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Edward vs Harry Question

1000 Reasons why Edward Cullen is better than Harry Potter

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1000 Reasons why Edward Cullen is better than Harry Potter
lemony44 posted over a year ago
Note to people: You own opinions of the beauty of the characters cannot be used to argue that one character is better than the other. It is because your opinion is yours only and others might think very differently to you. You may like a character better because of looks, but if you use it as an argument for proving that your character is better your argument will fail if someone else says the same character doesn't appeal to him/her.
Quaila posted over a year ago
 lemony44 posted over a year ago
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Edward vs Harry  best answer

PotterForever said:
He's not better. Harry actally has a personality, he isnt abusive, and he has a lot more going for him besides his looks. He is loyal, determined, and is willing to die to protect the people he cares about. Plus, he has been through a lot. His parents were murdered forcing him to grow up with a horrible family who treated him like garbage. He had to endure years of people pointing at his scar, and talking about him, than he lost multiple friends, and the closest thing he has to a parent. Even so, he was able to defeat the man who killed his parents, and who was reasponsible for all the other crap that heappened to him. Now what the hell has Edward done in the 100+ years he's been alive? The only reason that twifans will come up with is "he iz hawt harry is ugly," which in comparison to the reasons Harry is better is quite laugable.
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posted over a year ago 
*votes as best answer*
harrypotterbest posted over a year ago
wot are u talking about? edward's the best!
littlelemon posted over a year ago
I'm sorry, but I've got to laugh, because I scrolled down, and the first thing I see is somebody going 'harry is sooooo ugly, i mean, look at him! now look at edward, notice the difference?' and it's like, you have nailed these people.
SkulChick2010 posted over a year ago
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littlelemon said:
First of all, can i just say that if you have so much to say about why harry is better than edward, put it in the 1000 reasons harry is better than edward section, not here.
Ok, now that i'm past that bit, lets get started.
1. harry is sooooo ugly, i mean, look at him! now look at edward, notice the difference?
2. edward is really really nice! He doesn't want to be a monster, so he gives up his natural instincts so he can be good!
3. he runs around saving bella's life over and over again cuz he can't bear to live in a world where she doesn't exist.
4. he doesn't want bella to die, but on the other hand, he'd let her go off with jacob and leave him behind if that was what she wanted.
5.wots so bad about hm sparkling? i think that's awesome!
6. he would give up his own life for bella and the people he cares about.
7. he makes me laugh.
8. he makes me cry.
9. he's super strong and super fast.
10. he's really cute!
11. his eyes change colour according to his mood.
12. the way he talks is really cool, like when he says, and so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
13. he has an AMAZING smile.
14. ok, so he doesn't save the world, but he COULD.
15. he's incredibly pleasant to Jacob, even when jake's being unpleasant to him.
16. he's prone to overreaction. i know that sounds silly, but i like that!
17. he's a vampire. the obvious reason.
18. when he says something, he knows what he's talking about. harry sometimes does, but there are times when u can tell he doesn't.
19. he can read minds.
20. his eyes are a beautiful colour.
21. he's immortal.
22. he's super gorgeous.
23. his hair is well cool.
24. no matter what people say, he really DOES have a brain, and he sure knows how to use it!

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posted over a year ago 
I think at least 5 of those could be categorized under "He looks good" but congrats on being the first "reasonably literate" Twihard here.
Bellatrix-Black posted over a year ago
18. okay what are you talking about half of the time you can't understand what Edward is Trying to say Harry is pretty sure about what he is talking about. 19. not a practical reason this is a fact 20. you already said something about his eyes 21. that is not a good reason who would want to be immortal and watch your family die plus death is the next great adventure 22. Enough about his looks those are shallow reasons 23. I do not really agree but Harry has cool hair to it is messy and Jet Black and kind of represents his dad 24. he has a brain but it all focused on Bella not on others
HPfan236 posted over a year ago
Edward is suicidal...
karthu1993 posted over a year ago
maggi14 said:
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posted over a year ago 
would you PLEASE number your reasons so we can keep track of them? THANK YOU!
lemony44 posted over a year ago
this is a shallow reason and it should not count
HPfan236 posted over a year ago
that is shallow. That is main point the potter fans are bringing up.
karthu1993 posted over a year ago
potterboy116 said:
2. Edward is SO gay. WTF! SPARKLE! What the hell man! I mean SPARKLING! Imagine humans going into the sun and SPARKLING!Its freaking gay. Harry doesn't sparkle. Do you know what he does? He !@#%ing kills homosexual sparkling bitches! MAY EDWARD !@#% HIMSELF! Robert Pattinson doesn't even like his own role as Edward F@#%&CK!
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posted over a year ago 
lemony44 posted over a year ago
Mrs_Ozera posted over a year ago
...This is THEIR spot, not ours. Just saying.
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 said:
You'll be lucky to get one reason other than "OMG EDWARD IS SOOO HOT HARRY IS UGLY!!!!!1!!

