Creative Outlet Can you see or hear me Jane

MISSLOVATOSTAR1 posted on Jul 01, 2009 at 03:17AM

It all happen so fast . One min I'm with Jane , and then the next thing you know I was shoot in an old alley . I startd see me on the ground . Was I ? Im I ? I was . Dead . There I was , liying on the ground , my heart has exsit , my eyes seem to look other way's , my hand's looked ice cold , my mouth nearly open . I started to cry but couldn't even feel the tear . my feet were no longr on grund , more in air. Then I saw Jane running near my body . " No !", she cryed . Tear's run in her eyes . Her face red as blood . It hurt me too see her cry . We were nothing with out each other , and know she would be nothing with out me . I came closer too her . " Can you see or hear me Jane ?", I asked .

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