Chophia Chad & Sophia Stories<3

kuhriissten posted on Apr 12, 2009 at 08:21PM
so i got this idea that we should post all the stories we hear about how lovely/cute/in love Chad & Sophia were before they ended things.

from fanforum:
Originally Posted by angieswenson
So we shot a few scenes, and one involved her and Hil being in the center (I don't want to say too much!) and in between shots, they were doing these model poses and talking to all the extras, and Chad was on the side with the producers watching us all, and Hil and Sophia were doing these martial art poses and pretending to know karate when Sophia goes, "Haeeyy-ya!" to do this kick thing, and her heel actually caught the back of her dress and all of a sudden you heard... "rip" from her dress! She ripped the back of her dress! Well she falls on the ground in the middle of all of us and is laughing her butt off and rolling down when Chad yells, "You were always so clumsy, lady!" and Sophia shouts, "Oh be quiet old man!" and Chad ran between us and helped her up and they laughed and he "dusted" her off and walked off the stage. Sophia took a bow and we laughed.

During 403 when she's sitting on the bench and he goes, "You know what, Brooke? You broke up with me... but I thought we'd atleast be friends" and walks away? Well during 1 take, he got up to walk away and he tripped over his shoe! And she busts out laughing and goes "My God, you're such a clumsy @$$!" And he gets really red and goes back to retake it and while they were measuring, he'd stick his tounge out at her and make her laugh and she smacked his leg and said, "Do it again and I'm chopping it off!" and he goes, "Ooh" and covers his pants and she smacked his arm and said, "I meant your tounge. Gosh!" and he said something under his breath like. "You never had complaints about it before" or something to that effect and everyone around me busted out laughing bc she just smiled and looked down and said, "Okkk shut up now..."
Also in 403 at the party scene when she goes and kisses "Derrek" and says, "Don't worry it'll make you like her more?" Everytime she'd walk away, they'd yell cut, and she'd have to reset to where she was walking away from different angles? Well Chad had to sit on the couch in between them and in between takes she's pat him on his head real quick and walk by him. And the last time, he laughed and said, "What am I, a f-- k ing dog?" and she said something real quick like "No we never played that roleplay scenario out all the way, remember?" & he said something like, "Yeah you just got too excited." And she replied w/"No hunny, that was you." And he just shook his head and smiled. They have a lot of sarcastic cute funny conversations like that.

Chophia 16 replies

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over a year ago Hanz8 said…
omg really ?
thats so cute!
over a year ago kuhriissten said…
i knoooow, cute right?!
over a year ago Hanz8 said…
even after the divorce ?
over a year ago xilovemrmonkeyx said…
Awww that's so cute! Was while they were still together though =[
over a year ago Hanz8 said…
ohhh :(
never mind.
over a year ago RachaelF760 said…
is that like true like it really happened or is it just made up stuff
over a year ago Chlarkfan said…
That's soooo cutee<33333333. (:
over a year ago Shanice_12 said…
So cute..but during season 4 they were not together right?
over a year ago sophialover said…
over a year ago kuhriissten said…
yaay, i'm pretty sure they werent together during season 4. i think the divorce was happening towards the end of season 3. ):
over a year ago Hanz8 said…
yay for them still being like that after the divorce :)
over a year ago stefny0 said…
omg i read those before ;) i miss them sooo much
over a year ago monLOVEbrucas said…
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
awww so cute
over a year ago bright_angel said…
Love it! <3
over a year ago Jessica4695 said…
They're so awesome and when they're together, it's like... your eyes are peeled to them. Don't worry if you stare bc a lot of ppl stare @ them when they're together. LOL. Soemtimes they'd even be on opposite sides of the room, and 1 would look, then the other, then the other again, then the other... and then they'd catch eyes real quick and look away. I remember 1 time during like 306-307 when they did that [the eppy when Brooke was trying to get Luke back] and she was talking to Hil and he was over there on his cell by crew members, and they kept glancing @ e/o, and when they caught eyes, Sophia jerked away real quick and whispered somethign in Hilarie's ear and Hil just tilted her head and her eyes got really big and Sophia just nodded like crazy w/a smile. I was closer to Chad than her on that part but I could just tell there was something giddy going on.

