Critical Analysis of Twilight Getting to Know the Kittens

renrae posted on Jun 24, 2009 at 04:53PM
A place to introduce yourself to other CAT fans. A place for general discussion, it doesn't have to be a bout Twilight.

(I came up with the kitten term. I think it works, though.)

Critical Analysis of Twilight 53 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 53

over a year ago Dearheart said…
LOL! *grins and highfives* "Kittens"'s genius! I love it! *props*

I guess I might as well go first.

Hi, I'm Dearheart, and...uh, well...I don't think I've ever eaten a fish.

Just kidding. XD Sorry. Dory is my alter ego, ehehe...ANYWAY, I don't like Twilight at all, but I hold nothing against people who do. I started this spot because a) I wanted to make SOME attempt at sorting out the Twi-fans from the rabid Twi-hards, and b) I wanted to make a safe place for people to poke fun at Twilight and voice different opinions on it - both positive and negative - WITHOUT fear of being bullied and trampled on by the fangirls. So far it seems to be working; we've seen some cool people here, and there have been no fangirl attacks yet...oh great, now I've probably jinxed it... =P

Okay, so I'm an anti-Twilighter, but I do like many, MANY other books. I'm crazy about Narnia and LotR, I love anything written by Susan Cooper (she writes like Beethoven composes), and I usually like anything that's scifi or fantasy. I do like a good mystery now and then...and I also love classic literature. :-)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago renrae said…
big smile

*knocks on wood to counterjinx it*

Ok. I am renrae, or, you can call me by my given name: Regan. I have eaten fish before, but because I am not a fish, this isn't fish-cannibalism. But I'm vegetarian now, so, no more fish for me! Getting back on track: I am also an antiTwilighter. However, I used to like it, but then... the hype for the movie made me read it again.

And it made me wonder: What did I see in this? So, yeah, now I am anti, but I won't preach to you about being anti unless you get in my face about it. My other favorite books include, the Harry Potter series (squee!), Lord of the Rings, a book called Unwinds, which is really good but I think I am the only one in the world who knows that it exists (That wasn't a book title), the Maximum Ride series, Narnia, and lots more. I love to read. :) I also love to write, my specialties are fanfiction but I am working two novellas right now. So, in my spare time, I come on fanpop and... do stuff, or I swim. Although swimming doesn't really count as in my spare time, because I am on a swimteam.

Starting to ramble, I'd better stop. xD :D So, that's me! Hello!
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…

I am DarkSarcasm, I am known for my sarcasm and my special brownies. Ohwait... =P Most Fanpoppers call me Dasm or DS, if you're looking for something shorter.

I like the Twilight books, I hate the movie, and I loathe rabid twitards. My favorite books are the Harry Potter series. I don't read as much as I used to, but I can always make time for HP. =P I've tried several times to get into the Lord of the Rings books, but failed... I just can't get into JRRT's writing style. It's too complicated, I obviously enjoy being lazy and reading stuff like Twilight. =P

Erm... I can't really think of anything else. I suppose this'll do as my introduction for now. =P
over a year ago laureng114 said…
Hello: I'm laureng114 -or Lauren, I'm sure you can figure that out :) I am (hopefully) not a typical Twilight fan.

I enjoy reading the Twilight books but I understand that they are very flawed. I wish that they NEVER made a Twilight movie. It was cheesy, cheap and overall just plain bad. Okay, sorry- this isn't time to rant... haha.

I am absolutely in love with the Harry Potter series. I also like Lord of the Rings, The Golden Compass Books, and some classics like Great Expectations and Fahrenheit 451. Basically, I am a book worm and would rather read books than talk to people. <-- People are too hard to read :)

Music? Classical, Alternative, blah, blah- just anything but pop.

Okay, lemme wrap this up. I won't give you my life story but I think you can get a basic idea of who I am. Kinda quiet, (Well not on fanpop...) always up for a good book and I forgot to mention, someone who is NOT a fan of fangirls :p
over a year ago liissaaxx said…

My names Lisa, as you can probably tell. I am not an obsessive twilight fan. But I have to admit I do like the twilight books. Not the movie, it was a disaster.

Chat speak annoys me so much. Don't people know the English language? To my embarrassment I'm a horrible speller though:[

I'm a complete book worm and enjoy reading anything as long as it's a challenge. Harry Potter is my favourite series. Even though I know there are flaws in every book I can't seem to find anything wrong with them. It's okay, I'm not a crazy fangirl. That's my worst nightmare. I love writing, along with reading it's my favourite thing to do. I am extremely self-conscious when it comes to sharing my writing.

My personality: I'm quiet but extremely loud, shy but outgoing. Too nice and can hardly deny people of what they want.

I guess that sums up everything about me that you need to know.
Harry Potter forever :D
over a year ago renrae said…
I'm finding something in common... we all love Harry Potter! yay!
over a year ago bbshipper said…
Hey all...

I'm Vanessa and I somewhat enjoy Twilight. Just getting that out of the way. :) I am not obsessed with it and I don't think Edward is the hottest person ever. Honestly I enjoyed the movie more than the books though.

Anyways, I love reading and will read almost anything I can get my hands on. For example, I just finished rereading the Indian in the Cupboard series for lack of library access. Other books I love are the Maximum Ride series, Uglies series, Left Behind (both series)and books by Dandi Daley Mackall, Madeliene L'Engle and so many others I can hardly keep track.

I am a quiet until I get to know you, and I am really... protective, I guess of my friends and family.

