Callian Tractor Man - how adorable was Gillian!!!

callianlover posted on Dec 18, 2009 at 09:54AM
When Gillian was watching Loker sing to the kids and she was singing along... wasn't it just the most adorable Gillian moment ever? She definitely needs to have kids. Aahhh just lovely.

Rest of the episode was okay... not really enough Callian though - why couldn't we see them drinking together at the end of the day? Lol

Callian 7 replies

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over a year ago pure_rebellion said…
I was thinking the same thing about the drinking.

AH Gillian was so cute my heart melted.
I just wanted to grab her and hug her.

I don't know whats going on with Callian honestly.
one minute their all touchy and stealing glances and hugging and kissing and what not.
and then NOTHING

except for Cal checking her out
that was hilarious.
The way he look at her when she isn't looking,
reminds me of how House looks at Cuddy.

over a year ago callianlover said…
I know - when they walked into the room with the kids and he followed her, he was totally staring at her ass.

I think the inconsistency of Callian was largely to do with the screwed up order of episodes - Fold Equity and all that c**p with Poppy should have been followed by the lovely Callian-ness of Black Friday and Secret Santa.

But there should be lots more Callian goodness to come when we get the second half of s2... not that I can wait long!!
over a year ago pure_rebellion said…

Fold equity was out of order.
but Tractor man wasn't was it?
So that still doesn't explain the lack of Callian :-(

Oh tell me about it im so excited about season 2
'cept we have to wait so long!!!
over a year ago callianlover said…
Tractor Man wasn't, but we saw TM right after FE, so after two episodes with lots of Callian (Black Friday and Secret Santa) we then had Cal screwing around and then a lack of Callian. I think the lack of Callian was more to do with what we didn't see rather than it just not being there (sorry if that makes no sense lol) because there were nice moments - the way they looked at each other when the teacher kissed Loker, and her fear when he went to see Harold and was possibly about to get blown up... and they were off to have a drink at the end (albeit with Loker!) we just didn't get to see it.

I'm definitely hoping for more Callian soon though!
over a year ago AshlyAtrocity said…
yeah i agree with callianLover. but i think it was more of they were to involved in the case to get a moment alone for themselves.
can't wait till april =/
over a year ago BlakeEdwards said…
Hei wait! ...till april?? God! The second part of the second season shouldn't start in january??
Anyway Callians, what do you think about the spoiler on the 2.11 episode, with the new character Melissa George?
over a year ago Fostergirl147 said…