Creative Outlet FATE

annabeth-crazed posted on Dec 24, 2011 at 07:34PM
ok, ok, here goes. i've been writing this book for a long time, and it's my best yet. i really want to be able to see if its good. so... here goes!
ok, ok, here goes. i've been writing this book for a long time, and it's my best yet. i really want t

Creative Outlet 12 replies

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over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…
big smile


BY: ANNABETH-CRAZED (too u guys)


I lay on my back in bed, the music flowing into my ears through the headphones. I liked the sound. It made me forget who I was.
I knew they had people watching me, seeing who I was.
I had no way of telling what they thought. Plus, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know.
If it was bad they may kill me for it. I, Destiny Rouge, am a carrier of light.
Let’s just not put to much emphasis on ‘light’. They can be pretty dark. So yeah, the light part tends to be pretty meaningless. But please don’t tell them what total (insert plural cuss words here) I think they are.
So yeah. Not to thrilled about the job. But hey, most jobs are the total suckage anyway. Especially when your boss holds your life in the palm of your hand. Quite literally actually.
I’m not saying he’s one of those weird voodoo freaks. That probably would suck, but he can stop me from being born without breaking a sweat. Cool right? Not if you’re me. If you’re me, then it is so. Not. Cool.
To put it mildly.
Anyway’s, I’m not going to go into it, cause a) it’s top secret b) it hurts my head to even think about and c) I dunno half of it.
Back to me: (my favorite subject too!) I was laying down with my head phones on closing my eyes and generally going no where fast.
While outside it started to snow. I know, I know. My thirteen year old mind should have been able to comprehend the fact that it was in the middle of June in California and it was snowing. Especially since I am a totally awesome carrier of light that can do anything in the world. Or even the next.
Except maybe pay attention.
Yeah I’m way behind in taxes concerning that. Unfortunately, my parents can’t take care of that one for me.
Anyways: snowing. Me. Music. Lost in nowhere. Got off track there, sorry. But you get what’s happening.
As I was saying the music was awesome. I think it was bells for her, Tori Amos. I was completely isolated from the rest of humanity.
Awesome, right?
Well it was. Except for the fact that it was magic.
You see, apparently my friends from the other side, the carriers of darkness, wanted to chat. You know, just a cozy conversation over tea, talking about grandma’s latest knitting job.
The snow was an example of magic being preformed on someone (me) and was a total dumbo for not realizing any sooner what was happening.
My sister is a carrier of darkness. She wasn’t there at first. But Adam was. And let’s say grandma’s knitting was totally under conversed that night. That should be a federal offence. Because I so hate talking to guys with fangs. Especially ones that want my death.
Adam Houser is an immortal vampire. This isn’t as ‘omigosh that’s so weird!’ as you’d think. Sure, Adam wakes only in the night, feeds on human blood, is able to commune with the devil, possesses the general qualities of youth, and pretty much is feared around the world, but so are a lotta people. He’s only as evil as a terrorist. Or maybe sprouts.
So there I am in a hole, in god only knows where, with a vampire looking at me from behind a chain mail curtain. Well, I wasn’t really there. Technically, I was dreaming. But they caught me as I drifted with the stupid chain mail. It can really mess up those promises on sweet dreams. You know, being stuck in a sweaty old hole, imprisoned by these bitches. Okay. Language, as my mother would say. Anyways, I am a special kind of carrier, if you call it that. It’s totally awesome! I get to float around in the past or the present or future never getting a good piece of sleep, I can’t make sense of my info, and it usually isn’t good news for anyone. Oh, and I endanger my life every time my eyes close, and occasionally the side of darkness would try to drain me of blood and, more important to the light, energy. This, unfortunately, appeared to be one of those times. “Shit.” I muttered. Adam didn’t seem fazed though. His deep red pupils dilated; with normal mortals, this was a sign of love, but with vampires it ment they were…thirsty.
The chain mail melted into bars. They had caught me. They didn’t need to waste magical energy anymore. Adam grinned. “Thanks for dropping in.” he said. “I was starting to get worried. I don’t know how I would get on without having you over to dinner just once. How about we have a potluck right here? I’ll bring the forks and cups. You can bring the umm…… drinks.”
“I think I’ll pass,” I said. “I don’t exactly like to cook for vampires.” “Hmm,” he said. Smiling in a way I did not like. “Too bad.” He reached through the bars and grabbed my neck. He walked straight in, oblivious to the bars. “Because the dish you’re preparing right now is delicious.” With that, I did the impossible. I fainted in a dream.
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…