I can't think of anything else that anyone would want to know, so g'bye. :)
over a year ago renrae said…
big smile

I go to school with her!! ^^^^

Well, I guess, not anymore, because it's summer, but I will in fall.

over a year ago Dearheart said…
Oooh, Madeliene L'Engle...I LOVE her Wrinkle In Time books. =) Left Behind is awesome, too.
over a year ago renrae said…
A Wrinkle In Time is made of awesomesauce.
over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
Okay, Hi Im Jig or Tommy. I think its pretty clear from maybe one or two rants that Im not a fan of Twilight but over time Ive come to learn that there not all obsessive fangirls. In relation to other books big fan of Stephen King, JK Rowling and Ive just started reading the Narnia series (2 books in) Im also a big fan of the Ross O Carroll Kelly series but if your not from Ireland you probably wont know them. Im heavily into film and tv aswell.

P.S This is quite an awesome spot.
over a year ago laureng114 said…
I agree- this is an awesome spot :)
over a year ago housefrk said…
Hi, I'm housefrk, or hf, whatever.

My Twilight history
I read the first two Twilight books shortly before the third one came out and I read the third one shortly after it came out. I don't know how popular they were by then in the rest of the world but they hadn't quite reached my school yet. I read the first three mostly because I was bored and my friend told me to read them. I borrowed all three from my friend because I just didn't like them enough to go out and buy them. I didn't think they were great and I wouldn't have read them again, I didn't think they were well written, and Bella annoyed me, but I didn't mind them for the most part. They kept me occupied when I had nothing else to read. Then Twilight did reach my school and all of a sudden the only thing I ever heard about was how hot Edward was, so by time the fourth one came out I had no intentions whatsoever of reading it. By then my friend had read all three more than a hundred times and founded an Edward Club in one of the bathrooms at school. When word got out that there was going to be a movie things got even worse. All of a sudden my friends were coming to lunch everyday with pictures of the actors who were playing each character. I'm not kidding when I say that I spent a week listening to them obsess about how in the movie Eric was Asian and in the books Ben was the one that was Asian. Like that has anything to do with the plot. I didn't know either of them were Asian. So I never read the fourth book and I never saw the movie. I hope that didn't sound offensive because that's not what I intended. I'm just trying to explain how I came to form such strong feelings against it, because out of all my friends, only one of them shares my feelings about Twilight.

Other stuff
Anyway, I do like Harry Potter, of course, I spent the whole summers before the sixth and seventh books came out analyzing the others to try to predict what would happen, and I also enjoyed the Maximum Ride series, but not so much the fourth one, I like the Narnia series though I've only read the first half and I also liked the Left Behind series and the movies that go along with it. I'm pretty obsessive about my tv shows. I watch House, Bones, 24, Fringe, and Lie to Me. I'm in marching band on the guard, and that's a pretty big part of my life. I also write fanfiction.

Thanks for the spot, and again, I hope I didn't come off as bashing because I didn't mean to.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago renrae said…
You didn't come off as bashing. :)

over a year ago housefrk said…
That's good. I was worried
over a year ago electric_ninja said…
Hi, I'm electric_ninja!

To me, Twilight's an okay book but not something worth fangirling over.I mostly remain neutral so I don't care if anyone swings one way or another.

Other than this, I like a wide variety of things including cute cats, reading and other various things!
over a year ago huddysmacked said…

My name is hussysmacked or HS or Reg and I've been sover for the last 2 min-- wait we're here to talk about twilight right? XDD

Well I have never NEVER liked Twilight. I remember reading the first book and at that instant I was like OMG! I don't like it AT ALL. And well you know then all the I'm-obsessed-with-twilight-because-I-desir­e-a­-pe­rfe­ct-­man­-li­ke-­EC started going around my friends. I read A LOT (not much lately but I'm going through The Wind-up Bir Chronicle by Huraki Murakami) and like I do when I read twilight I thought it was an offense to literature. I thought the story was nice but I must say that Stephanie Meyer's writing techniques weren't what I was used to read, so I believed she wasn't a good author just a comercial author.
I hate when books are used to gain money and seriously Twilight is the #1 in that list. SO back to the point of my friends being Twilighters, I would have been hated if I didn't know every detail of the books and so I read all 4. OMG I still can't believe I did. Truly I like Eclipse in a way since I thought it was the most well written of all 4 but come on! Breaking Dawn was argh!!
Let me explain what's argh: a)A waste of time and an aid for global warming. Really I'm not meaning to offend anyone but the book has over 829 pages and jsut to tell us they got married, they had sex and they had a child? Ok I may be forgetting about the wolfs and the vulturis but really that goes along the lines of Reneesme.
I'm really not trying to sound like I'm bashing the book (s) or Stephanie but that's my thoughts and I'm so glad Dearheart open this spot since I can finally give my POV without getting bashed.
Well that was a fast rant. And excuse me for my crankiness it's 2 am here XDD
I'm off to sleep but I'll be back XDDD
over a year ago Kaidi said…

So, my name is Kaidi. I'm not the most outgoing person and I LOVE to read. Currently my favorite books are House of Night series and of course I'm following the tradition, Harry Potter :) I have a soft spot for vampires (that's why I read Twilight in the first place) and I have a list of vampire books that I want to read during the summer. And I also have to admit, that I love to read Twilight fanfiction, but I read only those, where everybody is human and the only connections to the book are the names and looks.

