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Damon & Bonnie Question

What do you think will happen between Bonnie and Damon in Season 3?

I know everyone's talking smack about DE and I, too, have the feeling that something's gonna stir but I also want to know what you think will happen between this lovely couple :)

Friendship? Truce? Etc...
 -RandomChick- posted over a year ago
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Damon & Bonnie Answers

LuCe60bis said:
Friendship, 2x18 was a beautiful beginning <3
I think Damon will be more available to others characters, he wont be all over Elena, i think he learned his lesson, and will become the big bro he should have been since forever, season 3 will be about Elena and her feelings for both brothers. Damon could have more scenes with Bonnie, especially with what is happenning with Jeremy and Stefan maybe they can work together, and develop their relationship, and it will be more obvious to viewers that they care about eachother even if there still some annoyance btw them :p. They have an unique relationship, 2x18 just proved it, they can be honest with eachother, they balance eachother. We will have to go throught Delena, but we'll have some pretty great stuff for Bamon, Bonnie could become his confident, the one who know him better than anyone... ;) i would love a mix between what were Clark and Lois and Pacey and Joey

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posted over a year ago 
beepo123 said:
I think they will be forced to team up alot to fight the family of Originals as well as other supernatural forces, which will give us more scenes of them being bad ass. I also think we will see a growing trust and understanding between them, as well as the early seeds of romantic feelings for each other. I really think season 4 will be our season :)
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posted over a year ago 
I have the same answer I posted to the forum that asked a similiar question!...I have HIGH hopes for Bamon this season! And I don't think it at all a BIT unreasonable! I expect to MAYBE get their banter back in the beginning of season 3, which I will LOVE! Then I expect a partnership beginning/mid season! Then I expect a friendship mid-season. And by the end, I expect a CLOSE friendship!! They're buddies, confidants, chums, she laughs at his jokes! She starts to really KNOW him and recognize his behavior and reckless obsession with Elena! And he starts to REALLY know her as well! I'm expecting a REALLY close, I'm talking rivaling Damon/Alaric, friendship between Bonnie and Damon, with still LOADS of banter and off the CHARTS UST!!! This is what I hope, and expect, and I will LOVE it!!! LOVE every minute of the building moments! BAMON. IS. THE. BEST!!!!!
BB8fan posted over a year ago
elena1 said:
Friendship and then love
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posted over a year ago 
FlightofFantasy said:
Friendship, for sure.
I don't think they'll start having romantic feelings for each other this season, that'll maybe happen in season four, then in season five they'll realize they love each other (I hope). ^^
My theory is that season three will be Damon and Bonnie growing closer over their shared concern for Stefan, eventually becoming good friends by the end of the season. :)
I have high hopes for season three as far as Bamon is concerned, even with all the Delena stuff that will be happening!
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posted over a year ago 
AngelGirl1992 said:
I think a partnership at the beginning of a friendship. For some reason I believe that Bamon can't be just one thing. There will alays be more going on between them, especially because of their chemistry. I see a partnership, coming on, almost close to a brief friendship. getting along better. Season 4 I predict a solid lovely friendship between them, with a little hint there and here that there is something going between them, but of course them denying it. *coughs* typical *coughs*. season 5 I predict the beginning of a romance. Julie said, in her opinion, that the Bamon romance only started in book 5 so it's pretty obvious that season 5 will be all Bamon romance. I predict bathtub scene for it :D
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posted over a year ago 
skysamuelle said:
I think they will progress into friendship, especially since Stefan is not going to be there to play buffer between them... and jeremy possibly won't be tagging along in their escapades since he will be busy with his ghostly storyline.

Also, now Stefan went bersek Damon is going to be forced to play older, wiser brother for REAL, possibly putting a damper on Bamon possible reasons for hostility long enough to get friendly.
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posted over a year ago 
i have hope friendship and partnership between bonnie and damon. hope the ghost whisperer stay his loser self at home with his ghost girlfriends.
jasamfan09 posted over a year ago
x-MezzyCullen-x said:
I'm pretty sure that all of us wants a frienship to develop but I don't think that's going to least not right away. My theory is since Damon and Elena are going to be mostly together in season 3 that Bonnie will try to get along with him and discover something new about him. This doesn't nesscarily mean that they will become friends I think they will at the most act cordially to one each other. Knowing the writers a Bamon friendship probably won't happen till around season 4 and maybe a possible Bamon relationship in season 5. I dunno. It's difficult to predict things on this show because of how bi-polar and shallow the writers are.
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posted over a year ago 
Tigerlily888 said:
Well K.W is a DE fan at heart I think but I think J.p is a bit of a SE fan so who knows....all i can say is that DE won't last forever if at all!

I don't want some boring friendship like they give each other friendship bracelets so DE fans can dismiss it as a brother/sister thing like in the books-I just want lots of scenes full of chemistry and them possibly working together to bring down Klaus! I want some sort of strong trust between them! THEN at the end of the season Damon proves he cares for her by saving her life-so she'll have to be grateful and he will realise he cares for her! She has saved him so many times and that's not done much so Damon needs to save her now!

I just want lots of scenes so trust and understanding is built up and some alone Bamon time then in season 4 a dramatic kiss and they end up together-TAH DAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Everything is Bamon and NOTHING hurts.....
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posted over a year ago 
hmm I will say nothing,they are not friend lol
LANNIEFOREVER posted over a year ago
ducky8abug4u said:
Bonnie is on my radar! She's a carrot dangling from Kevin Williamson's stick and he has cleverly dangled her and Damon's increasingly worrisome bond in fits and starts. So yes, a "friendship" is in the works between soft-hearted Bonnie Bennett and the flakey vampire douse. It's been a slow and steady build up. It makes me think a surprise is in store for B/D fans, one that will knock 'em out of the ballpark.

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posted over a year ago 
andreaea6 said:
They are going to get in some fight and BOOOM they have SEX!
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posted over a year ago 
lilou265 said:
well after what i can say Kevin is like the show for everyone that Elena en Damon are like Soul mate but the thing is that if he put them together than what so he will put it slow and for really show that the are mean the be....
so i don't really have some hope for my BAMON...
did you now that the moment in season 1 when Elena had that accident it was suppose to be Bonnie and not Elena so if he even pike those moment for transform them in some pathetic Delena moment than i really don't have some real BAMON hope :(
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posted over a year ago 
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