Critical Analysis of Twilight Nightlight; A Parody

SimplyLaurel posted on Apr 01, 2010 at 08:59PM
The Harvard Lampoon wrote and published a parody of Twilight. It's actually pretty stupid and not especially worth reading(in my opinion), but the fact that the Lampoon published a parody of Twilight is just another example of the failure in Twilight's success.

The story is similar to Twilight in it's setup and some character names, but that's about it. It features Belle Goose, a girl who moves to a town called Switchblade. There, she falls in love with Edwart. Edwart is a normal, human nerd, but Belle is convinced that he is a vampire. The rest of the book vaguely shadows the fluff of Twilight up until the baseball scene. After that, it spirals away from Twilight(other than a brief prom scene) and has it's own plot.

I just saw it while lurking in a bookstore to pass the time. If you see it, you'll know what it is. The cover features a gray hand holding up an apple core. :)

Has anyone else heard of/read it?

Critical Analysis of Twilight 3 replies

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over a year ago moo000 said…
I read it, and foud it hilarious. I think it does not have a very large audience, becasue most fans will find it offensive, people who dont care will continue not caring and those who dont like twilight will find it annoying.

I dont think this is relly a forum topic. Just for future notice.

over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
I just didn't find it funny largely because they didn't leave enough of it the same. Really, the only think they kept constant were a few of the characters and the setting. Once they established that it was about a girl who moves to another town to live with her dad and meets this guy at school, the plot completely branches off and has nothing to do with Twilight. One of the best parts of a good parody is knowing exactly what it's making fun of as you read it. I completely lost that when reading Nightlight. It eventually just turned into an over-the-top story of it's own and I didn't compare it to Twilight at all. :/

I was just disappointed, because Twilight is so easy to parody as it is; the writers did not need to branch off of the actual story to point out how ridiculous it was. I think if any rabid Twilight fans have read it, they would might just think "Oh, well I can see that THIS plot is stupid, but Twilight isn't this bad, so it must be great literature." and go on their merry way.
over a year ago ravenclawgirl5 said…
I read it and liked it a lot. It was very funny.