Now about me and Twilight. When I first read the books, I was obsessed with it. I was the first one to read it in my class and I managed to get two more girls to get hooked. It was all before the movie. When I saw the movie I was hugely disappointed. But after the movie, the attack of new, crazy and unintelligent fangirls was the thing that made me see the light. I was so mad at them, so when I read the books again I started to see all the flaws, because I was looking it with more objective look, rather than with normal(not crazed) fangirl look. And this is how I fell out of love :) I still have the books on my bookcase, I'm not going to burn them (I'm not so barbaric) and I may still read them, when I really have nothing to do.
Now, to patch things up, I still somewhat like the books, but not the movie and I try to stay as far away as I can from the Twilight spots.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PMT said…
Hi - I'm PMT. 13 years old and Australian. I'm also vegetarian. I am a very, very bad swimmer. Instead, I play cricket. I've read a lot of books but Harry Potter is (and probably will be for a long time) my favourite book and I've read each book several times over. I heard about the Twilight hype and how it was being compared to Harry Potter. I was interested and at the very least expected a pretty good book even if I didn't think it was as good as HP. I thought it was terrible. However, I also do not hold anything against Twilight fans unless they become annoying (I'm sure you know what I mean).
I then began to see Twilight everywhere - Twilighters obsessing over Edward Culllen, Team Edward/Jacob shirts, etc. I was confused as to how a book like Twilight became popular. There are much better books out there that deserves the hype Twilight is getting.
I found the CAT and here I am.
over a year ago _lina_ said…
Hi! I'm Lina. I've been a Twilight hater since I first read the series a couple of years back. I have absolutely nothing against the rational fans/Twi-hards, it's the crazy squeely ones that get annoying after a bit :)

I actually went to go see the movie on opening weekend with my friends. I sat there and laughed through the entire thing (especially Edward's face during the blood-sucking scene at the end - you have to admit it was hilarious), and got death glares shot at me all throughout the movie from the hundreds of teeny-boppers that'd flocked to the theatres with their Jonas Brothers purses to see their beloved vampire sparkle. So, so fun. I highly recommend it once the next movie comes out. :)

Anywho, I love to read, and I was going through the Nicholas Sparks books one by one until I heard about his Miley Cyrus sellout (sorry to any Miley fans, I just really dislike her personally), so now I've switched to Sarah Dessen, who hasn't disappointed me yet :) And that's about it.

Oh, if I've offended anyone, I'm sorry. I can come off really mean on the Internet sometimes. :)
over a year ago Andolion said…
Hey people!

I'm Andolion(or Mr. Tumnus)

So I am not a vegetarian but I hate fish(blech!)
Let's see....I am a dancer(believe me if you don't know now you will find out very quickly) I spend most of my time dancing

I love reading, my favorite genres being, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, a bit of Science Fiction, I don't usually like pure romance, but I always love a little bit of romanc being mixed into my books

Hmmmmm.....I first heard of Twilight before the hype actually, one of the girls in my class kept getting in trouble for reading it instead of doing her work, so that sort of put me off at first, then one of my friends got them and said they were really good, she told me about them and I was iffy, I mean vampires being...good? so I asked my dad what he thought about me reading them, so he researched it and decided it was not the sort of book he wanted me to read, so I agreed and didn't read it.

Now before you get mad at me for not reading it and not liking it, hear me out. Even though I didn't read it I practically know the plot of the first book, from reading reveiws, listening to crazy fangirls, and just being alive. So yes I do know I wouldn't like it.

Also I have nothing against people who do like it, I just know it isn't something I would care for and yeah....

ok more about me because frankly I think I am more intersting than twilight.

I have an awesome little sister(Euri) and an annoying little brother....uhhhhmmm...I dance(lol)....ohhhhhhhhhhhh I forgot to explain why I am also called Mr. Tumnus!!!!

Ok so my dance studio is doing The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, for our dance performance this summer and I am Mr. Tumnus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah I dance(not sure if I mentioned that yet) I do pointe...I LOVE POINTE!

I am probably boring you with my life details, but I keep telling myself that you are genuinly intersted that I have a blister on my toe(from pointe) and that my room is painted sea mist I will continue with odd random facts....

ok so to continue in boring you!!!!

perhaps I shall explain my quote...It was good but nobody liked it.....nahhh that would mean I would have to think and I am to lazy to think(keep that in mind it will come up often...I'll repeat it) I AM LAZY!!!!!!!!!

ok so....anyway.....

I have a tendency to go off on tangants and talk about things most people could care less about(such as the details of my dream last night(it was at my dance lockin and we were playing jailbreak) and I also have the tendancy to repeat myself in different ways, I often find myself changing the words I say and saying the same thing again in a different way, sometimes I say the same thing twice but differently to get my point(e) across

ok so I like to think of myself as funny(but you can be the judge of that) though a lot of my humor is sarcastic humor....

also I often have trouble getting my point(e) across and end up saying it all the wrong way and confusing everyone

Ehhhhh time for more random facts about me!
I love Dove dark chocolate
I do not like cheese(at least not alone, I don't mind it on sandwiches, pizza and stuff as long as I can't taste it too much)

ummmm I am a very picky eater.... right about now if my sister were here she would be looking at me saying, "Ok they are bored out of their minds, take them out of their misery and finish it!"

and I would reply, "One last fact!"

and she would say, "ok."


Ranger's Rule! Elves Drool

Euri: "Ando you are hopeless..."

Andolion: "Well it is the truth..."

Euri: "Haven't we gone over this countless times before, Elves are better than Rangers, they have nicer clothes, better hair, better weapons, they are faster, they live in awesome places, and you know you are insulting your namesake by saying that since he is an elf."

Andolion: "I can't hear you! I stick with my the way...I want to go to Narnia!"

Euri: "To Narnia?"

Andolion: "Yes to Narnia! Are we in Narnia?

Euri: "No we are in Middle Earth."

Andolion: "Oh well I want to go to Narnia...have you ever been to Narnia?"

Euri: "No but my brother has."

Andolion: "You're brother went to Narnia!?!?"

Euri: "Yes he went to Narnia!"

Andolion: "Who's he?"

Euri: "I don't know he went to Narnia."

Andolion: "He went to Narnia!?!?!"

Euri: "Yes to Narnia!"

Andolion: "I want to go to Narnia."

Euri: *rolls eyes* "Ok I did it for you..."

yeah so anyway I promised the pretend Euri sitting next to me that I would be done now...sorry if this sounds crazy, but I just got home from dance and am very tired, in the morning when I reread it, I will probably say to myself, "What on earth was I doing?"