I ran down the road. It was pitch black, and even though it was a small town, there were barely any lights. I heard the cop car speeding down the road. I only had a couple of seconds before they took me down. I stopped at an old arcade and quickly picked the lock. I got in and locked it from the inside. I knew better than to turn on the lights, they’d find me with the blink of an eye.
My names Carter, and as you’ve probably guessed I’m on the run. We won’t go into why, as for the most part, I don’t know. It’s like I needed to find myself. But honestly, I am so stupid. As if I could find myself here, with a bunch of guys covered head to foot with tattoos under a dim light, hiding the crack when the cops came by. But unfortunately, my “parents” were over there, “my boy must be so scared; someone took him without his permission, blah, blah, blah, crap. After they’d seen me on live TV shouting behind me, I hated them, as I ran away, they’d stopped bugging the police. They now hired bounty hunters, telling them alive or dead.
Mommy and daddy went haywire, grandma.
Way haywire.
I hid behind a really old game. I think it was Packman, or something. It was a classic whatever it was. Something ran in front of me. When I say ran, I mean ran. It was at the speed of light. I couldn’t see it, but I could feel the wind on my cheek. “Well, well,” the figure said. I looked up. A boy of about sixteen looked down at me. His hair was jet black, and his skin was white, like death white. His pupils were dilated, and his eyes were blood red. He wore something around his neck, it looked sorta like this:

(pic on word, won't lemme)

It was tattooed on his left arm too. Creepy.
The weird guy smiled, and then I just about wet my pants. The dude had a pair of long, curved, bloodstained fangs. I didn’t want to think of where he got the blood from. “Hello Carter,” he said. I couldn’t help thinking, sick mind reading stuff, huge fang dude. “We’ve been expecting you.” Apparently he noticed my terrified expression. “I can only do names.” The vampire said. “What was I doing? Oh yeah. Forgive me.” ‘Forgive me’? Who says that? The vampire started to glow. His fangs went clean.
“CARRIER OF LIGHT, SURRENDER OR I SHALL DRINK YOUR BLOOD, INHALE YOUR SOUL, AND USE YOUR SKIN FOR MY NEW COAT!” Wow. That was so clearly rehearsed. What did this dude do when he wasn’t disposing of bodies? Probably thinking of new ‘scary’ lines. I shouldn’t talk though. In a few seconds I was probably going to wet myself. Especially since his jacket was made out of leather that seemed a little……uck, gross.
But there was something he said…… it sounded familiar….
“What the heck is a carrier of light?” I asked. “And surrender to what?”
The vampire dude looked surprised. Then there was fear. Then that leering look came back in full height. “Let’s not play games, Carter. It gets me annoyed. One thing you never want to meet is even mildly annoyed me. It gets people killed in nasty ways.” I still didn’t understand. I guess the confusion showed on my face. His eyes grew wide. “Time to kill you now. Bye, bye.” Then he lunged.
Okay, okay. I might have come off as a wimpy guy. But I’m not going to lie down in front of this guy and die. So I did something that was probably really stupid. I pushed the guy away. But, I came on to way too much weight for that body. Maybe a suma. Not this dude. I almost broke my hands. But I surprised him. So I started to run. “I am so gonna get you squirt. So gonna. Get. You!”! I ignored him and ran like hell. I was almost to the door. Three more yards. Two. I was almost there…a few feet…and then I ran straight into the vampire.
I felt as thought every bone in my body broke. I groaned with the pain. I wanted to scream aloud. It was unbearable. Like a living hell. But I was not going to be living in a couple of minutes. “You’ve been giving me trouble, Carter. I’m going to tell you the truth because it always hurts the most. And this sure is going to hurt boy!” I felt the vampire’s breath on my neck. It was hot and smelled of blood…cold, dripping…..and the fear…. I prepared myself to die. I took one last look at my killer. He smiling in a dark way, fangs bared. Then….pop! The smile was gone. In its place was surprise. “Damn light carriers.” He said. And then I saw the tip of a bloodstained knife shoot through his chest exactly where his heart was. He fell on top of me staining my shirt with blood. In his place I saw a girl about my age (thirteen) standing in his place. She had wavy but otherwise straight hair and a blade in one hand. Her face was pretty, and she smiled. “Hi Carter. It’s time you figured out who you are. Let’s go get you a new shirt.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…

