Critical Analysis of Twilight The C.A.N.M.M. (critical analysis of the New Moon Movie) forum WARNING *spoilers*

snoznoodle posted on Nov 21, 2009 at 06:12AM
I know. CANMM doesn't exactly have the same ring as CAT but neither does... your face. Burn.

SPOILERS ALERT! But you kind of figured... didn't you?

ANYWAY this is the official forum for thoughts about the New Moon movie if you've seen it or if you're thinking about seeing it but not sure if you'd like to subject yourself to potential horrors or if you actually do want to see it.

Well I saw the movie yesterday (I know, second day it was out. I blame my friend for liking it and the fact that there was nothing else to do... and I was curious lol) and I have to say that I liked it a lot. It started out pretty bad with Edward pulling out every cheesy line you could think of and looking all emo and dead but after he left things picked up.

It may have just been the influence of Jacob and his pack walking around shirtless with AMAZING six packs the whole time but I have a feeling that was just a great bonus. Taylor Lautner was actually really good in my opinion. I think he's going to turn a lot of fans' opinions about Jacob. He did a great job. He was really funny and sweet and obviously just cared a lot about Bella. I even thought Kristen Stewart did well (and I was REALLY against her in the first movie) although I did end up calling her a bitch about 14 times.

The part where they went to Volterra was pretty interesting, I think the Volturi were sufficiently evil and creepy. They had a couple cool fights.

The worst parts I would have to say would be the actual story (Bella being lame and choosing the gross vamp over the nice kid with INCREDIBLE abs).

last edited on Nov 23, 2009 at 02:25AM

Critical Analysis of Twilight 13 replies

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over a year ago Perplexed said…
I saw the movie yesterday too and I was expecting huge line-ups and teenage girls who'd skipped school (saw it around 1 pm) but the theatre was almost empty for starters and seemed to be filled with people like myself, older and strangely drawn and curious though not die-hard fans.

All and all, I think they did well with the material. It's not easy to make a compelling movie when you've got a strangely written book and bizarrely motivated characters to work with.

I think Taylor Lautner has come a long way, but still seems to struggle a bit with the really serious, emotional scenes. And I was as confused by his character in the movie as I am with him in the book, so I guess that makes sense.

Kristen Stewart did amazingly well in this film and I can't imagine what it would have been like without her strong acting. She seems to be really trying to figure Bella out and the fact that she gets how selfish and obsessive she is and is playing her exactly how flawed she is written is pretty incredible.

I think Robert Pattinson deserves a break. If you think about the book, his character isn't really that dynamic - not until Stephenie Meyer started writing "Midnight Sun" did we really get his whole deal so I think he's supposed to be reserved and pained and acting in a very subtle way. Especially in this film because I think we're supposed to experience the contrast between the dead, sullen, difficult lives of the vampires and the warm, fun-loving pack-oriented wolves. I think it's part of the ploy to move the audience towards the wolves, as Bella does, in an understanding way, rather than us all being resentful of them.

I guess the disappointing part of the film for me was that I wasn't blown away or excited visually by anything. We'd seen the wolves and Italy and the kiss and the Volturi in previews and teasers, so there was nothing that really wowed me about it (other than all the pretty, sculpted men, of course.) I also missed the aesthetic of the first film and was distracted by the creepiness of the vampire's eyes (the gold, not the red.) I mean, if we're meant to relate to the characters in a realistic way and, if we're meant to believe they could exist among us, giving them all distracting supernatural eyes is not going to allow that to happen.

I guess the part I feel they've really missed the boat on in these films is the raw, obsessive, self-hating, pained emotions that these fucked up characters experience and that though I don't believe for a second that Stephenie Meyer purposefully or with any intelligent forethought created them that way (I mean, let's face it, the writing is pretty poor by any standard) it's what you have to read into them to be able to understand their insane actions. So, it's not a wonder that people who haven't read the books or those who aren't fans think the movies are stupid because without enough screen time spent exploring the depth of their issues, all of their actions seem disturbingly unfounded.

Final point, killer soundtrack, nice work.

over a year ago OCFan123 said…
Well I saw it. At first, I aboustley HATED it...but looking back, I may have extraggted a bit.
I'll admit, I thought the beginning was WAY to rush. Everything just kept...happening all to quickly. I was already getting bored.
However, after Edward left, it started to pick up a little. I think Taylor Launter was a excellent Jacob, it made me fall in love with him more. Kristern Stewert did ten times better in this movie, and actually sort of played Bella well. The character, like always, still annoyed me though...

