Creative Outlet Things happen for a reason (thinking of changing the title)

Faith-Rulz posted on Dec 16, 2009 at 06:47PM
Hey guys...let me know what you think and feel free to leave any comments :)

Things will always happen for a reason; sometimes you won’t know what is going to happen and when.

If it’s going to turn your life upside down and change things in a flash; and literally make your head spin. I don’t have the answers, I wish I did but I don’t.

Nobody does…
Now this is my story… and I will tell you why.

Chapter One…
I’m nobody special. I'm just another face in the crowd. I don’t look any different to anybody else. Just another girl. Blending in, almost invisible and trying to fit in, be someone.

My name is Kira. I’m pretty average looking; boring long brown hair, soft chocolate brown eyes and feel I’m too pale with a soft olive tone.

The popular girls and their boyfriend jocks laugh at, joke at my clothing attire of the plain and simple.

Since to them fashion is a personal statement of who you are and if you don’t flaunt it, you don’t have it and the attitude to go with it.

My parents, Ashley and James I feel they don’t see me half the time and for me to be born with an inheritance to last me for this lifetime and the next, its mixed blessings.

My parents work all day, travel countries all over the world and believe the way for good parenting is to reach into your back pocket and hand it over to their daughter.

Mum’s a real estate agent and Dad is a business manager of several small industrial companies that roll in the bank money roll.

Yeah, that’s just swell, like they even notice or care that their daughter doesn’t fit in their world and just looking for a meaning to escape and be normal and that there is the expectation of others for me to be a miniature of my parents.

Like that ever happen or that anybody will listen that I want to be something else than that.

If you ask me high school is just brutal. If I could escape from it, I would, run away before the tide hits me; I walk along the corridor with my head down, avoiding eye contact and hoping that the walls and people surrounding me will hope to camafoluge me.

But alas no, someone grabs my shoulder from behind and pull me around, it was Ryan. My bestest friend in the world.

If you asked me to describe Ryan I would say he was a teddy bear, he was handsome in a subtle way that leaks through his easy going, friendly, charming personality that is infectious.

He towers over me, looking down at me with his clear blue eyes that sees right through you and knows things that people can’t see in themselves. His soft shaggy black hair hangs aloof against his shoulders, as he grins down
at me.

- - - - - - -

Im gonna leave it there....still working out the kinks, lol, so yeah, again, plz let me know what you think so far! Thanks :)

Creative Outlet 4 replies

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over a year ago Sacred_Love1550 said…
WOW!!! It was amazing hon!!! I really like your writing style and the way you described everything was just amazing!!!
Keep it up!!! I loved it!
over a year ago _Blackhearts_xx said…
OO i liek this one ;D
let me know when theres more up :D
over a year ago Faith-Rulz said…
Thanks guys Sacred_Love and Blackhearts for your comments! I put some more up as soon as i can!!
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
I like it