥♥ over a year ago
savy09 commented…
yyyyayyyyyay NOW 601 lol over a year ago
samjhart commented…
yipeeeee! over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
Save Bonnie...


Elena is next to her so vote for her.. Only if you dislike her... Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
lol I voted for Bonnie. Though I like her I love the others more. Caroline is my fav female character followed by Elena lol. over a year ago
savy09 said …
I luv her i am afraid she is goin 2 die or somethn or hurt herself wht du yall thnk!!!:/ Posted over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
Don't worry. I think at worse she will hurt herself, but i don't think they will kill her off, She is still alive and kicking in the books and has a big role to play in l.j's upcoming book in march. over a year ago
savy09 commented…
i hope:) i luv her it wud roon the show! over a year ago
big smile
MissAllisonLove said …
Bonnie Fans.. Join to the Caroline and Bonnie Spot...

link Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
joined! over a year ago
tvdlover said …
happy new year!♥ Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
happy 2011! over a year ago
hsm3-fan said …
Got a Die Hard ! :) Posted over a year ago
poursomesuger commented…
congrats. over a year ago
samjhart commented…
congratulations! :) over a year ago
hsm3-fan commented…
Thanku! (: over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Meredith spot

link Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
joined! over a year ago
Lannieluv7 commented…
thanks! over a year ago
Alexi95 commented…
Joined! xD over a year ago
katie15 said …
I was going through my hotmail messages and deleting are the rubbish - I had over 500 AHH - and I came across a reply from KG when I emailed her ages ago about Tyler/Bonnie. She said she's been friends with Michael for over 7 years! How cute is that. AWW my heart just melted. Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
aw, really?! That so awesome (as is KG) - no wonder Michael wanted Tonnie lol XD Thnx for sharing :) over a year ago
lexiie commented…
I'm so disappointed . Kat & Michael never had a real scene together ! Hope it's gonna change in the next episodes ! over a year ago
hsm3-fan commented…
Nawww! Thats so cute! over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
MERRY ♥ CHRISTMAS BONNIE FANS♥LUV YA♥<3 Posted over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
u 2!♥ over a year ago
vicktz commented…
have a great christmas♥ over a year ago
samjhart commented…
right back atch ya! :) over a year ago
katie15 said …
Merry Christmas Bonnie fans! Posted over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
Merry Christmas! over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
♥Merry Christmas♥ over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
m3rry christma$!♥♥♥♥♥ over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
Wow were getting a lot of new fans! 570!! Posted over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
yay! over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
572♥ over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
I can totally picture Bonnie McCullough like this...
Karen Gillan is perfect to Bonnie McCullough!
Love the Banner, Icon and Motto... Posted over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
she's gorgeous on this pic <3 over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
agree!♥ over a year ago
vicktz commented…
i just joined!! : ) she looks gorgeous in da icon. the red head is karen gillian? over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
yes she is over a year ago
msmouse said …
The icon and Banner are gorgeous. Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
yep ♥ over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
@Msmouse..OMG your icon rules.such a cute icon. over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
Just about to comment on that. LOOVEE the new icon/banner! <3 over a year ago
big smile
damongirlfriend said …
Love the new Motto
Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
haha me too XD over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
I adore it <3 over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
SAME HERE XD over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
me 3!♥ over a year ago
katie15 said …
The banner/icon are beautiful. Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
so I've heard lol XD you should check out the rest of the wall - FULL of admiration of the new look. The artists have done amazing jobs! over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
AGREE♥ over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
Yaeh I confused the name of the character with the actress XD over a year ago
louvreangel said …
OMG! The new banner and the icon totally rocks ♥♥♥ Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
word XD over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
AGRRE♥ over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
agree!♥ over a year ago
Maeli_Jesus said …
New icon ans new banner rocks! Posted over a year ago
louvreangel commented…
agreed:D over a year ago
samjhart commented…
IA over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
AGREED♥ over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
agree!♥ over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
love the icon and banner♥ Posted over a year ago
av94 commented…
me too! ♥ over a year ago
samjhart commented…
me three XD over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
agree!♥ over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
I love the new icon and Banner Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
me too! XD Its beautiful! I thought I'd change it before I forget. tell me honestly does the red-haired girl really look like Bonnie M? over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
^^ yes,she looks as bonnie M a question is karen right? over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
me 2!♥ over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
please vote for the new motto
I am so happy 29 suggestion
but I eliminated some suggestion because have included the names Damon and Jeremy
this is Bonnie spot not beremy or bamon spot
and I not want a war ship Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
go girl! Promote war peace shippyness XD over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
I'm for peace too :)) over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Yay! I'm so glad it's not going to be related to ships. I was going to mention it but last time I did I thought I was being cyber punched rofl. Thanks for doing that Inés *hugs* over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
^^ no problem katie hugs for you too katie over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
pleasse all suggestion about the new motto published here

link Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
please very quickly tomorrow I will publish the pick over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
done over a year ago
samjhart said …
Please guys - vote for the new spot banner. HURRY! Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
done... difficult choice!! over a year ago
samjhart commented…
^tell me about it. I wish I could choose all over a year ago
samjhart commented…
don't forget to vote for the NEW ICON! over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
559! Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
allison Here is a forum for countdown to 700 fans ;) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
=) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
558! <3 Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
Why did not make a selection for the new motto

