Edward and renesmee Updates

a photo was added: Edward and Renesmee over a year ago by Sara92
a comment was made to the photo: Edward & Renesmee over a year ago by kristenfan10109
an answer was added to this question: Can edward read renessness thoughts? over a year ago by ebcullen4ever
an answer was added to this question: Can edward read renessness thoughts? over a year ago by deathbombdavis
fan art was added: Edward & Renesmee Fanart over a year ago by milkie
a comment was made to the photo: Renesmee and Edward over a year ago by makeup
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Edward is __________ about Jacob imprinting on Renesmee at first. over a year ago by makeup
a pop quiz question was added: what is bellas power? over a year ago by makeup
a comment was made to the fan art: Edward and renesmee over a year ago by makeup
a comment was made to the fan art: Edward and renesmee over a year ago by makeup
a comment was made to the fan art: Edward and renesmee over a year ago by makeup
a comment was made to the poll: How do you think Edward feels about Jacob imprinting on Renesmee? over a year ago by TDL92
a comment was made to the poll: do you think it would be weird when renesmee is the same age as edward? over a year ago by TDL92
a comment was made to the poll: do you think that reneesme should be closer to edward? over a year ago by TDL92
a comment was made to the poll: which pic of renesmee and edward do you like best? over a year ago by TDL92
a comment was made to the poll: Do you like to read Edward/Renesmee fanfiction since there weren't enough cutesy father/daughter moments in Breaking Dawn? over a year ago by TDL92
a pop quiz question was added: What did Edward say when he first see Renesmee? over a year ago by 241098
a comment was made to the icon: The happy cullen family over a year ago by sharkbait6
a comment was made to the photo: Edward, in love again :) over a year ago by sharkbait6
a comment was made to the article: Father and Daughter over a year ago by heennd2010
an answer was added to this question: Does the song I loved her first by Heartland remind you of a message Edward is giving to Jacob about Renesmee? over a year ago by manjusang
an answer was added to this question: Does Renesmee look so cute to you or just like a normal little girl? over a year ago by ros59
a question was added: Does the song I loved her first by Heartland remind you of a message Edward is giving to Jacob about Renesmee? over a year ago by ros59
an answer was added to this question: Can edward read renessness thoughts? over a year ago by TwilightGirl312
a question was added: Does Renesmee look so cute to you or just like a normal little girl? over a year ago by Wana-be-Bella
an answer was added to this question: Can edward read renessness thoughts? over a year ago by calypso_core
a question was added: Can edward read renessness thoughts? over a year ago by goingcrazy11