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Damon & Bonnie Question

Who do you honestly think endgame will be in the books and show?Remember be honest.

Im thinking tv show: Delena
Book: Bamon and Stelena
Who do you honestly think endgame will be in the books and show?Remember be honest.
 Lannieluv7 posted over a year ago
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Damon & Bonnie Answers

MissAllisonLove said:
I hate to see us like this. I'm afraid in TV Show, i think we all are. i don't know if they will be endgame cause, I don't write the show or books but i still have hopes, I know that some days feel disapointed but Bamon is just something with time they'll pass trough a lot of things and we have to be strong. We are strong. some DE people think that if they say something, that has to happen only because their fanbase is bigger than us but us, the real bamon fans will fight and avoide all this comments or bad insults... I know a lot of you and we are not like another fanbase, we're unique and that make us wait until the end. All of us know that Bamon wasn't going to be so easy like DE and that will be times where we are going to feel so disapointed but we ship them because we see something or many personal reasons... so don't give up i use to think in other way but now i understand that maybe this is a bad moment or we'll have bad moments with our ship but I'll wait because im a real BD fan and i'm going to fight until the end
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posted over a year ago 
Same here. And yeah we might not get endgame. There's a chance but at least we got a bunch of beautiful moments.
Lannieluv7 posted over a year ago
I'm with ya! :) I love Bamon too much not to stick it till the end. I actually have too much optimism lol...I am not only confident they'll be endgame in the books but I am also confident they've got as much a chace, if not better, as Delena to be endgame on the show. I think on the show Delena is way too rushed and so bloody unreal in terms of pacing and how they are with each other that it makes me actually believe they are nothing but and obstacle for Stelena and a means of allowing Bamon to develop more organically than any couple on the show. They are the long-term plan I believe! :) I agree our fanbase is very unique...even though things aren't going the way we want them to, I love that we rise above all the ridiculous demoralizing crap thrown at us (if I had a dollar for all the times someone said "Bamon is NEVER happening, you're wastin your time, you'll be waitin forever!" I'd be a billionaire")'s cool cos Bamon IS gonna happen and we'll PARTAAAY...but until then, let's just stay strong and appreciate every single moment they share cos no matter how small it is, they never disappoint in being explosive! Like JP said "small but powerful"...Bamon will have to take time and isn't that what we love about them the most? ...Wow soory for the long babble. Lol
nasraDsalvatore posted over a year ago
CrazedBamonFan said:
Books = meh
TV Show= meh

See I see DE as everything the disgruntled masses want, but when they finally get it, they'll see the boredom that comes from the chase being over. Then hopefully they'll sit themselves down and hush. Then maybe the boredom will eventually drive everyone nuts, and JP and KW will move on from this nonsense to something better....that's Bamon btw. You see DE has nothing but the chase, once that's over? Just honestly how long do you think they would have Stefan be all mopey, and Damon and Stefan on the outs as brothers? Definitely not that long. It'll never work. This is the brother's story (even more so) than Elena's. When the DE chase is over, they have nothing else. You can tell right now that Bamon (even if they became a couple) would still have that banter and that powerful sass from both parties. It'd still be entertaining to watch. Delena is nothing but Damon whining about Elena, and Elena being clueless like always. And that's never entertaining to watch to be brutally honest. So yeah, for the tv show, I wouldn't put so much stock on Elena and Damon staying a couple for long to be endgame. Unless you mean endgame meaning=show being cancelled. Cuz that's basically what would happen...we'd all die from boredom.
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posted over a year ago 
Maximumridefan said:
I'm afraid that I might have to agree with you. With the way the writer's are shoving Delena down our throats in the show, I think there's a pretty good chance of them being endgame. But Stelena and Bamon have a very good chance in the books!

But who knows how many seasons the show will have? We're only on season 2, and things could definitely change in the future. :)

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posted over a year ago 
ItalianAngel89 said:
I agree with Stelena and Bamon endgame in the books, but after everything thats been going on with show Delena, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they're endgame there. Also KW's "you dont always end up with your soulmate" should tell you something. If that wasn't a hint, then I dont know what is. :/
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posted over a year ago 
But then, what's the point of having a soulmate in the 1st place anyways...
Bangelusfan posted over a year ago
I do, being in love with someone *soulmate* is not the same has feeling attraction for a certain someone, soulmate connection is a lot stronger...
Bangelusfan posted over a year ago
Actually I don't care that much about Stelena/Delena or D/E/S triangle. No offense to S/E fans. It would be much more interesting to see Damon bonding with Stefen, trying to work with Bonnie than being Elena's puppy. If the show continue to focus on the D/E/S triangle crap, then it will lose viwever's interest.
aceg posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 said:
Well in the show im not sure of delena or stelena but bamon...ill have 2 watch 4 more in the future so i can decide and now DAWN damon's new love interest after rose is coming ugh!Seriously more?

