Critical Analysis of Twilight Attack of the Twihards

rachaelwsz posted on Nov 28, 2009 at 03:06PM
After one of my experiences today, I thought I should set up a forum for us, CAT members to share/rant about our experiences with Twihards.
last edited on Dec 06, 2009 at 02:42PM

Critical Analysis of Twilight 16 replies

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over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
I'm currently fuming at the absurdity of a Twitard at . -_- Really, some of these Twitards are extreme. Why do they bash when some of us didn't even insult the series or whatsoever? It just gets frustrating.

Anyway, all I did was just said that I was excited for the Eclipse movie but I have a hard time picturing the Breaking Dawn movie. And this Twitard just pounces on me and describes how 'beautiful' Renesmee is, etc,etc. Tard even had the cheeks to tell me to stay at home, etc, etc.

What makes me mad is that some fellow Twilighters can't respect other Twilighter's opinion. Are we all supposed to have the same opinions?? SHEESH!

That's why I totally understand why Twilight antis hate Twifans. Because some Twifans can be total jackass aka Twitards.
over a year ago katiecain said…
I can't imagine how anyone DOESN'T have a hard time picturing the Breaking Dawn movie o_O
over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
You might be surprise that there ARE people who DOESN'T have a hard time at that.

I don't mind most of them. I just mind those who have a hard time accepting the fact that people like me, have a hard time picturing the Breaking Dawn movie.

It's sad really...
over a year ago renrae said…
Would you please change the title of this thread to Twihards? With a t it implies retardation. Retardation= mental deficiency. It's extremely insulting.

I don't really think this thread is a good idea, because we already have a rep among Twilighter Fanpoppers as a hate spot, but whatever floats your boat.
over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
Alright. I changed the title. I apologize if I've offended you. I'll delete this thread if it goes awry.
over a year ago renrae said…
I think as long as we can keep it so it can be both fans who are annoyed with antis and antis who are annoyed with fans, then we'll be good. But some people WILL get offended.

Just as long as we keep it under PG-13, and that no names are mentioned if it was online.
over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
Yeap. Agreed.
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
You just need to keep in mind that whenever someone gets noticeably angry in an internet fight, their argument is all but moot. Think about it, if you read:

"I disagree. I think that Edward is a well-rounded character."

You would respect that person's opinion. If you read:

"OMG! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY!!!!!!!11 edward is the BEST! ever! Youre just stupid and jealous of how hott edward is! g0 away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You would roll your eyes.

Trust me, even the people who agree with that Twihard won't take them seriously. I'm sure everyone else was as just as frustrated with the Twihard as you unless they were just as immature.
over a year ago Saritaswims said…
My expirence with Twihards are brutal and i almost got arrested
well the first Twihard was when i was wearing a Buffy Slays Cullens tshirt and she saw it she went infront of me and said you bich and slapped me and kicked my stomach i then slapped her back pulled her heade punched her in the face and broke her leg. i called the cops and she is on parol just now mwhahahahahahhahaah

the second one was with my one family member it was my grandma i mean like wtf anyway i said Rob patt is so not hot! and she said you have no idea what your saying your just a lousy fudgebagger going and digging hobknokers trying to find a good sense of fudgehockers. this was my facial expresion 0_0

my third encounter was when i was in school it was when i was 16 this girl comes up to me and says what team are you on and i said umm i dont really care....i guess team buffy so she can slay a those sparkly vampires she just went bizzerk she threw my lunch of the table and said why dont you slay me she kicked me in the knee and pulled my hair but when she punched me in the face i did something i regreted i stabbed her well i didnt kill her i just stuck a plastic fork to her thigh ok does that make me a bad person common i was under attack she then screamed and i was this close to going to jail and i think being in the slammer for like 3 months and then being on a parol but now everytime i see a twilight book i dont know whether to read it or just throw that book against the wall becuase that book has caused so much fights i mean it cause like a mini worl war III just for fighting over whos in team edward or jacob


over a year ago renrae said…
Saritaswims, the first and third ones are obviously fake.

She's on parol because she called you a name and kicked you, while you 'broke her leg', slapped her, pulled her hair, and punched her in the face. Suuuuure.

You're in the middle of a cafeteria and NOBODY helps you. Really? Are all high schools like this? I wouldn't know, i haven't been there yet. But REALLY?