But oh that is me!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marglo said…
hi everyone my name is tatiana(marglo) and its great to meet you all
and i have had fish if you eat it the right way its good and im not a vegitarian
(my grammer and spelling suck so... dont kill me)
i just recently started realizing that twilight is stupid and overaited and just today i unsusribed to it yey for me!
i really like harry potter to i cant wait to see the next movie
lord of the rings is verry good to their some of my favirit movies
im not that intresting nuthing special here
thank you for listenting =]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago j1edwardcullen7 said…
Hello, I’m Jazlynn. (j1edwardcullen7)
As you can see, clearly, I do like the Twilight series. Yes, I do, but not like the other idiotic fans who use “lol” in everyday language, and squeal when the word, Twilight is brought up with a different definition. I do, however, detest the movie. I think it just did it for Stephenie Meyer. I think that the books were okay, but that was until I heard there was an upcoming movie, which made me reread them, and that made me think, like Cinders, What’s so great about these books?
Sorry, I guess I have to break the sequence. I do not like the Harry Potter series. I think they’re just as unrealistic, (exempting the sparkly vampires) as Twilight, and it’s strange that people say that Harry Potter fans are smarter than Twilight fans. It’s not necessarily true, however, there are… quite a few Twitards in this world.
I will eat fish, if I need to. I was a vegetarian for a couple months, until my family member bought a bunch of steaks, thinking I ate meat, for me. And I couldn’t tell her no; I felt awful. So, in two years, I will be a vegetarian again. I became a vegetarian, unprepared, and without prior knowledge on the nutrition of vegetarians. So, in goodtime, I’ll have read all I need to on healthy and tasty foods that’ll keep me in line. I just feel horrible for the animals, and I don’t always like meat.
I love swimming, but indoors. I hate the sunlight. (Go ahead, and laugh, I sound like a wanna-bee-vampire. Sigh.) My eyes, are like, hypersensitive or something to the light. I burn really easily, and considering I live in California, it’s not best for me to be outside.
I’m Goth. Do not call me Emo. In my opinion, there’s a big difference between Emo and Goth. I like Hot Topic, but I prefer their online store, because they don’t carry things that I like in-store, and they have, sometimes, better pricing.
My sense of humor is awkward. Which, after getting to know me, it’s obvious, I babble like an infant learning how to talk… I’m serious, and quiet on the outside, but if you’re my close friend, you’ll see how loud I get… most of my friends have a perverted sense of humor, that I follow.
I have a wide, varying taste in music. Mostly, it’s rock, or screamo, but I like all music, really. I cannot stand people like, Katy Perry, or Lady Gaga. That music drives me insane… but I like rap, sometimes. My all time favorite song is I’m Yours by Jason Mraz.
I’m a klutz, and I will freely admit it. I have more than three scars on all of my limbs as far as I’m concerned. My friends call me a klutz, and I don’t care anymore. We both have gotten to the point where we ignore it.
Other books that I like are small, but pretty good. I do like classics, but I prefer things like smaller vampire novels and series. Not super small, more like 300-500 pages.
Anyway, I probably sound like a loser through this information. Whatever, okay, bye! Talk soon, hopefully, to someone!
over a year ago HerMelody said…
Hi *waves* I'm Debbie, I'm very shy so go easy on me please *ducks and cowers*.

I'm a Twilight fan. I've liked Twilight only for about 5 months now. I read the first book before the movie but only got into the saga 5 months ago when I read the rest of them and started liking Jacob Black.
I've recently realised how wild the Twilight fanbase can get, and I'm shocked at some of the things I've heard about and read about. I'm all for healthy obsession - I think it's a vital part of young life. However, Twilight seems to be beyond anything else I've ever known. I never knew anyone to be violent and aggressive in their support of their obsession, perhaps there have been other obsessions where people went slightly too far but Twilight really seems to be a craziness that's becoming too much. I like Twilight, but it's nothing to get worked up about. It is not worth insulting, spitting, hitting, bullying people over. It's beginning to scare me. It's like Twilight has brought out an evil in girls, like they've been possessed by a devil or something. Throwing things at people's heads? Abusing people?
Now, the OMG, gushing and panting and waving their hands about Squeee!Edward thing doesn't really bother me. They're young, and it's all in fun. In a few years the gushing will stop. It's the nasty side of things that are bothering me.
I still love Twilight but I'm beginning to get bored with discussing it. With Harry Potter, discussion is intelligent - I've read lots of HP forums and such, and HP fans are smart, and conversation can last a long time. But with Twilight, there seems to be little else than 'such and such is so hot, don't you think?' or 'what team are you, Team Edward or Team Jacob?' or 'would you want to be a vampire?' ...

Anyway! I love to read, I'm forever reserving from the library. I prefer Young Adult fantasy books. I'm a big Harry Potter fan and have been since I was 15. I want to write a novel, but I have zero confidence in my ability - I've considered taking an online course, but the money side of things might prevent me.

Geez, I think I've written enough. Thank you very much if you read all this! xD
over a year ago laureng114 said…
big smile
if you write a book- I will read it, haha.
Don't worry! We are kind to all Twilight fans and respect fans like you who have opinions other than "EDWARD CULLEN IS SO AMAZING." So thanks for showing us once again how intelligent and mature Twilighters can be.
over a year ago HerMelody said…
Thank you laureng114 ! =] xD
over a year ago mandapanda said…
Been a lurker for a while, but decided now is the time to introduce myself :)

Hello, my name is Mandapanda. You can call me Amanda, Mandy, Manda, or anything you like. I'm asian, and 16 years old.

