Disney Princess After watching _______, i _______. Which do you agree most?

Pick one:
(Snow White) have nightmares of the queen in old...
(Snow White) have nightmares of the queen in old hag form, sing "someday..."
(Cinderella) hum n sing &# 34; so this is love&# 34; and &# 34; a...
(Cinderella) hum n sing "so this is love" and "a dream is a wish..."
(Sleeping Beauty) sing &# 34; i wonder&# 34; n &# 34; once apon a...
(Sleeping Beauty) sing "i wonder" n "once apon a dream", daydream about Philip
(The Little Mermaid) wanna be a mermaid, sing...
(The Little Mermaid) wanna be a mermaid, sing "part of your world"
(Beauty and The Beast) sing &# 34; Belle Reprise&# 34;
(Beauty and The Beast) sing "Belle Reprise"
(Pocahontas) believe in no happy endings in real...
(Pocahontas) believe in no happy endings in real life,love John Smith
All of the Above
All of the Above
 chericherry posted over a year ago
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