Death Eaters Hello

doctor_banana posted on Aug 19, 2007 at 06:50PM
Welcome to the Death Eaters site..feel free to comment :)

Death Eaters 9 replies

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over a year ago Saphira333 said…
Bellatrix is the Best Female Death Eater Ever!
over a year ago PotterGal said…
I agree with you Saphira333! :)
over a year ago Bowie said…
Bellatrix is hot but Barty Crouch Jr is the best!
over a year ago doctor_banana said…
You think Bellatrix is hot? I prefer Barty.
over a year ago Bowie said…
Barty should be the Dark Lord he could beat him anyday! don't you agree doctor_banana?
over a year ago doctor_banana said…
I think Barty should be Barty..being the Dark Lord isn't as good as being a Death Eater.
over a year ago slytherin360 said…
i love death eaters! all my favorite characters are deatheaters (except luna, tonks, and fred & g.) Lately ive been practising how to draw the dark mark, cuz i need to draw one for halloween lol.
over a year ago doctor_banana said…
Hehe I'm going as a Death Eater for Halloween and am drawing the Mark on my arm too!
over a year ago slytherin360 said…
lol im so bad at drawing them :( lol