I am a pretty huge Twilight fan. I've been a fan for quite some time. I would like to say first that I am normal. I am not a fangirl. I literally hate all the merchandise. I thought they crossed the line with the Edward Christmas stocking and the Twilight umbrellas, but then they came out with the body glitter and the Volturi mascara. And all at insanely high prices! Anyways, with my complaints of the idiocy of marketing out of the way, I do like Edward Cullen and Robert Pattinson, but I'm not dillusional, and I know that they are two different people. :) And if people don't like em? Doesn't matter. I won't chew ya out.

Twilight, I really like the story. I thought it was pretty interesting. Yep, it's very cheesy in so many parts, and it is definitly not the best written series, but I liked how you could identify with them. Maybe not to that extent, but maybe a proportion.

I love debates, or starting them! I used to be a huge Buffy fan. I used to debate with the other love ships: Bangel and Spuffy. I was for Bangel, just for those who wondered. Anyways, when I read Twilight, I got pretty into it, and my debating vibe for the Buffy spot started to die. I'd sometimes revisit the Buffy spot, but the fire there kind of seemed to burn out. So, when I joined the Twilight Spot (when there were about 5,000 fans), I saw so many opportunities. Yes, there were many intelligent and dedicated fans there. I know it's hard to imagine! But when the Twilight movie production began, the number of fans started to increased significantly. Then, as time passed, the debates and the "real" Twilight dedicated fans were buried by the Twidiots (Credit for "Twidiot: j1edwardcullen7). If you haven't lost hope already, there are still some of us normal people. Please don't write all of us off as insane, grammatically impaired people. Some of us do know how to spell and speak without caps or exclamations.

Moving on to a lighter subject. :) My passion is music and creativity. I sort of have a huge imagination, so I come up with alot of creative/weird/unique stuff. And as for music. I've played piano for almost 13 years. Other than that, I don't have any hobbies except following movie productions online. I'm going to be a senior in highschool this year and when I graduate, I would like to have a profession in architecture and minor in movie/filming.

I like Anime, maybe because I'm asian, I don't know. lol I love Final Fantasy 7. I love any type of music except for country and classical music. I can get pretty obsessive over things I love, but don't we all? I've gotten a hateful forum dedicated to me for trying to help people out. Hateful forums are just not fun :( Anyways, it's in the past and gone. I would like to think that I am reasonable and polite. :) I can act immature sometimes, but that's usually when people know me in person. lol

Anyways, I hope I wasn't too boring! Thanks for reading :)

PS. For those who used to be fans, or those who still are, are you still following the updates/film production of New Moon? and will you see the movies? or have you given up on them completely?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amandaj said…
Hi, my name is Amanda. To HerMelody: I'm shy too, really glad I'm not the only one :)

I enjoyed reading Twilight, but I've never gone to any level of obsession over the books, or the actors for that matter, and I never will. I have to say that when I read all the lists people have made over how many times certain words are used to describe Edward, or pointing out the "ignoring" of good characters such as Jasper an Alice, etc etc I find it funny. Or maybe I should say sad... When I see all the, I guess you could say ridiculous things about Twilight gathered on one page... I find myself thinking "Really?...And why do I like the books again?" I didn't notice when I read the books just how often she actually used certain words etc, but then when I saw it listed...I'm a little amazed over the fact that I didn't notice! The Twilight Series definitely has a lot of flaws, I will never disagree on that! Still, I enjoyed reading the books, and I'm still a fan, even though it's cheesy. But I couldn't agree more with HerMelody, it's really over the top with all the insulting, spitting, hitting, bullying, it's not worth it. It's like they've been possessed alright...Maybe by Edward, lol :P I'm also pretty tired of (most) Twilight related discussions, because it's all about how Edward sparkle, or the more general "Bite me!". It gets boring, and makes you wonder if there really is something else to the Twilight Series than the hot, sparkling Edward Cullen....

As far as the movie goes... Twilight was ok, but I expected more. Therefore, I hope and almost expect New Moon to be better.

Moving on;
I have eaten fish, but not a favorite of mine. Lucky for me my dad is allergic! I love to read, I'm the bookworm in my family. I read whatever I can get my hands on. When it comes to music I like classical, as well as pop/rock etc.

I found this spot, and renewed hope from the phrase "intelligent discussion". I'm tired of arguments consisting of "omg, Edward is soooo freakin hot, omg, omg." or "He sparkles, like omg!!!". And in addition, just to add to the excitement of it all, every other letter is often capitalized... No wonder us Twilight fans gets a bad reputation!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago laureng114 said…
"PS. For those who used to be fans, or those who still are, are you still following the updates/film production of New Moon? and will you see the movies? or have you given up on them completely? "

I don't really follow it that much anymore but I don't have a problem with people that do. I mean I think Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are great but I'm not interested enough to follow it closely. I might see it but either on dvd or if someone else takes me to see it. I thought the first film was laughable and I just don't want to sit there going "What am I watching and why?" And I agree, Edward Cullen Christmas stocking?! As many people say on this spot, "facepalm" lol.

I'm glad you introduced yourself and hope to talk to you around the spot :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amandaj said…
I'm not following it closely, but I pay attention to news I come across while on the web. I'm going to see the New Moon movie when it comes out. I hope, and almost expect New Moon to be better than Twilight... So I will watch it, and I will probably watch the rest of the movies as well. I actually look a little forward to seeing the books come alive on the screen, even though movies tend to be disappointing after you've read the books.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tammy63 said…
Hi, my name is Tammy63
I'm not really a Twilight fan. But I loved the Harry Potter series. I also love reading sci-fi and fantasy books. My favorite show is Supernatural. I'm having a great time on Fanpop. I'm into dance music or anything in the music chart. I'm also a massive gaming fan and love playing on my xbox 360. My favorite game is Assassin's Creed and i'm really looking forward to the sequal!
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Hi! I'm Snoznoodle!