Okay, okay. I guess your wondering how I got out of vampire jail. Well, it wasn’t easy.
So, Adam was at my neck, fangs bared, about to rip me to ribbons and then eat the rest. Things weren’t exactly hunky dory in Destiny land. Then someone walked in behind him. “Adam,” the voice said. It was familiar. “You know tradition. No drinking before torture.” Adam dropped me to the ground. Oww. Carrier down. We have an ESCD. Extremely stupid carrier down. Anyone hear me? HELP.
“Later, then Destiny. I will look forward to it.” Adam said. When he turned I saw my worst enemy. My family.

Dad’s scar ran from the top of his right eyeball diagonally to his nose. Moms ran straight across her lips. My sister’s was diagonal on her neck. Mine was on the back of my hand. It was scorched in several places from my trying to burn it off. But it stayed, red and slim, as visible as ever. If a mortal wanted to join the carriers of darkness, they were slashed by a knife with vampire and human blood on it. The human blood had to have come from two people the mortal had killed theirself, one they loved above all, and one they hated more than anything. The vampire blood came from a traitor that the mortal had tracked down and killed. The knife wielder must be the mortal themselves. It was a gruesome process that only mortals with the hearts of demons could complete. All the others in his/her family had to complete the process too or be killed by the new carrier with the knife that had slashed him/her. Most went mad their first year. Others died trying to get away. But some lived and trained until they were indistinguishable from demons.
I was the only one who escaped.
And unfortunately, now I had to do it again.
“So…..” dad said. He grinned, and it looked horrible. My grandfather had first enslaved us, but my dad was the first after him to complete the test. He had loved it. I can’t believe we’re even related. He loves that knife that was used to cause him so much pain. When he was struck by the knife, he had been sightless to anything else but pain. When the pain had been set for a while, he had seen the way pain was beautiful, and then he came to love it. He used it on all others. His children he gave the worst pain he could create. He made us realize that you didn’t need to bleed to feel pain. He showed us that the way humans viewed pain was wrong. I learned not fear pain, but to except it when it came. I learned the best ways to inflict pain, how to make it bow at my feet. I learned pain had no master, but it had enemies and allies. You could be so close with pain that others called you a lover of pain. It was possible. I had been one once. But then when I went to the carriers of light, I saw it was a horrible power, one that was too addicting, with too many consequences. It was dangerous. It put you in the only place that pain would not come to you outside of death.
I had dropped it. Occasionally, I would be tempted…..but I’m thirteen. It’s too young.
Back to reality: I was on the ground. I made myself look like I was in more pain than inflicted, when really I loved it. It got me out of the room for minute. In that minute I was in a different age….a place a normal mortal couldn’t belong anymore. I knew this was wrong. It was things only a carrier of darkness could do. I pulled and pulled and eventually made it back to reality. I got up and grimaced.
Adam smiled in a smug way. The prick. He always was a bitch.
“So Destiny,” he said. “I shall see you later. Until next we meet.” He bowed low and ducked out of the room. My father waited until his footsteps were gone. Then he spoke.
“Well, well, well. Destiny I thought you were tougher than this. I trained you better. Though I bet these days you have been taught to ignore those particular callings.” He was right next to me now, his breath hitting me in the face. He shook his head and walked away.
My mom put her hand on his shoulder with a cold smile. “You know Destiny, what we do is not wrong. It’s who we are. You should’ve stayed with us while you still could’ve. It will give us all a great heartbreak when we have to let Adam kill you. We have always loved-“
My father looked pleased. “Still so snappy. I always admired that. You would die with your heart held high and a spear in your hand, taking as many of your enemies as possible with you. Though sadly, nobody cares how you die as long as you do it. Unfortunately for you, you’re doing it soon.
“Lisa?” he said, turning to my mother. She nodded curtly. “Of course. She took a small bowl and knife out of a brown satchel slung around her arm. She closed her eyes and put her arms out in a sort of ballerina position. When she opened them again, they were no longer blue. They were the color of fresh blood, a red so deep they were no longer human. A clear red circle of protection surrounded the both of us. She smiled. And then a knife shot clean through her left shoulder.
“Urgh!” she said. The knife. It had…… the crest on it. The carrier of light crest. Like this:

