Critical Analysis of Twilight Key words! Image Repeats! *Tears Hair Out!*

Cinders posted on Apr 09, 2010 at 07:45AM
I tried to be polite about this in link, but politeness doesn't work.

From now on, any image I see that's a repeat or has terrible keywords/is impossible to find with the search will be linked to this post. Since this is general anger, it should be taken less personally. If you were linked here, you are not the only one who has done this, you weren't the first, and you certainly will not be the last.

If you search and don't FIND your repeated image, then I don't blame you for posting a repeat. In fact, I will commend you if you post a repeat that I CAN find in the search - because that's how I'll determine which image is the "original" - if I can search for it AND FIND IT.

If your image has a picture of Buffy and Bella and Cordelia, for example, your keywords should include AT THE VERY LEAST the names of every character in the image. If your keywords read "cat, anti", no offense, but it's USELESS. People search "cat" they expect to see fuzzy creatures. Well, normal people. Not us. But still, my point stands. Also, anti isn't even really a word by itself. AT LEAST put "anti twilight". AT LEAST.

So number 1: Search.
Number 2: Can't find it? Post it.
Number 3: For goodness sake, kids, KEY WORD IT. Like I said, I'll look more kindly on a properly credited, key worded repeat than a brand new image with NONE of those.

And I will not yell at you.

OK, I'm done.

Critical Analysis of Twilight 9 replies

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over a year ago Mysteriamoon said…
Yes ma'am. *Salutes*

(And please don't tear your hair out. You would look really silly with lots of bald spots on your head.) :)
over a year ago Twilight_Dream said…
sorry, but your not the boss of people. not to be harsh, but you didn't even make the club. i really think people should be able to post any pictures they want even if it was done before. its there right. ive had people tell me on other clubs that the pic i posted was already posted eons ago and i didnt take it down. and i dont think people should be ridiculed for that like i see so many people do. alot of people act as if there the ambassador of images, or picks, or answers. its silly.
over a year ago Cinders said…
It's a fine line between polite reminders and scolding. I try to lean towards the former, but sometimes that doesn't work. I do not believe in being too harsh on users who don't know how or what to credit, or don't know about key words. It's not they're fault, and they're trying to be helpful. I repeat myself because my words are often forgotten. I become more vigilant and, one could say, harsher, because my words are often ignored. But I never ridicule. I try to make it seem as little as a personal attack as possible, because it is not a personal attack. To say that I ridicule or insult users because they do not credit or key word is pure hyperbole.

And no, I didn't make this particular club, but I am a member of Fanpop as a whole, and part of a group of people who really want to keep the site clean, easy to use, and its content easy to find. I cannot FORCE anyone to use key words or properly credit an image. I cannot FORCE anyone to do anything they don't want to do. But I can, and will, continue to remind people of proper fanpop etiquette. Not crediting, and not keywording is not a reportable offense. You won't get in trouble, you won't get written up by the Fanpop police. But you WILL get people - and I'm not alone - encouraging you to do the right thing.

This is a very divisive topic. I believe in everyone's right to be recognized for their own ideas. I believe in easy searches. I keyword every image I add carefully. I credit when I know who to credit, and when I don't, I ask to be informed. I have been yelled at by livejournal users for improperly crediting their work, and I rectified my mistakes. Why? Because I respect the artists.

An image is practically useless if you can't find it in a search. Sure, it may be on the front page for NOW, but in a few months, it'll be burried, and no one will ever see it again, unless it's properly keyworded and they can find it if they look for it. More people finding it means more people seeing it. More people seeing it means more people "fanning" it, which makes you more popular. So really, accurate key words are in YOUR best interest, as well as Fanpop's best interest on the whole. It's better for everyone, in the end.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Well said, Cinders. Again.
over a year ago rachaelwsz said…
I have to disagree with you Twilight_Dream.

"ive had people tell me on other clubs that the pic i posted was already posted eons ago and i didnt take it down.

Think about it this way, Twilight_Dream... If I posted new, fresh pictures at a spot for all the fans to see and when I come back to the spot a few hours later, I see the same images reposted again by another Fanpop user. Honestly, I would have been a little sad (and annoyed), eventhough the pictures don't belong to me. Seeing other people repost what I've posted just the kills the joy of contributing to the spot...

Plus, what's the point of reposting the pictures AGAIN? Why do you have to repost the pictures again when they're already there?

"and i dont think people should be ridiculed for that like i see so many people do."

I'm not going to lie. When I started out at Fanpop, I wasn't really a responsible Fanpopper. Some of my older contributions lack proper keywords and credits...

And I myself have been told by other Fanpoppers to give the necessary keywords and credits through comments. I don't see it as a form of ridicule. I see it as a form of an advice, which I think shouldn't be ignored.

There are reasons why some Fanpoppers (take Cinders for example) who keep reminding us to give keywords and image credits. They're not just simply 'ridiculing' us. ^See Cinder's comments... I've been trying to be a more responsible Fanpopper ever since I got those kind of comments because I do see their point. I'm still not that perfect with it though...

Side note: Thanks for your comment link, Cinders. I really do appreciate it eventhough it really got me blushing. I'm not really that good... I've been guilty of giving bad keywords and image credits...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago katiecain said…
Twilight_Dream, they're fanpop rules. Cinders is just informing people of them. If you were told an image you submitted was a duplicate, you should delete it.
over a year ago Frizzhead said…
Okey Dokey but i dont't submit a lot of photos usually
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago renrae said…
Just bumping this because Cinders makes a very good point.
over a year ago bri-marie said…
Very, very good point Cinders, and well said. It's so irritating to go unto a spot and see the same images. I understand that some spots (like the Severus Snape spot) have well over four-thousand images to sort through, and, sometimes the oldest pictures get over looked. But there are some spots where someone will upload a picture and three days later, someone else will upload that same picture.

To me, it feels like the user is more interested in getting a medal than actually adding good content. It takes away from the overall fun of the spot and the contribution of the original poster.