As for the second one, I really don't know. But it sounds ridiculous to me.

By doing this, you are giving all anti's a bad name.

Also, don't ask for props. It makes people not like you.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
The Twihards that do and say these things are obviously kids who never learnt to respect other people's opinions. I'm not exactly sure why this characteristic is the most prominent in Twifans more than anything else. I'm guessing just because it's so big and widespread that you see a lot more of the crazy in people. Or maybe the crazy people just like to voice their opinions more. It's sad really.
over a year ago Myf_1992 said…
I guess the only experience I've had with twihards, is with my friends, I haven't read the books, but I've read parts of them, a large chunk of Breaking Dawn and the beginning of New Moon. I was trying to explain to my friends that I don't like Twilight because of the way some of the characters are portrayed. For example, Edward being obviously abusive, yet portrayed as 'the perfect man', or Bella being said to be intelligent, loves to read etc yet doesn't read a single book during the series (maybe I'm only saying that because I'm reading a book atm where the main character loves books, but is poor, she steals books and reads them even though she has more pressing matters at hand). Plus I was complaining about the Mormon undertones (as an atheist, I do find it annoying when Mormon undertones are there, I don't mind honest messages of love and ambition, but to try to tell tweens all they want is to be a wife and a mother and nothing else matters is, well annoying, women are more than ovens). Sorry for this didn't mean it to be so long. Well they kinda took what I said, unhappily, but they took it. Then the other day they were discussing Jasper's southern accent, and I said 'Oh, I didn't know Jasper was from the South', then the lot of them attacked me saying 'see you bash twilight and you don't even know it!' and 'you keep pointing out meaningless points when you don't even know the characters!'. I didn't say this but I was thinking 'yes, Edward being abusive- meaningless point, Jasper being Southern - vital detail! Of course!'.

It just frustrates me that all my friends (no exageration) have read twilight, and either like it or is in love with the series. I can't escape it!
over a year ago MadamOcta13 said…
I was in class the other day, and I commented on how I don't care for Twilight (those were my exact words) and all of a sudden, four different girls (twihard) look at me as if I were crazy and were like "What?!" I said "I just don't care for Twilight." then they were all "Have you read the books?" and I said that I read the first one. It's sad that they assume antis hate it because they haven't read the books. It's even sadder that they assume all teenage girls are obessed with Twilight!
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
It's also very sad that so many antis HAVEN'T read the books and already hate it. I understand that people don't want to just follow crazes and like the popular things, but hating something just because it's popular is just as ridiculous. It's like in any debate, it is important to know both sides of each argument, that way you can't be surprised when someone tosses out a point that you are unable to counter.

This is just a guess, but I think the reason so many Twihards are so rabid is because they aren't used to talking to people online. Many of the girls who love Twilight so much are girls who don't use the internet very often, and therefore don't know "Internet Etiquette" yet. The are so quick to start all-out wars on the internet because they can't in the normal world. The Internet provides security in anonymity, so they let loose and go crazy, thinking there will be no consequences, or that their opinions will not be opposed.
over a year ago ThatDamnLlama said…
i haven't had real life experiences with twihards. most of my friends have read the books, but they either sort of liked them or didn't like them at all. but most of my friends enjoy the Harry Potter books, like me. And we happily discuss why Twilight is overrated. i have come across a few twihards, but when they ask me what team im on, and i say "team Potter", they just giggle and high five me. sure they are die-hard Twilight fans, but they respect everyone's opinions. i guess i just live in an area where everyone is sane.
over a year ago italiangirl976 said…
I think that "twihards" give normal sane fans a bad name. I like Twilight. I don't consider my self a "twihard", which is kinda of stupid if you ask me, and I don't freak out when people say then do not like Twilight. I respect everyone's opinion. Just like I want people to respect mine. I think its ridiculous when you criticize any thing to do with Twilight you get attacked. There was a post where people where talking about how bad Kristen Stewart acted in the movie and people went crazy saying that we were just jealous and were lucky shes even preforming for us. People get so obsessive. There was a pick that said "Have you thought about getting a Twilight Tattoo?(I have and the date is already set)". I don't know about you but I think that's crazy. Whats even more crazy is there was actually people who said yes. I'm a Twilight fan but I still think all this is crazy.
last edited over a year ago