Callian Season Four

PartnerUp posted on Feb 08, 2011 at 06:51AM
When will we know if Lie To Me will have a new season?

Callian 20 replies

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over a year ago hulismacked said…
they said on May... long way to go mate... I don't know what to do during this bloody long hiatus...
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
we should totally start a forum thread with a game! that would be fun, keep us occupied, and keep people in this spot! i dont want it dying down while we are waiting!
over a year ago OKFan said…
This show definitely needs a season 4. With Callian passion and snuggles :).
over a year ago 1zmonkeystar said…
I'm hoping with all my hope we get season 4 :) please fox my birthdays in may and season 4 would be the best gift, please!!!! :)

@HuddyJoy0524 ya we do! game, a rewatch night or something anything to keep us occupied lol
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@1zmonkeystar i hope so too! and then we could have a birthday celebration rave! :)

i agree...we need a game or activity or something...we should research other spots and steal game ideas from them. like...we could write a collaborative fanfic or a quote game or something! just to keep people here! i hate it when this spot is empty! :(
over a year ago PartnerUp said…
OK! I like the idea of doing something to keep the excitement going while we wait for the show's writers to get busy again. Why don't WE come up with some possible scenes for our Cal and Gillian to play out and then see who comes closest to what the writers have in mind? For example, what will Cal do in the next episode to answer Emily's question, "what are you waiting for?"
over a year ago 1zmonkeystar said…
@PartnerUp OMG I love your idea! what WILL Cal do to answer Emilys? Thats the million dollar question, I'm hoping he answers with some "action" if ya no what I mean? lol But I'm thinkin he just be checking her out more, being flirty and more longing looks...but thats just me lol. What do ya'll think will happen?
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@1zmonkeystar and @partnerup I personally agree that Cal isnt going to do anything at first, if at all. I think that he will be too afraid and like you said maybe up the flirting and "longing looks" but i think like house and cuddy, cal and gillian need a push.

i still think before this moves forward we need to see how gillian feels. im sure she is in love with cal too but a lot of times until you consciously state it out loud (like cal did) acting on it is hard.
over a year ago 1zmonkeystar said…
@HuddyJoy0524 I totaly agree they both do need a push lol. I think they need a another case were one of them is in danger again ya no? like honey, So it will have em thinkin OMG he/she means so much to me, he/she needs to know how I feel. In times of crisis raw emotion will be shone ya no? If not that some good old fashion jealousy is all ways nice :) and because I'm tired of Cal having is own "relationships" *cough* screwing around*cough*. Having Gillian have some fun and Cal getting jealous and ruining her dates or something. Hell, they could even bring in Jack Rader for a few episodes and Cal thinking hes having sex with Gillian,when shes not, and getting really jealous. Then Gillian could be all "I never had sex with him!!! why are you acting this way?...(Cal, no responce) O my god....your jealous!" or something lol. It could be awesome :D
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@1zmonkeystar i totally agree! I think that Ria and Eli get it too, I really hope that Emily enlists a Callian army to help get them together because that would be perfect ;)

I think you're right that they need more danger situations. I think "Honey" was when Cal really started falling for Gillian, IMO. I dont know if he was in love with her yet but i think by season 3 he was. And i think that Gillian fell for Cal somewhere near the end of season 2 as well because by season 3 the sexual tension was through the roof. Then in Killer App Cal admits he loves her...she was in a situation that was very dangerous. Now we just need another one and maybe Gillian can admit? *hint hint*
over a year ago 1zmonkeystar said…
@HuddyJoy0524 I want some more remarks from Ria and Eli about Cal and Gillian. More..."is that jelousy?" and stuff like that. Them actualy calling them out on it, ya no?

Your so right! You can tell, like Cal checking her out more, being more flirty with her. I think that in Honey it was a big realisation to him, that he would rather just be in the same house as Gillian, rather then being in the same bed with another woman. And for Gillian it was like after Burns ya no? Like the whole "in the worst possible way" thing really sunk in to her. That he would go that far to protect her from getting hurt. Not saying I want them to be in danger or anything does seems to work lol.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@1zmonkeystar "Not saying I want them to be in danger or anything does seems to work lol."

It totally does! i really like what you said about cal. for being a womanizer who loves spending time, going on dates, and having sex he gave up all that just to be in the same house as Gillian. He stayed in her spare bedroom for heavens sake! He knew thats where he belonged...with his best friend. Except now...i think they are realizing that they aren't really just friends anymore. and while i think that gillian did love burns i dont think she loved him in the same way. i mean think about it: if cal or gillian died or had to go away, would the other survive it? i personally think no.
over a year ago 1zmonkeystar said…
@HuddyJoy0524 "Except now...i think they are realizing that they aren't really just friends anymore. "- I think thats why he was kind of a d*** in the begining of season 3. He was realising that he does love her and it scared him and thought it would be better to try and push her away instead of coming to terms with his true feelings. or so I think lol

I think Gillian loved Burns but was'nt in love with him, not like Cal. I mean, she got over it kinda fast and I'm thinkin Cal had something to do with it ya no? Its easier to get over someone when you're in love with someone else.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
"I think thats why he was kind of a d*** in the begining of season 3. He was realising that he does love her and it scared him and thought it would be better to try and push her away instead of coming to terms with his true feelings."

I totally agree with you. I remember this stretch of about 3 or 4 episodes and they made me so mad and frustrated which i know Gillian was feeling too. This was when Wallowski showed up, and Gillian got super duper defensive and hostile. I also noticed that Kelli's wardrobe for the episode had muted clothing, her hair was pulled back, and her feminine nature wasnt played up as much. I think all of this shows how much of Cal's attention Gillian reied on too. Why do you think she got pissy when Wallowski showed up in Killer App? Because Cal's attention would be diverted from caring for her. That's all she wanted.

As for Burns...I think that Gil fell in love with being in love. She hadnt had anyone since Alec and I think that it made her yearn for intimacy again. ultimately didnt work and when she needed someone to fall back on Cal was there.
over a year ago PartnerUp said…
If LTM was on Monday night, Valentine's Day, I think it would be nice if Cal DID something to show his feelings for Gill. I'm thinking one of those little candy hearts would be a nice first step for him to start "speaking" his love for her. Would he use one that says "be mine" or "luv you" or would he dump the bag on her desk and randomly chose hearts to spell out "Cal" and put a little note next to them that simply says, "thinking of you"?
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@partnerup im thinking that he would put them on her desk and spell his name inside the hearts. then she would be like whats this for? and he would either say what do you think or however you want it to be and then just leave it or something. hes too mysterious, thats his problem xD
over a year ago LenaGreen said…
I just rewatched Killer App with my dad (he watched it for the first time) and guess what was his reaction for the ending of the episode? :)
When Emily asked 'What are you waiting for?'
my dad said without hesitation: 'For the season 4 of course'.
And so we all are :D That's quite nice wrap-up isn't it? Even my dad hopes Cal will do something about his love innext season. :)
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@LG i went home from college last weekend to visit with some extended family and i was surprised to hear that they all watched it! I aid something about Lie to me at one point and they were like we LOVE that show! It has a larger fanbase than i think we even know or Fox knows. i hope that they realize this, a season 4 is a must.
over a year ago 1zmonkeystar said…
@ LenaGreen OMG that is so awesome! I watched it with my mom and sister. Right when Cal said that my sister instantly yelled out "I F'ing knew it!!!" lol It was awesome hahaha
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
Hey guys! Pssst!