However, it had bad points. I thought Robert Pattison overacted. I flinched everytime he was on the screen. They should have shown more of the Cullens and Wolf Pack(one of the things I was actually looking FORWARD to). The Volturi weren't even interesting or remotely scary. Aro was cool, but the rest, well, a kitten is more scary than them. And the action was just...meh.

Those are my thoughts.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
First off, I'm an actor and therefore a BIG critic on film acting...I think that will be obvious later so if you aren't interested in acting nit-picking, you should probably skip this review.

Here's my run down on the acting/behavior of each actor/character:

Kristen Stewart(Bella): Dreadful. Horrible. Awful. Yes, it was marginally better than Twilight, but that doesn't say much. She was twitchy, stuttery, tense, monotone, and come-inducing. She never closed her mouth. She did that infuriating thing where she continually shakes her head ever so slightly. And, of course, right now she's probably whining about the script, her co-stars, her director, her fans, the people who know good acting and don't like her...and, of course, acting like she's better than anyone else...or smoking.

Robert Pattinson(Edward): Yeah, I'm a fan of Rob as an actor, but he did sort of over-act. Perhaps it was a personal thing, like trying to impress Kristen(they were dating at the time, right) with "totally committed acting,' but something wasn't quite working. Some of his lines were good...but most of the time I was waiting for his dramatic pauses to end and his lines to begin. And he, like Kristen, has whined about Twilight and his role.

Taylor Lautner(Jacob): For a young and semi-unexperienced actor, he did a good job. I admit, he wasn't quite as fun and bubbly as I thought he would be, but it wasn't a big problem. He is a very good technical actor, but he could have emotionally connected a tiny bit more. And, of course, he's being such a sweetie about this project. He's modest and thankful for his role and he loves his fans. He praises co-stars and everyone he works with.

Ashley Greene(Alice): Well, as we know, Ashley was almost as bad as Kristen in Twilight. I was pleasantly surprised in New Moon. She was bubble and charming

Billy Burke(Charlie): Perfect, as always.

Jackson Rathbone(Jasper): Given his script and that horrid wig, he's pulling it off really well. I admit, the birthday scene wasn't quite as I imaines it, but he's doing a good job and like taylor, he's so thrilled to be part of the films and raves about the people he's working with.

Carlisle: Perfect acting and a really nice person.

Kellan Lutz(Emmett):Fun and buff. Sweet guy.

Nikki Reed(Rosalie): I know everyone is harping about how she isn't beautiful enough, but really? Rosalie is the most beautiful person in the world, it's hard to find the most beautiful actress in the world. Let's think about her acting, shall we? She's perfectly fine. No complaints.

Elizabeth Reaser(Esme): Perfectly fine.

Volturi: I'm lumping them together because they were all consistently good.

Wold pack: I'm lumping them together as well because they were also all consistently good.

School Kids: Same deal, all good.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I was having a chat with my friend about the movie (she's a CAT as much as any of us, even though she's not on fanpop) and she said for as bad as these books are, the films are pretty decent which is huge really. The makers must have been working hard to make it not a complete disaster. That's what I was expecting and again I was pleasantly surprised. Which makes me think maybe the film crew know the series' flaws and they're trying to fix it in the movies. Maybe the movie is what the book was actually going for, but SM's writing skills failed her miserably. For what it was I actually loved it. I think now I'm a fan of the movie series but definitely not the book which is a first for me!
over a year ago Perplexed said…
Yeah, I definitely agree. I have a seriously hard time with the books (I tried to read them after I saw the first movie.) I skipped dozens if not hundreds of pages from each book just trying to find something salvageable so I could try to understand the appeal. It's like SM got really lucky that the first one ended up being an interesting concept and then she just kept spewing filler onto a page for 3 more books. I think there's something to it that they seem to be trying really hard to capture on film, which is really admirable given the material they have to work with.

