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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

What would you like to be changed about Twilight in a re-write?

Hullo, I'm obviously new to the group (and relatively new to Fanpop, seeing as I've been on a few times but never made an account), and I think that you guys are all fantastic! XD You sound like really civilized people, and I love that.

But anyway, getting to my question..
I decided today, in the shower, that I would attempt a total re-write of the Twilight book. Not to sell or show people, but just for my own experience and pleasure, me being an aspiring author and all. I realized many flaws in the book, but I haven't read it completely myself (couldn't bring myself to finish it..) so I was wondering, what did you have a problem with in the book that you'd like to see changed if there were to be a re-write? I already have a list:

>Bella's personality (or lack thereof)/excessive criticism and inability to be pleased by anything
>Edward's "abusive" behavior..
>Definition of the vampire
>Anti-climax... You know, the climax that didn't happen because she fainted
>The excessive amounts of unnecessary detail and purple prose

I'm absolutely happy to even fix a specific part, like how all those guys ask Bella if she was going to ask them to the Girl's Choice dance.
So, have you anything for me? :D I would really appreciate anything from everyone.
 Rhyshian posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

HyperKnight9X said:
Where to begin with rewrites, lol! I'm an aspiring writer myself (it's my passion), and have often contemplated about doing a fan fiction rewrite of Twilight (I'm more edging towards New Moon though because of how terrible and depressing it was).

Well, the first thing I would definitely want changed in a rewrite is NO SPARKLING VAMPIRES!

Exchange Edward's abusive behavior for a personality, and actually have it to where he did have some relationships before Bella. I hated how it seemed like he was forcing Bella to go to prom even though she wanted. They could have done something that maybe she really WANTED to do and still dress up.

Bella, let's face it, is one of the worst fictional characters, not to mention she's a tease. I grudgingly admit that I did like her in the first book, but in later books, forget it. I would like to see her as something of a better suited role model for girls (nothing hardcore like Wonder Woman). I would also love to see her actually treated like a new kid and not get so much attention from the guys.

Give a reason for why Bella and Edward are in love and not just because of his looks and her scent.

Honestly, I would probably also have it that through some charm or something that the Cullens are able to live out in the sunlight if you wanna keep the angle of them still going to high school.

Establish James as a villain, not just some addition lamely added in the last few chapters. Make us love to hate him.

More importantly, the dialogue. Have to be careful with that.

Good luck!
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posted over a year ago 
XD Yes, those sparkling vampires are out. I was actually thinking of doing the charm thing. Maybe something that can reduce the effect of the sun, at least just enough that a cloudy place like Forks won't allow them to be damaged. :D It sounds good enough for me.
Rhyshian posted over a year ago
And the personalities are definitely going to be fixed. Oh, yeah, James! I forgot about him. Giving James an actual character is going on the list. Thank you! :3
Rhyshian posted over a year ago
XChatterbox14x said:
I would like to have changed, Edwards stalker like behaviour, Bella's lack of independance, Jacob falling in love with a baby and i wouldn't write that the vampires sparkle. I'm sure there's alot more that could be changed but these would be my main goals if i re wrote the story. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, the stalkerish-ness is definitely going, as well as the sparkliness. I'm only re-writing the first book, not the series, so I can't change anything about... Reneesme. XD Or Jacob imprinting. But I definitely agree that those things are some that I would change. C:
Rhyshian posted over a year ago
BlueBrooke said:
Hello~ ^.^

Good idea! :) I've had the same idea with another series, but kudos to you for taking the initiative. I'll try to help~
I think some definite changes to the plot line should be made, other than what you have stated.
Jasper needs more limelight. Yes, if I am a fangirl over any part of twilight, at all, it shall be over Jasper, of course, it's not necessary to make the book perfect, but I'd be very happy, so I suppose it's a selfish request.
There also needs to be more variety in Forks High School, in the amount/personality/behavior of the boys obsessed with Bella. That just needs changing.
Two more things:
Less Bella x Edward gushiness, it would help to make the actual plot line start sooner.
I suppose I could say the quality of the writing, but that goes with saying~ :) Seeing as it's being re-written.

Last one! :D It may not apply, but, in Eclipse, there needs to be more of a plot twist. It doesn't seem to make sense that Bella should figure out what "super-intelligent" vampires failed to, and the context of that apocalypse doesn't make sense either. In my opinion, They shouldn't know until the last minute that the vamps are after Bella, and red herrings (courtesy of someone known as A-l-i-c-e) should occur.

Wow! xD That was much more long-winded than I had originally planned.
Anyway, good luck on your re-write! :)

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posted over a year ago 
xD Oh, sorry, I just saw you were only rewriting the first book. So the Eclipse comment doesn't apply. Nevermind~
BlueBrooke posted over a year ago
Yes, I'm just doing the first book. XD But thank you for your suggestions! I'll see what I can do to make Jasper get in more XD
Rhyshian posted over a year ago
xD Thank you~
BlueBrooke posted over a year ago
DirtyDiamond said:
1. Give the Cullens more of a personality and more speech.
2. Edward wouldn't watch Bella sleep because and 3. Make Jacob fall in love with Leah not a baby.
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posted over a year ago 
Definitely a Cullen personality change. That's going on in my head right now. I'm only doing the first book, so unfortunately I can't apply the last one, but thank you for suggestions anyway! :D
Rhyshian posted over a year ago
penguin098 said:
I'll make it easy for you: CHange everything but there being a chracter named Bella who must decide between the two loves of her life (Edward and Jacob) but please write it in a way that there's an actual burden with chosing.