So my name's Louisa, but my friends call me Lou. Call me Snoz if you like but just know it isn't a real life nickname lol. People aren't that cruel :P

I'm 18 and I'm undecided whether I'm still a fan of Twilight or not. I used to love it before the hype began like most of you guys but then the movie came out and the obsessiveness and "I kissed a vampire and I liked it" t-shirts got to me. It's kind of the standard Kitten story I guess. And since I can't seem to stay away from this spot and point out everything which is wrong with the series I have an inkling I'm heading in the anti direction. I'm avoiding picking the book up again though because really, I don't want to be disappointed about something I used to love so much. :(

Like everyone else Harry Potter is probably my favourite series (I knew it had to be because anyone with taste enough to join this spot HAS to know how awesome that series is). But I'm a bookworm too. I've currently got a pile of about seven or eight books I need to read. Right now I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and loving Mr Darcy like you're meant to. Philip Pullman and the His Dark Materials series has to be my other favourite though.

Right now laughing at Twilight is one of my favourite things to do though so I'm extremely happy I found this spot!

p.s. I'm not following the New Moon production even though I admit to watching the trailer an embarrassing number of times. I'm am a little worried for Robert Pattinson's life however. He's already had one near death experience because of the fans.
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
OK, um, my name is Sweet_Pants, you could call me SP, and I like Twilight:)

To get to the point, yes, I know there are flaws, no, I am NOT a crazy fangirl. I read all fouor books, blahblahblah...ok. I am a total bookworm, I like Harry Potter, though I don't like Harry himself much XD. I'm mostly obsessed with Draco and Hermione being together and absolutely love Snape.

So, yeah, Sev is mine:) And Deatheaters rock.

The TV shows I love are; True Blood, Lie to Me, House, Bones, Grey's Anatomy, American Dragon: Jake Long XD. Don't blame me, it's prob the only animated kid's series I like.

My fave band is The Fray, I mostly like rock, and Eminem. I also like M&Ms:)

I have anger managment issues I promise won't get into this spot. I hope...O_o

PS. I'm totally pissed off cause' it is about 100 degrees out here. Meh.
over a year ago katiecain said…
Hello everyone! xD
I have lurked around here for a while now, answering picks and commenting and what not. I didn't join because I usually only join spots of things I'm passionate (fanatical) about- if that makes sense? Does anyone else do that? Anyway, I have now joined because the fangirly-ness of the Twilight spot has been driving me mad and I know there are plently of sane fans on here :)

I am a fan of Twilight but to be honest I don't know how I feel about it right now xD
When I first read it, I liked it but didn't think it lived up to the hype. I thought the movie was bad also. I liked Edward and Bella... But I'm not sure anymore. I mean I know Edward can be controlling but damn he is super sweet sometimes. I read the books occasionally but I'm just getting tired of the fans to be honest. BTW, for me, Jacob > Edward every time.

Other stuff: Umm... My biggest obssession is probably High School Musical. I know you will all think that is lame... But frankly I don't really care xD I adore it <3 I also really love Friends right now. I mean I've always liked it but I'm kinda having a massive binge on it right now. My favourite books are A Series Of Unfortunate Events. They are so imaginative, different and well written. Any other fans here?

I play guitar (badly). I like music. I spend wayy too much time on the computer. I'm 16 (I probably should have started with this). I've recently left school (that's the age you leave school over here) and am starting college in September. That's all I can think of right now...

mandapanda: I semi-follow the updates on New Moon. I didn't like Twilight so am not holding high hopes for New Moon but I probably will see it. (And do they seriously have Edward Christmas stockings and Volturi mascara?!)

Another little PS thingy I don't know I'm awful at these things:
As Harry Potter seem to be a theme here, I have a confession to make. I've seen the movies and not read all the books! *gasp* I know it's terrible and I am disgusted at myself too. I read the first 2 wayy back when I was like 9, the same sort of time the frist movie came out. In fact I was in the middle of reading the first one when I saw the movie. For some reason I couldn't get into the third one, and haven't bothered to read them again even though I've seen all the movies and they're awesome. However I have just started to read them again :) I saw HBP the other day too and thought it was incredible.

Damn this is long.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
How could I have only seen this forum today! *palms forehead*

Well then. *clears throat, cracks knuckles (or claws), licks fur clean*

I'm spikes_girl, much more preferably known as Cat (short for Catherine but no one ever calls me that). So, if it all possible, Cat is much more preferred than my user name. Just because my user name seems young, immature, and silly now (when I first joined Fanpop I didn't know it would become so addicting, so I gave myself a pointless, unimaginative, name :P).
Anywho, most of the time in my awesome life is taken up by TV watching (my favorite shows are Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls, Supernatural, Veronica Mars, Angel, & Alias), book reading (what else is there to do with books? :) My favorites are the Harry Potter series, which I see is shared by many others, His Dark Materials, Before I Die, The Hunger Games, & I Am The Messenger), sleeping, eating chocolate and other unhealthy foods, shopping at funky thrift stores with my super special awesome buddies, and Fanpop.
I have two cats (what a coincidence, seeing as my name is Cat *slaps thigh at hilarity of own joke*), Burmese, male, named Teddy and Weetzie. Teddy is fat, loud, sociable, outgoing, with a way of being downright annoying and incredibly lovable at the same time. Weetzie is old and skinny, very shy and scared, but like Teddy super lovable (hardly ever annoying).
More stuff about me...I have created my own opposite alphabet, which I know by heart and can translate any word into it within seconds. I don't really use it for anything I just have it. I don't even remember how or when I created it :) I've known it for years.
I do not like eating fish. Of course I've never actually had fish but I'm incredibly picky eater so I will probably not eat any until I'm 23 and forced to widen my food horizons.
As for Twilight, I'll put it short and simple for you: I used to love it and be obsessed with it, now I hate it and can't stand it.
Maybe I'll come back later and add something if I can come up with anything more.
over a year ago katiecain said…
Yay for fussy eaters. I'm the most unhealthiest person I know.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I have almost the same thing every night...I can't stand so many foods, and I can't stand if one of my favorites is even slightly different. I could fill a book with foods I find disgusting and gross :)
over a year ago Aerohead said…
Hey there my Kittys :)
I'm Aerohead a.k.a Hailey. You can call me Hail or Hales. My family calls me Ham cause my intials are H.A.M. Lol. Just call me what ever is easier for you.