I liked more the old motto Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
ok :) Ines actually could you do it? I'm swamped at the moment. And you probably rememberer the book ones better than me :) over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
It'll be great! over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
ok asma but I think that could be a show quote too over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
557! Posted over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
<3 yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
I_DONT-KNOW said …
in the banner who is the one at the end?? jw.... Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
Bonnie from the books :) over a year ago
I_DONT-KNOW commented…
ohhhh.... over a year ago
SpuffyDelena said …
I think we should have a banner/icon/motto change. Anybody have any suggestions? Any volunteers? :P Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
Precisely what I suggested. I'm gonna make a pick for the icon..feel free to add anything. But we need more banner suggestions coming in over a year ago
big smile
samjhart said …
551! Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend said …
Well girls (I think that all we are girls)
Today I want to say that all
we should be cordial between us
We like bonnie, she needs all the support that can be given
that most of the fans hate her (reasons I do not understand)
but every time we're in this spot started a war ship
DE Vs DB fans (specially in the polls about bonnie endgame with......)

I think when we are in this spot
we just discuss the only subject that interests us here
Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
So true, I love Bonnie , not because of a ship love, I love because of who she is, she is a sweet, loyal, cute, protective and alone, scraed girl who is sacrificing herself for her friend, still no appreciation, not most fans hate her,some fans who can't think over their ship, think that the shipping is only matters in a show or can't see her perspectives , (just like Stefan is getting the hate now)hate her.But there are lots of fans who love her because of who she is, not blinded by a ship love .between I'm not a DB fan either, hate DB , my unappreciated little Bonnie.Love her and I also want to focus only on Bonnie.XD over a year ago
Realist1 commented…
I hope what i said, did not come off as trying to starting an argument, because that was not the intention. @MissAllisonLove, IA with you about some fans shipping bonnie with any guy. Bamon has a chance and to some that can be quite threatening. However, at this moment neither bonnie or elena is with him or is going to be with him properly in the near future, as relationships need to be built up properly, otherwise it would be too rushed and thats when some fans will be dissappointed. I'm a DB fan and don't ship anyone else, yet. I like a lot of the characters, but if i don't see any potential, i won't ship them. Anyway,, i woud like to see, as mentioned before, bonnie's history and family. over a year ago
katie15 commented…
No everyone I know that ships Lockett/Tonnie still do,but it's obvious that they are going to stay AU and also we hadn't seen Beremy onscreen yet. over a year ago
CarolineN said …
it is my christams collab. if u want to join it, please tell me it on yt Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
530 fans!! yeah... growing good!! Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
Love Bonnie.. She's Awesome!! I can believe people hate her... I mean. she's like the most beatiful and amazing characters of the Show! Posted over a year ago
Bangelusfan commented…
Me neither!! over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
Yeah over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
Completely agree! over a year ago
blood_mary said …
link <-- save Bonnie in TVD Character Contest! Posted over a year ago
samjhart said …
520! Posted over a year ago
samjhart said …
REMINDER: Banner suggestions - welcome Posted over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
New banner? How much time do we still have to submit suggestions? over a year ago
samjhart commented…
^well ideally asap but up until Christmas! :) over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
:D :D over a year ago
samjhart said …
518! Posted over a year ago
Fans of Bonnie&Jeremy...join this spot
link Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
Even tho I don't ship them AT ALL I'll join to help support the Beremy fans XD over a year ago
Thedarkeststar commented…
I'll do that too over a year ago
thanks for the support =) over a year ago
samjhart commented…
^welcome :) over a year ago
tvdgirl-delena said …
Do you think we should change the icon? =D Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
you could put in a suggestion at the 'everything Bonnie' spot :) over a year ago
big smile
FrenchGiirl said …
500 !!! Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
yay!!! over a year ago
big smile
damongirlfriend said …
I am so excited for bonnie in 2x09♥♥
she is awesome and finally the producers give the attention that she deserves