The books i am way sure delena is endgame but who knows what might happen.
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posted over a year ago 
skysamuelle said:
I'm very surprised at the amount of pessimism here, frankly.

It's only season 2, so it's utterly normal that DE is being shoved in our faces, and even more normal that after saying again and again that SE are soulmates and the show IS and always will be about their lovestory, Kevin and Julie are fanning the flames by saying that SE is not safe as endgame.
What did you expect? DE is about the chase and they are going to be publicized as much and as long it's possible, because once they get together or something concrete happens between them, it will be transparently obvious why as a real couple they can only implode.

My brother watches TVD without being as obsessed as me, and the first comment he has uttered on the triangle is : 'I can see DE having a night of sex or two, but never a relationship'. He doesn't ship anyuone, only watches for the action plots' sake but it's passionate about the show as a whole.

I firmly believe that in the TV Show, if you are not involved in shipping wars, you see what my brother sees.

DE won't be endgame, for the soimple reason that forcing them into being a couple would mean erase everything that makes those chracters enjoyable individually.
I can't be as sure as I am of SE as endgame for DB, since DB never got romantically together just yet, but i'm quite confident they will have their memorable journey.
And honestly, when DB gets onscreen I am not even sure Elena will be such a major obstacle for them, more like an excuse.

Remember how the Juliet/Sawyer/Jack/Kate quadrangle got resolved on LOST -I'm predicting pretty PARALLEL developments for TVD, and i'm not the only one.
Just be patient and trust your insticts with Bamon, not your fears.

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posted over a year ago 
nglenn9 said:
i think there's a good chance theyll attempt to choose no endgame on the show...they'll be too afraid to piss all the shippers off. I'm not ruling them out for the show though, they're just soo perfect! i think they will be book endgame though.
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posted over a year ago 
Oh cum on we know who it is my heart wanna belive Bamon but DE has been tearing up da sence wit their couple. Stelena in da show r boring but I do luv them hopefully Lj want get suck into da DE/Ian&Nina void jus saying she seems to here our cry, but if the writers change couples in da show to plz Ian/nina fans then im threw wit them all.
DamonsLilBird posted over a year ago
in the books it seems to be stelena and bamon eventhough delena's keep saying otherwise. In the tv show it might be delena, stelena or none! then i love bamon but idk wth is going on through the writers head they dont wanna make it happen! so i woulndt be surprised if even elena ending up with stefan doesnt give a way for bamon. I dont know why they are making us suffer with this !
Indhira3008 posted over a year ago
Indhira3008 said:
to be honest. I think in the books is stelena and bamon. In the tv show i think it would be either stelena or neither. But im not sure is bamon would happen in the tv show anymore :/ they keep putting damon with almost every female character but bonnie and idk why when almost every book fan shipped them, they dont wanna ship them in the tv show as well. I hope to see bamon endgame. Im technically praying for my otps to be endgame SE and DB
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posted over a year ago 
vampgurl2005BxD said:
I honestly can't even begin to know for either, the saddest thing is that before LJ was fired she was definitely going to make bamon happen in the books, as for the ghost writer I have no clue and refuse to read the books unless it is confirmed to have def bamon moments... The show, it seems like the writers are against this ship but hey who knows honestly maybe they will give us what we want in the end. Even if I can't begin to really give an opinion on this question I still have my hope and fan fiction :)
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posted over a year ago 
Same. The book "Phantom" is out in Danish, but I don't know if I want to read it, especially with the whole Z/Xander thing going on, and Damons reaction to it..
HindEssa posted over a year ago
yeah I think I will forever keep lj's bamon I'm my heart and leave it at that :) I am content with what she gave us
vampgurl2005BxD posted over a year ago
BonnieSalvatore said:
TV Show: Delena and Stebekah or Stefan x Katherine
Book: Stelena, Bonnie x (forgot his name ._. the new guy) and Meredith x Alaric
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posted over a year ago 
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