I am definitely not a picky eater. Lol. I love food to death. I eat everything. Which is probably not a good thing. I am actually more of a picky drinker. Only soda,water and orange juice. Everything else I will drink to be poilet but I don't really like other things. Soda is my big addiction. My parents keep telling me that it is bad for me but they buy me it anyway. Lol. I think they are planning a coca-cola intervention. Tell you how that goes when it happen :P

I,like many people here,am anti-Twilight. Not like I didn't try though. I tried. Saw the movie and couldn't finish it. I made it up to the part where Edward and Bella are laying next to each other and a ray light shines on Edward and he sparkles like there is no tommorow. That is when I did my self a favor and watched "Interview with a vampire" To remeber what real vamps are like.

Don't get me wrong I know many Twilight fans and I think they are great. My best friend is a Twilight lover. I just love teasing her about it but I don't think anything is wrong with people who like it. Actually I am scared of the crazy obessesive girls. Some Twi-hards can be alittle scary. But so far every Twilight fan I have met on here is pretty level headed about it.

My favorite Vampire movie is "The Lost Boys" I will take that over "Twilight" anyday. And David,Paul,Marko and Dwayne could kick Edward Culllens ass. Once again no offence. Other movies I like are Stand By Me( I don't know. I love Kiefer Sutherland and Corey Feldman combination I guess:)Across the Univese,Spinal Tap,Rosemary's Baby, Sweeney Todd and the Harry Potter Series.

Music I listen to is Aerosmith(Which is where my username is from. NOT aeropostale like everyone thinks)The Beatles,Jeff Buckley, Vampire Weekend, Gun's N' Roses, The Kills and everything else. Except Jonas Brothers. Ugh. Lets not get into that.

That is pretty much what you need to know about. This was longer then I though it would be <3 Hope I become a more active kitty. I haven't been on here alot. Not as much as I should.

Meow for Now <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago laureng114 said…
"Coca-cola intervention?" Haha- tell us how that goes.
over a year ago VMars4ever said…

I'm VMars4ever, or you can call me Miranda or Mir. I'm a fan of the Twilight books, not so much a fun of the movie, or the anticlimax that is Breaking Dawn. Although I am a fan of the books, I like listening to intelligent arguments based on actual facts or opinionated, as long as they spell correctly and don't insult anyone.

I'm seventeen years old, and a writer almost completely finished my first book that you can find a link to on my profile. I'm also Canadian and proud of it.

For a month I was obsessed with the series, although not so much as to go and insult others when they critiqued the books, and I didn't buy any of the t-shirts or such. But now, I'm back to my Harry Potter roots, and will very much defend that book series more than Twilight.

Well, other than that, I'm a big movie and tv buff, at least when it comes to the good ones, and I love reading Kay Hooper and Kelley Armstrong. I'm a big believer in the supernatural, such as ghosts, witches, and other stuff and have been since I was a little girl, and I'm in no way religious, although I do believe in an after life.

When I finish my last year of high school, I'm thinking about going out to Vancouver and testing the acting waters out there, because I've wanted to act since before I learned about my gift and love of writing. My only problem is I don't know what my mother will think of the idea, although I do know that if I choose that route, I'll do it for me and not her.

I have a sarcastic sense of humour, although I'm trying to use that last and prefer not to swear unless I have good reason to. Jacob Black is my favourite character in the series mostly because he's the most realistic character, aside from him being a werewolf. Also, werewolves are probably my favourite supernatural creature, and my favourite animal is a wolf.

I'm surprisingly emotional, though I don't tend to show it to others, and I have difficulties trusting people based solely on what I've experienced through movies and books and such but not so much on my life, unless its happened subconsciously.

My favourite television show is Dollhouse, and next to that Veronica Mars, and my favourite book currently is Bitten by Kelley Armstrong. I love listening to Evanescence when I'm writing because they inspire me, and my favourite song is Call Me When You're Sober.

I prefer people don't characterize as one stereotype because I doubt I fit into one of them, and I'm extremely sensitive to ageism as I've been hit by it unintelligibly before. And I love giving people advice and just listening to others talk.

Finally, if you knew me in real life, you'd know that I'm an introvert with everyone but my close friends and family, unless I'm hyped up on sugar.
over a year ago renrae said…
big smile

Yes, I myself am a bit hyper because I just ate some of the minute maid juice bar things.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Okay... I've decided it's time to stop being so lazy and introduce myself over here. XD

My name is Kristin. A lot of my friends on fanpop call me Kris for some reason, I don't know why though. Probably because its shorter and I can't stand it when people spell it 'Kristen' :P

I do enjoy Twilight. The books are fun to read, but the fans are fricken psycho. (Most of them) :D I LOVE vampires from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Other than Twilight and Supernatural, they are the only vampires I am familiar with. Spike! <3

My favorite show is Gossip Girl... (Laugh if you must) and I love the character Chuck Bass. With his constant sarcasm and occasional vulnerable moments he stole my heart. I'd never loved a character so much... Until I started watching Supernatural.

