Call of Duty 4 Any Illinois COD Fans

LeoFitz posted on Oct 29, 2009 at 03:54PM
Hey all,

I am not sure how many fans of COD we have from Illinois on this site, but we are having a huge release party for Modern Warfare at the Blockbuster in Waukegan, Illinois. We will be giving out 10 copies of the game, 3 Xbox 360s, 3 PS3s, 5 wireless controllers for each system, head sets, etc.

We are also going to have authentic military vehicles on-site from the Chicagoland Military Vehicle Club. It should really be a unique event for all of us Mature Gamers!

If anyone is interested or know someone who might be, please give them my email at or respond to this posting. I have sweet looking postcards if anyone wants em.

Again, adults only please as this is a mature game.


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