(pic from word, won't let me)

Well it’s about time.


The moment the knife went through, chaos sparked. One by one, my allies came. Someone came up to me and grabbed my arm. “Hello,” he said, in a perfectly calm voice. We need you to go and notify more people back at headquarters. He gave me a small box. “Swallow what’s inside and say aloud where you need to go. You’ll end up there soon enough.”
Inside was a scrap of paper with a small picture on it. I recognized it as an Egyptian hieroglyph for light. It looked like a square.

(i created the pic on word, it won't show)

I swallowed it.
The weirdest sensation ever.
I was in nowhere for a moment. A place I could never find somewhere else. It was different from pain but…… alike. I saw faces I hadn’t seen yet, places I hadn’t been yet. I was climbing a huge snowy mountain, the moon overhead. I was swimming down a river the current faster than a bullet. It was magical.
Soon I was pulled out of my dreamlike state. I opened my eyes and I was in a huge building made completely out of glass. It was huge. There were people rushing everywhere. The ceiling seemed a mile high. At the top of the ceiling there was the carriers of light crest on it.
“Whoa,” I said. “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.” I said.
“That’s for sure,” said someone coming up behind me. “Hi. I’m Marcie. Are you new? If you’ve got a note then just give it to me. I carry all the messages around here. I’ll make sure it get’s to the right people.” I turned around to see a smiling girl about my age.
“Umm……” man. She talked really fast. I told her what had happened.
Her eyes widened.
“Wow. Well……I’ll take care of that. You go up to the training deck, floor 9. I think you have proved yourself worthy. You might even get a mission today. If you want to that is.”
No way. All I want is to sleep. Sleeping is good. Sleeping is great. Sleeping is something to cela….cela…Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I guess I really was that tired, because she laughed.
“There are beds up there to. Don’t worry.”
“Thanks.” I walked up to an elevator. Wow. Convenient. But you’d think they’d have some sort of advanced magical transporting machine. Hmm. I guess the economy even affects awesome magical beings of extreme power and righteousness. Who knew?
When I got to floor 6, I found a door labeled “beds and cots.” I crawled into a random bed and closed my eyes. It’s been a long day.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…
I slept for a while. Happily for me, I only dreamed normal mortal’s dreams. I woke up and got dressed. Then I started to walk around sleepily. I barely understood where I was, I just knew where I had to go. I walked down to the elevator. I pressed in the number 4. When the door I went into a room labeled “tracking and trailing”. In this dreamlike state I barely knew what it ment. I typed in Los Angeles and saw where it took me.
I was looking into an arcade palace. It looked old and run down. There wasn’t a soul in sight except for a boy about my age, on the floor bleeding with a vampire on top of him. I leaned closer and closer and then I fell. I started spinning through air, falling waiting for the end. Weirdly, I didn’t scream. It was falling and I waited for the bottom, I kept expecting the bottom then………
I hit it.
I smiled. Time to fight. The vampire was an inch from his neck. They didn’t notice me. I stabbed the vampire through the heart. He strangled something out, but I barley understood.
“Hello carter.” I said, not knowing how I knew his name. “Let’s get you a new shirt.”
Then, somehow without passing out, pulled him up. We were sucked back into the vortex of never ending time until we made it back to headquarters.
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…
I had barley gotten into bed when they found me.
