Callian Now for the wait: discussion thread

HuddyJoy0524 posted on Feb 14, 2011 at 12:13AM
Hey all! Just thought it would be nice to create a thread where we could talk about "Killer App" the possible season 4, and any all Callian that we want! :) Our other thread that Regi originally created sort of died out so I'm making a new one! And when you're not discussing here, you should head over to the Hangman thread! :)

So to start off with, what did you all think of "Killer App?"
Hey all! Just thought it would be nice to create a thread where we could talk about "Killer App" the

Callian 10 replies

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over a year ago KrissyB said…
Good Idea HuddyJoy :) Thanks for starting the thread.

What did I think of Killer App?
There were so many awesome scenes, for example that one in that pic above ^^ And of course the last scene ♥
I mean, it basically left me speechless and wanted to scream like a crazy fan girl :D

And then I started thinking what they would do in Season 4 and all the amazing Callian scenes that would grace our screens! :)
THEY WILL DO SEASON 4! They have too! I'm already goin crazy without LTM haha.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@KrissyB thanks! :)

"I'm already goin crazy without LTM haha"

oh my gosh i never would have thought how obsessed i would end up getting with this show. i remember seeing "Honey" and i was like oh my gosh cal and gillian are so into each other and it got me so intrigued with the show. then the next thing i knew i was hooked! :) i loved killer app too and actually expected a lot from it because of TR's twitter but i was STILL surprised. saying his love for Gillian? didnt see that coming a mile away! :0
over a year ago hulismacked said…
I never expect Call will admit directly that he love Gillian... never because he's not an ordinary man that always show his feeling and put his guard down just for Gillian... Never expect that kind of statement will come out from Cal :D ...

I don't know why but I think Cal is just like House, a complicated man at some degree :D
over a year ago LenaGreen said…
I looooved "Killer App". The intensity of this episode makes me flail all the time, seriously. Not only the case was interesting, but Kelli's acting (she's sooooo awesome and talented) was beyond everything xD
And of course I don't have to say anything about Cal's confession, cause it was PERFECT. :)

As for season 4, I'm trying to have positive attitude, I'm sure they'll give us a new season and I know it'll be awesome. And the waiting will kill us all probably, but we have to be resistent xD We'll survive it. Peace.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@LG "Kelli's acting (she's sooooo awesome and talented) was beyond everything"

i have to completely agree with you. i was very very impressed with her in that episode especially all the scenes with her in the apartment and then at the police headquarters. the emotion that she had to present was incredible and im sure they had to film those scenes more than once so i cant even imagine...she was great! i wish LTM actors would get more emmy recognition...

"and the waiting will kill us all probably, but we have to be resistent"

thts why ive started all these threads! we've gotta stick together and wait it out together! or else, (at least i wouldnt) make it! :0
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
So i just realized something....whenever there is an episode or a short episode arc where Cal and Gillian start getting really close someone always ends up with a bf or gf. have you noticed that?

Alec was in the way in season 1. And then when he and Gillian got divorced in season 2, Cal and Gillian start getting really close (too close) so Cal starts going after Clara. Then thats over. Him and Gillian get close again. Enter Burns. Then he's gone. Enter Wallowski. And so on. You think that's them attempting to keep themselves from crossing the line? What do you think? (if theres a season 4 will some other significant other enter the picture again?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago OKFan said…
There better NOT be, LOL. I think those cases were different though because nobody had referenced love for the other during those times. Now that Cal has addressed his feelings, he won't be chasing after anybody but Gil.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
@OKFan but im assuming that he has felt that way about Gillian for a while? I dont think he would have fallen in love with her that recently. why would he have chasen after wallowski like that if he was in love with gillian?
over a year ago OKFan said…
Oh he's definitely felt that way for a long time. I didn't mean he just fell in love with her, but he only just admitted it. Perhaps he buried it because he thought he didn't have a chance, as evidenced by his clear shock when Gillian tells him he didn't try hard enough when she was on the rebound. "You mean I had a chance?" Gil doesn't answer him, but changes the subject. He doesn't pursue it, but he's intrigued. Maybe he worries he's not good enough for her, but is happy to be her friend. I don't think it occurs to him that she feels that way about him (even though she was clearly sending out signals in "Canary's Song") too.
over a year ago HuddyJoy0524 said…
"even though she was clearly sending out signals in "Canary's Song"

If you wanna know how someone truly feels about another, you have to get them into an altered state of consciousness. we see a drunk Gillian all over Cal, hugging, flirting, trying to kiss him...etc etc. In "Funhouse" Gillian has to hold off a medicated Cal who is caressing her cheek, hanging on her, (im sure he would have attempted to kiss her if she didnt hold him off)

Also, why would Gillian change the subject so fast? Hmmm....i think part of her is afraid of him admitting a feeling. because then she would have to admit hers....