Dean Winchester is the most amazing work of fiction ever. Don't even try to argue with me. You know I'm right, even if you have no idea who he is... You know he owns your life. *Nods*

I'm very terrible at telling people about myself... You're already bored, aren't you? O_o Anyway... I'm a vegetarian, because I love animals... Not because I hate plants. (If you don't know where that's from, watch the movie Ten Inch Hero. Jensen Ackles just loves to make me fall in love with his characters. :P) I love to rant about shows and movies that my friends and boyfriend have never seen just to annoy them. Immature? Maybe. Enjoyable? Oh yes. Music is my life, I love to sing and wish I could dance. I can play the piano, not well... But whatever, I'm the one typing. And I'm trying to learn guitar. Guitar hero apparently doesn't help you with musical composition like I had hoped. (Sorry Mr.T! I'm trying!!!) What else... Oh yes, for anyone that cares... My username means; Nevermind - The name of Nirvana's most famous album... 606 - The studio where the Foo Fighters record their music. I LOVE Adam Lambert. I think he has the potential to become super famous... You don't see someone so talented on the stage that often! I hope to perform music my whole life reguardless of what sort of career path I take. Music is a part of me. (Cheesy much?)

I also LOVE ice cream. It is the world's greatest creation. (Besides Jensen Ackles' face, but that goes without saying... Yes?)

Well... After all that, I'd like to tell you all that everyone here is lovely, and I hope to be able to get to know all of you.

This message was sponsored by: cookies and multi-colored mohawks. :)
over a year ago November99 said…
I'm kicking myself for not finding this sooner...

Hi! My name is Rosabella. Yes, that's part of why Twilight annoys me.

Anyway, I'm 16, almost 17, and like my meat. I hardly ever eat it, but when I do, I like it. I don't really watch much TV, but my favorite movie is Godfather. I like to read, and Harry Potter's one of my favorites. I love animals and have three cats, but get me near a snake and you'll see me squeel like a little girl. I hate snakes.

I'm a black belt in taekwondo, and a 2nd year ballerina. I like to skateboard, though I'm bad at it. I also play hockey and baseball with my guy friends, though I'm bad at that too.

I am an Anti, but my best friend is a Twilighter. We get along, so long as she doesn't call me "Bella" or mentions her love for Edward.

Feel free to call me Rose, or any nickname you can think of for November.

I have to go, so ciao peeps!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago OCFan123 said…
Hello! I'm Sarah!

I can be a very nice person, and many people think I'm funny! I love reading, and my favorite book series is Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling=Genuise) Oh, and I love animals too!
I hope to be a writer one day, in fact, I'm already writing some novels, but I dont know which one to finsh. I'm also young, but I wont reveal my age.
I have mix feelings for Twilight. I use to love it, not I kind of "dislike it", ad I now see many flaws(Vampire's sparkle?), but I still sometimes enjoy it!
I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers. My sisters moved out, and I live with all my brothers, who are also pigs! I really love singing, but I get very shy if I have to sing in front of someone!
Gotta go now!
over a year ago ilovecreed13 said…
hi i'm ashley

i do hate twilight but i don't hate the people love it as long as they don't insult me and one of my best friends is a twilight fan

i love cats i work at my uncles house taking care of all the cats he has and i have 9 cats myself and i am also a vegetarian

i live with my mom and don't know my dad i have a brother and he's 32 and married

my favorite book series is harry potter but i love to read and rarely say i hate a book, the only books i said that to are the twilight series are the witch of blackbird pond, some of my other favorite series are the dark reflections trilogy and the vampire diaries
over a year ago dinglebell14 said…
yo peeps of C.A.T ! I'm dinglebell14 . You can call me dingy, dingle, bell, or dinglebell. If you want you can call me by my real name carly . i really dont give a damn . i love joinin the twilighht spots to get the updates . y ? so i can make fun of the obssesive fangirls . i hate the books and the movie but i love readin the fanfiction that makes fun of it XD . i am a bitch to people i hat and sweet to people i like ! at first i really wanted to see the twilight movie but then i saw it and was disappointed . i will admit i love jacob but only because of jakeward . wat is it u ask ? i am also known as sakono . sakono is a major yaoi (boyxboy) fangirl . so jacob x edward . i hate bella she needs to die in a ditch . sorry if my ways confuse u but im me . get over it !
thank you,
over a year ago xxXsk8trXxx said…
big smile
Hi pplz of the pplz!
I'm xxXsk8trXxx, but my name is Addrey.
I h8 h8 H8 Twilight cuz it was poorly written, The characters are too perfect, too many refrences to Edward, and MORE.
I'm just 2 lazy 2 write them all.
I'm a major Total Drama Island and My Chemical Romance fan.
I also love lolcats, loldogs, lolnews, and lolcelebs. Here's a lolceleb I made:
Hi pplz of the pplz!
I'm xxXsk8trXxx, but my name is Addrey.
I h8 h8 H8 Twilight cuz it was poorly
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
Heya I'm Myf_1992 or well jusy Myf. Yes, Myf is my real name it doesn't stand for anything, just short for Myfanwy. I know, my parents are cruel. It's a welsh name meaning my fine one(I know right bleh *pokes out tongue*), and I speak welsh.

I'm not sure if it's fair for me to hate twilight because I've never read it, but my friend took me along to see the movie, and I was about the read the books then, well you know about the hype. And it put me off.

Hmm things I like, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and catnip, only joking. I love animals, but I'm not one of those animal rights people who are like "animals are people too, everyone go vegie, save a tree!" no offence to anyone who is.

I put my foot in it all the time. Just ask my friend Catherrs, whos here somewhere.

Books I love, Harry Potter, Alex Rider, anything Terry Pratchett, Vampire Chronicles and anything by Cecelia Ahern.

I like this spot coz there's friendly people, and everyone seems to love just having a laugh as much as I do. Oh and lolcatz ftw! haha

And I ramble and babble its like a special power.

So erm Hi and Bye

Myf xxx
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago renrae said…
"I like this spot coz there's friendly people, and everyone seems to love just having a laugh as much as I do. Oh and lolcatz ftw! haha

Yes. we are the champion spot of lolcats.
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
Exept for the lolcat spot