and I so excited for luka before I hated him but now he liked me
I think that he is a good person♥♥ Posted over a year ago
big smile
damongirlfriend said …
Got my dedicated medal Posted over a year ago
CullenSisters-X commented…
Congratulations! :) over a year ago
lorastefens commented…
congrats Ines. over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
thanks ^.^ over a year ago
MissAllisonLove said …
Bonnie is such a hero... Im mad with Stefan, I didn't heard a real "thank you" from him, even Damon thanks her for everything... Bamon Love Posted over a year ago
kindhiya commented…
omg im so agree with you stefan never says "thank you bonnie" NEVER!!!!! its on ly Damon :D and she is a hero i can't believe it she's so AWESOME!!!! over a year ago
damongirlfriend commented…
exactly damon always says thanks to bonnie and stefan is selfish is the first time that he disappionted me :( over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Oh I was pissed off at Stefan too, he wasn't thinking about what happened when Grams died. I'm glad Jeremy was there for her. Jonnie love <3 over a year ago
katie15 said …
Bonnie was my favourite character in 2x07! She was awesome. Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
word XD over a year ago
av94 said …
Best TV Witches:
Bonnie :) Posted over a year ago
MissAllisonLove commented…
Number 8... Not bad... Great Witch ever! over a year ago
samjhart said …
Guys, I'm taking banner suggestions now - for a new banner. There is no time limit - you have until end of s2 XD But remember Bonnie M has to be in it too..submit your creations in the 'everything Bonnie forum' Posted over a year ago
Vamp321 said …
Love her in the show and Books ! Best female character on the Vampire Diaries ! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya commented…
you're so right over a year ago
OrlaghxCullen commented…
agree!! :D over a year ago
lexiie commented…
So true ! over a year ago
FrenchGiirl said …
Really loving that Bonnie seems to be everywhere now : promo, stills, etc... lol :) Posted over a year ago
lorastefens commented…
Lol,I think I need to add some pics of her so that I can get a dedicated medel for the spot because I'm loving that girl more and more. over a year ago
FrenchGiirl commented…
Lol, you can add the other stills of Bonnie for episode 2x07 ;) over a year ago
aepink05 commented…
me too!! over a year ago
lorastefens said …
Writers are ignoring Bonnie for so long.Its like she has no roles but to make spells. She wasn't at the party Tyler held nor at the thing
Elena had at her house. So its like after she's done doing spells for others she disappears to this hole.She doesn't have a family, home or parents, where everyone has parents and home.Why?After S1, episode 14, she has been ignored all along.She is being powerful now but where does she learn her magic?From Severous Snape!!! Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
I agree. I feel like the writers haven't developed Bonnie well; she's become too powerful too soon, we don't get a mention off her family, her scenes are almost always with Elena/Stefan/Damon and she never gets a storyline away from them ;/ over a year ago
helomusic commented…
That's definitely true and really disapointing because she could be a better character if she actually had a background! And the thing is even without background she is actually my favorite female character on the show and the writers needs to work a little more than just focus in that damn triangle quadriangle thing!!! It's just upsetting!!! over a year ago
AngelusB commented…
She is my fave female character. I do feel that they are neglecting her though, after her grandmother passes away its like she folds off into the wind, with no where to go anymore unless they need some powerful conflict every now and then, if we're lucky S2 will at least clarify how she is learning and getting along, I want to see more Bonnie. :(( over a year ago
big smile
samjhart said …
Bonnie's coming back in 2x06.. Posted over a year ago
aepink05 commented…
yay! i've missed her in the episodes.(: over a year ago
katie15 commented…
FINALLY. Hopefully I will finally get to see a Lockett scene. I'm dying here! No pun intended :P over a year ago
lorastefens commented…
Deffo, agree with you guys.The writers have gone crazy, they are making every chracater to do something OOC.I really hope this time Bonnie get a cool and awesome storyline. over a year ago
big smile
katie15 said …
I actually love this picture:

link Posted over a year ago
aepink05 said …
She's been missing from episodes again...): Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
I kmow! I HATE it when that happens :'( over a year ago
lorastefens said …
Girls there are really very cool and gorgeous icons are there.Please rate them and use them. Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight said …
Bonnie is beautiful.She is my favorite character after Stefan. I love Stonnie also.Anyone with me!! Posted over a year ago
samjhart commented…
I love Stonnie as friends on the show, only a couple in AU :) over a year ago
katie15 commented…
I love Bonnie, but she's just my fourth favourite character at the moment. She's behind Damon, Tyler and Elena... BUT I do agree she's amazingly beautiful :] over a year ago
katie15 said …
Ahhh KG mentioned that she knows there are Tonnie shippers<3 I didn't realise everyone knew lol Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
I like Tonnie also. over a year ago
lorastefens commented…
Katie, you know Kat is saying again and again not to judge Bonnie so fast.I bet some crazy fans have hate mailed her again.She is really a sweet heart and you can see that you can see she's been affected by Bonnie's haters.I mean hating a chracter and hating a actress are two another things.She has got hater's mail always and I have seen a fan is calling her ugly in her you-tube account.So wrong.As a actress, her acting is amazing, still some fans are treating her like dirt.Shame... over a year ago
OrlaghxCullen commented…
I cant make my mind up tonnie or bamon i love them both haha :D over a year ago
aepink05 said …
did anyone else watch Kat graham's USTREAM? I love Kat graham so much more now<3 Posted over a year ago
dalialandlight commented…
she has a tatoo also.So cool.I love her so much and her singing and acting is so good.Kat and Bonnie<33. over a year ago
samjhart commented…
Word XD over a year ago