Bridg told me in S3 where Brooke is kissing Chris Keller in the bleachers [Luke's imagination], they dont show Sophia's face, bc she was really broken up to kiss a guy in front of him bc even though they were split up at the time, and it was upsetting her. [Bridg is Soph's stand in.]
She also told me that also in 317 in the "rescue eachother" scene, after he says good to know she's here, she goes, "I am here...we both are." Well his line was suppossed to be, "I know that. I know that." But he improved instead and said, "I know. ..It's good being here... especially with you." That was not scripted. And you can see they're both choked up in that one as well. Chad almost starts crying and has to close his eyes, and Sophia swallows really hard when he says that and shuts her eyes too, and almost flubs on her lines. :] And the lines following that, you can just see how their reactions are different. Oh and that kiss in 317 was not scripted! She flops up her hand bc it surprised her that Chad was that in the moment.

I'll tell you though on the S3 finale when they did their final dance, Sophia had to break from that shot several occassions and walk off set bc she was crying so much. And if you look closely when he pulls her closely, she breaths in bc she's trying not to cry. Then they break away and you can see both of them chocking up. Look closely into their eyes. You'll see it. Also, that wasn't scripted for him to pull her closer. I asked Ian about that and he told me that whole thigng was in fact scripted differently, but they let them improv it. And Annissa, her makeup artist that day is a good friend and she told me that Soph was inside the trailer saying stuff like, "How can I act when this feels so real to me??"

During 403 when she's sitting on the bench and he goes, "You know what, Brooke? You broke up with me... but I thought we'd atleast be friends" and walks away? Well during 1 take, he got up to walk away and he tripped over his shoe! And she busts out laughing and goes "My God, you're such a clumsy @$$!" And he gets really red and goes back to retake it and while they were measuring, he'd stick his tounge out at her and make her laugh and she smacked his leg and said, "Do it again and I'm chopping it off!" and he goes, "Ooh" and covers his pants and she smacked his arm and said, "I meant your tounge. Gosh!" and he said something under his breath like. "You never had complaints about it before" or something to that effect and everyone around me busted out laughing bc she just smiled and looked down and said, "Okkk shut up now..."
Also in 403 at the party scene when she goes and kisses "Derrek" and says, "Don't worry it'll make you like her more?" Everytime she'd walk away, they'd yell cut, and she'd have to reset to where she was walking away from different angles? Well Chad had to sit on the couch in between them and in between takes she's pat him on his head real quick and walk by him. And the last time, he laughed and said, "What am I, a f-- k ing dog?" and she said something real quick like "No we never played that roleplay scenario out all the way, remember?" & he said something like, "Yeah you just got too excited." And she replied w/"No hunny, that was you." And he just shook his head and smiled. They have a lot of sarcastic cute funny conversations like that.

Also in the eppy where Brooke is trying to get him back, and she asks him to the thing at school, she'd jump up to him and shout "Lucas" and a few shots he'd actually reach out and hug her and they'd be like "Chad, don't hug her, you're not suppossed to hug" and they kept having to reshoot it. They had a lot of smiles through that too.
Yeah honestly, I haven't spoken of this scene yet but that's one of my fav scenes bc THAT is the way that they really look at eachother when they're on set still. They do those simple smiles, those hugs, everything. That's the way they hug goodbye, that's everything. And the "we'll just have to wait and see" was unscripted as well.

During the finale when we all shot outside [trying not to give spoilers away!] but there was a scene involving Chad/Hil walking out while Soph/Lee were fixin to walk in and we shot at different angles for this, different places where they'd walk by e/o and when they wouldn't, and when we shot when they'd walk by e/o, 1 part Chad reached out his hand and touched Sophia's as he was walking by her and she looked over her shoulder and smiled at him and he winked at her.

all the story's I know about (:
last edited over a year ago