Which begs the question, what the hell are they going to do for the fourth one that won't be the colossal cluster #!$* that the book is?
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I've thought the same question. I'm contemplating just refusing to go see the fourth movie because I don't think I could stand it. But the makers will HAVE to play it down. They'll have to because otherwise it'd have to be R rated. Being severely bruised after a night of passion? And still loving it? That's horrid! And everything that involves their mutant lovechild. How can that not be offensive?? Let's hope they have some movie geniuses working on the fourth movie. But geniuses who are dumb enough to agree to make it in the first place?
over a year ago renrae said…
O, and about the acronym: If you say it right, it sounds like Can 'Em!
over a year ago katiecain said…
snoznoddle, Jamie Campbell Bower said he wanted Tim Burton for BD. Not sure if he was joking or not, but how amazingly twisted would he make it?! Obviously not gonna happen but damnnn.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perplexed said…
That would be really fun, except, now all I can picture is a very Edward Scissorhands-esque Robert Pattinson and it's making me giggle. I'm curious to see what the Eclipse guy's going to do with it...I really enjoyed 30 Days of Night, very coolly shot, so fingers crossed some of that coolness rubs off. There have been some pretty funky people involved in this series making it to the big screen, which clearly, has helped a whole lot in making this story watchable.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Wow now all I can picture is a baby with Edward Scissorhand-esque arms. That would hurt lmao thanks for the images Katiecain. I heard 30 Days of Night is good. Well at least that's one good thing about the series. The franchise is so big they can afford to put effort into it. Now that I liked New Moon I'm looking forward to Eclipse. It was always my favourite book, mainly because Jacob made it hell for Bella and Edward for a while and there's actually a bit of action. It's probably the book with the most stuff happening. It should be good. They should stop it on a high.
over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
I finally got to watch the New Moon movie today. I was pleasantly surprised. It was much better than I expected. :) I was very much comfortable with the movie adaption of the book. I felt that they did try to stick to the book as much as possible. NM is my favourite out of the series, well, mostly because of Jacob... :p

I was SO HAPPY that there wasn't any 'jingle bells' when Edward sparkles. lol. Kristen didn't blink and stammer as much as she did in Twilight. Rob did... fine, I guess... Taylor... Erm. Let's just say he wasn't actually the guy I pictured as Jacob in the first place... :) But I thought he did pretty well too. Bringing Jacob to life. Well, technically to the screen...

I wasn't really happy that they(producers and team) tried to put in more Edward scenes for Team Edward fans. :/ I thought that there wasn't enough screen time for Jacob...

The CGI effects were great but not amazing...

The funny thing is... the whole cinema was laughing along the movie. Some of the lines were corny... But I've seen worse... When Edward took of his shirt in Volterra, the girl behind me was like "Ewww...". Only very few girls were like gasping. The rest of us were laughing. xD When it was Jacob's turn to strip (Dirt bike scene), most of us were laughing at the sight of his abs. Strange but true. I had a great laughing session when Edward was trashed by Felix... *chuckles*

I thought the movie was quite a rush. But I think they didn't have much of a choice... I'm actually rather satisfied. :) Not the best movie that I've seen but it's one that I can watch again. Unlike Twilight...

I think I might buy the New Moon DVD for guilty pleasure. :)
over a year ago moo000 said…
I saw it and I actually thought it wasnt that bad.

The acting, especially from Kristen Stewart improved SO much. The only thing that really annoyed me was how Edward and Bella NEVER cracked a smile. Not once. They are ment to be in love for crying out loud, you think they could save the depressed emo thing for later.

Anyway, Taylor Lautner did really well. In the books, Jacob just got on my nerves, but he was really sweet in the film and I found myself warming to him. It may have helped that I got a visual when he took his shirt off. Him just going around topless was very cheesy, ut worth it.

There were other cheesy momnets that were not so good. I can remember laughing out loud in the following moments (there were many more); Edward doing a 'cool' slow motion walk over to Bella at the start (and the volvo add that went along with it before the film), Bella asking Edward to kiss her with one eye half closed, Jacob taking his shirt off when Bella falls, and the film ending on 'marry me'. The last one especially; the whole cinima cracked up laughing.

The Italy part was pretty cool. The Volturi castle (or whatever you want to call it) was very nice.

I really loved the soundtrack. I think I will buy it on itunes because I wouldnt want to be seen getting it from a music store. =P
over a year ago Frizzhead said…
I Saw it and have made an oath not to see eclipse in the cinema i suppose it is just bella's character that makes me want to do a official dvd burning (any takers?) it is also the stupid twihards screaming everytime you get a glimpse of jacob or edward.

I have a lot of things i would rather do
last edited over a year ago