Seriously, there is no good reason that Edward is better than Harry. I can't think of ONE reason.
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posted over a year ago 
..But apparently littlelemon can. :)
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
L-O-L. All those reasons are crap. Too many are about what he looks like, and the rest aren't true. They aren't saying why he's better than Harry either, which was the point. So haha, you're wrong.
LifesGoodx3 posted over a year ago
^I'm wrong? I agree with you. I KNOW her ideas aren't that good, I'm just saying she's at least thinking of something.
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
I'm sorry -__- I was a jerk about a month ago, was probably up after 12, when I get hyper. So, sorry!
LifesGoodx3 posted over a year ago
KishuandIchigo said:
I don't think he's better. Sorry.
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posted over a year ago 
happyallie said:
who ever said he was better?
not this wizard :)
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posted over a year ago 
j-bfan7 said:
hes better looking
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posted over a year ago 
thats not a real reason. You appear to be very shallow.
PotterForever posted over a year ago
You Edward Cullen fans are giving literate Twilight fans a bad reputation. Is that the only reason you could think of? Is that all you care about?
QuibblerQuoter posted over a year ago
It IS a real reason, just not a very strong one. We should let the Twihards be happy with what they think are victories.
Bellatrix-Black posted over a year ago
yuo!lets not spoil their happiness
emilykuru posted over a year ago
RavenclawRocks said:
Edward is not better than Harry
And he's hot? Wtf Mickey Mouse looks better!
Harry has a personaility, and he doesn't stalk Ginny and watch her when shes asleep. Thats danm creepy what Edward does. Also Edward is a Mr.Perfect. In school, he's ALWAYS right and it's pretty annoying. Also Harry doesn't use girls in the abusive way Edward does. If you ask me Twilight is an insult to all females.
Anyway back to Edward and Harry, Edward "leaves Bella because he loves her" How many times has that been used? Harry has to leave Ginny, not because he loves her but because he has to kill Tom Riddle. Also "Harrys main strenth"(as Dumbledore puts it) is REAL love. It's not that Ginny smells nice, it's he loves her for who she is. And the way he kept fighting Ridddle because he killed Harrys parents and Godfather. And Harry doesn't sparkle!
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posted over a year ago 
EssyXoxo said:
Thousands of reasons! for me the most inmportant one is: he doesn't SPARKLE!
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posted over a year ago 
Yes he does...this is about how Edward is better than Harry. Ed's the sparkling one
Bellatrix-Black posted over a year ago
AstridGoof8219 said:
Edward's not better than Harry. Edward's an asshole. He watches Bella sleep, he's always trying to keep her from seeing her friends, he always treats Bella like a f-cking child, and he sparkles. He's also an undead Jonas brother!
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posted over a year ago 
Plus, Edward's butt ugly compared to Harry!
AstridGoof8219 posted over a year ago
DracoLuver said:
@littelmon -

1.) If you mean Robert Pattison, then wow. You also need to understand that
people have different tastes in guys. YOU think he's hot, we don't.
2.) Harry is nice too. He made friends with the weird kids, even if he is
3.) Harry doesn't only save one persons life. He saves EVERYONE from slavery
and cruelty.
4.) Harry doesn't want Ginny to die either. Your point?
5.) Sparkling isn't attractive because a few years ago, glitter associated with
girls. Also, no vampire myth states they can sparkle.
6.) Harry DID give up his live.
7.) Um, okay. HP has may jokes.
8.) He makes you cry? Okay, well, when Harry was walking to his death
and asked his parents if it hurt, that made me cry.
9.) Harry can use spells to be super fast and strong.
10.) You already said that.
11.) And?
12.) That's cheesy and many people don't like guys who are so cliche.
13.) How do you know? Robert may have one, but I don't think SM ever
described Eddy's smile.
14.) Harry DID save the world.
15.) Harry has to be nice to Snape even if they hate each other.
16.) You mean, he shows no emotion. Yeah, what an awesome quality.
17.) He's a vampire. Do you know what a vampire is?
18.) What does that prove? Harry is uncertain about things because he's
HUMAN. How many people have you met that know EVERYTHING.
19.) So can Harry. It's also creepy because I wouldn't someone reading
my personal thoughts.
20.) Harry's eyes are emerald green, which I think are pretty. It
matters on your preference.
21.) And? Harry isn't selfish. He wouldn't want to see everyone he loved
die just so he can live forever. (like Bella)
22.) You said that, twice.
23.) He hardly washes it.
24.) He went to high school more then 5 times. Yeah, he's smart. He could
do something else with the rest of his life. Like, I don't know, try something else.

Anyway, what confuses me is that I'm not sure if your talking about Edward or Robert.

I was going to comment on your answer, but it was too long.
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posted over a year ago 
i will give u a prop !! very nice :D
rheiicullen_78 posted over a year ago
i understand that different people have different opinions, and i respect ur opinion. as 4 the bit when u said that u don't know who i'm talking about, i'm kinda talking about both, d'you get my meaning?
littlelemon posted over a year ago
^ I dunno - mine was too long to put in a comment. >.>
DracoLuver posted over a year ago
JustaNormalGirl said:
There is no reasonable reason.
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posted over a year ago 
Arianaaaaaa said:
he is not better, he is just idiotically romantic, without any serious goals in his 'endless' life. he cares only about one egoist girl.
when harry refused on his life for the world.......
(edward left his family in the fight against newborns)
its another theme why is Ginny better than bella
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posted over a year ago 
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