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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

What's the craziest weirdest most messed up MLIT you've ever seen?

I found this one: 'Today I made out with my large sybarian husky because he reminded me of Jacob. MLIT'
I hope to god it was a joke.
That's just stupid. I made a MLIT account just to post that the MLIT members are nutso. I desperately hope they get the picture.
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
I bet money they won't
Book_freak posted over a year ago
tdafan121: Do you think you would change your opinion about Twilight if we called you "nutso"? :)
-Grace- posted over a year ago
 Book_freak posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

Renarimae said:
Well, there's this one.

Today, I was watching Iron Man at the movie theaters and my mom and step-dad were with me. A preview for Eclipse came up on the screen and fan girls all screamed when they saw Jacob and Edward, myself included. Then my step-dad Anthony said, “Hmm. I have a doctor with the last name of Cullen.” I about fell out of my seat and immediately thought of 22 ways to clumsily injure self. Enough said. :) MLIT

Though I like the character, Carlisle, this is a total fail.
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posted over a year ago 
*face palm*
MadamOcta13 posted over a year ago
MyronPwnsBella said:
I found one that said this.

"So today at my church I realized that the guy I like also has a silver Volvo, along with his other car. I am now determined to date him. MLIT"

It is f*cking messed up, I mean, who the hell dates a guy because of his damn car?! That's nuts!
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posted over a year ago 
I would say the greater problem here is that this person attends church D: Religion is far more harmful than Twilight.
-Grace- posted over a year ago
Lacerta3 said:
I found one too: "Today I covered my boyfriend with glitter and made him stand in the big walk in fridge at work so he would be like Edward :) MLIT"

Oh God, I feel so sorry for any guy that has to go through that. That girl's a psycho!
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posted over a year ago 
Who would date a freakso like that? Maybe she threathens him? o.o
Darkshine posted over a year ago
That is something I'm sure he would do anything to stop her from telling his friends.
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
DiscordiaGirl said:
"Today, I realize the only reason I am dating my bf is because he looks and sounds like Jacob Black, but his name is Edward. MLITotallyT"

Shallow bitch!
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posted over a year ago 
tdafan121 said:
This one frightened me:

"Today, I realised whilst watching Twilight that I was lip syncing every word. I guess you could say I'm obsessed, I'm 36. MLIT"

Three things:
1. She spelled "realized" wrong
2. What kind of person uses the word "whilst"?
3. What kind of insane 36-year-old woman knows the Twilight movie by heart, let alone WATCHES it?
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posted over a year ago 
This one scared me, too: I'm sitting in class and the teacher begins to talk about washington i immediatly think of twilight. My friend beside me is tall, pale and thin with amber looking eyes! He brushed up against my skin freezing! I look up "i know what you are." He proceeds to go "say it say it out loud!" Whoa i didnt expect that. MLIT . BTW, these were only on the first page o.O
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
hey, I say whilst...
lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
For the record, "realise" is the English spelling of the word. It's not incorrect.
Cinders posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten said:
"Today I realized my hair is brown, just like Bellas! MLIT!"

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posted over a year ago 
God, how stupid ARE some people?
Book_freak posted over a year ago
it said bown, by the way :D
lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
snoznoodle posted over a year ago
lucius_malloy said:
all my messed-up favourites have already been taken... but these are awesome:
- The Department of Magical Affairs is investigating claims of sparkling vampires and shapeshifting wolves nearly starting a war with Italy. This is a matter of Magical Security. Do not be alarmed, we have the situation under control. Thank you and please contact local aurors is assistance is needed.
- Today, I realised that on bad days I come onto this website to cheer myself up and to make me feel happy. Not because I am in love with Edward and Jacob, or wish I was Bella but because it makes me glad to think there are SADDER people in the world. MLINT
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posted over a year ago 
lovexlife said:
This one I found was disturbing

'Today, I was telling my friend about this guy who bit my wrist while drunk at a party. Ever since, she refers to him as the "vampire guy." No wonder I find him so attractive. MLIT'

Ok so first of all, a drunk guy that bit her wrist? Did she just let him do that? Anyone with common sense would probably slap a guy they didn't know if he bit them. Even if they did know the guy they should still slap him. Unless she was drunk also, that should've been the first thing she should've thought of doing. And how does she find him attractive. If some guy bit my wrist it certainly wouldn't make him attractive in my point of view. It would make him a creep.

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posted over a year ago 
Ewww. Biting people? Diseases and bacteria! And she found him attractive? Shallow twitard bitch. >-<
Darkshine posted over a year ago
KissOfDoom said:
This is one of the worse I've found:

"On May 1st i went to Columbus Ohio. Me and my mom and aunt and people we met went to a mall. and we see lifesize Edward and jacob cutouts. of course i got and Edward one. Now i am for sure taking Edward to prom. CANT WAIT! MLIT."
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posted over a year ago 
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