Chris Brown Hes Just Tottally Such A Bad Guy

hellojobro98 posted on Feb 18, 2009 at 10:40PM
hes bad and rude cuz he beat up rhianna and yeah i understand she is clingy but that doesn't give him a right or something. whatevA THIS IS LIKE SO ODD OF HIM.He was just such a sweet heart if u agree with me just comment.

Chris Brown 5 replies

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over a year ago x-xsarahx-x said…
i totally agree. i guess it shows how you never really know what people are like especially celebs. i never wouldve thought that this would happen. rihanna is awesome and i hope she bounces back from this.
over a year ago pkrebelde said…
ok here we go again...
yeah chris brown is a celebrity and HE IS A HUMAN BEING we all make mistakes and the most awesome thing is that we learn from them
i personally adore chris and because he "hit" a girl is not going to stop me from liking him he is such a humble guy and i know it because i've met him and no offense to nobody but rihanna is not awesome she is a brat and thinks she is the last soda on the desert and i say this because i've met her before on one of her concerts
chris is not bad he just did a mistake and ihope people dont criticize him because we all make mistakes!! and we are not bad!! we are just human beings
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kitabear4 said…
x-xsarahx-x u r soo rong juz becauz he hitt her dozen't mean u have 2 hate hym. u haev 2 look at both sides of the situation. and beside s hitt hym first and gave hym herpes. so as far as im consered his actions were justified and if it were u then u would also be ready to fight sombodi. and u can't say that u wouldn't becuase u would be a damn lie
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago peig said…
it was all because she was worried about telling him tat she is pregnany! she new he wud react badly!!!
over a year ago nan0 said…
You people are such idot beacause i belive chris is Incove!!! and i belive his Incone and i dont care you evil gay people I love you chris !!
You people are such idot beacause i belive chris is Incove!!! and i belive his Incone and i dont care