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Critical Analysis of Twilight Question

Analysis of Twilight, please analyse its content.

This is a site for analysis of Twilight, and as its a piece of literature, to analyse it on its literary content. So my question is this, be your comment positive or negative, what is your view of the book(s) and what evidence is there from the books to back up your views?
 Myf_1992 posted over a year ago
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Critical Analysis of Twilight Answers

November99 said:
Yesterday, I had a plane trip from Poland to the US, and I bought Twilight in Polish at the airport to have something to do on the plane (paid only $3 for it, too!)

I'm now in the middle. I hate some of the things that happen, think Bella is a bad role model, think it shows an abusive romance, but I enjoyed reading it.

You can call it a guilty pleasure, same as when you know a song is bad, but you can't stop listening to it.

Now onto why I hate it.

1. Edward. My god, how I do hate him. In 2 languages now. He's overly described as being pretty (you know how they say girls don't like guys to be prettier than them? True for me) and smart, while his actions show that he's pretty average intelligence. He acts immature, calling the woman he suposedly loves names and mocking her for being stupid. And that other reason...

2. He's abusive: not really physically (although the sex scene in BD might show he will eventually be) but the way he torments Bella about her intelligence, refuses to let her see her friends, and just up and leaves her in the second book. He had to know that that would break her heart, all that suffering.

3. The prose: it bugs me. Its not that apperant in the Polish version, but flipping through the English one, its in every paragraph. Maybe a more of a personal reason, but a reason nonetheless.

4. The "love": it's entirely based on looks and smells. They're never shown getting to know each other (the meadow scene doesn't count, since it's about Eddy's sparkling) and after a full week of dating, they say they're in love. That is called lust.

5. Renesmee: her existance bothers me. Not only did Meyer say "vampires can't get pregnant", she also made her perfect. She's possibly the most Sue-ish character in Twilight. She also caused me to squirm at her birth, and at Jacob's imprinting/childgrooming/paedophilia.

6. The shallowness: everone is so shallow! Bella has no distingishing personality other than Edward = Hawt. Edward has to personality other that Love = Bella. None of the other charaters really have much going for them (except Jacob, but that was ruined by see above).

That's all my issues with Twilight that I can think of for now. I had a 10 hour flight, and I'm tired right now. I'll add more later.
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posted over a year ago 
Wow, i think this is the longest answer i've ever made...
November99 posted over a year ago
yeah, the shallowness bugs me too. Their "true, deep, real love" is just a physical thing, an infatuation. I tried reading Twilight, but I gave up. It just suprised me that what is described as true love is just Bella going on and on about how pretty Eddy is, and how perfectly sculptured he is, and how captevating he is. I was waiting for something ahout his personality, or how he treats her well, or how devoting he is, but it never came, just more gushing over his looks. sorry for my rant.
Myf_1992 posted over a year ago
Rant justified. My for dislike are exactly the same.
November99 posted over a year ago
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