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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

What should I do?

One of my BFF's loves Twilight and on Facebook I she posted a comment on one of friends status saying that " i think that if u dont like twilight then keep ur opinion 2 yourself and dont bother the ppl who do i think u all should listen to ___ and if boys would grow up and b men and read twilight instead of complaining about it like little baby's then maby they woud learn a thing or 2 about girls ...oh yeah and team edward rules and jacob is obnixous ha haC(:"

And I think she knows that I don't like it and she's not talking to me. Help!
 Enchantedfan posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

MadamOcta13 said:
If someone is going to judge you based on what you like and don't like, then they are too shallow to even be considered a friend.
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posted over a year ago 
mandapanda said:
Awh... this makes me sad. This is a tough situation. I will never understand why someone would de-friend someone for a different opinion. Especially something so little as this. There's always a way to be civil and there's always a way to find middle ground.

If she isn't talking to you on Facebook, when you see her in person, try confronting her about it. Or just ask her if she's angry at you.

You can't really assume she isn't talking to you just because you don't like Twilight. You never really know until you ask. :)

ps. her last comment... "oh yeah and team edward rules and jacob is obnixous" that made me giggle. Lol
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posted over a year ago 
Me too. And between Eddie and Jacob, I'd rather choose Jacob.
Enchantedfan posted over a year ago
Lol most people on this spot do choose Jacob :) But I chose Edward :) Just the way your friend said it was funny. She was all serious business then the little quirky comment. Haha it was cute. Lol
mandapanda posted over a year ago
Its ok. I think she'll realize soon that friendship is more important than Twilight. Thanks. :)
Enchantedfan posted over a year ago
SimplyLaurel said:
I've had the same thing happen to me, but replace Twilight with Glee. It seems to be a thing with people taking the "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." thing a little too far. I'm pretty sure Thumper was talking about actual people, not fictional characters. -__-
I say just talk it out with your friend. If you can think of something that she doesn't particularly like(even just food, or something small like that) and use that as an example, that could make it a lot easier. Everyone has a right to an opinion, even if it's a negative opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
ALL my friends at school LOVE Glee and I can't stand it, they give me death stares everytime I mention how crap it was
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
Renarimae said:
I think that's a pity because my friend Drake doesn't like Twilight, but he's one of my closest friends (I am a twi-fan, but I'm not one of the rabid fangirls though). Someone shouldn't stop being your friend because they like something and you don't. That's stupid!
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posted over a year ago 
ilovemichael17 said:
that's mean of her she should be ok with you not liking twilight
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posted over a year ago 
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