I should have anticipated it. I mean, I had stormed out of they’re hideout, after stealing their food, flaunting their trust in front of their eyes, and of corse, that incident with they’re daughter…..well she attacked me and I can’t say I take that nicely. 5th foster home in a month….. I can’t do anything right. I try not to but….there’s something inside of me I can’t stop. I can’t control myself. It’s like there is a voice inside, telling me. I try not to, I really do. It’s just; I can’t stop myself when I’m threatened. I can control myself normally. Something comes alive when I’m attacked though. It’s like animal instinct. Weird…
And of corse, that attack on there uncle had been a total misunderstanding! I had thought he was a murderer! It’s just because I ruined there kid’s tree house. Oh, I’m sorry “hideout.” I was right, little do they know. Had they known, they might not have set uncle “slice” to the task of finding me. They thought he was just cruel. And I deserved cruel, apparently. I don’t think they would’ve sent a murderer on me purposely, though.
Well anyways, here I am, about to be attacked. Before I was, I needed to get into open terrain. Then I’d have more room to completely zone into ninja mode. I smiled, which is sick really. I was about to seriously kick-butt in a minute though. Before I could stop myself I told my adversary, “Bring it on, crazy dude.”
That, of corse, was completely stupid because I knew this man had killed more people than I could count on both of my hands.
Well, I’m not a risk taker.
Whatever. Let’s slice and dice. Or at least escape.
I rolled out of the bed he had cornered me and ran into the center of the room before he figured out what happened. I laughed at him. Now in crazy attack mode. No sense in my head now. Good. I stuck my tounge out. “I’m gonna cut that tounge out, right here, right now, and nail it to your parent’s grave.” He said. Mr. grouchy. If you want screaming then go out and attack the babies. They have to. To me you’re just an old man. Hahaha!
I ran at him. He step-sided, which I should’ve anticipated. Damn. I ran straight into the wall. I shook my head, getting to myself. This was what he needed, of corse. He was on me with a knife in a split second. I laughed as he attempted to cut my face. I pressed my thigh, where a button sended a knife straight out of the toe of my boot. It went into his knee. I slithered out easily. I sent another knife through my sleeve into his arm. My other knife also hit its mark. Then one through his other knee.
I laughed at his cries. I should end his pain there. I should send another through his heart and let him die. He was pleading for it already. I couldn’t do it though. I needed to let him live just long enough for him to feel real pain. So I washed my knives in the sink, and called an ambulance. And I left there. If you were wondering where, think of a place that is usually quiet, a place that there are certain hours where it’s guaranteed that no one will be there. A place that there would be a kitchen and unoccupied rooms that no one would ever enter without permission.
That’s right. Uncle slice had his last hours of life at a church.
over a year ago XxMJLoverxX said…
-I like this a lot..:)
over a year ago blackmagic101 said…
this is really good i like it.
over a year ago elifsila said…
Love it keep posting
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…
big smile
over a year ago annabeth-crazed said…
big smile
Chapter 8. hope u enjoy it!
(carters pov)

i think im going crazy. first thing happens, some wierd syco vampire THING comes after me, and then some insane, badass fighter comes and saves me. and its a girl. an anoying one too. come on! All shes telling me is that her name is destiny, and she doesn't even look like she WANTED to save me. almost as though she were sleepwalking. crazy. im so loved.
oh, not to mention im is some huge magical temple. yep. a magical temple. ive officially lost it. pretty soon im going to be following white rabbits with pocketwatches. and having teaparties with huge cats. god, im gonna be in some living hell. SAVE ME! SOS, SOS, SOS!

sorry, ik its not the best, but im pretty much in writers block.
over a year ago 876tyuh said…
It's not bad. It's kinda funny. Keep Posting!
over a year ago teamjane99 said…