ALso: I would love it you did post it, Twilight despratly needs to be re-written and i'd love to see you're view

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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
~Bella - I would make her less whiney and more relatable.
~Edward - erm... everything?
~Imprinting - it wouldn't be there.
~Vampires - they wouldn't sparkle
~Minor/background characters - I'd give them more attention. There were so many characters that had so much potential that were just left there. (I'm sure I would have hated Lauren had she actually, ya know, done something mean.)I also would have said what happened to them. I think SMeyer has them melt into vapor or something - they just kinda faded away.
~Climax - there would be a battle/fight/argument/conflict in every book.
~Grammar/spelling/word-usage - they wouldn't be there. Or if they were, they would be minor problems, not in-your-face problems.
~Breaking Dawn wouldn't have happened.
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posted over a year ago 
wotcher-tonks said:
Everthing. Just everything.
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posted over a year ago 
shriekingshack said:
One of the things I'd like to change is Meyers description of vampires. I mean seriously, they sparkle? If i were to write a book i would not want one of my main characters to be a sparkling vampire... I'd also change the personalities of her characters(if they even have one). I mean Edward is an abusive stalker-ish obsessive boyfriend. Those traits are not good. And bella is someone who is dependent on Edward and is totally helpless without him and counts on him(or Jacob) to save the day. And Jacob imprinting on renesmee?Can i say gross much??
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posted over a year ago 
shibo226 said:
I would change quite a a few?
a better villian, not just some 'and suddenly evil vamps come blah blah blah' A good evil character has to have a reason for being evil! They need to have something in their past that drove them to be evil.
Um what else...
Don't use the whole 'vampires are really just brooding goths' that's kinda old...

oh! the wolves, I'm sorry but the wolves annoyed me. They were not 'werewolves' they were shamens. A werewolf has no choise in it's transformation,while whilst in their beast form they loss their human mind. Shamens took the form of the thing the enemy feared most.

The Edward-bella-Jacob triange? only if there is some actual internal conflict. Not 'oh I love edward but I kinda like Jacob too but I love Edward more'
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posted over a year ago 
OMG! So agree about the Wolves, nnoyng much?? Yeah. And the love triangle - yawn!! But I did actually love the baddies!! Team Edward? Team Jacob? Nah I'll take Team Volturi - Team Aro!!
JazzyV posted over a year ago
tdafan121 said:
The physical answer is too long (It took up 6 pages on Word -.-) so I'll just say this:

Pretty much everything, but I'd mainly change the "sparkly vampires" bit and the way this book poisons the minds of innocent teenagers (and some adults...).
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posted over a year ago 
SilverDoe29 said:
I think Edward should find it harder to resist killing Bella. I mean, he keeps going on about how difficult it is and yet always appears to be perfectly in control... He should at least really TRY to drink her blood once.

Secondly, make some non-vamps have a greater role. Humans who aren't Bella should get occasions to actually, you know, DO something....

Major thing to me; creat arguments. Between Edward and Bella, that is. I mean, proper ones. You can't have chemistry if nothing bad ever happens between them. This is mostly a problem in New Moon (I mean, c'mon! He left her! I don't care if it was for her own good, she should get a least a TINY bit angry!) but if you're only doing the first book, I'd really like you to fit in some proper chemistry.

And finnally, put more depth into Alice's friendship with Bella. It was something I actually liked in the books, and I'd have loved it if it could've been a little more well developed. Again, not constantly fine, add some real arguements.
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posted over a year ago 
-Grace- said:
Ahaha, we disagree so entirely ^_^ For me the only problem was the ending. I hate children, and I don't like it when characters in books have them, because they love the child more than each other :( I disliked Breaking Dawn purely because it was tragically lacking in certain fetus-expulsive surgical procedures.
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posted over a year ago 
LowriLorenza89 said:
1. I'd make the majority of the characters slightly older. Esme and Carlisle would both be in their thirties (Carlisle can't be taken seriously as a doctor if he looks 23; in the UK he'd have just finished his degree at that age and I don't know if he'd have even finished his training in America. Also, I can't really see a family of late teens viewing adults in their twenties as parents, more like older siblings). Bella and Edward would be 18/19, the rest of the Cullens around the same age or slightly older. Bella would have moved back to Forks to attend a nearby college. Jacob would be in his final year in high school.
2. Bella would actually call Edward out about some of the stalkery/controlling things he does, e.g. watching her sleep, following her to Seattle, preventing her from visiting Jacob. They'd argue about it. Edward would realise why he was in the wrong, apologise and actually change his behaviour.
3. The conversation in Breaking Dawn regarding the different chromosome numbers of humans, vampires and werewolves would be omitted. It didn't make sense, given that the different beings can interbreed and turn into each other. It was also completely irrelevant.
4. The method of turning humans into vampires would need to become a bit more complicated, to explain why Edward's venom didn't turn Bella when he sucked James' venom out (I can't think of another way to save her then, given that there were no non-venomous part-vampires nearby).
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posted over a year ago 
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