Critical Analysis of POM Pairings Forum

evviefoxx posted on May 09, 2010 at 01:59PM
Thought I'd add one here. Let's be civil on this one and not hate on each other for strange or unusual parings. Simply state why you like it and give some reason for it so it can be debated and talked over.

Critical Analysis of POM 12 replies

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over a year ago knocktimerico said…
taking my idea huh lol jk, uh anyways KowalskiXRico is sitll my OTP
over a year ago ThatDarnHippo said…
I like Skipper and Marlene, or Kowalski and Marlene. They seem the most likely to happen.
over a year ago SJF_Penguin2 said…
I used to moderately support Skilene, but I'm pretty much in the tank for it now. I don't directly pair them up in my fan fiction writings, but I go so far as to imply that they likely share some affinity toward each other.

Skilene has been and will always remain the only pairing I really get behind. Trust me, with me, some things never change. I mean, just look at my avatar image, for example -- I have only ever used this one, and that will never change (even though the Pittsburgh Penguins just got eliminated from the playoffs by the Canadiens -- don't remind me).
over a year ago thespikedturtle said…
Kico, it's just so adorable! But as for ones that are actually possible, it has to be Skilene.
over a year ago ggreen7295 said…
Skilene, Koico. My two favorite parings.
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
I personally like the Skipper and Kitka pairing. Although they were only together for one episode, they did seem like the perfect match. They're both brave, excelent fighters, and live for danger. The fact that Kitka is a predator only makes her a better match for Skipper's personality, even if he is a penguin.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dsprtpenguin said…
I like the Skilene and Kico pairing :)
over a year ago beastialmoon said…
SJF, I like your stories. Drabbles especially. It's like you're teasing the Skilene fans by going for it... and then ending the story. xD
Random Rambling! lol
over a year ago SJF_Penguin2 said…
@beastialmoon: Thanks. And cutting off a scene or story just as it looks like an optimum Skilene moment is my specialty. I enjoy leaving the rest up to readers' imaginations.
over a year ago ThatDarnHippo said…
I really love Marski. My only wish for POM is for Kowalski and Marlene to have romantic feelings for eachother. I think it should be in a special.

During the main plot of the special (perhaps Blowhole will return to seek more revenge or something, and the penguins have to fight him again and so on), there should also be a subplot featuring Marski.

Like in the beginning of the special, Kowalski and Marlene start to realize their sexual tensions towards eachother, and keep it to themselves at first, and feel very different and awkward around eachother.

Then there will be the rising action, where their feelings start to grow stronger and stronger and they become closer and closer to each other.

Then, in the climax they release their emotions to eachother (perhaps a kiss, or something like that) and this is also the climax for the main plot (the characters fight Blowhole face to face or whatever).

Then the falling action occurs, and Kowalski and Marlene still share their new-found love for eachother, but they realize they won't be able to maintain a healthy relationship (with Kowalski being part of a military team with strict hours, and what not), so tensions decrease.

Then the revolution - or is it resolution? Both sound a lot alike.. Anyway, now Kowalski and Marlene accepted the fact that they can't be together, but remain good friends. They still have feelings for eachother, but can control it. The End. =]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago evviefoxx said…
LOL TDL, I see you put a lot of thought into it. I like Marski too, it's one of my OTP. I've written fanfictions over them and I like the chemistry they could both create when taken off screen. Doubt it would ever be on the show since they mostly focus on little touches Skilene here and there but it makes a good story.
over a year ago ThatDarnHippo said…
Wow, know one's been on here lately.